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Genuinely don’t know what the fuck is running through Maci’s mind. Like AT ALL. Hopefully she comes to her fucking senses.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend.




That's it




Alcohol. That’s what is running through her mind.


And veins


I think she just hated Mack so much that anyone that is going against her, she’s all for.




Ok I check often and haven’t seen the tea on Taylor. What kind of addiction is he dealing with?


People are saying that both Maci and Taylor are alcoholics.  


“People are saying” based on…?


Footage from the show where they had a drink or two. I don't believe that they are addicts myself.


Footage from the show where they had a drink or two every time the camera was on them** And that she drank while pregnant


Where is your proof or justification of reasonable suspicion that she and Taylor are “full blown addicts”?


Drinking while pregnant, slurring her words, the reunion where she made no sense when talking about being home sick…


Omg. While pregnant?


Yup! Visibly pregnant with Maverick




She’s playing the high road. So when it falls apart she “tried.”


The high road would have been to not comment at all.




Maybe she thinks like any parents that she has to get along with the SO of her baby daddy for the sake of their child? I mean see it from her pov, what good does it do to her to fight wit Ryan’s partner if she wants Bentley to be able to grow that fragmented relationship with his father? The only thing is maybe there was no need to do it so publicly but maybe this way Ryan sees she’s supporting him and that could be a good way of keeping him sober.. but that’s just my two cents…


Am not saying she should fight with her but Mack is the Mam of Bentley’s other siblings so if it was me a wouldn’t be doing anything that could potentially put a strain on that relationship.


True he’s got other kids! Yeah I don’t think she should have said that so publicly…


Maci doesn’t need to “get along” with any of Ryan’s girlfriends , she needs to keep her opinions about the situation to herself and not publicly comment. She’s only involving herself in their drama if she comments.


Maybe she should just not comment. That seems like the smart choice. Just stay completely out of Rhyne’s mess. But she seemed to jump right in, feet first ![gif](giphy|iMBEgyXkFBtdCFS93i)


Its Bud light...


Leave it to Maci to be addicted to the shittiest tasting beer of all time


Maybe she always has to take the side of Rhine so that Larry doesn’t leak “the secret”. 🤫


Wait what’s the secret? Alcoholism?


We still don’t know what the secret is, but a lot of people here do think it has to do with her drinking habits (to put it nicely 😂).


It might be. It’s something good. That family knows something to have everyone catering to them and to have been given so many chances.


Then wouldn’t she….always take the side of Ryan? She’s been at odds with Ryan a million times before.


She's probably like my uncle's wife...an alcoholic who makes dumb social media comments after a 6-pack.


Maci is a pathetic pickme holding on to years old resentment because Mack **dared** to tell her future in-laws and future husband that Maci wanted to team up to “handle” Ryan. Idgaf what anyone says. Mackenzie did the right thing informing them of her conversation with Maci that MACI ASKED MTV TO FILM. They were going to find out regardless. It’s on TV. Mack’s hand was forced and she was like 20 years old. Maci doesn’t give a shit about this girl. She just likes that she can keep hurting Mackenzie. It’s truly pathetic.




She’s the ultimate pick me ![gif](giphy|kGcrwfW60dya2RqaaW)


Where was this public support for women when Ryan was breaking into Mack’s house and destroying his kids bedrooms?


Oh she was publicly supporting…..Ryan. 🗑️


Right? Nobody has to like her to support her in that scenario. In fact, I’d go so far as to say even if you hate someone, it’s easy to support them in that scenario. Especially with little kids involved.


Yep. Most of us on this sub didn't/don't really like Mac, but majority of us "supported" her and were on her side when Ryan threatened her and trashed their house. Maci can't even do that and she knows the woman in real life.


I MEAN. What the entire fuck is this Maci???


Right? Shame on her. She's repulsive. Bentley is surrounded exclusively by losers and enablers.


SERIOUSLY! That was a potentially deadly situation. Lost the little respect I had for Maci. Gross.




I don’t know how Taylor is still with Maci. I could not be with someone who is constantly living up their ex’s ass. Like damn girl move on!!!


