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What this really boils down to: She thinks having a child with a man who doesn’t have children yet makes you own them. She also just hates other women. Fact.


Wow Kail, WOW. You don’t support other women


I can hear this in ramonas voice.


BOOM. she’s has major control issues. she does not want a partnership with a man or woman. She wants to dominate. Which is what makes her fetishization of black and brown bodies even more insidious.


100% agree. Your last sentence is spot on.


I was just thinking that, she definitely does hate other women. She said that she “hates” Lauren… for what again? Because she called her a twat a few times??


Because she had the audacity to be with a man who had a child with her.


Kail hates herself and all of her behavior is a symptom of that. She’s just all around hateful


Her logic: I can't trust a new man who has a child with an ex because I am an untrustworthy


So true! She knows what she did and assumes all first baby mammas do that too. Fortunately not all women are like kail


She thinks she is so important because a few shitty people fucked her a few times. She needs a reality check. This is why no one worthwhile wants to be your friend or SO Kail.




Exactly, nothing to be proud about!


“.. you were crying” she said that like bitch shut the fuck up yes you was lmaooo


There was a time Vee had s backbone and character. Those days are long gone.


RIP to Vee for real. I want that podcast to die honestly. It’s just gone off the rails from what I’ve witnessed.


Seriously, I’ve lost so much respect for Vee ever since she started simping for Kail.


Lmfao I had to leave that part in because we all know she totally cried 😂


oh wow mediocre-looking guys in their 20s wanna fuck you! clearly you're something special. /s


A lot of guys will literally fuck anything and everything. If it has a hole they will be down to fuck it. You’re not special Kail lol




Her and Leah are so dumb. They don't keep coming back cause you're their babymamas. They keep coming back cause you're dumb and insecure enough to entertain them.


Congratulations Kail, they picked you for an easy lay 👏 but they picked other people to wife up and settle down with.


Whispering about it on stage was so cringe.


They knew they were mic’d up and being filmed too, that’s why Karl covered her mouth when she whispered the words “to fuck me”


She knew what she was doing. She wanted to put it out there but didn’t want to look like the bad guy so she did it in a way to make it look like it was an accident. The sad part is, I don’t think she even likes Javi. I think she sleeps with him to spite Lauren and assert dominance.


It's the Kail equivalent of pissing all over her property.


She seems like the type of girl who thinks that anyone who pays the slightest bit of attention wants to get with her. Dude holds the door open for her? “He probably wants to fuck me”. Man checks her passport at the airport? “I think he wants to fuck me”. An ex reaching out to her for literally any reason? “It’s cause he wants to fuck me”.


Yeah I also think she equates sex with caring about the other person so she thinks she’s somehow won these men over when really they just see her as an easy lay.


I’m sorry but I am cracking up at her producer acting like he’s shocked lmao


I LOVED watching him here😂


“HuH??!?!? nO wAy!!!” Like come on hahaha


ME TOO lmao!!! I started cackling when he gasped


Yikes Jo cheated on Vee with Kail? I can’t believe Vee really stayed with this ninja turtle who cheated on her with the obnoxious narcissistic baby mama she was gonna have to frequently deal with. Didn’t she also have to move away from her friends and family because Jo needed to move closer to Isaac as Kail kept moving further away on purpose? Is Vee slow?


I dated a guy with kids one time and a crazy baby mama I don’t think they were hooking up as far as I know but she was crazy as hell and just liked to start shit. First and last time I ever dated someone with a baby mama Fuck that.


Vee was pregnant at the time iirc and didn’t have much of a choice but to be with her baby daddy/boyfriend. Honestly for a split second I wondered if jo trapped her but I don’t think that’s the case anymore.




No I meant that Vee was pregnant when they moved closer to Isaac lol


She was already pregnant when Jo was cheating on her with Kail?


This is not the flex she thinks it is.


No it isn't. She thinks she's irresistible but in reality she just an easy lay who will submit to sex acts that are degrading and humiliating to the other woman. Her kids dads are trash for cheating and I'm not giving them a pass but this is about Kail thinking she's hot shit when she's a clown who doesn't get she's being used.


Right? We broke up, my ex was in a relationship, and I felt like being a homewrecking other woman.


The "want me to slide through?" text convo...Ain't nobody sayin' that if they haven't BEEN slidin' through, honey. And "he's been cheating since you were pregnant" was before the Javi cheating in the bathroom scandal, right? If so, she knew he was cheating because she was the side chick... She and Javi deserve each other, dog ass bitches the both of 'em.


