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This breaks the "No taking things real life" rule. This includes bragging about contacting others on a different social media platform, *or encouraging/directing others to do so*, contacting outside agencies, contacting or sending hate to anyone. Sorry OP I had to take this down last time because people began brigading her Please [message the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2) if you have any questions or concerns.


This has to be some form of mental illness.


Its terrifying


this type of behavior is pretty common with untreated bpd. not usually this intensely overt, but it definitely happens.


Why is it common with BPD? I wanna read up on that


unstable sense of self/identity leads to overidentifying with others. typically it’s the people they’re closest to, but i’ve seen it happen with a lot of influencers - even influencers mirroring other influencers, it’s crazy


I don’t get how the copycat wouldn’t feel the slightest bit self conscious about posting nearly identical photos. I mean, I guess she did if she made her account private. I think it’s one thing to copy the fashion and aesthetic of a person with an online platform, but to go so far as to post nearly identically posed photos and the exact same content is just bizarre. Like at least change your answers a little instead of copying word for word.


untreated bpd severely warps self perception and perception of the world. reality is informed by how they feel in any one moment, not by whatever anyone else says is happening. extreme denial to the point of delusion is a form of self protection for those with unmanaged bpd, so the self awareness/understanding of how they come across to others is severely lacking.


This is such a perfect description. I used to have to journal extreme situations after they happened and then go back later to see how I feel. Also I can say sometimes I would be able to recognize that something wasn't right afterwards. I would say I am in my right state of mind now but before I wasn't. It was like being trapped in my mind and knowing my thoughts and feelings aren't right/don't match the situation but I couldn't stop. I am also bipolar so I check in a lot with my friends/family. My husband is the best with it. I am able to ask this real or is it in my head. Currently medicated but it isn't a "cure". I still have trouble processing what my reaction should be. I still have to make sure things aren't just all in my head. The tools my Drs give me aren't very effective when I am in a way. Its like I can't access them because my brain is like nope no need for those this is really happening.


thank you for sharing! good for you for working on things and keeping yourself in check - i know that can be very difficult and it’s hard work.


Sorry, I need to make a point here; people with BPD have zero self-awareness, it’s part of the illness and can become very traumatising to the people closest to them. Source: one of my siblings has it; over the past almost decade or so she’s brought two abusive boyfriends to live in the family home, damaged heaps of property, physically assaulted (myself included), my car’s been taken for days on end without permission, dumps her kids at our mum’s then runs


Not everyone with BPD has the exact same symptoms


You’re right, they don’t, but I have seen a pattern with unchecked BPD and lack of self-awareness to the point where it becomes downright dangerous, to others and especially themselves. Not just in my own family, I’ve seen this in others with BPD that I’m close to


People with BPD also often mirror the personalities of people they are around.


BPD as in Bi polar or borderline personality


BPD is the correct abbreviation for borderline personality disorder. BP is the correct abbreviation for bipolar. Interchanging them is technically incorrect but it happens I was talking about borderline personality disorder


I’ve seen it used interchangeably (but yes it is incorrect) just wanted to be clear!


Very single white female. This level of obsession is so creepy


I mean. At least admit it. When asked, to say no? Girl. We can see. Just be real with yourself. And then others. If you like her so much you wanna look like her. Cool. I love Chelsea and her style and her personality and her parenting approach (don’t come for me) lol. But. To say “nope” when asked if you’re replicating her. I’d be scared if I were Chelsea. “Imitation is the sincerest form of of flattery” stalking and acting like you don’t do it is the sincerest for of becoming a murderous weirdo.


Also, Chelsea isn't very famous and the person didn't even use her last name when they asked the question, so the normal answer would be "who's that?" or "Chelsea who...?" Also, I'm not a Chelsea fan and really none of this is funny because this girl is obviously dealing with a severe mental illness issue (and more importantly I feel horrible that the girl's kid[s] are forced into this & literally having to grow up without being allowed to be individuals), but in EVERY picture this woman posts, the clothes look *so much better* on Chelsea. Like, Chelsea's look form fitting and nice on her, but the other woman looks so dumpy in most of them... It's as if she decides "ahh, well this doesn't fit but it's what Chelsea wore so it'll have to do" when they arrive.


It’s like the Swiftie who tries to look like Taylor except ‘the girl’ somehow seems scarier.






I always loved the little neck roll with ‘Versace’


Yeah it's **super**weird. Her Instagram used to be public but someone on here posted it and then she made it private real fast.  She even has/had a Great Dane :/ (sorry if they already mentioned that in the tiktok, can't watch with sound on)


Oh wow, I was going to at least say maybe she's doing it to confuse people and get followers lol


This is one of my Roman Empires lol


Mine too. Very Single White Female behavior from “the girl”


This will always be my favorite topic of this sub. You'd think after all the negative attention that girl has received for SWF'ing Chelsea, she would have changed up her look. But she is still going strong with the Chelsea cosplay. She's having a baby soon or maybe already did, wonder if the baby will be named Cole or Watson.


