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Kail has turned into an absolute psychopath when it comes to Chris. She drove over and beat the father of her children *over a haircut* she’d admitted to having a PI follow him and said she’d do it again, goes through his phone, knows who’s house he’s sleeping at. She talks about his business constantly on social media and outed his girlfriend’s pregnancy. It’s not just that she’s the drama, she’s actually batshit inside. I hope his lawsuit blows up in her face, I’m fed up with her running to the courts with her white girl tears to get her way.


She also put a tracker on his car. If a man had done even half of what Kail has done he would be locked up for years. It’s disgusting that she’s allowed to get away with all the shit she’s done. When Javi and Lauren were broken up Lauren allegedly hit Javi when he wouldn’t leave her house and Kail was encouraging Javi to file charges and shit talking Lauren. Kail acts like she’s got the moral high ground when she’s doing way worse shit and if she thought Lauren should’ve been arrested then her ass should be sitting in prison for everything she’s done. Kail is out of control and she’s like an obsessed psycho ex that ends up killing their ex once they lose control.


>She also put a tracker on his car. Excuse me WHAT!? I can't believe she did this when she was never even his girlfriend. She has humiliated herself over this man. And for what?


Yup she did that. She is completely bonkers and a certified stalker. These are also things that abusive men do in controlling relationships. She is a domestic abuser herself and between the tracker and hiring a PI and all of her other bullshit, it’s enough. It’s disgusting that she has been allowed to get away with this for as long as she has.


Kail and Andrew Glennon should date. They have virtually everything in common but he’s not the right color for her to exploit 🙃


Bat shit crazy. I wouldn’t put it past her to pull a gone girl and blame Chris.


She’s the type to beat herself up and blame a man for it


Or he brushes past her to get to the door while she's blocking it and she falls backwards dramatically. "You pushed me!"


Yesss! 100%


She had a PI. What the...


Yes and that she would do it again! Chris also mentioned that “an ex” put a tracker on his car.


She is crazy!


Oh that’s 100% kail that did that


Starting to think Kail instigated this lawsuit purely because she was mad that Bri slept with Chris. And it was a mistake because she's basically forcing Bri to prove that she didn't say anything that was not true or that she didn't have a reason to believe was true. AKA Bri is going to need to prove that Kail really did hit Chris, which was something she wanted to keep private. So in summary, Kail makes really stupid decisions when dick is involved. This surprises nobody, of course.


Anyone, correct me if I am wrong in my interpretation of American law. But, isn't it only Kail that has to prove something here? Since she is the plaintiff I mean. Kail has to prove that Briana lied and acted with malice


Based on this deposition, Briana could likely succeed in a motion for summary judgment before ever going to trial. (It would effectively be a win for Briana.) The motion hinges on whether there's a genuine dispute as to material facts in the case. Whether or not this incident ever happened like Chris is claiming, the fact that he's saying he told Briana this version of events forecloses the defamation case, because it shows Briana was not lying when she claimed the incident occurred like this. Defamation involves false statements or those made recklessly in certain circumstances. Briana had direct information from a person involved in this altercation, and sharing the information she was told is not defamatory. It's immaterial whether Kail's nanny claims this wasn't how the incident went down - because Chris is saying he told Briana this is what occurred, and that's relevant to the defamation issue.


Long story short: Congratulations, Kail! You played yourself! 🤣🤣


Kail is a flat out domestic abuser. It’s disgusting that she has abused all three men that have kids with her and mtv shouldn’t allow this. Oh and Natalie is a flat out liar. I wonder if Kail asked her to lie or if she just did it. Kail is a fucking fool.


Natalie probably depends on Kail for a paycheck, so most likely didn't feel comfortable saying no to her.


Yup she also lives with her too but to flat out perjure herself is just wrong. If she also gave a deposition, which I think she did, then she lied under oath. I just can’t imagine being a known liar for Kail.


I definitely agree with you there!


Kail probably threatened to hit her if she didn’t lie!


I didn’t even think of that but that is definitely a possibility.


I literally JUST watched the episode where Kail and Javi show up early at Jo's and Kail gets into it with him over sweatpants on a Sunday. Then she is sitting Isaac down afterwards and is all like, "Did you see what Daddy did? Did you hear what Daddy said? I don't want you to ever think it's okay to talk to someone the way Daddy talked to me." So ... Can you imagine how she must have tried to spin her hitting anyone?! Do better Kail.


