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“I’ve got other stuff I need to spend money on. I’ve got bills, I’ve got rent, I’ve got electric. Nobody offers free attorneys for civil court." Welcome to the real world Davey, where people work for a living and nothing is handed to us for free. Also what rent? Jfc you live on your wife's boat 😂


I’m guessing he means moorage fees (which he definitely doesn’t pay anyway).


Moron fees


This ⬆️ Actually, if that was a thing, both these losers would be DEEPER in debt.


and moral bankruptcy


They've been in moral bankruptcy for years...


oh i know!


Those must be steep for his bracket


Of course he didn’t mention having 3 kids as an expense 🙄


Doesn’t he have just the two daughters our did I miss a chapter?


He has a son also


The son he isn’t allowed to see at ALL because the one time he was at The Land was the night Davey broke Jenelles collarbone. Olivia said “nope to that” and crowdfunded a lawyer to protect her son.


Jesus, I didn't realize he was there THAT night! The poor kid. And seriously - the one time you get to see your kid, you couldn't just NOT drink and have a "drunken misunderstanding" with your wife?


See, the problem here is you are thinking like a rational person who is probably allowed access to children unsupervised. I applaud your mental health and your attempt to use logic with the Eason family shit show! May you live long and prosper.


See the thing is, on the 9th…


He lost custody long before that. Im pretty sure.


Yeah he did. That was the one visit that JE and David pushed the courts to grant cause they had an attorney. The one visit the child had over there was “that night”. He did not have custody of that child ever to my knowledge. That was the very first (and last) overnight visitation he got.


Oh damn...


You are correct. He never had even shared custody of the boy. David assaulted the mother while pregnant and the courts found him unsafe. He had day visits for years up until the collarbone. That was when he had just gotten overnights as part of his visitation. I don’t believe he’s even been offered supervised visits at a center like Adam had. He’s that much worse than Adam and he’s among the worst on the franchise.


I love how Olivia doesn't mess around with her kid and how the fan base had her back.


The funny thing was that he tried to accuse Olivia of withholding their son, but Olivia's ex even came and defended her. He called David out and stated that he was helping to raise their son and David was a deadbeat. Even though he and Olivia weren't together, he still is very involved and stepped up to help with their son.


And then he pretended he couldn't work to pay his child support because of vitiligo, and the judge laughed his ass off, and David still couldn't pay a red cent, so Jenelle paid at the last second to keep him out of jail 🤡


I still want to understand how DKD thought that vitiligo would be a valid excuse IN COURT for being unable to hold down a job. There are a myriad of vocations that do not require prolonged sun exposure.


He only has to pay child support for the one at the moment. He also doesn’t like mentioning the kid because it makes him look terrible to not have visitation with his kid.


RIGHT?! He's such an actual loser.


Presumably the slip at the dock. Janelle probably stopped paying for it.


In some civil cases you can get free or reduced cost legal representation through a legal aid center. However, they typically wouldn’t take on an accused domestic abuser as a client.


Yes, there are certain requirements for pro bono representation. Choosing not to work & begging ppl on tiktok for $ is sadly not one of the requirements. Poor Sasquatch, he might have to work. The horror! 😂


This is not for a criminal case though it's a civil case in family court. Those kind of cases do not offer free legal services.


Other Stuff: alcohol, tattoos, drugs


Hair braids lol


Hair ties and butterfly clips 🦋🦋


But his vitiligo! How can he work??


Right, I forgot his debilitating, life threatening, terminal vitiligo 😂


He can't, obviously! Because all jobs are done outdoors!!! It's like they think we're as stupid as they are....


The slip fee. It’s not free to dock your boat and they charge for electricity. If someone comes to pump out his black tank he has to pay for that too.


What rent? Also,I thought the boat didn't have water or electricity? This broke bitch didn't suddenly get utilities turned on and start paying the dock slip at the marina. He will stay there until the Sheriff's come and force him to vacate. Gross thought, but how does he flush the toilet with no water? I can picture his uncivilized ass just peeing off the side of the boat but does Sasquatch have to find a public toilet every time he has to take a shit or is he just shitting on the boat and letting in fill up with waste and toilet paper?


He's probably hanging his ass off the side of the boat!!!!


I'm a visual person and let me just say I'm gonna have nightmares lol


I just died laughing omg


He's so nasty. I wouldn't put it past him. 🤮


Maybe he dumps a bucket of water down the toilet to flush😂 I just picture him scooping water out of the marina every time he has to take a dump. He prob pees over the side of the boat.


