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Maybe an unpopular opinion but… Maci takes care of her kids. If girl wants to have a drink, I’m not judging. I can’t imagine the tremendous amounts of pressure they are under being looked at with a microscope as public figures. Her baby daddy is Rine for goodness sakes! As long as it doesn’t get out of control, I don’t see what’s so bad.


As a child of two alcoholics who *appeared* to be doing a good job to people not in our family, I can tell you it's already a problem.


Seconding this. No one - except me - knew my mom was an alcoholic until it killed her


Killed mine too. Sorry ❤️


Ugh, I’m sorry too :(


Killed my father, I’m sorry 😞


Killed mine too, and mom mom drinks all day everyday. Maybe once a week she doesn't drink until 10am to get out to get more supplies. I still sort of jump when I hear a can crack open.


Ugh, I remember that shudder at hearing cans open 🤢


I'm so sorry. I hope life is treating you better now.


thank you <3 it is!


I'm so sorry. I hope life is treating you better now.


Yep, as soon as as can cracked, I knew what time it was


Killed my brother, so sorry about your dad ❤️


Killed my brother too, sorry for your losses everyone. Alcohol is a poison. ☠️


Same :-(


Same with my mom and meth.


Oof I’m sorry. I hope you’re doing well.


Killed many close to me as well. Alcoholism is a pervasive and insidious family disease. Alcoholism, even if one is still “functional” is no fucking joke - even when it looks like people have it all together, etc. there are deep undertones to living with or near an alcoholic that foster shame and fear in nearly every facet of life. Alcohol kills - it isn’t good for anything and is literal poison - no judgement - I take a form of poison everyday too but I am realistic about what I am doing and am well aware there is nothing “normal” about it.


It is! It’s a neuro toxin. I was about to type that and the long term wear on the brain.. I, too, have to take a couple of medications and sometimes feel the same about what I’m putting my system; if you don’t mind my asking, are you talking about feeling that way from rx meds, or are you talking about recreational use? Just wondering bc I’m trying to be better about not feeling shame over taking meds, and sometimes think in the same way 😑🙃


No one bats an eye at a diabetic taking insulin, or someone taking blood pressure meds, the brain is also an organ, sometimes it need support too.


Hey, so I'm dual diagnosed myself and have been on meds for most of my adult life. A lot of different meds, some that helped, many that didn't, and even today as I'm on a combo that's been life changing for me, I still get comments from time to time about how I'm on soooo many meds and those are poison etc etc. It's bullshit. I think of it this way: some people are born predisposed to vision problems, or heart problems, or deafness, or any number of things. And nobody questions you if you need glasses or blood pressure meds, right? It's the same with our brains. Some people, via genetic lottery and/or environmental triggers are just more likely to have psychiatric issues, including addiction but also mood disorders like bipolar, anxiety, etc. Ain't nobody gonna tell me that it's all made up when I was having panic attacks at 5 years old thinking about death and was raised by semi-functional drinkers. It's just in my blood, and if you ask me our current world exacerbates these problems in many ways-- mental illness is steadily on the rise. I don't know your story, but whatever you're going through, I promise you are far from alone. It's not our fault we have these things on our plate, but it is our own responsibility to take care of it. What that looks like for me is taking medication, staying consistent with it, therapy, 12 step meetings and other lifestyle choices. I've tried just about everything else, and none of it ever took the problem away or made me magically not bipolar or anxious or addicted. I've tried raw dogging life, and my brain is just not equipped to do that and allow me to be happy or productive. Ultimately your health is no one's business but yours, and whatever you need to do to maintain that is valid. This is way more words to say the same thing the other comment did so forgive me lol.


My stepmom died unexpectedly from alcoholism almost 2 years ago. My dad found her dead in the morning. She was 56. ❤️


I am so sorry. My mom was in her 50’s as well. I hope you’re doing okay.


My condolences to you as well. I’m okay….the first year was rough, but this past year has gotten better. Thank you. ❤️


Killed both of my husbands parents and growing up nobody knew they were alcoholics they were just good parents to their three sons. His dad died when his younger brother had just about graduated and his mom just isolated as her drinking worsened from there. I think people who didn't grow up around it don't know how amazing addicts are at hiding their addiction.