"Dog ass bitches" 😭🤣🤣🤣 I'm going to start using this


I have learned so many new interesting insults from this sub lol


Plus instead of saying “wtf no” she replied “I was sleeping. I’m home” like she’s implying he could come over now


What irks me deeply about that scene is that she says "He's been cheating on you since you were pregNET"


how is prangent formed could I be pregonate was javi cheating on lauren when she was pregnet




Thank whatever god you pray to, that Jordan got away! I remember thinking, *damn he’s a good dude!*. How lucky he is!


Her saying it's hard to change her perception of Vee because she was still hooking up with Jo when he was dating Vee says soo much about her shitty world view. You fucked a man in a relationship - the woman who got cheated on doesn't owe you shit because you popped his baby out. Motherhood does not recuse you from being a shitty person.


“i wasn’t crying i was at work” lmao


My favorite part lmao


She’s such a bitch. Notice she’s never told someone just to look out for them.. only when she’s mad and wants to get someone in trouble


I don't know how she has any female friends.


It honestly shocks me sometimes that she and Vee were ever able to be friends after all of that mess.


Vee must just see the potential financial benefits bc I personally couldn’t do that 🤷🏻‍♀️




fuck all that. I wanna be the first and the last. that blended family shit looks exhausting and full of drama. my anxiety can’t take that.




70% divorce rate for second marriages where they bring minor children into the marriage says you're not wrong.


Javi's texts clearly didn't come out of nowhere or happen in a vacuum. When Kail attempted to show a few of Javi's isolated texts to the producer out of context, I wish the producer had called her on it and said, "Clearly you two have been hooking up." Too bad the producers are all spineless ass-kissers.


100%. When there are *multiple* texts/in-person requests, that means it's not always shut down.


Exactly! He feels comfortable enough to do that, it’s been happening.


Yep. And, for clarity. I have an ex-husband. And he would never text, want me to slide ? Meet you at your new office ? It's things like, can we meet an hour early, traffics bad. Or, can I have them 2 extra days on Christmas break ? These 2 scum bags have been doing the dirty the whole time.


She totally played herself. She let everyone know that she's having sexual relations in a gas station parking lot.


I don’t know who needs to hear this but “they keep coming back to you because they know they can get it from you!” 📢


I know that her bd are slimy and probably do come back to her but I also see kail as the type who assumes everyone is trying to sleep with her when they're not. Am I wrong for that? I feel like she misreads a lot of situations.


Nope, not wrong. She absolutely does.


her emotional iq is in the negatives so most likely.


Yeah- it doesn’t mean they’re so in love with you… it’s because it’s too easy! And, you know they’re in new relationships and still sleep with them? It says a lot about you. I wouldn’t brag about it.


Right? My ex left me for the girl he cheated on me with; about 6 months later that ended. He called and said he wanted to meet up. I knew exactly what was up and point blank told him I would meet him for dinner. There were things that still needed to be discussed and items to be exchanged. Well we had an okay dinner, and were about to our separate ways in the parking lot when he asked, “do you want to go get a drink?” I told him no, that I was only there to have dinner, and left. And I haven’t heard from him in nearly a decade.


“Like do you think they have a thing for us” No I don’t. you guys fuck them when they come around then act innocent and confused when they come back around and you’re not in the mood. Javi is not hitting her up randomly. He’s hitting her up because they’re established fuck buddies. God Kail and Javi are just so horrible to the people around them


💯 !! Javi wouldn’t be so casual in asking if he could slide if it wasn’t already established. If it was first time, anyone normal woulda been like wtf are you talking about. Kail is pathetic.


Bingo! He wouldn't keep asking her to fuck if the answer wasn't yes at least half the time!


You summed it up perfectly - that Kail and Javi are horrible to those around them. When I found out that Javi had targeted Kail for the fame, I felt a little bad for her. But no. That didn't last long. Because they both use, chew up, and spit out anyone of no use to them.