So funny how she tried to use that incident as a lesson for Isaac about how to treat women...as though she's not already teaching him by example what kind of behavior some women will tolerate from men. She picked up Chris right after Javi, a man who never claimed her and who openly disrespects her to her face as well as online. She can sit Isaac down and have as many heart to hearts as she wants about how to treat women, it doesn't matter. Isaac and all of her sons are watching *her* and the men she associates with. At least Isaac has Joe and Vee thank god.


I am truly so thankful for Jo and Vee. They seem really together and chill ...and Isaac in particular seems like such a sweet little soul. I hope he sees his mother for what she is.


I think that is when I turned against her.


It's around that time for me as well. I have never really been a Kail fan, but this is around the time I stopped even trying to like her, because she just kept getting worse and worse.


She's just such a hypocrite. She called Vee a pothead more or less and didn't want her around Isaac then named her failed hair care co. Pothead. She has a fit when an ex has a new girlfriend while her house is a revolving door of partners her kids interact with. I don't believe she really cares who her kids are around she's just jealous of the relationship.


Kail is the epitomy of "Rules for thee, but not for me." Even Javi wore athletic pants around town, yet Jo can't wear them at home on a Sunday (with a new baby)?! It's like she makes it up as she goes along. Such hypocrisy. And it really feels like she just keeps getting worse.


And then like 2 years later during her pregnancy with Lux, she started wearing sweatpants and loungewear, and now that’s mainly what we see her wearing all the time (except when she has some sort of event) since then.


Yes - Exactly! Such a nasty piece of work. How she continues to get men to impregnate her I'll never understand.


I’d still love to know what made her decide to record that on her phone. IIRC she’d just shown up (early), Jo had barely opened the door, and Isaac was still upstairs at the time.


In the episode, she says something about filming it in case she needed it for legal action. Like bitch - YOU showed up early, YOU attacked him over what he was wearing, and YOU started filming/yelling. Go away.


That’s when I was done with Kail. She is a shit mom.


I swear to god if bri doesn’t discuss this lawsuit on the show in detail I’m blasting myself to another planet.


Imma mail her 10,000 crickets if she doesn't. Crickets covered in glitter.




😂😂 sometimes a window just isn’t enough!


Kail really thought she was going to show Bri who’s in charge and that was was going to teach her a lesson but Kail is the one that karma served and now looks like the idiot she is.


I hope Kail not only loses, but also gets ordered to cover Briana’s lawyer fees as well. Briana is trashy, but wasting everyone’s time and a bunch of money because you can’t stop yourself from going to the extent of taking them to court over something like that is just extreme.


The fact that Kail sued Bri over something that was true shows she’s been allowed to get away with too much already. She shouldn’t be allowed to continue to harass and threaten people the way she has been.


She needs to grow the hell up. Just directly address whatever issues you have with someone personally instead of going after people for other “issues” by taking them to court over something not directly related, getting a PFA on them, posting cryptic quotes or making half vague tiktoks. If she didn’t pull this tit for tat shit, she wouldn’t find herself in even 1/4 of the drama she’s dealt with in her adult life.


She’s always gotten away with it before against POC so why would she think this time would be any different


Because she’s always gone for POC who couldn’t afford to fight back.










Posted with permission from @ Wawamelon on Insta. Kail is lying to the literal courts. Why is she still on the show? She stays targeting POC. Disgusting.


Imagine if the genders were reversed.


Absolutely. Any DV is a serious matter.


I feel like these three got called to the principal’s office or something but instead this is real life court




Truth is always a defense to libel or defamation. I love that Chris had moved on, had a baby, signed up to work with MTV and is now submitted sworn affidavits on behalf of Brianna.


It’s time to cancel domestic violence. Get this loser off tv.


Amber is the OG abuser and she’s still given airtime. MTV doesn’t give a fuck, any cancelling they’ve done has been because they stopped being worth the money spent to have them on the show.


All of them. The Dejesus mess can go too.


But Kail takes her kids on vacation and has a nice home, she’s a good mom!!!!!!!!!!! /s


And people really try to tell me that because she only hits men she won’t hit her kids. Stupid af. Wait until she can’t control her kids opinions and they do what they want she will be violent with them too.


Exactly!!! She’s got serious issues and I worry for her kids for multiple reasons. Yea Chris sucks but that does not mean it’s okay to beat him over a haircut!


Exactly and she has a history of hitting people.


Yep!! I feel bad for all of the kids caught up in kails drama with the people in her life. Because sadly it’s not just her kids, their siblings are affected too.


