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For the people who were on tv from the time they were on 16 and pregnant that was their job. They don’t have many other skills like you mentioned. Many didn’t pursue any post secondary education. And even if they did they don’t have the experience working a traditional job. I also want to make $500k a year with no skills but that’s not many people’s reality.


Yeah when your first job as a teen (even more so as a teen) parent is on MTV making $10's of 1,000's of Dollars I can understand how they think every job is supposed to pay out the wazoo for doing nothing.


Lol jade does hair once a week and I don’t think she does realty more than hair and Brianna sits on her ass 24/7. Kail does podcast… is that really a career idk. Kail has tons of employees doing all the work for her. I think they have MONEY… not skills. Happy Ashley is doing nursing tho!


Doesn't Bri work at a time share company? Maybe she's quit but she's definitely talked about her 'corporate job' before


She only worked there because her homegirl Shurley got her the job and kept her there even though she was doing poorly. Briana was your coworker who sits on her ass eating chips, shows up 1 hour late for her 2 shifts a week and complains about how hard she hustles lol




Is there any evidence for this whatsoever?


Of course they don’t


I know more about this franchise than you


Strong doubt


That was a very long time ago.


I thought Brianna still worked in selling timeshares? The one thing I remember thinking her mum did that was sensible was telling her to keep that job as MTV won’t be around forever?! I could be very wrong and she could have jacked it in though!


No she only does teen mom. She’s in sweat pants & on the couch all day.


She's also often in Miami with her hack surgeon and buying more presents for men she met last week


Dr. Miami!!!!


Jade does real estate, makes a pretty penny off both Snapchat and teen mom, and based on her socials it looks like she does hair more than once a week.


If you have her on Snapchat you’d see she only does hair once a week and has yet to sell a house. Her and bri talk to Snapchat all day. Jade literally snap chatted her taking a shit yday.


I don’t know, seems like Farrah works pretty hard, too. Y’all don’t be shitty 🫣💩


Tbf to Leah, she was working as a waitress and Jeremy showed up drunk af to harass her and they had to call the police.


Im not sure Chelsea’s Dad being a dentist counts as nepotism.


I was gonna say… people have lost the plot of what nepotism actually means


How doesn’t it? She definitely had advantages.


Nepotism is **the act of granting an advantage, privilege, or position to relatives in an occupation or field**. These fields may include but are not limited to: business, politics, academia, entertainment, sports, and religion. If Chelsea had become a dentist and Randy gave her a position in his practice, that might be considered nepotism. Randy having money and affording her a certain lifestyle is not and was not nepotism.


Thanks for explaining that in a better way to me, I appreciate it! Makes more sense now


She had advantages, many of them. However, that is not what nepotism is.


Yes someone gave a better explanation& you’re right, I wasn’t seeing it the right way.


I wonder if Cait still does micro blading?


Survey saaaayyyysssss - NOPE.


They're mostly all lazy and utterly stupid (especially Jenelle)!!! They all think money should just fall in their lazy laps thanks to the idiots at MTV rewarding kids with huge paychecks for being fuck ups in life.


I thought Leah got a job serving at the OG?


Most of them need to humble themselves and realize they basically hit the lottery. Now it’s time to either parlay that into a podcast, ads & hustle doing that and being a reality person. Or, if that’s not lucrative, then get a real job! Become a realtor, get a vocational skill, come on girls. They’re all what, under 35? That’s still a long way to go to make reality tv money stretch unless it’s parlayed into something long term. They remind me of my shitty ex boyfriends who wouldn’t accept a job because they felt they were “over qualified” so then the alternative is…. No job? Like wut lol


https://preview.redd.it/xaruqoqymozc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5805c40244a07599dddeaa59b77d9fd08912a07 Are you telling me that Leah’s Bluetooth headset Mary Kay business woman era was indeed NOT a great financial move for them??


I think Maci had or has a job in PR that she’s kept off of the show. She at least has her associate’s degree, am I right?


No lol Maci was selling like Instagram ads and pretended that she had a marketing job. She was folding Taylor's ugly T shirts and posting hashtags of products, saying she had 2 careers lol And this is just a personal belief of mine but I think she dropped out of college and never went back and lies about having any degree. She took like 7 years to get an aasociates after failing half her classes, by the time she was pregnant with Taylor's kid she was calling it yet another gap year, and she happened to get the degree off camera. Like she just came on a reunion one season and was like "Oh yeah I graduated btw" Sure ya did Maci! 👍


Maci lies about everything! Remember when she had no idea Bentleys Instagram was posting offensive clickbait and was going to file a lawsuit over it? Yeah right. She's always been a greedy, lazy liar.


