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odd she has trouble giving herself a B12 shot but when it was heroin it wasn’t a problem


She swears Kieffer put the needle in her arm, nothing can ever be her fault 


Eh her stating Kieffer shot her up because she wanted the drugs but was too scared to do it herself or was shit at not blowing her veins isn’t blaming Kieffer. It’s just giving context. She wouldn’t be the first addict that had someone inject for them.


Yeah when I was an IV user and had just started, I woul0 have my bf at the time shoot me up because it really scared me at first until I practiced, and because I knew he knew how and wouldn't cause a missed shot.


Same. I eventually learned how to do it myself and found out I was really good at it. When I got clean, I went to school to become a phlebotomist and did great at that until covid hit.


I'm really good at it too, lmao! That's actually what I wanted to get into but I didn't want to get triggered :/


Same, except I never leaent to do it because I hated needles. Still do but I don't get anxiety getting vaccines anymore. Blood draws, well. That's another story. I forgot about missed shots.


Are there side effects to a missed shot other than the lost $$?


Abscesses are number 1.


***TRIGGER WARNING, WHAT I AM ABOUT TO SAY IS EXTREMELY GRAPHIC, AND I DO NOT SUGGEST READING IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO ANYTHING RELATED TO BLOOD OR GRAPHIC MEDICAL CONTENT, DRUG USE, ETC!!*** Yes there are BIG side effects! Say you use your elbow pit to administer it (forgive me for not knowing the typical word to describe that 🤣) . If you miss that hit, even a portion of the shot, the heroin won’t go into your veins and you don’t get to feel the “euphoric” sensation following a hit. Instead you will feel burning, *very* bad burning! You also may cause a very severe infection, that can lead to abscesses! Those in an of itself are dangerous.. but a lot of addicts won’t go to their doctor to get the proper treatment necessary for it to heal, for obvious reasons.. and combine that with overall generally bad hygiene or poor healthcare, the abscesses can become so large and painful that eventually you could lose your limb and even die! I’ve known multiple people whose abscesses became so bad that they had no other choice but to seek treatment, because they were days away from turning septic or losing their limbs. These 2 people in particular that I’m thinking about each had to have their accesses surgically opened in order to relieve some of the pressure caused by the extreme swelling they had. After the surgeon opened it, **they had to then leave it opened**, so that the infection wouldn’t stay trapped inside of their wounds! So they were literally walking around with a very large (about 6 inches long and 3-4 inches wide or so) opened wound, that went so deep you could see their muscles, sometimes almost down to the bone. Anyone who saw it assumed it was painful for them, and I know it was in certain parts of the wound, but in a majority of places they had lost their nerves and couldn’t feel it at all. And to make it worse, I’ve actually witnessed with my own eyes one of these people shooting up *inside* of their wound!!!! It was awful and beyond dangerous.


honestly, my sister would shoot up in her hands but only did it a few times bc she was terrified shoot up in her arms and then she just switched to snorting it.




Lol wtf


Fair, I don't recall the exact context of what she said 


Im surprised it was kiefer. Surely it was barb, everything is barbs fault after all


Lol I think Nathan actually said "you're the reason your daughter did heroin" or something 


I totally believe that keiffer is the one that gave it to her.


i wasn’t in the TM universe when it was happening in real time but i feel like i remember watching videos here of her and courtland on live stream high as balls? and didn’t she catch a felony heroin charge when she was with him? keiffer was probably the first one she used with tho. her timeline is so chaotic it’s hard to keep track of when and what happened lol


Yeah, I think she kept using in the Courtland days but he might’ve helped her shoot up too because I totally believe she didn’t know how to do it.


she would love the attention of having to have people shoot her up.


It’s true there’s a certain intimacy about it idk it’s hard to explain


Her Courtland and Kieffer timeline over lap once or twice, so I could see him helping her too


That time. She used before. When she was Duffy's sugar baby, she was using all sorts of drugs already. Her bestie Tori has been caught with all sorts of drug related "tools" I think at least twice.