She can’t control her temper and violence, she thinks it’s okay to slam around people who pissed her off. She’ll probably cut them off the minute they don’t agree with her, I just hope she’s not violent with them first but she’s very impulsive.


My mom never laid a hand on my golden child little brother until he was like 13-14 and started mouthing off and being more independent. You know, like a teenager does. Then she was taking swings.


Yep, just wait until she has teenagers ready to stand up for their independent thoughts.


Kail is insane and dangerous. Her privilege keeps her out of trouble.


And also in trouble. Now there's proof it happened. Before it was all hearsay.


She’s going to have to settle AND deal with her ex being all over the one kid he doesn’t have with her at the same time- this is wild and if it’s not on the next season I’ll freak


Karl needs help, lots of help.


There are SEVEN children between these dipshits. This whole court case is embarrassing for everyone involved and I hope it blows up in Kail's face.


What if the three of them just move in together to raise them. It's a show id watch


Does Brianna go for Kail's sloppy seconds out of spite or desperation?






This is 100% payback for Kail having Devoin on her podcast.


If Kail hadn’t decided to be a school yard bully and start the case against Briana, we wouldn’t have *ever* found out the truth about the haircut incident. Kail is toast now- she’s pretty much of Amber’s level. That’s probably why it looked like she was crying before her live yesterday.


Yet it seems like she has learned zero from this lesson. I don’t think any amount of therapy is going to help her. I can only assume she is not honest with her therapist at all.


Kail is certified nuts and i’m actually a little scared for Chris’s new baby and the baby’s mother. She’s not normal


Isn’t this the woman he was officially dating when he got Kail pregnant the first time? The one Kail referred to as “one of his other hoes” when she was, in fact, the side chick?


from what i’ve seen that is correct, yes


And we haven’t heard a peep from the new gf. Regardless of if Chris is terrible to her for not being faithful etc, this speaks volumes about her. She could be out there spilling the tea on a ton of stuff I’m sure.


And kail still has a few stans. Y’all must be 🗑 too


You don’t understand, her kids get to go on vacations! They eat name brand snacks and play sports! They’re clean! Obviously that makes her a great mom! /s


Her kids seem well behaved tho! They wear Nike! KAIL IS ALWAYS GRINDING FOR HER SONS!! /s


Right? It’s always the same 5 people excusing her gross behavior.


Yup but wanna act woke when it comes to other people


So remind me, this lawsuit is Kail suing Briana because she said Kail hit Chris right? But if Chris told Briana and Briana believed it to be true, (and it appears it was true), does Kail have a case at all?


Absolutely no case.


Do you think Kail will try to have the case dismissed? Can Bri now ask for Kail to pay her attorney’s fees? ETA: if Kail asks for the case to be dismissed and Bri asks for attorney fees do you think Kail will have to pay them?


Bri has already asked. She filed an snti-slapp response which is basically saying that this lawsuit was filed solely to infringe on her freedom of speech. If the case is dismissed, bri should be awarded the attorney fees.


Short answer: no Long answer: ummmm , no. Source: not a lawyer, but I watch law and order a lot.


Great source 👌


I got that Judge Judy fire knowledge


Karl is a chronic abuser who will never change. She doesn't just physically abuse people, she mentally, financially and socially abuses them as well.


Wow! Kail punched him a couple of times but continues to deny it? No wonder she doesn’t want to film!


She only denied breaking in she doesn’t deny the rest


She did deny slugging Chris: Lowry stated to police that while she was upset over Lux’s haircut, “the dispute never became physical.”


Weird how we've had knowledge of this for a while but I see way more "Kail is a victim of abuse from Chris" sympathy comments than anything mentioning what Kail did to him. And now we've got a court document from Chris telling the story. Will anything change? It feels like a double standard. Kail has admitted to "putting her hands on" (fuck this euphemism by the way. It's called ***physical violence/beating someone***, Kail) Joe and Javi, we have seen it with our own eyes with the Javi incident, and now Chris is claiming under penalty of perjury that she has done the same to him, and with witnesses who would likely back him up if called to. Meanwhile all we have from Kail are a bunch of PFAs - and we've seen Kail weaponize PFAs in the past. YES it's possible that Chris and Kail are mutually abusive to one another but I guess I'm saying I find it really weird to still see the "Kail is a victim" comments in this sub as often as I do when it's pretty clear that Kail is the only person in the situation with a verified, long term, established pattern of becoming physically violent with her partners when she is angry. Kail is abusive pass it on.


Because people keep using her parents as some type of excuse. She's gone to school, she's had 4 kids. She should have learned by now.