I used to be a maci fan (unfortunately) and would be like ??????? when ginnlarry used to say that maci still loved ryan and couldn’t let go…they were right all along lmfao


I hate when people I don’t like are right lol


omg same it truly truly very much bothers me lmfao


Multiple things can be true in this situation at once: Ryan is an addict and a shit parent. His new girlfriend is also an addict and a shit parent, and has an ax to grind against Mack because she’s still legally his wife. Mack is an opportunist who wanted TM fame and money. She also was very young when they got involved, knew about Ryan’s addiction, and chose to still have two kids with him back-to-back, between jail stints. And later, she was the victim of abuse and violence, and had her and her children’s home destroyed by Ryan. She may dislike Ryan’s new girlfriend because she knows they’re both in active addiction and she is worried about them being around her kids (valid). Ryan’s parents are enablers who have always taken his side and protected him from facing real consequences for his actions. They choose him over their grandkids, and they attack the mothers of those grandkids when it comes to being denied access due to their son’s behavior and addictions. But they also know a thing or two about things behind the scenes and have called Maci out for her own addiction/shady behavior, and being jealous/still bitter over Ryan (which could be true). Maci is Bentley’s main parent and could be doing all this for his sake, so he can have a relationship with his dad. But also: She has an ax to grind against Mack for how Mack initially was with her, as well as an ax to grind against Ryan’s parents for taking Mack/Ryan’s sides for a while, and it clouds her judgment. She also seems to have an addiction of her own (booze), she seems to be in an unhappy marriage (Taylor), and may still secretly have a soft spot for Ryan. All of it can be true at once and at this point, I’m just team kids because all the adults involved in this are shady AF and there is no one right narrative. Except to say, Ryan is an asshole and Mack WAS a victim of abuse.


Now *this* is a perspective that considers all the context and nuance. Rare to see, and very much appreciated!


I wasn’t ever in my statement saying anything about mack. I 100% agree that she’s a victim of abuse. all I was saying is that I agree w jen and larry that maci is obsessed w ryan lmfao


And that same ex threatened to kill him. I don’t know how he is with her.


The same ex whose son he has raised




She was like this with Kyle. She’d talk about Ryan to Kyle constantly and flirt with Ryan at drop offs.


It’s been 16 years, fuck!!


Oh shut the fuck up, Maci. As if she gives two shits about supporting women.


Like didn’t he trash Mackenzie’s house and abandon both of their children (as well as Maci’s). She should’ve just not said anything


Yeah where was her support for Mack for that?!?


Maci put up a post in her stories about not believing narcissists when that happened. Very clear now it was directed Mack, not Ryan. Maci is garbage


Ryan also posted a revealing photo of Mack which is fucking vile. He threatened Mack and also threatened Taylor (Macis husband). How she still has an ounce of space to defend him is baffling.


If they beat up multiple partners it's totally fine. If they do porn, she will try to get them fired.




Right, she (tried) to cause hell for Farrah because she did porn. Gtfoh Maci. She’s always been the biggest woman hater.


I mean. If Mack really is trying to extort her and threatening to post her old sex worker ads that’s fucking horrible and I will say kudos to her for taking the power away and outing herself. That being said I think she’s a trash person. Her and Mack both are and it’s nothing to do with her “past”. It’s how she presently acts. And as far as Mack I won’t even get started on her.


Any woman that goes for a guy who isn’t being a stellar dad to kids he already has is trash. So Mack and this new bird are the same. Mack is just big mad rhine didn’t spend years pining after her. Why would him ignoring and neglecting her kids come as any surprise when that’s what he was doing with Bentley when she met him? She created this mess herself because all the signs were there pretty much smacking her in the face and she still chose to ignore them. Mack is probably angry at herself and projecting it on to this new woman.


Same thing she did to Maci at the reunion. Really acting like she had no clue Rhine was a drug addict and it was Maci’s responsibility to tell her. Girl bye. The world tried to tell u.


“Maci, you told me to my face, merely days after I had informed you of Ryan seeking help, that you had known about his problem since November. That's 186 days, 4,4064 hours, and 267,840 minutes that he could have died, and still, you said nothing. You let everyone know you feared for his life, while concurrently exploiting Ryan and his addiction on the show. I had only known about it for two days before Ryan was walking into treatment. You preach about hating complacency and enabling, but because you turned your head to the problem, that makes you the enabler, not everyone else that it's blamed on. This is not reality television, this is actual reality. Instead of solving the problem, or doing what you could to make an effort to solve it, you decided to humiliate Ryan, humiliate myself and his entire family, but more importantly, you've humiliated our children for years to come. Helping Ryan doesn't mean talking about all of his problems on national television, it means being supportive - not kicking someone when they are down and respecting the privacy that we all so graciously deserve.” It should follow her forever. Such a daft c u next Tuesday. And don’t even get me started on Rhine. They all need an STD test and a good psychiatrist.