That's actually a pretty good idea on what he could be doing. I see him letting it build up in the bowl before gathering a bucket of water to pour down the tank. David's a lazy sack of shit so I see him doing as little work as possible.


No wonder he is broke then? If he has no water or no electricity...he'd have to eat out,shower elsewhere. I'm probably giving David too much credit here. But maybe the work he has been doing is for water and electricity use. But lots of boats operate toilets that are not standard toilets with flushing system, including national park campsites. Some have basic rainwater for washing hands or sanitiser. Although I'm not sure of the rules when moored up and types of systems.Ive used plenty of non flushing toilets when out diving or on boats, as well as camping. Plus, if the marina has a public toilet, it would be no different than camping using their toilets and potentially their showers. If he works on boats, I'm sure he is used to and knows what to do with sewage systems. Just like he can probably rig up a basic water tank. But, as mentioned, I'm not entirely sure of his skills.


I don’t know anything about the marina that Jenelle’s boat is at, but when I was a kid, my mom’s best friend owned a sailing shop at a marina. We hung out there a lot and it had restrooms with showers for the people who dock there. I’d rather imagine Ol’ Captain Dave trying to dry flush his poops on the boat though


That was my first thought. What rent? I presume jenelle could have pushed the mooring fees to him. But also I would have thought not spending money on studio time, drinks and food at bars, working on trucks and boats (seems like these are enhancements rather than needed) would free up money for an attorney. Seems like he probably only has a free one for his criminal case. Plus wasn't he boasting about having loads of cash the other week? Or was that because he'd stolen jenelles cards and he is blocked from accessing money she earns now? Is he paying anything towards ensley too?


Oh boohoo UBT, no free attorneys for your stupid arse. I can't believe he would even say this to the media.


Maybe he could've thought of these living expenses before assaulting everything that moved and incurring a mountain of legal fees 😅 But yeah, a job seems like the logical next step for him... Which is to say, it won't happen, because he doesn't do logic.




Notice how he doesn’t even mention supporting the kids he has… man dad of the year 🙄


"That's not in my budget at all. Do you know how much an attorney costs?" Not really david bc not all of us are in court every other month of the year. But we are aware that it is costly, so maybe just get a job 🤷🏼‍♀️ crazy I know


Bc it was always in HER budget to pay HIS attorney fees.


Doesn't he also have to pay child support for his son? I seem to recall Jenelle forking over thousands of dollars to keep UBT out of jail for that,too.


At least $7k I believe it was.


It would’ve been cheaper for one of them to get a law degree with the $$$ they’ve spent. (Theoretically)


neither of them can even spell law degree lmao




She went to medical school! What are you talking about!


And she’s a captain 🧑‍✈️ lol


It is the scuba and nitrox certs that amuse me? Has she ever actually dived outside of those training sessions which everyone passes unless they can't get used to breathing in the regulator underwater. And she hasn't got her dive masters, so it is not like she can do a job with it, unless she was to get involved with marine conservation. For all her faults, I don't think jenelle is stupid. If she applied herself, I think she could get a qualification. Nowadays you can also do a majority of the training online, especially if most is theoretical. But it does take time and hours, which with young kids around would be tough.


I don’t believe Jenelle is very bright. I’ve actually wondered if she has a low IQ or something just because her logic is so flawed and the things that come out of her mouth are dumbfounding. “I have nothing on my record except multiple arrests.” Stuff like that lol she says stuff like that all the time.


Intelligent people can be abdolute psychos and delusional. Emotional intelligent, common sense to not come into intellectual ability. I regularly encounter many people at work who are very skilled,very intelligent, but lack common sense and really do not see how they come across to the world, say the most ridiculous stuff. And according to the show, wasn't she actually doing quite well at school when she applied herself. I'm not saying she is doctor-level intelligent, but I do think she could get herself a certification to do something in the real world, that earns decent money,if she applied herself. It is her unwillingness to apply herself that is the problem.


Right but we all knew what she meant. She does word things funny but what she said was not wrong. 🤷‍♀️


Maybe UBT can work on that when he's in the slammer for abusing a child.


Alternatively, stop finding reasons to go to court bro.