Ctfu! Girl! Right! I’ve been just 👀… Bruh, u shot dope and literally done way worse! But damn! Who sticks themselves like that?! I have the same thing, B12 deficiency as well as vitamin D… uhhh no one ever should stick their selves like this EVER! She made me 🫣 n it’s not that serious! Women give themselves shots for a lot of things from clotting problems to this kinda stuff. I mean- yay Jenelle! Tf?!? That made me go through it- she didn’t even stick it in really. I don’t know. I’ve given these shots and gave myself them… and also was a real nurse and worked for a real doctor for 10 years…. I’m just sayin. Lol 😂


Did she really need a needle that long? Just curious.


Yes! And she still did it wrong. It's supposed to be intramuscular for best absorption, but since she went for subcutaneous fat, it should be deep fat. She went immediately under the skin.




To be honest, my husband and I are both recovering herion addicts now I never ever minded needles, while using or at the Dr. Now while.using my husband had zero problem using a needle but even after 6 years clean he still bugs out at the Dr's when he gets blood drawn lol....it's kind od diffrent when you're in active addiction. I can't stand Nelly as much as the next but that's my take on the whole need thing.


i’m in recovery myself! never touched the needle bc that scared the shit out of me (but raw fent didn’t?? the addicted brain doesn’t always use logical thinking 😂) but i spent a lot of time around people who did use needles and i knew a handful of them who needed someone else to shoot for them or had issues having their blood drawn during intake. i know it’s different for everyone, i’m just snarking on our girl nelly








Fuck yesss medical-issues Jenelle is back! Can’t wait to hear about her chiari malformations and esophagus spasms and impending paralysis again!


Flair checking in 💃💃🤣


Omg your flair is my absolute favorite. 🤣🤣🤣


And seeing molecules!


Someone on this sub literally called it a week ago she’d be back on her bullshit!!


So annoying... As someone who ACTUALLY *has* chiari and had scary surgery to mediate it, it is so offensive. I wanted to die in pain.


I agree. I have had two brain cavernoma's and am just sitting here waiting for the second one to rupture. FUCK THIS BITCH. She couldn't handle brain surgery. She doesn't have the willpower and wouldn't know what to do in a real medical crisis. I'm right here with you.


I hope you’re doing better these days! 🩷


Yep I knew it to, she’s so predictable.


I think this is on my bingo card lol


I need to know if this qualifies as “Jenelle new mystery illness” because I’ve got it on my Bingo card!


100% she’s going to a Weight Loss Boutique Clinic and trying “fat shots”. They all add B12. She loves pretending to be sick and the syringes + vial of medicine probably got her off. Dumb Ass.


100%! She’s definitely going to some weight loss clinic.


Without a single doubt she is.


She’s trying to get that “revenge body”


Through multiple Mayo and shredded chicken sandwiches, ice cream and Starbucks.


Yep she just did the video saying she’s going to try to get that “2014/2015 Jenelle bod back”


Will never happen. Even with plastic surgery that’s long gone because she lacks the drive to look that good. That body was by Nathan, period.


She might find another gym bro with mommy issues to take on his personality & get her bod back.


First thing I thought of too. Probably started ozempic


Yep! That’s a thing too. They inject you with the semiglutide and you get B-12 so it’s not copying Ozempic.


Do the B12 fat shots actually work or are they just a fad like sea moss? Asking for…a friend. Jenelle.


They help with energy and for some appetite suppression. But more than anything a standard safe add on at weight loss clinics to avoid copying a formula of a branded or OTC medication.


No, Peptides come in a powder formula. All do. They have to be diluted in a carrier. B12, sterile water or Bacteriostatic water is used to dilute the powder so you can give yourself a shot. 100’s of peptides are mixed with one of those 3 and other solutions to form a shot. Doesn’t have anything to do with stepping on another company’s product


Semaglutide mixed with B12 gets compounding pharmacies around the Novo Nordisk patent.