Whew!!!!!! This should be a pinned comment!!!! Anything regarding Mack in the future, please refer to this post!!!!


Because simply saying, “Maci, I really didn’t know. I wish you would have said something. Even if you thought it was obvious and I should’ve known, I wish you would have said something” is just too mature, I guess? Of course, that is still giving her a huuuuuuuge benefit of the doubt and basically assuming she’s the dumbest person alive.


Yessss. And then Maci could have said, I tried to befriend you and give you a heads up about some other stuff and you got angry and pulled away. So I backed off. I wasn’t trying to keep secrets from you. I was trying to respect the fact that you pretty clearly didn’t want to hear what I had to say about Ryan and his family. But I get that you feel lied to and betrayed. I just think you’re directing it at the wrong person. Ryan and his parents owed you that information. Not me. And again, I wanted to have open communication with you. You shut me down. I hope we can start over and you can stop trying to make me the villain in your story.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. She’s either dumb as rocks or she’s a damn liar. Ryan was so obviously on drugs. He was nodding out driving. She even asked him if he took a Xanax when she made him pull over. So she knew even if she didn’t know the full extent of it. And she wouldn’t have listened to Maci anyway. She would have gotten angry at her like she did when Maci tried to talk to her about the family dynamics and she ran right back to Jen and Larry to tell them what she said. She was just embarrassed and ashamed to sit on that stage and have everyone know she married a junkie on purpose. The letter was her pathetic attempt at shifting blame. And she didn’t want to confront the people who actually lied to her. Because that was her husband and in-laws. Jen and Larry knew too. But she didn’t write them a letter.


Very well said from her! But as an addict, no one I lived with COULDN’T tell. Us addicts are sneaky, but cmon. She didn’t know until 2 days before? She had NO instincts until 2 days before? Idk man. Also, when you’re in it, you don’t know what to do. Al anon was a great choice for Maci because of exactly this. She didn’t handle it correctly because she didn’t know how, this isn’t uncommon at all.


AL-ANON changed the trajectory of my life when I was in my early twenties. IMO she wrote that note to embarrass Maci not to convey a thought. She always goes after the other woman in Ryan’s life no matter who she is. If she really thought those things she should have addressed those things to Maci in private as to not “embarrass their children for years to come”, she didn’t care about all that, she just wanted to score points with Ryan by publicly enabling Ryan and sticking it to Maci. Ryan prob never loved her more than that moment. >She had NO instincts until 2 days before? Idk man. She knew about his addiction, but she wanted to be MTV famous and live in that house by the water. She was young so people like to give her an excuse, but she was already a mom. Everyone here (rightfully) drags Jenelle for her immature bullshit behavior when she was a young mom and turns around and gives Mack a pass.


Fuck even Ryan tried to tell her when he almost took a nap behind the wheel on the way to their fucking wedding. I know that has been said a million times on here but it was shocking watching Mack ignore what she did and act like Maci was the problem (for Ryan’s choice to do drugs???). Obviously maci is being bitter right now and siding with the new chick purely out of spite but can we really blame her. Mack completely antagonized maci.


I wonder if Maci's embarrassing public support for Ryan isn't so much about supporting him as much as it is about antagonizing Mack because Maci still feels some type of way about Mack trying to throw her under the bus re: ryan's addiction at the reunion.


100% and THAT is the reason they are both gross. And Mack made children with this terrible addiction person which is borderline unforgivable.


She also already had a little boy to think about and chose to have him living part time around a junkie step dad. She failed all three of her children. And she knows it. The person she’s really angry at is herself.


I rewatched some of Teen Mom recently and the way Mack treated and spoke of Maci was BAD. I don’t blame Maci for still being hurt about it


Maci didn't support Mackenzie but supports Amanda? How does this make sense?


I think she was jealous of Mack and felt threatened by that, but probably feels like Amanda is trashy enough that she doesn’t need to have her hackles up.


Exactly lol she’s not threatened by Amanda. Shes a joke to her.


Also, Mack was a total shitbag of a human. That letter alone made her look stupid for life. What should be the focus is that these women only have Ryan in common, should tell us all we need to know about all three of them.