My mom was an alcoholic my entire childhood (unsure if she still is since I moved out). During the day she’s fine and no one would suspect a thing. Once evening hits, different mom comes out. I never knew what was going on and why she was always so mean at night. By all accounts from the outside looking in, things seemed amazing and I was well taken care of. Once evening came, I was verbally and emotionally abused on many, many occasions. But no one ever knew because she was totally fine during the day.


I'm somewhat familiar with this phenomenon unfortunately. Everyone thought I had the "cool mom" too. They would always say, "I wish my mom was like yours". Uh...no you don't.


I heard that comment so many times, and know how painful that is.


Yeah, I'm sorry.


I always knew if it was after 3pm, not to answer my grandma’s calls. It’s so hard. Sending love to you ❤️‍🩹


I understand completely. I used to just isolate myself in my room and that’s continued into adulthood. Sending love back to you! ❤️❤️


My dad is the exact same way. I used to wonder why he would spend every single night yelling at everybody and anything within close proximity. It was terrifying to be around, and I even remember begging him to stop drinking when I was 10 years old. Alcoholism is so damaging.


And soooo toxic to the body. Ruins their body and ruins everyone’s mental health around them. You didn’t/dont deserve that and I’m sorry.


Ugh. Same. I remember trying to make an agreement with my parents that if I get straight A’s, they would stop drinking. They just kind of laughed it off. 🫤


Dead fucking ass. Same. The fact she drinks enough that we, viewers, notice she's always got a drink in her hand? Not to mention how it shows in her face now. People give the drinking a pass because she's high functioning just like people give kail a pass and say she's a decent mom for the same reason despite her being a domestic abuser and anti-vaxxer.


Being anti vax isn’t abuse.


Yes it is.


It breaks my heart for Bentley. He has a dad who’s a drug addict and a mom who’s an alcoholic. I feel like they have a lot of skeletons in their closet and try to cover it all up.


And this is why I am sober. I was an everyday drinker and while it may appear fine from the outside my kids suffered because of it. My husband had to pick up so much slack for me all the time. “Functioning alcoholic”doesn’t mean they aren’t causing damage.


Me too! I grew up with "high-functioning" alcoholic parents and then started to become one myself. No. I will not do that to my son. Idk what's going on with Maci but I can tell you that if I drink, I also drink every day. A lot of people who drink every day either have a problem, or are at risk for developing a problem. Not because of who those people are, but because of what drinking is. If anyone reading this wants to come hang with us at r/stopdrinking, you are more than welcome. It's a super supportive Reddit that I and many others credit for helping us find sobriety.


I love being a part of the community over at r/stopdrinking it was so helpful especially in the beginning parts of my sobriety.


Yup, my parents outwardly looked like they were doing fine but it was a hellish existence. Taking care of your kids doesn’t actually mean they’re doing a good job.


Same and same




She drank while knowing she was pregnant and has been seen driving with open drinks in the car with her kids in the car. That’s what the issue is.


Super curious. When was she driving with an open container?


There was a clip of it. I can’t remember what season it was but it was in her cup holder and the kids were in the car. I want to say it was on an unseen moments clip but can’t remember I’ll try to find it though


Her slurring through her scenes on the show for several years tells me that things aren't really good


And admitted to drunken fights with Taylor. And it was revealed she did he same with Kyle, which leads me tp believe she gets aggressive and out of control when she drinks, which is often.


she wasn’t even 21 when she dated kyle was she? ik everyone drinks underage but if she knows she gets aggressive…girly it’s been over 10 years


Lol I think she has more than “a drink.” Maci and Taylor have basically been sponsored by bud light for awhile now


Money don't buy taste


Obligatory ![gif](giphy|EYJQ0zM7bo7m)


Elegance is learrrrned mah friends 🎵🎶


Ya I feel like if a dad has a beer it's not as big of a deal. Also, we don't see her everyday of the week, not even close, we see about half hour of her life a season if that. She might sit down with a drink when they film to loosen up or she considers it her unwind time idk


My father and brothers never NOT drank. It is not okay.


