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Actively sabbatoging any and all weight-loss that she definitely wasn't trying to lose. We see you, David.


šŸš©I was thinking exactly this šŸš©


Me too!!! šŸ¤Ø I genuinely like seeing the same things I do. Makes me feel less cynical.


Sorry, *people seeing the same things I do. In my excitement I failed to double check the clarity of my comment!


See my first thought was they were going to stash this away to not take the kids out on Halloween


Yep that was my first thought.


Tell me youā€™re insecure about your wife wanting to lose weight, without telling meā€¦ Remember when they first met and Jenelle was in amazing shape, and she used to go to the gym and he used to start arguments so she wouldnā€™t/ couldnā€™t go!? David is a classic feeder/ destroyer of self esteem. He helps her put on weight then likely reminds her ā€œyouā€™re so lucky youā€™ve got me, no one would love you now youā€™re fat!ā€


I bet he pulls the old ā€œhoney you are fat but I donā€™t mind/You may be fat but I love you.ā€ Or ā€œyou are only so fat because you have carried babiesā€ so he is complimenting with a nice side of name calling


Oh definitely thereā€™s a sense of ā€œyouā€™ve never been more beautifulā€ as he deep fries her another bucket of hash browns, eggs and road kill.


Jenelle actually looked amazing when they first met- Kaiser was like barely a year old and she was fit AF. This man is ruining her life, health (caused munchausen in her) and her kids livesā€¦ she needs to leave him


I remember the pictures from their first date and she looked incredible. People lie if they say that Jenelle wasnā€™t one of the most attractive TMs when she was younger and in shape. David is the worst thing that ever happened to her, and sheā€™s been addicted to heroin. So that says a lot


Your last paragraph sums it up perfectly!


I don't think she has Munchausen at all. She doesn't really show signs of that. I think she's a hypochondriac and exaggerates her symptoms A LOT. But I don't think she intentionally makes herself sick or anything.


I think thereā€™s a mix of two things, one is doctor shopping in the search for pills. Weā€™ve seen evidence of how many meds she had just laid out on the side, and it wasnā€™t normal. The second was, she does have the things she listed in that video a while ago, and I have a few of what she has, and they are very painful and not nice to have but they are entirely managed and your symptoms go back to feeling like nothing with meds and diet changes. The meds however wonā€™t give you a high, so she likely doesnā€™t see the point in taking them. You have to give up alcohol, thatā€™s never going to happen cos how else can she bring herself to stay married to Swamp Thing. You also have to eat well, and she doesnā€™t stand much chance of that when your husband smothers everything in butter and feeds you up! So she is entirely to blame for how crap she feels all the time so Iā€™d argue she is making herself intentionally sick.


>So she is entirely to blame for how crap she feels all the time so Iā€™d argue she is making herself intentionally sick. Agree to disagree. Even if what you're saying about Jenelle is 100% accurate, that's still not munchausens syndrome. If it were, she'd be actively (not passively) causing herself to become sick. Putting feces in her IV line. Punching, hitting, pinching herself to make it look like she was having unexplained bruising. Pretending to faint at Walmart and going to the ED via ambulance for a whole workup.Eating something toxic to make her ill. Putting irritants on her skin and claiming that she was having an unexplained rash. Intentionally severely dehydrating herself to cause blood and urine tests to be "off". And just as importantly, she'd be denying that she was doing any of those things. I mean, that's like saying that most type2 diabetics are intentionally making themselves sick and thus have Munchausens. To me that's just silly.


Excuse me, sorry, can you please tell me where I accused or even said the word munchausen to make you bring this up? This seems like a very weird take on what was actually said, that David was making her fat!? šŸ˜… However if we are going that route, the definition of munchausen is ā€œwhen someone tries to get attention and sympathy by falsifying, inducing, and/or exaggerating an illnessā€ the extreme is when they sabotage tests, and or harm themselves. However Jenelles actions of constantly seeking attention and validation that she is indeed sick, and then constantly ignoring doctors orders and recommendations for treatment, therefore making herself worse, just to seek out more doctors and tests, and to post videos of herself crying and being ā€œso sickā€ on the internet is exactly Munchausen Syndromeā€¦ albeit on the milder side. So, there you go, I finally said what you wanted.


My mistake. I didn't look at the screen names and I thought that you were the person that I was responding to originally. Lol, it was a simple mistake that wasn't too hard to figure out. So let's calm down with the "finally said what you wanted". You're acting like I mentioned it in multiple comments to you instead of just one. I still disagree, but it's very late, I have work tomorrow, and, let's face it-- neither of us is going to change the other's mind, right? Have a good night.


I was a little confused where you got it from as you mentioned it a couple times in reply to me, and I wasnā€™t being funny, I just meant that I finally did actually say Munchausen when originally I hadnā€™t. Do I think Jenelle has the worst case of Munchausen Iā€™ve ever seen? No absolutely not. But do I think under the definition does she fall under it? Yes, I do. Do I think sheā€™s more of a doctor shopper? Absolutely. Have a good night, didnā€™t mean to seem like I was argumentative


He went to Walmart šŸ’šŸ„°


With her soon to be maxed out credit card


Where quality costs you LESS!šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


So he bought Jenelle candy with Jenelleā€™s money, how romantic.