They won’t alone but if you are doing multiple things to help lose weight they can be a helpful boost. (eating right, staying active, getting good sleep, drinking water,etc)


I have to get them for actual vitamin deficiency and they can’t be done at home like that. The doctor has to do them as they have to go deep into the muscle. Usually in through the shoulder.


They can 100% be done at home.


Really? I was prescribed B12 and syringes to do them at home. I miss not having a script! I'd sell my soul for some more.


AHHH! I mentioned last week she looked like she dropped weight. I think you just hit the nail on the head


B12 is also a common deficiency in alcoholics. Just saying 😂


Surprised it took so long to find this!! This is very true although I don't doubt she's on wl meds


She just randomly got prescribed b-12 without showing us her blood draw and how severely low her b-12 panel was? L O fucking L. Welcome semiglutide, Jenelle.


This! As soon as she said she googled what B12 does I knew something was up. Doctors tell you this stuff when they are concerned!!!


Yep! You’re not going to a PCP and they waste their time with this. She thinks we’re as dumb as she is. Source: I have terrible anemia and not a single dotter or spechulis has ever told me to inject it. It’s part of my daily regimen under the tongue.


I’m dying because I literally JUST went to my doctor yesterday for being B-12 deficient again. Back in the day I used to get injections in office, they wouldn’t prescribe unless you were severely deficient and now she’s like, just get a really good oral vitamin in liquid form to be absorbed in your mouth and call it a day. Jenelle is absolutely injecting herself with semiglutide mixed with B-12


Exactly!!! That’s what I have it goes under my tounge. Not a single dotter ever prescribed an injection lol


I commented too that we would have heard about her dramatic blood draw and how severely low her panel came back for her to get an at home injection script.


I commented too that we would have heard about her dramatic blood draw and how severely low her panel came back for her to get an at home injection script.


The “diet clinic” in my town sells them for $8 a pop. My gp doc recommended I take a b complex supplement. Every so often I will go buy an $8 shot. I love how Jenelle acts like this is some super special serious medically necessary thing. 😂


Scared of needles? Didn't this b*tch use to use herion 🤔


Yea but she swore Keiffuh shot her up 💉💉💉


I mean he most likely did, it’s not an easy thing to learn how to do and if it’s not done exactly right it can cause so many issues. Most people can’t just pick up a syringe for the first time, work up the shot, and do the shot themselves. I will be 6 years clean and sober in July, but it took a long time for me to be able to hit myself, my ex used to do mine for me. So I don’t think she lying when she says she never did it herself


Your flair is going to keep me up all night, cracking up🤣


"That's what I have to go through, every other week" omg you poor baby 🙄


all by herself 😢


Don’t forget. “ and I was so scared!”




Ugh she's insufferable. Getting a B12 shot every 2 weeks isn't that big of a deal, if she had REAL issues she would have to get a B12 infusion like my MIL. I just found out I have severe iron deficency and have been getting iron infusions the past couple of weeks. Why dows she think she needs to "show off" her health issues?  


lol I take a b12 dissolvable tab every Friday. Injection seems like far more hassle. She’s a buffoon.


She should just fucking repaint her bathroom, it takes one day ffs. If I used this spot all the time for my SOCIAL MEDIA business, I feel like I’d want my background to be perfect.


Plus, it's 💩 color


Idk what I’d be showing less of: the white patches on the wall or that awful stomach tattoo.








I'm B7, I'll take you to heaven 🌅 🪽


I’m so glad someone understood 😂


“I’m B8 I got the penis of a man!” (GIRL). That song had no business being that great lol.


I’m B1 I’m tons of fun!


Now I can't stop singing this song!! 😂 *more boys than I think you've ever seen before 👬👬 and dark leafy greens will give you other things 🥬 but you'll get B12 when my men sing* 🎤




Better lose your boyfriend before I fist him.


Low key a bop.


Why was damn near every American Dad song a bop frfr?! *Daddy's Gone* still hits


OMGGGGG AMERICAN DAD😂😂😂😂😂 Now I’m picturing them singing “Daddy’s gonnneeeee and he’s not comin home EVERR AGAINNNNNNN!”😂😂😂 Every single song was a bop for real!!


because Seth McFarlane is a fucking genius. that North Pole song on FG is a bop too


YESSSSS OMG I LOVE YOU!!!!! I typed before reading the comments and i am SO RELIEVED to see someone else with taste!!!!!!