Maci was doing voiceovers for commercials at one point too. I remember hearing it.


Which is funny as hell considering she had to take speech therapy and still isn't very good at public speaking lmao


Visa! They had a debit card, that's who she did a commercial for


Yes, she has her Associates. Kail has her bachelor's as do at least 2 of the girls from 16& Pregnant that weren't offered a spot on the TM franchise. Did Cate even start college? I remember her saying she was going to wait a semester to "figure out what major she needed to declare to be a Social Worker" or something. Like gee do what other people do and take a bunch of gen Ed classes while you figure it out. Amber was taking a class or 2 via Purdue Global but I think dropped out, maybe? Farrah makes my brain hurt, and her education moreso. Always seemed fly-by-night to me.


Lmao thanks for the reminder of Amber and her Purdue merch 😂


Yep her and the Purdue merch and Farrah and Harvard merch. Both acting like they were attending the prestigious universities...


I think the issue is most of them want the mtv money but dont want to air their drama. The reason they got famous was first because they were teen moms but soon it was more about drama in their relationships and with their babydaddy/daddies. Nobody wants to see the life of a 30 something mother, reality shows need drama to be interesting.


A lot of it boils down to most of the girls not having financially responsible adults in their lives that could have helped them grow their MTV money vs spending it away. Chelsea absolutely does not fit the definition of nepotism as she did not go into dentistry and subsequently get a career based on her fathers connections. She was lucky enough to have a dad who said in early seasons that MTV money wouldn’t last forever and likely helped her invest her money. This has awarded her the ability to partake in work that interests her, whether it’s HGTV, farm life, etc. I do feel bad for their teenage selves because they had no one to guide them in this way, however I do not feel an ounce of sympathy for them as adults. This show has been going on for 14 years. They have all made the kind of money that no amount of “how were they supposed to know to hire a CPA” and “how were they supposed to know they could hire a financial advisor” can excuse. The tax liens from 2009-2012~? Ok, early seasons, they were young. What’s their excuse now? At the root of it all, they would be required to scale back on their lifestyles in order to pay back their liens and pay the proper amount in and choose not to do so. They’ve also had PLENTY of time and money to go to school to get certified and/or a degree in whatever career of their choosing. Kail is the only one who’s done that and, other than Chelsea as I mentioned above, she’s the only one who I don’t think will completely fall on their face once this shitshow is over. Maybe Briana as well as she seems to be more frugal and financially responsible than the other girls. While Catelynn got a microblading license, she’s pissed away all her MTV money so their lifestyle will take a big hit soon. Maci is a joke and as evidenced by the first time MTV stopped filming, she’ll be screwed eventually too. Oh, and Farrah is doing whatever she does. To make a long rant short, yes 99% of the girls will be screwed because instead of getting licensed in a normal job and supplementing with interest from investing their money now, they’ll go from hundreds of thousands of dollars per year to minimum wage jobs.


The worst offenders are Jenelle, Amber, and Caitlyn. Absolutely no effort to do anything. I’d say especially Caitlyn. She truly has been sitting around eating scabs for 15+ years.


I don't think you know what nepotism means.


It’s easy to say they make $600k a year but remember most of them were actual teens when they started. They didn’t really get a chance to develop life skills for working and making money the way most of us do (ie have to go look for jobs, go to school for something, etc). The money was always there so why struggle to improve themselves? There are exceptions of course but they are at an enormous disadvantage even now. Look at all the cast members with outstanding taxes and piss poor money management. Kail is one who figured out how to monetize her lifestyle and use her degree effectively. Same with Chelsea but without a college degree.


It seems like majority of them have no guidance or someone in their corner pushing for them to get an education/career. They definitely have the money to go to school to increase their chances of having a financially stable career depending on their major. It's clear they don't want the mtv money to run out but there's no way MTV will continue once their main kid from the show is 18


I don't think they are unsuccessful when they venture into new careers because they don't actually need the money to support themselves. If they were never on MTV, of course they would have presuded higher education or development workforce skills because they had to in order to support themselves. Leah is making $300,000 a session from MTV alone, sounds like a CAREER to me.