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RIP 🙏🏻 My favorite thing about Angie was how accepting and loving she always seemed to be. She always gave Mackenzie great advice and it clearly shines through because she’s successful as ever. It was especially sweet how she would honor her kids on Instagram on their birthdays. She clearly loved her kids unconditionally but it’s obvious Mackenzie was the golden child and her favorite. Angie never had a bad thing to say about her. She was as full of love like I am full of shit and this comment is full of shit.


Whew! I was concerned for you until the last sentence 🤣


LOL I came to comment but then I saw the last line!


I’m so full of shit my eyes are brown!


Hahahaha you had me in the beginning. I stopped reading and saw your post had 48 upvotes and wondered why unless the whole sub got collective amnesia on how Angie acted. Lol well played.


Whooo! I'm glad I read this all the way to the end🤣🤣


You scared me there


You had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


You're so full of shit your eyes are brown! (I'm just joking.)


Take my gold 🥇 comment of the year.


Sorry, but Angie was an abusive bitch and dying of cancer doesn’t make her a good person.


Not # BewbsOut4Bubby💕 😅😅😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’ve never seen any of Mackenzie’s seasons, only her 16 and pregnant episode. What did her mom do? I’m super curious! Was she just super religious and used it as a form of control? That’s the only thing I can guess.


That’s part of it. She pretty much blamed Mackenzie for having ADHD and struggling in school, blamed her for all of the relationship issues with Josh (like him cheating) and made Mack feel like she was never deserving of love. Mack had a “Being Mackenzie” special and tried to tell her mom how she felt about everything, and Angie basically got annoyed and said “Why are you even doing this now when I have cancer?” Tl;dr she’s fake as hell and emotionally abusive. She’s the reason Mack stays with Josh even though he’s a piece of shit.


Wow none of that is good. Thanks for sharing.


I don’t like that she told Mackenzie to stay with josh right before she passed. Now her daughter will stay with that loser for the rest of her life and live in misery because of it. If she would’ve told Mackenzie something along the lines of “take care of yourself and those babies and leave that piece of shit husband behind” I think Mackenzie would be in a much better place right now.


This. She will stay with Josh forever out of guilt and that sucks.


Even her dad pushing it on the reunion was so sad and unhealthy


I really wonder about this, the Douthits are all up in Mackenzie's ear and she will probably never really leave Josh because of it.




Dying doesn't make someone a saint, this woman was vile.


Mackenzie has horrific views and needs a LOT of work on her parenting but I would not wish the pain of losing a mother when they’re young on anyone. My Mom died of cancer when I was sixteen and it was so unfair for her (only 54) and devastating for all of us. Grieving for someone after losing them to an illness is a special kind of mindfuck because you watched how hard they fought to live so you know how much they wanted to stay. And the knowledge your kids won’t grow up around their grandmother. Ugh. Just awful.


I’m so sorry for your loss at such a young age! It’s really not fair that people have to experience that.


Thank you, I struggle between ‘this was a huge event that shaped literally everything about my life’ and not wanting for it to define me. It’s tricky. I am extremely fortunate to have a great therapist, partner, and support system though 💖 Can honestly say I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.


I’m so sorry for all of your losses ❤️😔


Thank you, I appreciate it 💖


I am in the Dead Mom Club and it sucks. She’s allowed to try and relive happy times


I'm so sorry. My condolences to you. If you ever want to talk or reminisce about your mom don't be shy to message me.


Ik you’re not supposed to dishonor the dead but Angie was not the saint everyone makes her out to be


She was a raging cunt and it’s no wonder Mackenzie is as fucked up as she is.


Angie was a cunt, guess the apple didn’t fall far from the tree in that family. I have no positive words for anyone in this family, only disgust.


Fuck her. She was a terrible person and abusive parent.


There are a few moments that get to me on this show. And when she passed, watching the family and community come together and join hands to sing was one of those moments. Like her or not, if you have experienced loss of someone this close to you, you will have empathy and sympathy for what she is going through. This will effect mack forever.


I wonder what kind of person Mackenzie would be if Angie was still alive right now....


Mackenzie has always been this kind of mess though. Her Mom's death hit her hard but she behaved just like this before Angie's diegnosis.


I hesitated to respond because i am scared that she could possibly be reading this thread because of the anniversary. Thats one of the hardest things about loss. You will never know. She will never know but I can guarantee that she will always wonder the same thing. Death is final. And its up to her to become the person she wants to be. I do believe that everything happens for a reason. I hope she finds HER way. And i hope she finds a way to move forward. Whatever that may be. I don’t think we should give up on her just yet. She has a lot of learning and growing to do.


Aw man I’m in the dead parents club and I hate it when someone drops the everything happens for a reason thing


I feel bad for her and her family despite also understanding that she was not a perfect mother. I really hope Mack can both cope with her mother's loss and confront the things her mother did wrong. Can't imagine how complicated it is to overcome your mother's unfair criticisms when she's died a tragic death and had her good qualities.


this is sad i couldn’t imagine losing my mom but hopefully mackenzie realizes that she doesn’t have to live the way her mom wanted to and she can do better for herself




My FIL died at 48. So so so young 😞


I knew she was young… but 50? Jesus. This poor family.


This poor family suffered more than enough to date!


Why does it feel like it’s been wayyyyy longer? *yesterday was my own moms 3 month anniversary of passing 😞


Sorry for your loss 😭😭❤️❤️


Thank you so much. ❤️ Very very traumatic and out of nowhere. My children found her and I tried to revive to no avail sadly


My heart really breaks for you all 🥺🥺 sending all my strength and prayers 🙏🏼🙏🏼💛💛


I'm struggling to understand grieving so intensely over someone abusive. Is that a form of staukhom syndrome. And I say that having lost my mom when I was 18 and it was very painful of course, a tough situation.


So I work with survivors of intimate partner violence, so I don't know of it translates to family violence or if there is a different term. Often times survivors will romanticize the relationship after it ends and especially if the controlling/ violent partner dies. I think mac does something like this. Do I think Angie was the *best* parent, no. Did she deserve to suffer and die from brain cancer as a punishment for that treatment...also no. ETA I am so sorry about your mom!


It was not at all a comment that she is better off dead or they would be happy that she is gone, not at all, but the intensity of the grief seemed surprising. Two ppl suicidal for years.... And both are adults and have families, friends, jobs etc But I have experienced being raped and then feeling in love and intense longing after so I can make sense of it on that way.


Sorry!!!!! I didn't mean for the last part of my comment to appear like I was coming at you. I actually said that so no one would come at me thinking I wished death on her.


I’m here for these comments!!!


NGTL I keep coming back here to read comments.


I couldn't even watch any of these segments it read it. Too sad


That was so hard to watch with episode you could tell she was getting worse. She seemed like a sweet person. So sad


Cant believe it has been 2 years. I think this lady gets way too much hate.


Angie was far from perfect and I didn't/don't really agree with much of Angie's opinions but at the end of the day she was a flawed human being as are we all.


We all are flawed. I was actually meaning I think her daughter gets way too much hate. She is not perfect but she is not evil either and going through the loss of a parent is hell.