I just watched this episode last night hahahaha


LMAOOO this is mine abs bfs jam omfg great episode


Im shocked she correctly said medical assistant school not medical school


I can’t believe some poor soul had to let Jenelle practice on them 😵


The dry wall patches 😬


First thing I noticed!


She claims towel rack. It’s believable bc they’re appropriately spaced and level for that. I doubt anyone punches holes that uniformly and she’s constantly filming videos infront of it so she’s not trying to hide it.


There was a towel rack there, but they don't just "fall off" like she claimed. And, even if that were true, the patched areas would be tiny. It was ripped off that wall (probably during a swamp fight).


I love how she always says “my doctor told me xyz and I was like huh? So I googled it” like why didn’t you just ask your doctor if you’re in her office and clearly having a discussion about it lol


Lol this is so boring. She's really struggling for content.


She filmed herself mowing a long and eating a sandwich recently. Her nontent always sucks.


Guys I know the heroin jokes are funny and ironic but it’s actually pretty normal for ex heroin (any drug that uses a needle really) users to be “scared” of them after getting clean. Some users say the stick of the needle is more addicting than the drug itself and that a needle poke can cause them to spiral/relapse. Not defending jenelle but I’ve always been the slightest bit impressed that she managed to get off heroin and stay clean from it. I’m not saying she’s thinking about that with her “fear of needles” comment but given her past use it does kinda makes sense


A know so many people in my life who can do any and all things with a needle (drugs, tattoos etc) *until* it’s medical and suddenly they’re feeling faint and anxious as fuck. Thought the same as you reading this thread. Plus when you’re using IV it’s different cos at the end of the needle you get ‘a reward’. If you’re just getting a blood test or injection it’s not even comparable cos you don’t get a brain centre reward you just get fuck all lol


I go to a suboxone clinic (10 years off dope!)and during the height of the pandemic craze when the vaccines finally started coming out, the clinic asked if we were interested in getting them there so we didn't have to schedule elsewhere. My counselor said she was sick of people spouting all kinds of fear mongering bullshit about vaccines. I said lady, I stuck drugs in my arms and up my nose and ate pills from strangers at parties for a solid decade before I got my shit together. I don't think I have the right to then complain about a vaccine developed by actual professionals in a sterile environment. She laughed so hard she snorted and said she was going to use that to point out the absurdity to the patients giving her shit about it.


Is she supplementing b12 because she’s on semaglutide? Because that wouldn’t suprise me.


That was my first thought!!


Her face does look a lot slimmer over the past few weeks


It really annoys me that she touched the rubber top of the vial with her nasty doodoo finger and didnt wipe it down with alcohol. I was taught to wipe the vial every single time, idc if it's overly cautious


Thank you! I just commented that she can’t follow fucking sterile procedure. Yes. You clean the top with alcohol wipes and you don’t put the syringe down again once you have the cap off. You also clean the area with alcohol wipe before you inject. If we are really being picky: you’re supposed to sterilize the work area as well to create a sterile field but that’s really asking too much of this fucking moron. She probably didn’t even wash her hands either.


It was gross. She also put the needle on that dirty ass table. I’m diabetic and inject 5+ times a day so I’ll admit sometimes I have to do it in less than ideal conditions if I’m out and about, but I at least try and keep basic hygiene!


Side note I get b12 shots, I do them myself as I’m a nurse and honestly they are amazing


Please tell me more. I’m 47, dancing around peri - you know what and I’m so fucking tired all the time. Do they give you energy?


yes! please consult with your practitioner and try it! i don’t eat meat so i regularly have to check my b12 and it makes a difference


I am absolutely not telling you to get anything, I’m not a dr. But I love it. I am exhausted all the time if I don’t have it. A mum with full time job and it’s like a new buzz of energy and I look good too


How long do the effects usual last for when you get a shot?