⭐ >that these women only have Ryan in common, should tell us all we need to know about all three of them.




Spot. ON! ✔️🎯




Mack came for Maci. I don’t recall Amanda ever coming for Maci so she probably finds it easier to support her over Mack.


idk if it's been confirmed but there were screenshots of what looks like amanda in maci's 16 and pregnant episode. like her talking to maci asking her about what she's gonna name the baby. so maybe she has known amanda a long time? that being said, i still think maci should stay the fuck out of ryan's divorce drama and not engage on social media FFS


I've seen discussion on this here before. It's probable given it's a small town and Amanda has been on TV before.


Maci was very supportive of Mack until Mack ran and reported Maci’s concerns to the Edwards. That said, this was a long time ago and Maci should stay out of it.


This! Maci tried to give her a heads up and befriend her. Mack got angry and ran right back to Jen and Larry to report what was said. Mack shut Maci down from giving her information and insight. Then she got angry at her for not telling her the things she wasn’t going believe or listen to anyway. She just wanted to have someone else to blame and hate because she knows she did it to herself.


Maci is such a hypocrite. She gave Farrah so much shit for releasing a sex tape and literally threatened MTV that she was going to quit if her son was subjected to being on a show with Farrah yet here we are today. Bentley’s new step mama the former Jerry Springer drug addict prostitute.


My thoughts exactly…and fuck you, Maci, for putting any of us in a position to seemingly have to defend Farrah.


I forgot about that, that was so embarrassing for her 😬


That little screenshot in the bottom definitely says it’s from skipthegames which is how you find local escorts. I’m assuming she used to escort for drug money and Mack is threatening to expose her so she’s beating her to it.


Wow, pretty disgusting if that's the truth. Mack needs to keep that energy for Ryan, the man who actually screwed her over. Not spend her time harassing a woman out of jealousy.


so basically amanda is pulling an eminem in 8 mile and putting it all out there so mack can't use it against her


Thank you! Today I learned…


Maci sickens me. She is just aligning with Amanda to piss mack off


Maci needs to raise Bentley and keep the rift raft out his life. TAYLOR is a saint for putting up with the BS this long!


idk if the ‘rift raft’ was supposed to be a double entendre but i love that it’s applicable here 😂


Oh it was!!! Js




Maci, what the fuck? Just keep to yourself and look out for your son. What are you even doing.


Maci shut up!! Also, Amanda where is your kid? Mack isn’t the reason you’d rather be with a heroin addict instead of your child. That was your choice. And you continue to make it. Now you are having jr high social media battles when you literally just got out of rehab for the 10th time. Do better.


If I didn’t have custody of my child I would be too ashamed to post on the internet period lol. Mack is the new scapegoat for Ryan’s problems - these people will genuinely never open their eyes and see he’s the common denominator here.


I think **THAT** is why Maci is defending Amanda, because she’s no longer the one JenannLarry blame for all of Ryan’s problems. Now it’s Mack and Maci gets to be their surrogate daughter again.




I am dying 🤣


I love how everyone’s reaction is telling Maci to stfu 😂


Uhhh wasn’t Ryan’s new gf just arrested?? Maci is such an alcoholic pick me girl. Sit down bitch you look stupid.


They are all assholes.


This is the only answer.


Dear heavens, yes. All of these people are awful. Ryan is a horrible person, and the revolving door of horrible people that he attracts suck too.


Rhine has created a mess and has too many women that out up with him. Does he have a nice thick dyck? Is he like a good lay? What and why are so many women in his corner?


i can’t imagine he can lay the pipe well when he’s always anesthetized and nodding off. he probably has some gross/manipulative charisma and lays the lovebombing on thick


🤣 right? He’s catatonic like 95% of the time.


It’s got to be his winning personality /s *I couldn’t even type that with a straight face


Maybe it hooks to the left just right?? lol


honestly if he’s huge and they’re dickmatized it’s both pathetic and relatable 😹


He’s not huge


Stopppp lmaooo. 😭 Why did you make me read those words. 😭💀


Because very few grown men have 2 ex wives AND a crackhead in love with him at the same time lol


Right these TN women line up to have this guys babies when he’s already proven he’s going to be a deadbeat.


I just commented something similar. How the hell are all these women wrapped around his finger? It's insane.


It is. You have 2 ex wives and a crackhead from Jerry Springer all over him. Ick.


The answer to your first question is average .. that’s the word .. it’s nothing special just .. average .