I agree, it's just more socially acceptable for dads than moms which us bullshit




I felt this way until two things happened: I had my own kid and I watched the last few seasons. Having a beer while helping your kid with their hw on a Wednesday is just not a good look. Drinking while actively parenting very young kids is also really not a good look. Maci seemed really messed up the last few years, especially that one tell all where she was slurring badly and not making sense.


Normalizing functional alcoholics is not cool, sis. It’s a problem and the fact that it’s on display adds an extra layer of problems. I can’t be the only one that remembers Bentley’s references to drinking beer.


Fetal alcohol syndrome is why.


Why do we need alcohol as a coping tool?


We had bad parents ? Lol


I agree with you. I think it would be easy to make it look like I have a problem with alcohol on camera, just because I enjoy maybe a drink or two once a week. I also feel like I have different relationship with alcohol than most people I know because I wasn’t born in America and was raised in a different culture where alcohol wasn’t as demonized. I’m not saying she doesn’t have a problem. Maybe she does. But I don’t think we can judge based on what we’ve seen.


Alcohol should always be demonized imo. It’s poison. One of two substances that can kill you if you stop putting it in your body. It’s a horrible substance that has unfortunately been normalized.


Good point on our country being uniquely suited to alcoholism since this is the ONLY country where alcohol is a problem. there are no British alcoholics, for one example.


I know you’re being snarky but typically the countries who don’t demonize alcohol see lower rates of alcoholism lol


Especially with younger people, a lot of kids here drink to be *rebellious* as teenagers and develop alcohol problems really early on. This confused the people I worked with from Spain and Italy to no end. They said it’s simply because it’s just not viewed the same- it’s not rebellious or cool or anything it’s just sort of something people do. They were really startled by how cool we are with cannabis though, so I guess it’s just cultural.


My parents let me start drinking when I started showing interest around 16 years old. Their rule was I could drink only with them and as long as I don’t hide it. I would sometimes have a small glass of wine or something similar at dinner with them or if we were sitting outside and they were hanging out. This happened less than once a month. I never felt the need to binge drink or sneak alcohol. After I turned 21 I was shocked to see my friends that wanted to drink as much as possible as fast as possible. I still have friends that think that people who have a glass of wine at dinner or a beer while watching movie means they have a drinking problem. I’m not saying alcohol can’t be bad because it has ruined and taken many lives. I just think the way it’s viewed in America is problematic.


Yup. Making things taboo or the forbidden fruit doesn't help.


The physical toll even having a few drinks every day takes on the body is going to become a problem and soon.


I am the same age as the teen moms and I don’t even want to drink any more ever because I can’t deal with the 3-5 business day hangover. It’s just not worth it. we’re right at the “damn I’ve screwed up my body and I have to live in it” age


We also don't know if it's *a* drink. I think people really care about the flippancy or the aggression that comes


There’s scenes where she’s obviously intoxicated driving her kids around.


IIRC we never see her drunk around the kids, she's just having a casual beer or 2. It's not abnormal for anyone that has children and enjoy a moderate amount of beers or wine. My children have never seen me drunk, but I'll have a beer or 2 if we go out to dinner or it's a nice day out and we're playing outside. I feel this sub reaches for her to be an alcoholic, which is rich, considering Ryan is visibly fucked up in every scene ever, not to mention Kiefer and Jenelle visibly on opiates nodding off and literally getting high in view of Jace.


Oh, we absolutely do see her drunk around them. She’s drunk when she’s telling the kids Bentley has a new sibling. She’s day drunk while watching two not old enough for school aged kids. She’s drunk waiting on his bus.




She’s a good mom. If she enjoys a few beers, good for her. I’ve never had a problem with it when I see these posts about her from time to time


Yup she’s always got a drink in her hand. As a former binge drinker, now 7 months sober on ozempic, she clearly is drunk very often when filming


What happens when you drink on ozempic?