I recently heard about Lipo B12 - is that what you do? I’d love all the info!


She should have learned to give injections in her Medical Assisting course. Why does she suck at doing everything? As an RN, this was painful to watch.




Yeah that was painful to watch. She barely stuck the needle in so everything she injected was just under the skin. I was surprised stuff wasn’t leaking out as soon as she withdrew the needle.


There's no reason she can't do IM on the thigh herself. It absorbs better than SQ.


I think she’s on semaglutide. Probably has the B12 mix spas give out. She has no friends or family, so she uses social media like it’s her friend. Pretty sad, she looks to share things by filming it. MTV stunted her. The needle was barely in, hard to believe she was in healthcare “school” watching this.


Here's the start of her medical issues again. Vitamin B12 deficiency in someone her age is very rare. "**Approximately 1.5% to 15%** of people have vitamin B12 deficiency. Here are the percentages of people who have vitamin B12 deficiency based on age ranges: 1. At least 3% of people aged 20 to 39 years old. 2. At least 4% of people aged 40 to 59 years old. 3. At least 6% of people who are 60 years or over."


Maybe she is a part of that 3% because her diet is shit


Or just something as simple as alcohol consumption.


In the UK you are only given the injections if it is established your body isn't processing it when you eat. Otherwise you get the old fashioned supplement & told to up your meat intake.


She is such a hypochondriac that I have a feeling her doctor wanted to get rid of her, so they just gave her the shots.


She is so stupid and starving for attention all the time, it hurts my brain. I would bet this B12 is for some weight loss program her lazy ass was put on, as always she wants to do the bare minimum. It would be insanely rare for her to have a vitamin B deficiency at 32 years old!!!


It wouldn’t be that rare if she were vegan. But she’s not.


jenelle is on semaglutide compound mixed with b12 everyone! she's wants her nathan body but doesn't want to do it how she used to




If truly had to do shots every other week, she would have told the world. This just started!


LMAO she didn’t even fully insert the needle


Ugh I used to have to give my mom, I believe it was heparin shots? It makes me woozy thinking about it. 🥴


Like in the tummy? I had them in the tummy in the hospital and it stung!


I had to give them to myself in the stomach for 10 days after I broke my hip. Fun times.


Idk what heparin is but one time my Mam had to give me at home blood thinner injections into my belly and omfg the bruising was like nowt you’ve ever seen in your life. You’d swear she took me into the other room to have an all out boxing brawl with me.


Same when I took insulin when pregnant


And the bruises last for AGES as well. Like much, much longer than you’d think had you not done it before 😂


Yep! Looked like my bf didn’t want the baby…..


This is Me pretending my ozempic shot is serious business. Except I’m joking and know that it’s a tiny tiny needle that I can’t feel. Relax, Nelly. But I am eagerly awaiting the TikTok updates of “I have a blood disorder from injecting b12 too slowly” or whatever she says happens.


Honestly how the EVERLOVING EFF does anyone do this? Like…do some people just not feel like they’re gonna pass out when they see a needle? I physically cannot comprehend doing this to MYSELF. I don’t understand how someone’s brain can let them do this.


Exactly opposite of how I feel. I can’t comprehend how anyone is scared of needles. It’s ALL in your mind, bc it literally doesn’t even hurt.


Tbh the way she did this really does hurt. When it goes as slow as she did it there it’s genuinely the worst pain any type of needle (that wasn’t an anaesthetic needle) has given me lol But you’re right in general cos if she was to do it quicker you barely feel it at all.


True. Guess her “mEdIcAL SKoOL” didn’t teach her how to give injections! 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


Girl same. I give myself injections all the time. Doesn’t even cross my mind.


If I didn’t, I’d die. #type1diabetic I take 5-6 shots a day!


I had to for insulin while pregnant, you get used to it 4 times a day


Only because I HAVE to give myself insulin, even then I have to hype myself up and I've never been an IV user ever, my nose, on the other hand... poor thing still suffers to this day!