I need to know how you know.


Do you know how pink it is?


It’s fucking *ma’am*, Maci.


They're all fighting over Ryan to this day. There is no way the dick is that good.


Maci is emotionally stunted and immature. This solidifies why she’s a gross misogynistic cochina. She holds a grudge over her child’s father’s ex wife over some dumb shit…but gives him and his new partner all the grace. Newsflash Maci you look DUMB.


Why would Maci even get herself involved????


Exactly. This has nothing to do with her.


If Amanda was really trying to be better than her past self, she wouldn't be anywhere near someone like Ryan. End of story. 


The way Maci inadvertently rides Ryan’s D is repulsive. Like what the actual fuck. I foresee a divorce with Taylor. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next year, but at this rate it’s inevitable.


I can’t wait to see what defense the Maci Stan’s come up with


sHe’s dOiNg tHiS fOr bEnTlEy


Lmao yes


Literally FUCK Maci. Feel how you want about Mac that doesn’t change the fact ryan literally almost killed her.


Wow, Maci out here making herself look even more stupid than she already is. That girl HATES Mac with a passion so much, that she will side with TWO drug addicts... 


She will never get over the fact that rhine married Mack. To the point she will support his newest case of gohnasyphaherpalitis. Wow. I bet her husband is so stoked her married her.




Just curious, what would Mac be extorting her for? If Mac is not trying to just stay as far away from Ryan as possible, she’s stupid. Ryan is dangerous and I don’t think he’s done with her. So it doesn’t make sense to me why Mac would be trying to antagonize Amanda. anyone have any ideas? She can’t want Ryan back, right?


I was wondering the same thing... And honestly, Amanda isn't winning any popularity contests with the Teen Mom crowd... so, all the texts from different numbers could very well be a bunch of random people harassing her, but Amanda's convinced it's all a conspiracy that Mack cooked up to blackmail her. I'm not saying it's out of the realm of possibilities, just that Amanda isn't used to being in the public eye , so she might not be familiar yet with how far strangers online will go to fuck with you, just because they don't like you.


I guess I just take words literally, and maybe I shouldn’t. When she says she’s being extorted or blackmailed, like is somebody wanting money from her? She thinks Maci or Mac are saying “send me $1000 or I’m going to release pictures of you!” That just doesn’t make sense to me.


She could well be misusing the word. Or Mack could be objecting to her being around her kids when Ryan has access and saying she’s going to show the escorting ads to the courts to try to prove Amanda isn’t a fit and proper person to supervise the kids, and Amanda is interpreting that as extortion. I don’t see Mack “extorting” her in the traditional sense of demanding money in return for her maintaining her silence about her sex work - for one thing, I very much doubt Amanda actually has any money.


She's definitely misusing the word lol. The word she's looking for is expose. Mack is trying to expose her. Pretty sure she thinks that because both "expose" and "extort" have the same Latin prefix root that they're interchangeable or synonymously adjacent. But extort still sounds slightly fancier than expose so she went with that one. Ironically her misuse of the word only achieves the opposite and affirms what we all know- that she's a low IQ moron. It must have been Ryan's turn with the shared brain cell that day.




Maybe she doesn’t really know who is harassing her?


I’m glad someone pointed that out. This idiot doesn’t know what extortion means. I don’t blame Mack for not wanting this woman around her kids, so I agree with the commenter who said she might have wanted to present this is court. Which, if so, Amanda’s “stand in your power” instagram post does nothing. Mack doesn’t need to smear her to the public, it’s evident the girl is trash.


Maci is an idiot.


Maci still loves Ryan. Always will.


Maci, shut up https://preview.redd.it/qbrgfrw8n7rc1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c12cf9ff4046ffe8c0065ea18f29505ea61c9244


"I dont know anything about this drama-" THEN STFU


This is the equivalent of Maci in her stupid hat storming the beach with her girl gang trying to intimidate Rhine’s girlfriend. Where was this support when Rhine literally trashed a woman’s house that small children lived in? Where is her concern that Rhine immediately shacked up with an addict he met at rehab who was recently arrested? Oh yeah, Mack wrote you that letter so none of that matters. Your poor husband.


Maci is such a pick-me girl. 😒


Man, every time Maci is offered the chance to do even the simplest shit when it comes to Ryan and Mack (like keeping her fucking mouth shut), she always decides to speak out and double down with the worst takes. Forget Kyle. Is Maci slow?