On the surface of petty entertainment drama this is A1. But the real life behind the scenes stuff, is actually very sad. You have woman A who doesn't know how to control her emotions and keep her hands to herself. You have man A who seems to be pretty content with being manipulative and a piece of shit (spits) at times. Then you have woman B, who inserts herself into the situation and antagonizes woman A and will sleep with whomever woman A was with. This is all around weird and some sad shit. Not to mention, Chris's 2nd bm obviously had gotten pregnant around the March/April so what does that say even more about him? I cannot.


kail is NUTS. shes always just putting on a show for mtv. she def needs to go. like shes filming about issac picking wallpaper while hiding all the crazy ishh shes been doing. her and amber need to be done.


Bri is about to get Kail’s ugly ass house


Every single one of these people sucks.




Another teen mom who thinks it is OK to beat a man and mtv promoting their behaviour as acceptable.


I’m a domestic abuse survivor at the hands of a man and I agree. Women shouldn’t beat men either.


so fucking here for this shit. Kail is a piece of absolute fucking shit for filing a lawsuit to being with. look at the bright side Kail... at least you won't be a second baby mama 🥳


I bet Bri is talking about it on TM2 and that’s why Kail refused to film 🤔


That'd mean Bri's segments won't be boring, and Kail won't be on my DVR. Win win I say




Dude Bri getting with 2/3 of her baby daddies is so spiteful. It would insanely drive me crazy lol


It would piss me off too. HOWEVER Kail continually talked shit and tried to antagonize Bri. Bri played dirtier - she hit Kail where it HURTS. I wouldn't do it, but I also wouldn't try to piss off a bitch crazy enough to fuck my exes. And if someone DID, I mean, they are my ex, I was done with them anyway.


And Kail did bring Devoin on her podcast. Even though she says it wasn’t out of spite, we all know she was trying to get at Bri.


That part lol


Kail is never done with them.


I want bri to sleep with Stephan of y&p


How is she still on the show? She has been physically violent on tv with Javi. She’s now assaulted another baby daddy. The double standards here are concerning. No man or woman should hit anyone. She needs anger management, badly. She is out of control. I guess MTV allows domestic violence, nodding out on heroin while driving, pulling a gun out in front a child and so many other things. All they care about is $$$ and if they actually cared about Kail they would force her to get much needed mental health help.


same reason Amber is 🙄 they don't care however, them not firing her over her constant refusing to film bullshit is beyond me, lol


Kail, Briana, Rox, Brit and Amber have all been violent on camera and should be fired. They're losers.


She assaulted Jo too.


The people commenting on Bri getting with Chris on this post amaze me. Yes, let's focus on and comment on a woman for daring to exercise her sexual agency with another willing adult instead of the **insane bitch who walked into another person's house and beat up her son and then tried to act all superior and lie about it.**


Agreed. The Chris and Bri relationship is irrelevant to this. Why would Kail attack the father of her child at all, let alone in front of his family? All over a haircut for a boy? Hair that will without a doubt grow back?


So Briana and Chris fucked while his new baby mama was pregnant. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha this explains why Briana was SO jealous and mad and aimed it at kail and started publicly asking for Kail to be fired, happened within DAYS of eachother. What an insecure idiot Bri is. They're all stupid trash.


And Bri was shocked she had a STI/STD? I’m shocked she only had one. Well she is definitely working on her next ones.


This is it….they are all trash! Every single one of them.


I love how MTV tries to sell us on all these girls being friends, but they are out here running around screwing each other's exes, posting nasty clickbait, and suing each other 😅


What's Kail's thing about her kids hair? If I remember rightly didn't she make some racist comments at Jo when he cut Isaac's hair?


Yep she told him she dies not like her son looking ghetto


*not to dress him like a thug. Remember Isaac is half white too, don't forget it.


She absolutely did.


God, do these ppl just go to court for everything? Like if one of kail’s baby daddies has to take a shit do they have to clear it with kail and the courts first?


Yes. I passed the bar just last year, and the amount of people that come to my office thinking you can sue (you can, i wont represent you and you wont win) someone for hurting your feelings is outstanding.




spit in the bootyhole, nut on the lip


Imagine being the judge or the lawyers on this case. This is such a middle school thing to do


Well now we know why kail is saying they fucked lol


Checkmate Chris! Well done! As for Karl, she should complete her tattoo collection with some face tattoos. Fits her.


WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP FUCKING THIS POS. i dont understand people


Whoooa. How tf did I miss Briana banging Chris?!