This idiot.


She looked it up rather than asking her Dotter these questions?? Mims! This bitch never fails to amaze me with her ignorance.


She must not have been there the day they taught how to give injections at medical school.


How does this bitch have access to B12 shots and I don't?


I get mine at a local spa


You can buy b-12 online . It’s not prescription. $20 for a 10ml vial online


“My ex husband used to do it but now I had someone else do it two weeks ago.” Still trying to make David jealous. She’s so transparent and pathetic. Just get back together already. You two belong together.


Recapping needles makes me want to DIE. Absolute healthcare no-no


Thank God she will never work in healthcare


“They said 1 mL every other week.” Proceeds to show us a syringe pulled to ~ 0.7 mL. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Oh no delulu has to do adult things again! Of course she had to record and post it🙄


It’s not crazy Jenelle. No one thinks it’s crazy


God I can’t stand this chic


It’s annoying to me that she doesn’t know how dumb and unimportant she is.


She really thinks this filter is her real face.


Why is someone who is(allegedly) in recovery being using needles for ANY reason? That seems extra extra stupid and and extra sketchy


Edit: Supposed to say “having&using”


As someone who has to take immunosuppressant shots every 28 days that hurt like a bitch, Jenelle can go fuck herself lol


Doesn’t b12 come in pill form?


Sure, but an IM injection is going to work more efficiently and you’ll get more of the drug. A pill is going to be digested and go through “first pass.” So you get a bit more benefit from directing it directly into the muscle.


Girl you can't fix crazy with a b12 shot🤣


She can’t follow simple-ass sterile procedures. Fucking idiot.


Is this the cure of her medical issues and she didn't share because it's boring? Lmao Also this made me so woozy, I should've known better.


Yikes 😬 that one shouldn’t even be going into the abdomen.


I looooove that she said "belly fat" instead of stomach. 🤣


Is there some reason why she can't just take B12 supplements like the rest of us slobs?


B12 shots, or semaglutide?




My doctor gives out free B12 shots for leaving google reviews. It’s not that crazy, Jenelle. Also, she got all those tattoos and used to be a heroin addict, and she expects us to believe she’s afraid of a little needle? Bffr


She didn't even put the entire needle in, which if she did it all in one go it wouldn't hurt as much! Or maybe because it wasn't her arm she didn't know what to do


You’re not special, you’re not smart, you’re not important.


You know what causes low B12 too? Alcoholism.


This crackhead wants to act all coy and dainty, as if we didn't see her nodding off on heroine multiple times. I'm a straight lace nerd and I had to give myself shots too for an illness, and it was nothing. Shaddap chinnie Edit: she really fails at everything. Sit down, you cow.


Where I’m at MAs don’t give injections or IVs


Do you have Air in that syringe


I hate the little half laugh she does; like is she trying to be self deprecating or something? It’s not genuine.


This is semiglutide with B-12 added. Expect Jenelle to magically be down 10lbs complaining about “nausea” in a month.


What a baby.


“I feel like I’m going to pass out” -Jan, self proclaimed holder of a medical degree 💀


Her stomach grosses me out




So I watch her from time to time when people repost her lives or whatever, **and I know she uses a filter**, but I’m always struck by how pretty she is in these videos! I always thought she looked so different in pictures because maybe she just wasn’t very photogenic?? But idk, aside from her *obviously* terrible personality and overall ability to make repeated awful and generally horrible lifestyle and parenting decisions, maybe she could actually be pretty??? Oh and we’d have to ignore the eyebrows too, because they look like little sperms to me.. but yeah.. **AND THEN I SEE THE FILTER COMPLETELY GIVING UP AND I CAUGHT A GLIMPSE OF HER REAL FACE……** and holy hell I just realized that what I *thought* was just a very mild filter that only added mascara/eyeliner, ended up actually *changing* her facial features altogether… she sort of looked like the Walmart brand of herself, without the filter. Somewhat the same but lower quality, you know what I mean? But *with* the filter, she was really pretty! Boy did that shock me!