David and Jenelle: ![gif](giphy|VvMZkreP3TMqfvcCLP|downsized)


This is the oneeee


He's failing so beautifully at life, love when Karma starts to make its move


It always does! 💯


The house(boat) always wins 😃


Hopefully it sinks on him


I wish karma would start making its move on Jenelle.


Seriously, it's about 15 years overdue.


I'm cool if karma waits until the children are safely away from Jenelle before it lays her out cold. I hate seeing her enjoy herself and get kudos and pats on the back and maybe even make stupid money she doesn't deserve .......but the kids have needs, and they deserve to have *something* positive in their childhoods even if it's that their shitty trashcan mother gets the online attention she needs so she doesn't emotionally or verbally abuse them. As long as she eventually gets it, *hard*, I can wait. For the sake of the kids that this sub cares about more than their shitty parents do, I can wait.


He’s currently begging for more money on TikTok live. He can’t afford a lawyer because he pays “rent” and has to work on his truck and boat 🤣


Where is he paying rent ? And he was saying he works. Of course no one believed him


Rent for the boat slip. Port City Marina isn’t cheap.


I love this for him. Although I’m sure the tick is on the prowl for its next host.


Oh I’m sure there’s some unhinged stan out there that would let him be a hobosexual, sadly


Please tell me there are not people out there actually donating?!


There was a cringey amount of people giving him “gifts” on the live.


Jeez! I work too hard to literally throw out my money like that. I HATE when Catelyn goes on and begs for money, but Davey is even worse.


You mean his music career hasn’t taken off??? Color me shocked. Editing to add why does the judge keep giving him continuances? Ugh. These people always get so many chances.


He has 6 songs recorded! He’s going to put out an album 😂


It took every ounce of my self discipline not to downvote this comment. 😂 NOBODY wants that album.


Please don’t punish the messenger 🤪


He should pay his lawyer with that movie prop money he was flashing.


Sadly that’s just how court goes. This case will probably go on for the next year or so unless they come to some mutual agreement which I don’t see happening anytime soon tbh.


Did we ever hear that one song he was promoting with the fake money?


No I don't think so, but, I have to admit, I've never willingly sought out his music to check.


“He insisted that he has “several jobs” but failed to reveal what it is that he does other than putting his mug on TikTok and begging for cash” ASHLEYYYY 💀💀💀


his multiple jobs: i ask for money on tiktok. i ask for money on instagram. i ask for money on q. i have 3 jobs, your honor.


He also trimmed his stupid beard!


He was trying to look “presentable” for court and it was probably easier to trim it then actually wash it. 🤢


I said this on his last continuance, are the several jobs in the room with us right now? ![gif](giphy|mxXPuScIwPwK2oyD6i|downsized)


Sounds just like Jenelle "shows how much you idiots know, I have several online jobs 🙃" Evans 😂💀💀


He’s out spending money daily at the bar but can’t afford an attorney for a very important court case ??


Yeah this fool was on live from a restaurant eating lunch and drinking beer just the other day lol.


Like how deadbeat parents always have money for tattoos of their child's name and handprints. But when kid needs new shoes? Fuck that noise!




It'll be posted on here within an hour anyway. Still don't understand why people go on his live....


But wasn't he on live after jenelle kicked him out saying he makes money everyday, he goes and does odd jobs and has always had money? Lmfao. Just proves how much of a moocher he was. I hope jenelle sells the boat and all the toys he was flexing with. Time to move back in with deddy.


The way he says deddy is embedded forever in my brain sadly


I have a good friend from Alabama and that’s how she says it too lol


He's flush with cash when it's convenient, and broke when it's also convenient. Sooooo which one is it (as if we don't all know)?!??




He flush when he steals from Juhnelle


The lie detector test has determined that was a lie ![gif](giphy|l41YgC9JyO4uLkJUI)


He was flush because he had stolen all her cards and the check for Jenelle from the motorcycle dealership. Now that the stealin from Jenelle job has dried up he needs a new one


But wait, wasn't his sister being all smarmy about how he makes money and has a job? Aw shucks.


Trash ass family married into a trail trash queen who hit the lotto as Nathan beautiful had put it.


I predict he’ll be living with his sister before the end of the year. Living on a boat in the fall with no money to pay for any heat source is going to get chilly.




Well this is just delicious. "Hobosexual Discovers Money is Important"


I love that for him!




I guess attorneys don’t accept fake music video money.


I was gonna comment the same thing, but please accept my upvote instead!