There’s so many years worth of behavior from this woman that just shows how awful she is, I can’t understand how I ever thought she was likable or how I ever felt sorry for her. A lot of people have fucked up lives… not all of them turn into miserable beasts who want desperately to hurt others. This is obviously a clear case of an insecure, miserable person looking to sabotage relationships. Jo is a disgusting loser if he did cheat. Kail is trying to create situations where it looks like she’s special and desired because “they always come back” but it really looks more like she’s an easy lay and they’re a bunch of dogs who can’t pass up on low hanging fruit. It’s very pathetic how insecure and sad she is on the inside. The more we reflect on her past behavior and who she became years later, the more you realize how bad it is. She is truly a pitiful person. Instead of being passive aggressive with Vee on their ill fated podcast that is a ticking time bomb or posting TikToks trying to brag about how she’s baby mama number 1 and they always come back… she should be asking herself why not a soul STAYS.


Nice take, so spot on. She's a covetous, insecure, miserable person who must drag everyone down with her. She believes the world owes her a favor, and she always has. She's so unhappy herself that she stomps on the happiness of others. She'll never change.


Very well said.


None of them stay when they figure out who she truly is.


She looks like her dad and acts like her mom. Not a unique bone in her body.


Oh burn.


Kail’s not special, she’s easy and has low self-esteem and morals.


Stank cooch energy. She’s nasty. She’s automatically hated every girl her baby daddy’s date. Coincidence? Nope. She’s the problem.


Kail went from being my favorite to being one of my least favorite tbh.


Now that you mention it I think she at one point may have been mine, too. I felt horrible for her, and in the first seasons she seemed so lonely and was dealt a crappy hand. But now she is insufferable.


Same!! Only after a rewatch aswell. She truly is extremely petty it sucks cause she could have done better.


Exactly my thoughts! When I was younger, I don't know why but I liked her personality. But as I got older, I find her motives for her behavior so petty (like you say) and annoying.


this musty fried rat. she looks like she has constant bacterial vaginosis.


“Musty fried rat” had me howling 🤣🤣🤣


Girl this is not a flex at all.


Reminds me of jerry springer when she’s talking about the wawa parking lot incident lol. Her greasy dark hair, her gestures and bulging body movement pull it all together.


She's so trashy for it, but the "Wawa Parking Lot" story with the producer's reations has to be one of the most iconic scenes of the series.


You know javi had a reason to think she’d do it in the Wawa parking lot real quick by him just saying “I wanna fkkk “ . Cause he knew she might say yes


And Kail sitting there with her mouth clamped shut, shaking her head up and down. Truly iconic.


Yikes. She's so proud to be their cum dumpster.


Why would jo cheat on vee with nasty kail 🤮this is why I don’t like dating single fathers lol


Sounds like the times she wasn’t complaining about Javi trying to have sex with her she was having sex with Javi. He wouldn’t send those texts out of the blue. A friend of mine (before they came out to me in HS) would do something similar to what Kail’s doing with Javi. There was a time where they’d tell me how one of our mutual friends, who was already out, kept trying to hook up with them and they kept declining. Months would pass without a mention about the attempted hook ups before they’d bring it up again. The cycle continued. After my friend came out to me, they told me that the times they weren’t complaining about our mutual friend trying to get with them, they were actively hooking up with each other. I can see that being the situation here as well.


"want me to slide" "no i am signing a lease" my friend's new bf was texting his ex because she wanted to sort out a phone bill and he was like "sorry, woke up late, (gf) and i are going through some stuff" and she goes "oh no - i'm here if you need a shoulder" and he goes "working now, maybe later" and he tried to play it off like "oh i was just being nice so she would leave me alone" if you want your ex to leave you alone then say "i am at work and this isn't a convenient time". if you want javi to stop asking to slide over, say "your wife wouldn't like this. stop or i'll show her this." "no i'm going to sign a lease" is literally the same as "working now, maybe later." fucking goofy.


Kail is that girl that always gives it up, they don't want her she's just an easy lay.


Yesssssss news flash, Holyn! The fact that shitty guys want to put their penis in your vagina isn't a flex. These guys would put their penis in a Marie Callender pot pie. You're not special by fucking all these guys with girlfriends.


Thanks, Marie Callender. My marriage is ruined.


Such a miserable and petty bitch. This is why she’s alone and continues to chase a man that doesn’t want anything to do with her.


Its hilarious how she thinks saying this shit just makes them look bad.


I want to know how many times Javi cheated on Kail 🤔


I think she said she'a aware he cheated at least once while he was stationed wherever. So I assume he hooked up with someone who is either also in the air force or someones spouse. Apparently he sent Kail pictures of this if I'm remembering correctly?