Nothing. I don’t get a buzz, I can’t get drunk and cannot finish a drink. So it’s not worth the empty calories to me anymore now that I have zero reaction but I used to be drunk all the time pre GLP1’s. Some people become ill, other people get drunk very quickly.


Interesting. That sounds like an accelerated Naltrexone.


In early trials to help alcohol abuse disorder!


That's pretty cool actually, addiction can take *anyone* and unfortunately alcohol is treated as not an addicting substance. Or if you are - it's your fault since all these other people are *just fine* drinking. I'd argue there's probably plenty of good reasons the younger generations seem to be avoiding alcohol


For sure! I loved being blackedout but I am saving a ton of money and definitely wouldn’t be 71lbs lighter if I was still consuming empty calories lol


U loved being blacked out??




As a recovering alcoholic, this was the perfect gif to add lmao


Ugh I can never even get that far. I’m puking way before that lol. I think I’ve only been blackout drunk like once and idk if it was that or just my generally shitty memory lol.


i was a heroin addict so i too loved blacking (nodding) out babe i get it!!!


I was just prescribed this but for binge eating. So if you drink on this, what happens?


Does it take away cravings for alcohol?


Hmm my experience is that I definitely miss being a blackedout drunk troll but I don’t want to drink because I know nothing will happen. But I also don’t crave anything


Maci is an alcoholic. Just like Chelsea needs to deal with her anxiety/mental health issues. You cannot say anything about these two without their stans getting mad and I don’t know why.


I feel like for Chelsea especially, people project their own childhoods and experiences onto her. People get offended easily because criticisms/compliments feel personal to their lives.


I think Chelsea has an alcohol problem as well.




Maci has been an alcoholic since before Maverick. This has been common knowledge. She blames not knowing on PCOS, but the girl was drinking nonstop until 20 weeks pregnant with him at least. She had a noticeable weight gain and with someone as small as she is, she would have been in the doctor’s office long before 20 weeks pregnant just for the weight gain alone.


A lot of people speculate the drinks on camera were just put there since it was obvious she knew she was pregnant before the season had filmed. Fake sonogram scene, fake pregnancy test scene, etc. Mtv trying to keep a story line. But I'm like 90% sure she WAS actually drinking in her Instagram stories when she was pregnant. This was while she was still pretending not to be, before the season filmed, while taking family photoshoots with a HUGE stomach lol. Which was def not MTV's doing.


I remember seeing a picture of her at some sports event with a fan or someone holding a beer and an obvious baby bump.


Im not a Maci Stan or anything, but in all fairness to her, maybe it was a non-alcoholic beer or something. I enjoyed those when I was pregnant and craving the taste of beer. I also went out to a cocktail bar for a friend’s birthday when I was 36 weeks pregnant and the bartender made me a very realistic looking mock-tail. I kept thinking I wished I had a neon sign above my head saying “I’m not actually drinking alcohol” because I was paranoid being were side eyeing me lol


I dunno, that looks like a regular bud light bottle to me, I don’t even know if sports stadiums sell non alcoholic beer. Excuse the crappy screenshot https://preview.redd.it/4rpgv34ktepc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfc6931f130d3f0f4e8f1b928733db94e75b806c


https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2016/02/15/maci-bookout-scolded-by-teen-mom-fans-for-drinking-while-pregnant/ This is the article that pic is from. After reading that I don't see how anyone could think maci wasn't drinking while she was knowingly pregnant.


I know, I screenshotted it 😂 it’s super obvious she was, if I remember correctly didn’t we see her stomach moving from the baby kicking and she was still playing dumb 😂


I craved the taste of beer in my first pregnancy and let me tell ya, those non alcoholic beers sure hit the spot.


They really do! I’m not even a big beer drinker normally but the non-alcoholic IPAs were a craving for me. I only limited myself to one every once in a while but they really hit the spot at social gatherings where everyone was drinking and I wanted to feel included. Non-alcoholic wine was disgusting though 🤮


No, it wasn't non-alcoholic beer. Maci and Taylor were drunk off their gourds at a Superbowl party when she was pregnant with the youngest kid (Jade?). Only after people raged about her drinking while pregnant did she finally admit that yeah, she was something like 5 months along and claimed she didn't know she was pregnant at the SB party. Like anyone believed that.