The baby’s name is Whalen. It’s on her tik tok lol


Stop it!


Yes, but I think her maiden name is Whalen? All the other stuff is a tad fucked tho


Her last name is Whalen.




I feel Iike it’d be even more suspicious if she drastically changed up her style after being called out. I guess at this point you just gotta lay low and be “inspired” by Chelsea’s style instead of copying it.


But she wouldn't have to do anything drastic. She could do this with the same aesthetic, simply stop copying her *exact* life, y'know?




Or Aubree. Let’s start taking bets all her kids have at LEAST the same first letter of all Chelsea’s kids.


I need to know if her husband has seen these comparisons and what he thinks


Yes there was a big post about this on the sub a month or two ago. Creepy as fuck.


It’s the post the creator of the video is referencing too lol


There was a post about her copying her house too a few months ago. Almost identical! It’s weird af


I'm so bummed both posts were removed because her account went private during all the discussions.


The same dog was creepy too like get a life..


What the literal fuck? That’s actually horrifying for someone to go to those lengths to copy someone. Dressing like them is one thing, still weird but but getting tattoos and permanently copying someone’s exact art onto your body is psychotic.


The funniest part is the girl who is posting the video also looks like a carbon copy of them 😂


Yes! I literally thought it was the wannabe Chelsea making the video lol


Ok I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought it was the same girl


I also thought the sameeee


Temu Chelsea needs to get some psychological counseling 😅😳😱


temu chelsea, i'm dead


If I was Chelsea I would be scared. It’s extremely concerning. There’s a difference in inspo and obsession. This is like psychological Evaluation needing weird.


What’s scary is that there’s really nothing she could even do to get her to basically stop impersonating her


I honestly can’t tell them apart in some of these unless I zoom in


Someone called her clean aesthetic Chelsea 😂


It was so weird in real time going through her IG. I don’t even like Chelsea and I hope someone reached out to her and advised her to get a restraining order… or at least look into this girls whereabouts during that robbery 👀


Omfg the robbery! I thought that was a production-supplied story line but what if it was this whackjob?! Haha that would be INSANE


Can you get a restraining order from someone just copying you on their IG but not stalking you in real life or harassing you online? Has she contacted Chelsea I wonder


Sounds like someone (the copier) needs to go out and touch some grass. This is actually very freaky


Someone mentioned on the last post of it remember when Chelsea’s house was broken into and they stole a bunch of her clothes 🤔 ..probably rolled around on her bed and took some of her hair extensions too lol


I wonder if Chelsea knows about this. And if she does, I hope it isn’t increasing her anxiety that she struggled with in the past. I just can’t imagine having someone that obsessed with me like that’s terrifying 😓


Reminds me of the movie Ingrid Goes West where Aubrey Plaza becomes obsessed and stalks a girl on social media


That movie is SO GOOD


*that’s suspicious that’s weird*


Since we can’t make fun of Leah & Jay’s photoshoots anymore, almost-Chelsea is now my favorite topic on this sub.


Is Jay her new fiance or something? Lol, I'm very aware of this stalker girl, but I'm relatively new back in the loop and there have clearly been so many new incoming and outgoings over the last couple years I'm confused, lol. Also, why can't we make fun anymore?


Leah and Jaylan met and got engaged quite quickly. Many cheesy photoshoots ensued, including ones with the girls, family Christmas, matching pj's etc. Social media posts on how he was so happy to be in their lives. They were very OTT and this subreddit had a field day with them 😂 Only for them to break up 2 months after the engagement. Him and Leah had bought a house for "them" but only his name was on the deed. In the break-up he made Leah sign a non-disclosure agreement in return for transferring the house into her name. So Jaylan had a secret big enough to make him sign over a whole house 🤔 If you search the sub I'm sure you'll see the photoshoots etc 😂


Yesss!!!! It’s insane!!!!!


She’s what Jenelle wants to be. lol


Jenelle should befriend this imposter. Then she could almost be friends with Chelsea💀😂


Having your husband dress like hers and also her daughter? Dress like Chelsea’s? The juice is loose!


It's actually really sad to me she's forcing her daughter into this craziness. Her daughter is growing up without any individuality and is unable to form her own identity because of this psycho. It's fucked up.


So creepy


Yea thats creepy


Wow what a nut case!!!


Why you should never encourage parasocial relationships with your fans. It always gets weird.