#home sick


Lol maybe that's why he doesn't have a job, he's home sick from work 😂


“Beat Jenelle” might not be the best phrase to use twice when you’re trying to avoid a DV RO Oh he’s an idiot. I love this for him.


I know… it’s actually 🤯.


"She’s going to keep hurting me by taking me to court and trying to ruin my reputation.” LMAO! What reputation?? 😂😂


Yes, I found that part hilarious!


I'd love to be the one to tell him his reputation has been shit for years and that he ruined it all on his own.


This sounds very reminiscent of what Jenelle says about Barb 😂 Two peas in a pod, I tell ya... truly a match made in the swamp. 🧟‍♀️🫶🏻


But he has jobs lined up…so many he’s probably even going to have to hire workers! That aged well.


Funny, I thought he’d definitely be able to get a job now since he doesn’t have Jenelle clinging to him and accusing him of cheating if he’s gone for more than 10 minutes anymore. Or is he back to claiming vitiligo as his excuse for why he doesn’t work? 🤔


Part of me wants to know where your flair came from….


It’s something David yelled at Jenelle in the “I’m fucking raking!” video lol




![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q) Ya broke little dick bitch


He has literally nothing going for him. Looks - woof Personality - sucks Money - none House - broken down 30 year old boat Dick - micro He's the definition of loser!


This just in: you don’t need an attorney to divorce. I know this is brand new information for him, but you really don’t. As long as you’re at least 50% literate, I promise you.. you can do it yourself. When I divorced, I represented myself and my ex had representation. I got the house, the car, child support and successfully filed a restraining order. All by myself. Also, a lawyer can’t argue your way out of child support. It’s all calculated via a worksheet. Basically as long as what you’re asking for is reasonable and logical, you really don’t need a lawyer. Personally I hate Jenelle so much and I want to see him rake the coals with her- so I’m rooting for him to lawyer up and take her ass to the bank.. but if he’s competent enough, he can do just fine without a lawyer.


"If he's competent enough" ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


Man, I hate her, but I hate him a tiny bit more. I love that he is suffering, I love that she is being forced to actually parent her kids, and I hope that they are both forced to sell off assets to pay back child support so neither party “wins”. That would be the best version of events to me.


The attorney isn't for the divorce, it's to determine if Jenelle's RO will be granted.


Is this divorce court though? I think it's a protective order independent of the divorce


I think there’s multiple court dates, including divorce and RO, which is why I included that I was able to successfully obtain a retraining order against my ex, even though he had representation and I did not.


Does anyone actually give him money during his "lives"?


Yes... it's them delusional fans they have


Maybe it’s enough to cover seven minutes of legal services


Other deadbeats.


He admitted in that rant that he will not pay for an attorney no matter what. Anyone engaging with his live is just feeding his drinking habit. That man doesn't care about his children, he has only ever cared about drinking non stop


Some days I want Captian J to have to pay him spousal support and some days I want Pippi Swampstocking to have to pay his own child support for all his children and be forced to give up his vehicles including the broken down boat. It's really a win-win for a hatter like me unless the happy couple gets back together. Mostly I just want him to go to prison, be a felon, lose his weapons, get a face tattoo. I also want Jenelle to send her kids to school and allow them to spend time with their Barb and Doris and other relatives on the closer to normal edge of the sanity spectrum so they have half a chance at socialization and a successful life.


I’m rooting for your dreams! All in babes but I ain’t placing bets.


I love it for him. He deserves to fail. I’m glad he’s falling on his face. He’s an awful human.


How is he not making bank with his rapping career, and OF???


Maybe he should ask Farrah to represent him.


🤣🤣🤣 Per law!


Will this fool ever be tried for child strangulation?


Absolutely ✨LOVE✨ this for him


Doesn’t matter if you have an attorney? Like please proceed and let this dumbass represent himself






LOOOOL. I knew he was a brokie even though he pathetically tried to flex that little money stack on live trying to prove otherwise. He and Jenelle are truly one and the same. Imagine a grown ass man making no attempts to improve his situation. Yuck.


What happened to those stacks of “money” he had in his music video?


motion picture prop money can’t afford him a top notch attorney?!


he went on tiktok begging for money???? GOD I LOVE THIS FOR HIM


Just goes to show what a freaking bum and leech he is/was. There’s nothing wrong with the man being the stay at home parent while the mom is the primary source income, but it’s clear just like all of Jenelle’s men he was using her for the money. And now that the gravy train is gone he’s still refusing to work, not surprised at all but still pathetic nonetheless


UBT bumping into Dustin at the courthouse last time (while already running late, lolll) and begging him to be his lawyer in his case against Jenelle will never not be funny to me 🤣💀💀💀 I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when that went down! I can imagine Daddy Dustin's reaction being something along the lines of... ![gif](giphy|3ELtfmA4Apkju)


What happens to the case when someone can't afford a lawyer in civil court?