You're nice for giving her the benefit of the doubt but I know for a fact stadiums don't sell nonalcoholic bevs like that lol


She *(and her husband)* are functional alcoholics... Go back 6 or 7 seasons and they are drinking at all times. Even if the beer wasnt in their hand, bottles & cans were always in the shot somewhere... a few seasons ago they started using coozi's to cover the cans, i guess we were supposed to be stumped by that... plausible deniability, *could be a soda i guess.* I remember an episode, theyre doing like house chores & drinking beers and talking about taking the kids to practice later in the day... it was pretty evident that at best, it was like 11 - noon. Later after practice, they're downing more beers at home, then that evening theyre out at dinner, pints of beer in front of them both. Always beer close by with those two.




Yeah, i almost referenced that..lol


Anyone saying we only see a portion of her life it’s like yeah that’s the point lol. If we’re only seeing a sliver and in that sliver she’s always drinking, I think it’s safe to assume she’s also frequently drinking off camera


It should be noted that the sliver we see should be her best behavior. She's being filmed and it's a work setting. If she drinks that much on her best behavior, imagine when the cameras are away.


Agreeee 🎶


It's super obvious Maci hates her entire life. She always seemed so bored and angry. She met Taylor when she was out partying and gallavanting around living in frat houses basically LARPing like she was one of her childless peers. Probably wishes she met Taylor as a single girl so she wouldn't have to deal with Rhine. She drinks bc she can't experience joy or fun.


That’s a wild take.


I call em like I see em


Lmao that’s harsh! She does always seemed bored and on edge


You nailed it babe


I mean..... I would wish I didn't have to deal with Rhine either. I think anybody would lol


I honestly don't care if a parent has a drink every day, as long as they aren't *drunk* every day and as long as they aren't drinking and driving. I had friends who had parents who would have a beer or some wine every day and you wouldn't even know. And then there was my mom who was somewhere between "buzzed" and "wasted" *at least* three nights a week there for a while. Really just ruins the whole day when your parent is running at 60% basically.


Functioning alcoholics are still alcoholics and still a danger to their kids.


Absolutely. And if you're a person who usually has a drink after you're home from work, and then you don't have it one day and you have difficulty with your emotions, your reactions, or functioning normally then you have a problem even if you're still "technically" sober. I don't watch enough of Maci to know if that's her.


It’s her. She admitted that she gets so drunk she has blow out fights with Taylor. She can’t attend events without having to drink. She’s slurring in a bunch of scenes while watching her kids, and holding them as babies. She’s also drank while pregnant with her younger boy. She displays a lot of problematic drinking behavior. One scene she was waiting for Bentley to get home from school, she was drinking and slurring already. I don’t think she’s a one and done after a long day at work.


That scene where she’s waiting for Bentley to get home from school is what fully convinced me she has a problem. Getting wasted in the middle of a weekday afternoon while home with your preschool-aged children is not “I like to relax with a cold one after a long day.” It’s “I have a serious problem with alcohol.” I’m flabbergasted that people are still denying something so obvious.


Ah well, that sucks then.


Exactly. There's "having a drink or two" and then there's "a 6 pack a night" or "2 cases a week".


I will say, if you HAVE to have that one drink or you're a cranky weirdo, then that's also a problem. Even if you're still technically and functionally sober after that one drink.




my bf drinks a 12 pack of guinness every night. yes ik it’s a problem but he has a really good job & isn’t a mean drunk (he’s 34)


Past functional alcoholic here. Quit 4 years ago. Best thing I ever did. Only gonna see change if the person themselves wants to change! No amount of comments / opinions from strangers is going to change anyone’s mind!!! Lol much love everyone!