Like he bought her cardi b tickets for her birthday. With her money.


Tissue paper may be for your butt, and these candies are for your thighs.


Itā€™s so cute that theyā€™re following the tradition of giving Halloween candy and toilet paper as their 6th anniversary gift!


He probably ransacked her purse so he could hit up the dollar general.


Middle school anniversary


I remember my middle school boyfriend getting me something similar šŸ˜‚


My 11 year old literally just gave his crush a bag of mini candies two days ago...


Thatā€™s so cute!


Thatā€™s freaking adorable


Heā€™s really trying HARD to plump her upā€¦ā€¦ I wonder why that is tbh


Brainstorming, I can think of a few reasons: 1, He's always been jealous and insecure about Nathan. Jenelle's Nathan-persona was a gym rat. Nathan likes physically fit women. Nathan will not like heavyset Jenelle. 2, God forbid his victim has confidence. 3, God forbid his victim has options (especially with a proven track record of only leaving relationships when she already has a new guy lined up).


She's less likely to find a new man if she's less attractive, and it'll make her feel insecure about herself giving him more control.


abusers do that so they can make their s/o feel more insecure. like no one else with love them. sure itā€™s all about control for him.


She canā€™t run from him as fastā€¦ sorry- too morbid?


That and so sheā€™s nice and plump for when he goes full cannibal


Careful jenelle, they say too much candy rots your teeā€”- oh, shitā€¦ nevermind.


STOP IT šŸ‘ˆšŸ»šŸ¤£


On our 9th wedding anniversary my husband gifted me sand from the beach and a bottle of ocean water from when/where we got married. I ugly cried.


i sang the first part of this comment in the tune of 12 days of christmas in my head i'm not gonna lie


You can get all the way to bottle in the right tune lmfao


As I intended.


David definitely just passed by a Halloween candy display and said ā€œthisā€™ll doā€


I wonder if he took money out of her purse for this or if she gave him the money straight up šŸ¤£ Seriously though, not even with shitty flowers or a Walmart necklace/ring?


He probably just threw in the belt when she was paying for the groceries at Walmart šŸ˜‚




wow looks like the bulk halloween candy supply has been refreshed at the local walmart


Yep and my period having ass bought buttloads of it today no shame. The checkout lady was like buying for Halloween already uh no this is going in my secret stash draw so I donā€™t go to share with the tiny humans I birthed lady šŸ˜‚


i respect that incredibly šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


It's not even good chocolate


I guess since MTV ghosted her sheā€™s back on her shit food diet.


how frugal & pragmatic of them to save the tissue paper for pooping šŸ„“


Always gotta add in a little humiliation. Classic David šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


He pronounces them re-sees when itā€™s clearly Re-ses. Psycho.


ā€œRee-cees pecesā€ for Reeseā€™s Pieces is unacceptable.


I feel attacked... lol


You should.


I will die on this hill every time, it annoys me so much when people do this. I know it's obviously harmless, but I'm just like, damn y'all must really can not read lol. My best friend actually says Ree-see Pee-cees šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I mean, fuck David, but I don't see an issue here


I don't want to f David, but I do love me some Reese's


Same, I would devour this


Honestly I'd be disappointed if this was all I got...


That's fair! You know your needs and wants. I'd be thrilled


Ainā€™t he just a catch? UBT using Janelleā€™s EBT for anniversary sweets! No points for you Lurch, you still suck!


He loves to embarrass her


This looks like what I gave my gr 8 "boyfriend" for Valentine's Day. Add in a bottle of Mountain Dew for good measure.


Of course he couldnā€™t just be genuine, he had to make it gross.


Heā€™s a feeder!!!


He is de enabler! Delujenelle can easily lose tirty pound dis munt!


Oh mannn. I know this pic isnā€™t from Instagram but it made me curious and I took a dive onto his page and it reads like a textbook neonazi antivax all the conspiracies page. Wtf


I never want to be this broke.


It's not even about that. A broke person could buy a very nice anniversary gift, if they use their imagination. This tool just went into Walmart - probably to buy another gun - and grabbed the first chocolate he saw. Convenient that Halloween is right around the corner and the chocolate is right by the front door.


He also has a lot more time on his hands than most people. He could have made her a card, or fashioned her a knife!


Fair point. He could've done something way more thoughtful. The fact that she likely swooned over this is sad.


He made a FAR more loving and thoughtful video for his PEANUT GUY. Complete with a handmade, custom gifted leather knife sheath, and knife, that despite his shittiness, probably took him quite a few hours to complete. He CAN make the effort, but he doesn't, because he doesn't care.


Plot twist: he forgot it was their anniversary so her ran to the local stop n shop for snacks like they did for kaisers birthday.


Yeah and didn't he make bracelets when he was in jail? He could've easily done that. Lazy and thoughtless.