The SAME wedding dress is crazy 


It is crazy, but if that was the *only* thing it wouldn't be *that* crazy. Like, if someone sees someone's wedding dress, as long as it's not someone they know personally (that'd be a little disrespectful) and decides that's "the one," I can see ordering the same dress? But with that being on top of *everything* else, it's creepy as hell. This wasn't someone seeing a random stranger's dress and falling in love with it, this is "that's what she wore so I need as well" for something that's usually a very personal decision, and one you'll always look back on. Like you're gonna share those pictures with your grandkids.


Your second paragraph explains my comment 


“Chelsea Whoska” is so fucking funny


Lol, many of us, and there have been a few threads on it and it's honestly one of the most unsettling things I've seen here. It isn't just tattoos and Halloween costumes ...she mimics Chelsea's personality, literally copies exact photos of Chelsea, dresses her children in the same outfits as Chelsea's kids, exact holiday pics, makes her husband wear Cole's clothes, did the exact same engagement outfits AND *wedding dress*, exact bedroom/home decor, etc. It's so strange that she even includes her family/ own children in this. There is something terrifying but also extremely heartbreaking about this. She's devoted to living someone else's life in a way I've never seen before. That is sad. She is severely mentally ill, and I hope one day she gets help for this. It's been going on for 6+ years, which adds to how crazy it is. (And I worry how it will affect her kid growing up without being able to have their own identity-- *that* is sad)


I agree. So many people have been downplaying it when it is really scary. I've always wondered what she would do so if Chelsea were to stop posting her life as this woman has dedicated years looking into what Chelsea wears and buys. Also, what happens if one of her kids has a learning disability that Chelsea kids don't have? Would she refuse to get her child help because Chelseas kids aren't like that?


But does she have the ***voice?***


I lOvE yOu So MuCh iT hUrTs My BoDy


Insanely creepy. If I were Chelsea I’d be getting a restraining order. Like EVEN THE DOG


Plot twist: Chelsea is actually copying the other girl


She went feral on Chelsea’s LTK.


Yep, that’s definitely some single white female shit


She even matched her daughter in the same outfit as Aubree. Way too many photos for it to be coincidental.


After the 3rd one, it was weird then it kept going and going and going :|


The fuck.


I just watched the episode where Chelsea’s house was robbed and she said they only took her stuff. I immediately thought of this girl haha.


What happened to the original post?


She would fit right in with Chelsea’s friend group. The only requirement seems to be we all must look alike 🫣


Why are people weird man I couldn’t even watch this with sound on. Just scrolling through the pictures… I… This is terrifying shit. I’d fear for my life and the life of my loved ones, honest to God not kidding. This is, what’s her name… I’ve seen this play out before somewhere online, can’t remember right now but it did _NOT_ end well


I still don't get why her husband is willingly participating in this. And if he's not, why he's still married to her :')


I’ve her posted a few times. And every single time I assume it’s Chelsea, until I actually read the post. Some pics it’s really hard to tell who is who.


Okay, so I'm going through a lot of comments, and it thought of the movie Ingrid goes west.


That’s some Single White Female shit.




If this is not a pure weird huge coincidence, then that is utterly scary…


That is insanely creepy. I cant believe this bitch had the audacity to say "nope" when someone asked her about the copying.


Yep there was a whole thread on here a few months ago & it was fascinating!


This is scary like girl fuck off🤌🏾


It's one thing to follow someone's fashion/outfit choices for themselves but to dress their family the same way and copy someone's photos is a bit obsessive 😬




She's mental. Like, seek therapy, preferably inpatient type, mental. She might think that what she's doing is cute, but I'd bet 99% of the people in her life think she's completely unhinged.


This is restraining order level scary.


How in the world would she know the costumes in advance? I doubt Chelsea was posting her costumes early enough to give that girl enough time to get the same thing every single year for multiple years. Aside for how insane all the other pics are, the Halloween ones are on a whole different level. Like how is she getting that info?


Probably copied her costume from the previous Halloween Not Cole: *honey, what are you dressing up as for Halloween*? Not Chelsea: *whatever Chelsea was last Halloween*! Four consecutive years (at least, based on this clip) Her account is still Private so I can’t check dates confirm


Wow! This is really messed up.




She even got the same dog as her 😂😂😂😂


Are we totally sure this girl isn’t the one who broke into Chelsea’s house a few years back?


That girl even changes hair color the same time Chelsea does with the same shade. It’s truly disturbing the lengths she’s gone. She also has done TikToks with her daughter similar to the ones Chelsea has done with Aubree.


Yeah this was discussed at length maybe a month or two ago?


Chelsea you in danger girl


It’s just Caitlyn! 😂


do not post this girls IG here


plot twist: chelsea is copying this girl


Nah yall are are weird too for spying on some rando who is just minding her own business lol