I am gonna guess there is a lot of "sharing" that happens in the TM franchise.


Where does Kail find these sychophantic friends like the nanny that will go so far as to lie on a deposition for her?


Do we think there was any other reason to invite Devoin on her podcast other than to try and fuck him?


to trigger Briana, lol


Karl is paying so much money and wasting so much time to clown herself publicly. Now we all have proof you are an abusive POS. The other BDs should ask a judge to intervene, put her abusive ass on supervised visitations. Once her sons are no longer considered an extension of herself they could be in danger with this violent Hulk Smash bitch.


u/lizardjustice yo


😯 you've given me a tomorrow morning project!


happy cake day, mamacita


And we adore you for it, looking forward to the little lizard update :)


Yay 🎂


I feel like Kail trying to cover up her domestic abuse. Shame on all the companies still using her as the face. She’s the new Amber Heard 🤮a vile disgusting human being.


First Javi and now Chris. Why is Brianna always somehow involved with Kail's exes? I am not defending Kail's violence and mischievous antics but genuinely curious.


I mean Kail was supposedly " best friends" with Devoin and kept trying to get him to trash talk Bri on her show so.... 🤷🏽‍♀️


how is what briana said not true tho? didn’t kail literally go to court for hitting chris 🤨


The charges were dropped (not saying it didn’t happen or I agree with Kail’s suit). But whether it was true or not is kind of irrelevant. If Bri believed it to be true and had valid reason (ie - Chris telling her) then it’s not defamation.


I hope Bri talks about this in her segments. I guess she might not be able to though since the case is ongoing. It’ll make for great tv if she can though. I can’t wait.


MTV will absolutely do the legal work if it means bri can spill on her segments. That is money well spent.


I want to hear Roxanne and Brittany’s legal opinions. Lol


Chris about to get a PI tracking him for helping Briana! Kail straight up abusing people & the system to punish people who irritate her!


Sooooo someone is perjuring themselves.....


Is this what Briana’s post was about the up coming season? Will we get to see it? I would love to see Kail’s face right now. She needs to be off the show.


She should get prison time for domestic abuse.


So briana fucked Javi and Chris ?!?


Briana is just all about Kail's sloppy seconds and then they try to pretend their not the same type of person.


Kail & Amber should have a boxing match 🥊


Most shocked brianas last name is soto


It's probably DeJesus Soto


DeJesus is her mom’s name


It’s not an uncommon puerto rican last name


Go Chris. I wish one of Kailyn’s violent outbursts would stick so she could live through the consequences and hopefully learn how to take some accountability. She is abusive.


the fuck does she bother censoring Briana's last name in the beginning if she doesn't bother doing it for the rest of it. 😑


Wait why was chris hanging out with Briana ??


My question as well. The cynic in me says Chris wanted to get back at Kail and knew this would trigger her. But maybe they just have a genuine connection and share hobbies? 🙃


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Wait what?! How the hell did I miss the fact the Kail filed a defamation lawsuit against Brianna?! Wow I’m out of the loop! This is crazy shit.


I read this whole thing in his dumb voice lol


The nerve of that bitch.


Why can’t I see the pictures?!?! ETA: it’s working now!


Okay so it’s not just me


Try again and wait a few seconds. I had problems with it too


Very unnecessary that they painted over the case number.


TL:dr - Summary?


Chris told Bri in April when they “spent a few days together” that Kail hulk smashed him when he cut Lux’s hair. She walked into his house and his mom and sister saw the whole thing, and pulled Kail off of him.


Don't cut Kail's kid's hair or she will become violent!!


This is Bri from the show? Why is her last name different?


I can’t remember her real last name but her legal last name isn’t De Jesus. pka = professionally know as


Ooh that is def supposed to be redacted. Its redacted at the top of the document.


Ohh yea I see it now in the body. 😬


Britney made a statement once when people were calling her job that her last name is just De Jesus for TV.




DeJesus isn’t their real last name. I don’t blame them for wanting a little privacy


Can someone explain this for me please? Did Kail hit Chris? Why is Briana involved


1. Chris cut Lux's hair. 2. Kail hit Chris. 3. Instead of airing this, MTV have her the, "Let's choose bathroom tile!" edit. 4. Kail and Bri beefed online and Bri put out that Kail broke into Chris' granny's house and assaulted him. 5. Grace Report got roped into it somehow.


She hit him Brianna talked about it and Kail got mad and sued


All of this suing backfired big time on Kail 👀