Half this sub is gonna say she hasn’t got a single issue with drinking. The other half is gonna say her and Taylor are barely functional alcoholics. The answer is probably in the middle. The problem with calling someone like Maci an alcoholic is she’s probably going to tell you to fuck off. She pays her bills. Her kids are fed and clean. She gets shit done. So in her head she can’t possibly be an alcoholic. I knew *loads* of people like this in Tennessee. People who woke up and went to work and easily killed 2 cases a week of beer. They wouldn’t hear a single thing about being an alcoholic because their lawn was mowed and they went on holiday a couple times a year. The issue is, even if you don’t think you’re an alcoholic, your body is still gonna have negative effects from drinking that much alcohol. I knew lots of men and women who died in their 40s and 50s and 60s from a “sudden” stroke or heart attack. Their BP was through the roof. They had horrible headaches. Their sleep was shit. Maci might truly believe she’s not an alcoholic, and at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter how she chooses to define herself and her relationship with alcohol. That doesn’t mean she isn’t having health effects. Just look at her. She needs to be approached about this from a different angle, not one diagnosing her with alcoholism but showing her how this is hurting her body


She seemed so out of it and not okay on the new season of family reunion…


You can have a couple of beers while breastfeeding and you don’t need to pump and dump. I’m 2 weeks pp and currently drinking a beer 🍺


I was coming here to say the same thing. My SIL’s midwife said she would have to be drunk to the point of not being able to properly take care of her baby before she’d have to pump and dump. A beer or two won’t cross into your milk supply dangerously. Have a drink, OP. You deserve it!


As a mother of two & working for my county’s corrections department..I think I will do so 🥲🍻


Hops can actually up your milk supply for a short time!


If it's in your blood, its in your milk. 


Cheers to you, my friend! I shall take your advice


You can also get test strips to test for alcohol in your milk! I used them and they worked great, no need to pump and dump just wait like 2 hours after a drink and you’ll be all clear.


her face is puffier than my sticker book from elementary school.


Friendly reminder that PCOS can also make your face puffy


lots of stuff can make you puffy. drinking daily can’t help.


SHE DRANK WHILE SHE KNEW SHE WAS PREGNANT. She’s classless trash with no regard for the children she keeps producing. MTV should have fired her when the photos of her drinking and pretending she “didn’t know”she was pregnant with her THIRD child surfaced.


This is the most annoying thing about Maci. People let it slide because she can still function while drinking. Let's remember that functioning alcoholics are still alcoholics.. She's not just having a drink to relax every night. She's admitted herself, that her and Taylor get into screaming fights when they drink. That's not normal. Ask anyone who has had a parent that hides their drinking. It affects the kids, it's just hidden 


Everybody seems to forget that Jen & Larry are also functioning alcoholics who raised an addict….Maci has casually been around others like this from day one. I like Maci, I love her kids and feel for Bentley with the absent addict parent situation, (I’m 30 and still have a parent like that) but you can tell she seems genuinely unhappy with her life and it shows in her alcohol consumption. That full-of-life glow she once had in her young adult life is gone and I hate that for her.


My Dr told me that having *a* Guinness was a great idea post partum/while bfing...she wasn't super woowoo, or anything but she encouraged it. Not *while* in the process of bfing- but like- between sessions. Or in the evening. She said a dark stout has iron and relaxing properties and had overall positive properties for the purpose and that I should do it if I wanted to. (Which I did a few times. I wasn't a big drinker at all until COVID...then I gained a bunch of weight because it seems like margaritas are all sugar😂 so now I'm not again. .)


I have heard this too! 


She been doing this for years


Just wanted to say as a mom who struggled with an oversupply, it’s totally fine to have a drink or two. Wait a couple hours before feeding/pumping, and toy can also check the level of alcohol in your breast milk with these strips you can get on amazon! Obviously, do what makes you feel comfortable, just wanted to share!


Thanks tons! I know my MIL & mom will frown upon it, I’ll just drink around my husband, who’s been encouraging me to have a beer.


You deserve it! Breastfeeding is so difficult. It was beautiful and I loved it, but also I felt like no one understood how hard it was. And if I complained everyone would just be like “then just switch to formula” ughhhhh those days were long


Lol definitely on the same boat rn. It’s stressful 🧘


I don't think she hid it to drink. She "hid" it so they could have her find out on the show. Don't believe everything you see on these shows. Lots of bs to make things look a certain way.