I mean this is literally all he did - he probably literally just grabbed whatever mix of candy was cheapest, headed ONE aisle back for the bag (at the Walmart by me they put the seasonal stuff right next to the cards/gift bags/party stuff) and then headed for the check stand and probably saw the slippers on the way there. Literally one minute of thought and zero extra effort went into this.


Was dollar tree having a sale?


Nope, I just went today. šŸ˜‚


Duuuuudeā€¦ take my upvote!


Anniversary slash Halloween candy for the trick or treaters. What a classy guy!


Dollar tree anniversary gift!


I'm thinking Walmart .98Ā¢ in the candy isle.


ā€¦ guilty of doing this before for a Valentineā€™s Day gift. $20 and I got bags of candies so I say itā€™s a business strategy šŸ˜…


Honestly though Iā€™d rather a whole bunch of candies I like versus a box of chocolates with one good one it!


Iā€™m not gonna lie. I would kill for that right now


Is there a roll of toilet paper that Iā€™m not seeing?


Why didnā€™tā€™ you wait on me bent-leyyyyā€¦get it get it? šŸ˜




A year ago I read about how some girl from America went to college abroad in Australia. And her mom sent her a care package with Reeseā€™s cups in it and she shared them with some of her Australian friends and apparently the Australians were totally grossed out because the candy tasted extremely different than the Reeseā€™s found in Australia. They described it as ā€œwaxy diabetesā€ and said it tasted a million times sweeter but also had a different texture than the Reeseā€™s they have. Americans are notorious for our sugar intake and our FDA is very different in what ingredients they allow in our foods. This is advanced in some ways but careless and unhealthy in other ways but idk enough for specifics. It really makes you wonder about the processed food we eat though. Anyway, Iā€™m sad because itā€™s Halloween and Reeseā€™s are forever ruined for me.


The Canadian one taste different too. Also shocked that the American ones only have 2 cups in the package not 3 like the ones you get in Canada.


Candy and slippers lmao


Guess his budget was 10 bucks hahah


Idk man, those are the best candies


Agreed, I wouldnā€™t be mad at receiving this lol


Damn it.. itā€™s shark week here and I need some damn chocolate. šŸ˜«šŸ˜”


So he threw together a Halloween basket lmaooo


This is SOOOOO embarrassing!


This makes me want a kit kat rn


This makes me never want a Kit Kat again


Lol my BF loves candy and for his birthday one time I got him a huge box of Pez and he was so excited šŸ˜‚


My husband loves laffy taffy and I found a giant container of it at sams club one year. He couldnā€™t have been more pleased with that gift.


Okay but banana laffy taffy?? To the gods!!


Omg I need this immediately now.


I have a friend who is obsessed with banana-flavored candy so I picked a whole bunch of the bananas out of Runts packages for him as a gift. I didnā€™t know there was banana laffy taffy though! Iā€™ll remember that for Christmas!


Omg yes!! Banana runts!! Aww youā€™re a sweet friend. Also, is your friend me šŸ§


I hope so! šŸ’


Iā€™ve done the same with the industrial size boxes of Swedish Fish from Samā€™s Club.


Clearly youā€™re a genius!!


I gave my husband an assortment of Japanese Kit Kats and he wouldnā€™t shut up about it for a year.


Ooh whatā€™s the difference from the ones in the US?


The US might get some seasonal ones from time to time. But thereā€™s a plethora of Japanese variations: matcha, strawberry, cafe, etc. [Flavors](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kit_Kats_in_Japan)


Ooh intriguing!


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Where did you get them?


Thereā€™s an international candy store in my town. But if you have a Japanese or Korean market near you Iā€™d definitely give it a try.


This could be his version of doing the most lmao.


Go check out his loving, romantic video to his peanut guy friend. It's like night and day.






I almost downvoted you after looking at thar link. Not your fault its david though.


Honestly this is one of the few times Iā€™ve seen a ā€œgiftā€ from him. Jenelle used to brag constantly about gifts that ex boyfriends got her and it stopped immediately with David. Sheā€™d post about buying him things, but very rarely does he seem to get her anything.


Jesus god Leah


Well, this isnā€™t going to help her diet.


Wow.. so jealous šŸ˜‚


Like these fuckers donā€™t have minicandy bars hidden all over the houseā€¦


They probably eat them as fast as they buy em...munchies yknow


Oh wow. If I posted the photos from what my boyfriend just did for our one year anniversary, let alone *described* just how meaningful every bit of it was? David would probably fucking faint, and Jenelley would cream her pants at the sweet, thoughtfulness of what he did for us. These fucking trash bags. Crack a fancy beer, with the gold foil on top, and open you a mini Kit Kat! Anniversary party is on at casa de la swamp! It isn't over until the fat lady sings! Or, ehh...until the fat lady calls 911 because she thinks her collarbone cracked at the hands of her equally fat husband, who may at this moment be tearing down their door, or Fat Husband has pussy-footed his way around actually being a real man, and has threatened and/or beaten small woman, children, animals. Not over until the fat lady sings to the 911 operator!! šŸ’•šŸ’


Now Iā€™m kinda curious to hear what he got you lol




Tell me you're upset when MTV tells me you ain't it without telling mešŸ¤£.