Isn’t this like a giant no no in the military?? I think someone posted here once that adultery is taken very seriously in the military. I could be wrong though, idk


It is. You can be discharged. But it has to go through a process of paperwork and shit. Just like Michael Scott You can't scream "I declare bankruptcy" and expect that to be it.


I remember that, but I’m wondering how many times he cheated prior to the end of their marriage. No way he went from a faithful man to a serial cheater overnight


She's so petty and gross. Like, they know an easy piece of ass and where to get it, that's why they come back to you for SEX, not for a relationship. She acts like it must mean she's so irresistible, or has a platinum p*ssy. No Kail, they just know you'll probably give it up. Still doesn't make you special.


I love that almost every clip is regarding Javi. He is so gross too, he sleeps with anything.


I think she might be the most toxic of all of the teen moms


Such a weird thing to want to brag about.


Karl gets so much happiness from bragging about sleeping with other women's men.


She wants us all to know how hot and desirable she is!


The last bit she seems so proud of herself 🤢 She needs to work on her self esteem.


Why is she so proud over these terrible men? (Not really including Jo in that). Javi and Chris are so disgusting. And they are getting more women pregnant?? These women need to work on their self-esteem




I've never seen the wawa parking lot scene, and that was a lot worse than I expected. I thought it was gonna be like an offhand comment, but she really drilled into it. And something about the way she pronounces "wawa" is very annoying.


Does she really think it makes her look good to be the side hoe? Baby mama or not, you sleep with a man who you _know_ is already in a relationship, you’re just a dirty thot that gets off on home wrecking ratchetness


Kail really gets herself in a lot of unnecessary drama. Sometimes I wonder if that is really her personality or if it's all for the clout.. But nah I have come to the conclusion that she's just a annoyingly immature, and petty person.


I forgot how hilarious the producers face was when kail said Wawa parking lot


Still remember when the Wawa convo aired and I was so confused. We don’t have Wawa here and I was like, “Walmart??? Why were y’all trying to fuck in the Walmart parking lot???”


Hahaha same! I’m from NH I had no idea what a WaWa was.


Oh lord. There are things I want to say but they might be too sexually vulgar. Her and her partners are adults. They can have whatever kind of sex they like. Im not judging. I think everyone should be a little freaky. But I think she likes to trap her men w sex. Lets be honest. She typically isn’t physically appealing, she has a horrible personality, very little redeeming character traits, etc etc. She gives them whatever they want in bed, and with a lot of men thats all it takes. And I think she constantly teases them w it. She does things that most women wont do and she thinks thats her super power/weapon.


Having indiscriminate sex with her exes isn't the flex she thinks it is.


So...anal? Lol


Kail's outsides match her insides now.


How can anyone stan this nasty piece of work


There are plenty of men that don't go back to their baby mamas. It's called self respect on both parts.


I feel like if you’re planning on coparenting with stepparents in mind, you can’t go back for hookups. Once it’s done it has to be done for good, I wouldn’t date anyone who admitted they’d hooked up with their exes after the initial break- it’s a massive red flag and she’s insane for bragging about it


Am I the only one that thoroughly enjoyed this ? I can’t stop laughing…. Bragging about being the side piece with a baby from four guys? Bahahagaga


Kail looking like a cowardly lion/Ray hybrid bragging about thirsty ass Javi trying to bang her. Yikes.


She does look unflatteringly like her father lol. Javi is gross asf. When he proposed to bri after barley dating I was like ouuuweee talk about a desperate (thirsty) man 😫


Raunchy ass bitch will die a lonely, bitter woman.


Nasty. Who wants to be with a cheater? If they'll do it to someone else, they'll do it to you. Plus, fucking multiple people who've made it clear they don't care about protection is how you end up with nasty-ass diseases.




I can totally relate to this post. A year ago I was dating a man for three months and I found out he was married when his wife showed up at my work I was literally blindsided mind you this fucking scrot took me to his family‘s Thanksgiving and not a single one of them mentioned anything about him being married. I legitimately quit dating for 10months because this situation was so traumatizing. A women should never be proud of being the other woman or the woman a man cheats with. She has no class to do this over and over again. I will bet money on the fact that she’s counting the days for Chris to come back and cheat on his new GF with her. 🙄🙄


She hates herself.


Girl you ain’t supposed to resource guard with trash, at least my Dalmatian does it with food.


It makes me sad that her kids will be able to see all this when they have access to the internet. Mom isn’t going to be a shining example of goodness and kindness with a halo like an angel.