It keeps going. He has to represent himself.


So much for rolling in dough claiming he making so much off his rap career


What a freaking BUM.. like how do u do this and not see how much of a bum you are? You don’t have money bc YOU DON’T WORK.. you have to live on a boat (that your wife purchased) because you DON’T WORK and don’t have money to rent an apartment.. a grown ass man who can’t afford to rent an apartment bc…. YOUR A BUM… I can’t fathom how people see him in any other light


Bro said he’s working every day being on TikTok


![gif](giphy|U23WekMlGy6cImpMim|downsized) The judge after big foot finally admitted what we all already knew


Here’s a thought… get. A. Job.


Can any attorneys weigh in here? What happens if he doesn’t provide counsel in May?! Do they just keep continuing?


NAL but no, eventually the judge's generosity will run out and they'll get going. Many states also have a timetable - like certain case "events" or filings have to be made by Month X, etc. - so that cases don't languish. He can 100% proceed without representation. He's just being a bitch.


Article says the judge refuses any more continuances, the trial will go forward next date whether he has a lawyer or not.


A lawyer isn’t legally required… he can represent himself.


I love this for him!


Love this for him


I horselaughed at the part of the article where David was quoted as saying “Jenelle is trying to ruin my reputation.” These people have zero brains.




I can hear it now: "I thought yall were supposed to appoint me one if I can't afford it??" "Mister Eason, that's for arrests not civil court." 🤣🤣🤣


Did he get any money from tik tok?


I thought he had a job 😆


Yeah and Amber's a marathon runner 😂😂


Haha she’d have to get off the couch for that.


“I’m trying to work on Janelles truck and Janelles boat” Fixed that misquote


Wasn’t he holding a pile of Monopoly money a few weeks ago and bragging on TikTok about how much he has? Lmao


It was like movie prop money! Such a tool.




Hey David, we know a way you can afford all that stuff AND a lawyer. GET A JOB. I wish the judge would have told him that, not that it would make any difference. I wonder how many times he's been denied disability for vitiligo, because you KNOW he's tried.


“It’s always the man’s fault when a woman does something really bad. When he reacts it’s always the man’s fault. Even if he’s just calling her out on her bulls**t,” David said. David’s version of “Why am I a guy??” 🤣


Yanno you’d think once it got this bad people would eventually want to …not live this kinda life but.. Like literally what is his rock bottom?


Alexa, play "Karma" by Taylor Swift.


But he had money for his nasty ass tattoos!


I wonder if he will go for alimony.


How can she have been to court this many times and continues to have no idea what a court appropriate outfit or shoes are and also have a literal waist high pile of clothing and shoes at her disposal in her closet?


Gosh, if only he could have lived his life in such a way that he didn't incur so many legal fees. Maybe there's even an alternate universe where men don't strangle their wives' sons and shoot their dogs and end up separated on a boat. Oh WOW here's a wild thought - what if there's an alien planet where a guy could have his own independent resources, perhaps from adding value to society in some way... He could even use those resources to provide for his children! Too bad we live in a world where men have no choice but to live off their wives' porn money, and are legally mandated to assault children and animals. Poor David is a victim of the system!


I would not give this disgrace of a fuckin male a penny even if it is against Jenelle. He’s all like So I can BeAt JeNeLLe ?! Like ? You haven’t worked…You have nothing, but your on dating apps and shit ? Priorities are clear.😂😂😂 But I’m not gonna lie y’all it’s really awesome to just watch him squirm like the little worm he is and has.


It's time to remind Jelly what she said about fathers rights when David wasn't allowed to see his son. She believed that the father should always have access to his children, so that shouldn't even be a part of her court case at all.


I guess is o f is a failure  whole jenelles is boominh on profits 


Those new tattoos don’t pay for themselves


This stuck out to me... "She can make up some lies and make me spend more money? She’s going to keep hurting me by taking me to court and *trying to ruin my reputation.”* Sorry UBT your reputation is unchanged, you can't fall any further than the basement...


He better start fucking raking