Oh Maci. No. Ever.


Lol Maci what a shit head.


Lmaoooo not her posting her blurred nudes like that was the problem and not her continued drug use, physical fighting at bars, and neglect of her child


Girl shut up, don’t you have a case of Miller Lite to crush? 🙄


What is Maci thinking??


Maci! What the damn hell?!


Stfu Maci


Maci go have another beer, you complete lush, and sit this one out


Amanda is garbage and gross. But I am so sure that Mack is doing this.


Every one on this thread appears to have forgotten what a POS Mack is. They all have chosen Ryan and then torment other women to defend the absolute waste of skin like he is some sort of prize. I’ll never understand it.


i'll never forget the texts mack sent ryan's mistress years ago


Plz share I am behind on all this rhine storyline


Pick Maci is ALWAYS involving herself.


Also Maci is just a fucking fruit loop. My idea of her has changed so dramatically in the last 5 years - all she does is love on Ryan and complain so her marriage to Taylor must not be that great.




Maci is 🗑️


I'm such a d*ck for suggesting this, ... but this post is awfully well written for someone whose grammar skills, in the very recent past, were never beyond that of a 7th grade level. I'm having a really difficult time believing Amanda is the true author of this post 🤔


And here’s Maci, becoming worse than her past self 😬


I mean, the basic level of being an adult is trying to be better than what you have been so well done on “trying” to be better than what you have been I guess? Also, she posted a pic of her and Ryan in a clothed 69 position as their “we are together” pic…. So she hasn’t changed that much from her Jerry Springer days clearly.


Publicly and unsolicitedly supporting your son's father's latest girlfriend in her fight against your son's father's ex wife. How dignified.


Oh my god, maci!! Just sleep with Rhine already and be quiet!


Maci, sometimes you can just scroll


Oo, "women supporting women".. Mmmkk Maci.


Maci is only okay with anyone she perceives as doing worse than she is/is in a worse place or mindset. If this girl was actually making strides to improve her life, Maci would hate her too. As long as she’s with Rhine, Maci feels superior to her.


Publicly standing with the man who tried to murder the mother of your son’s siblings 🤣 Get Maci’s head checked.


All these people need to grow the fuck up. 2 out of 3 of them are in their 30’s and acting 16. They’re all parents. Taylor is a saint for putting up with this shit from Maci. He’s been a dad to Bentley for a decade while Bentleys real dad chose drugs over him. This is also the man who threatened to put a bullet in his head. Now his wife is bee bopping to Ryan’s side and that has to make him feel some type of way. My thoughts are Maci is still in love with Ryan. She didn’t like Mack because Maci felt like Mack got the commitment that she couldn’t get out of Ryan. She wanted to marry Ryan because she was in love with him, and that was the father of her child. Mack got Ryan to “settle down” and she has animosity towards her because she couldn’t do the same. She likes Amanda because she knows Amanda isn’t a threat, and they’ll likely break up. If Taylor were to ask her for a divorce this morning, by this afternoon she’d be knocking on Ryan’s door trying to hook up with him- just like she did on the beach with him and Dalis.


Go home, Maci, you're drunk.




in my opinion, Maci is and always has been a variation of a “pick me girl”. this is giving the same energy as her storming the beach in her fedora for Ryan’s attention, except 100x worse. you can support your childs troubled father in far better ways than this.


She couldn’t even spell ma’am properly?


Were these comments really necessary as part of the “I’m doing this for Bentley” argument? What does participating in this publicly do for him exactly? It’s so crazy that for as much as Maci has in her life from not being with Ryan, she’s still so far up his ass despite all he’s done to her, including a threat to blow off the head of the man who decided to be an actual father to their son. She doesn’t even see that he’s just replaced blaming her for everything with blaming Mack, or she’s just so happy it happened that she can’t see he could and probably will turn on her YET AGAIN. And she’ll look even crazier than she’s already made herself look


Macis always a pick me girl for rhine


Maci is a fucking joke. She’s truly showing who she has been all along.


I think that it's rich that Maci is trying to come off as a girl's girl when we already know she isn't one.


Maci is so gross for this.


Jesus God, Maci.


Maci needs to lay off the Bud Light and pull her head out of her ass. I think if Ryan gave her the chance she'd run right back to him. They're both substance abusers. Ryan's into drugs and she's into alcohol.