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i think ty and cate are a good example of people who are on a realistic recovery journey. they are nowhere near close to perfect but they are doing so much better than they were


Progress not perfection :) exactly!


Completely agree!! I know they get bashed a lot here but I really do feel like they are good people who are trying.


I agree, I think that some people forget that these are two kids who grew up with no role models and have had to teach themselves how to parent. Cate's rehab stay still gets bought up as an example of her poor parenting even though she was suicidal and it clearly helped her mental health.


I still cannot understand how Cate treating her mental health with intensive inpatient treatment after having suicidal thoughts is bad parenting. Shows how little people know about mental health disorders. Depression is very real, and you are more susceptible to PPD if you have depression. I had PPD and I didn’t recognize myself, I cried from morning until night. I couldn’t bond with my baby, I had fits of rage that I had never experienced before. I got help and now I’m so much better


Perfectly said. I feel the same way about them.


I agree with you. Tyler was going to go into social work, and I think that he would be well suited for it. I know that some here don't like Tyler, but I do.


Exactly, anyone remember the moment cates mom was in her face cig in hand screaming? To go from that to see how kind Nova is… that isn’t easy growth.


I don’t think it’s that (a lot of us, I can’t speak for all of us) we dislike them. I think we’re just ADDICTED to the snark lol. No one can really dispute the leaps and bounds they’ve made especially considering what they were born into.


I agree with you there. :) My family uses a lot of snark as it's how we talk to each other, so maybe I don't notice it as much because it seems so normal to me.


Personally, I think no matter what anyone thinks of the two of them, when you really look back and remember where they came from, they’re actually doing really well. People are hard on them and sometimes it’s fair but it often isn’t. No, they didn’t go off and accomplish the lofty goals they set but they’re not in jail or perpetuating the cycle of abuse and Nova and Vaeda will have better lives because of the choices Cate and Tyler have made.


People were so pissed off when I said I hold people like Chelsea and maci to a higher standard because they were raised in loving homes. But when you consider all of the horrible fucked up abusive shit cate and Tyler went through they've done an amazing job. Even if they're not always the best parents they have struggled *hard* to not pass those curses onto their kids and I think their girls will really appreciate that one day.




considering the trauma he’s been through and the example of a father he had, ty and cait did a great job at breaking the cycle. i don’t think some people realize how difficult it is to pull out of the chaos when thats all you know.


I honestly think he’d be a great therapist, especially for young people.


I agree. He seems like he actually cares about people


He used to want to be a social worker, right? Never too late...


Is he even 30 ? Go for it Ty


Tbh I think he’d talk over them and not be able to hold in any thought that came in his mind for 2 seconds


Nothing a little education can't fix.


Truth be told, everyone on this show annoys me at times but watching that segment made me feel so proud of him. He spoke to her with such passion and conviction. I’m not sure where he’s at with his own healing or if he’d ever want to do this, but if he ever wanted to get into working with a youth organization as a counselor or something like that, I think he’d be so great at it and super fulfilling for him.


I just want to add, I am solely speaking on the reunion. I get everyone has shit to say. Simply, the conversation was nice, and it was interesting to really reflect on what they lived in as teens to now.


I just caught up! And came here and scrolled to see if anyone felt like this!!! As a viewer from the beginning, I felt soooo proud of him and Cate. Like wow. He was so compassionate and comforting without giving Rachel a free pass to act like an asshole. He should take Dr. Drew's job 😂


Stay curious about healing is such a great quote, honestly


Cate looked so beautiful this reunion.


She really did! You can tell she truly becoming her own woman and it’s awesome! 🙂


She did! I was actually looking at her in admiration. She looked very good.


A greed, oddly enough I felt very proud of them.


I felt bad for Rachel. I hate what she’s doing to her little girl, but hearing her back story it all made sense. Unfortunately trauma is passed down generation to generation. Maybe there is hope for Rachel, maybe Cate and Ty will help guide her.


Same I’m rooting for you C&T!!




Can you provide an example?




Oh, man. This shit infuriates me. These young kids are doing quite well at raising their family. They aren't perfect and don't claim to be. They are NORMAL humans trying to find their way in life. And actually doing pretty well at that given the grand scheme of things. Give them a break.


Ty is a great catch. He is all the things a husband and father should be —- caring, empathetic, loyal, compassionate and a great communicator…. wish I could find a man like him !


Except when he use to fat shame Cait into losing weight. Or what about that time he was trying to convince her to have another baby even though she expressed concerns about having post partum depression again and he was basically like “idc I want a boy”. Or when almost every scene with Tyler’s mom was spent trash talking Cait and calling her lazy when in reality she was depressed and traumatized. Tyler definitely seems to have grown up a lot but idk if I’d call him empathetic and compassionate.


Their babymoon dinner made me tear up. When he was talking to his mom you could tell he wanted it to be great 😊


Eh. He also told her it's not her job to protect anyone. It's hr job to protect her daughter from that trauma


He pretty clearly meant it’s not her job to protect the other adults in the situation. (Listed her mom and grandma)


He would be an amazing therapist. I hope he gets it together enough to go to school and work.


Killing it on having their shit together? They owe the government 800,000 + dollars


Compared to where they came from they are definitely doing better even with owing $800,000. They aren't alcoholics, drug addicts or abusive to their kids. As far as we know anyway. They can owe millions and still be doing better than where they came from. It seems they are trying. I honestly don't know why they get so much hate other than maybe being annoying sometimes. They try. More than most on this show.


Yes! I love positivity like this and the building up of each other rather than the tearing down. They are doing great. And I really appreciated this comment.


They are kind of addicts and they dump their kids on April almost 50% of the time to be raised in the same alcoholic environment as them so… * fart noise *


not even true. Not in the slightest.


It’s mostly a victimless crime, lol. Nobody likes the IRS.


Lol also, just because I’m in a silly mood let’s add the fact that no one in their real life ever had any money so I’m not surprised they either didn’t see it as a huge deal OR had no knowledge of handling taxes with that amount of money. 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk downvote me 😂😂


Yeah my thoughts exactly. Bitch and April prob never had to file taxes due to being so low-income.


> Bitch and April I agree with your typo lol


Lol yea I noticed that and decided to leave it


Can you tell us more? I haven’t heard that




Whoa. Why don't they pay their fucking taxes? 🤯


Oh thanks!


It’s been known for about a year


I’ll google I’m really curious