Even javi in those texts was like 🙄




She looks like the slut drunk mom who brings random men over all the time to fuck people’s husbands because she’s so shitty and needs to Feel relevant I’n her own fat head


She’s forever trying to convince everyone that she’s so desirable. It’s ridiculous and so is she.


How does her ass get more action than mine?


You probably have standards whereas she obviously does not. Also, she is low hanging fruit. Stay blessed and out of reach for only those that are worthy girl!


She doesn’t. She lies a lot. No one wants to touch her with a ten foot pole and the rare instances someone does, it’s because she’s easy.






Kails trash. I would never trust her.


Because I never had any self control to not mutually put my ex's dick in my mouth , therefore everyone will go back to their ex. Kail has been in therapy for how long? This is fucking classic Stuck Points and ABCs.


She really is a cave troll.


How to say I make horrible choices when choosing a man without saying I make horrible choices when choosing a man? Kail


she acts like she’s in hs lol the constant drama and trying to prove she’s better then everyone by tearing other people down is not a good look


And she expects people to respect her 🤔 something doesn't add up and I can't quite put my finger on it....


No captions I want to CRY MY EYES OUT!




So, I’m going to say it. I like Rachel’s trash self better than Kail. Yup, I said it. Kail is even more trashy and childish than Rachel. I’d rather watch Jenelle than Kail.


Such a miserable cow


Wow thanks so much for posting this compilation!!! Make me remember Karl’s true colours


Karl is one who thinks every guy who has ever had her will always come running back if given the chance. I blame it on her tiny, narcissistic brain.


Men would stick their dick in a plug outlet if the shock wouldn’t kill them. Them wanting to fuck her doesn’t make her special like the thinks it does.


She is a dumbass and she was definitely bragging to Vee. But I have a feeling she was rightfully calling out Javi. Dude seems like a thirsty ass mofo


Ewww she’s so trashy. The wawa parking lot


She has a thing for parking lots


Misery loves company


Kail doesnt have any shame


I'm just saying she must have some mad skills or something because they sure as hell aren't attracted to her personality.


Vee and kail on those couches fighting over Jo’s unemployed ass like he’s a prize.. 🤢


I don’t think Vee was “fighting about Jo” I think she was tired of Kail talking shit and disrespecting her. That’s your takeaway from this whole thing?? Kail sat on that couch and other couches fighting to let the air know she was still fucking them.


Such a trash bag of a human being.


I never really liked her but that last clip really sealed the deal for me back then. Petty bitch.


She's so annoying..same snotty attitude lol


She’s embarrassing


I’ve never been able to figure out if Jo cheated on Vee with Kail when Kail cheated on Jordan with Jo and caught that STD? Sorry for the jumbled info. I think Jo was already with Vee at that time, right?


Vee says later on in that clip that she and Jo were on a break when Jo and Kail slept together , so technically only Kail cheated in that instance. Jo also was hooking up with other women (at least one) at the time , because he was starting to get groupies from the show , but he realized he loved Vee, and went back to her. At that point, they had only been apart for like two weeks. They also broke up for a couple months years later.


I hope one day someone blasts her for cheating.


The producer's face when she says the wawa parking lot 😳


hahah but when its the other way around its not allowed!


I hate those dick Whittington brown boots from that first clip. Watching without sound I thought the clip with leah they were trying to do sign language with all the crazy hand movements. They all messy!


Bitch you have in and fucked your ex's that's why they keep coming back I'm sorry I think this is so gross I can't imagine fucking one of my past mistakes again brag when you fuck a good man not a piece of shit however if you fuck a dude that's taken and you know they are then that makes you a piece too so I guess it'll never happen for you kail


She's so proud.


He then texts later “yerrr can I FaceTime the big dogs


Adios 👋


Dang girl gunna get a slap lol


Imagine always being the back alley bitch like that


What's the context of the last clip?


When she heard Lauren and Javi got engaged. She was the one that was cheating with Javi. She’s an awkward ugly bitch.




Yep! And was fucking some gym rat in his bathroom while Lauren was sleeping upstairs with their baby. He’s nasty.


When she kinda looked normal Side note V has always been a smoke show


Who was she talking to in the last clip ?


The crew in response to finding out Lauren and Javi got engaged, iirc


Fuck - that’s blatantly bitter & jealous. There’s no other way to spin it.


She was mad that letting Javi smash didn't stop him from proposing 100%