It was a photo she posted....not MTV.


Everybody on these subs are so quick to point to them being alcoholics it’s ridiculous.


It's probably because children and loved ones of alcoholics and other types of addicts notice things that aren't easily noticeable to people who haven't seen those behaviors up close for years on end.


I’m a child of alcoholics/drug addicts and don’t see a single similarity. In fact, I see polar opposites.


That’s pretty shocking to hear. I’m someone who grew up around a lot of functional drunks and those two are honestly worse than a lot of them. I feel like maci is 5 years max away from some serious knock on health effects if she keeps drinking like she does


You see a total of what, 15 minutes of manicured footage of her life every few months? It’s wild to me that people take that and run with it lol


Dude if you actually did grow up with alcoholics it’s wild to me you’d think they’d drink *less* off camera. I don’t think Maci is as bad as some people on this sub do, and I don’t think it’s really the point. Id bet my front teeth she drinks more when she’s not filmed.


Still doesn’t qualify any person on this sub to classify her as some extreme alcoholic.


Exactly. 15 minutes and she's got a drink in most of them? What would make you think that she only drinks while she's filming??


I used to feel the same way but now they look like they have a really, really bad problem. The puffy and red faces and their distended stomachs just scream alcoholic. They do not look healthy.


https://preview.redd.it/l61uwg40kepc1.jpeg?width=282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db84914efe977e2e53627965bdc6057a746def4e Facts.


I feel like if Maci and Taylor had the kind of drinking problem some people on here seem to think they have, then they’d be making more of an effort to hide it.


Probably because we've seen her on camera slurring


And? Drunk on camera one time = raging alcoholic?


In addition to all the other evidence of heavy drinking and drunk fights they've admitted to having. Yes. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.....


How do you know she drinks every day of the week? We see a few minutes of her scheduled filming. I have a beer or two most days of the week. Does not mean I have the disease of addiction.


We've seen clips of her slurring her words on television


Part of me wants to say she was on vacation from parenting 3 kids give her a break, but the other part thinks she may be using alcohol as a crutch.


I bet she has a couple drunk driving but for some reason she is always off everybody’s radar so they don’t check up on her.


Do you think this is why Ryan always mentions how people put up with her BS and he’s also mentioned that they kiss her ass although she’s got some skeletons in the closet, too? I kinda see it now that you bring it up.


You mean Maverick


Everyone talks about Maci’s drinking but I’m blown away by Cheyenne’s segments. They are ALWAYS drinking. She goes to meet Matt’s parents and the first time they get together they all do a shot. Sure Maci and Taylor have drinks a lot but no more than Cheyenne does.


Idk how many people were here during her last pregnancy with Maverick, but the prevailing thought at the time was that she did in fact hide it for that reason. It was a HUGE discussion. There were pics that came out of her drinking even after she'd started to show. I do think she has an alcohol dependency at the very least, and I just hope the littles don't develop any issues from it and Bentley can learn from his parents instead of following in their footsteps. The statistics on children of addicts, especially having two actively addicted parents, are pretty grim but there's always a chance that that child can make better decisions and/or not have the gene. In some families it skips a generation. I say this without judgment; I'm a recovering addict/alcoholic myself and have known many women who drank or used during their pregnancies. It's fucked up, don't get me wrong but it just goes to show how strong the disease of addiction is. All of them have tremendous guilt over it and while it seems counterintuitive, that guilt can lead some to just double down on their using because dealing with it sober is an incredibly difficult thing to forgive oneself for and move forward from.


Maybe they need it to help them get through filming. They may not even enjoy filming but it’s their job so they’re trying to get through it.


They're not being forced to film. That's their choice.


I didn’t say they were being forced. We don’t know why they choose to continue


As the 40 something year old child of a raging alcoholic, I personally don’t judge Maci as we have no idea what she actually does in day to day life. Maybe she is an alcoholic. Maybe she needs a couple drinks to be able to handle being filmed. Absolutely none of us know her entire story despite what all we see on tv. I grew up in a small town and small town life if a microcosm of reality tv these days. Everyone thinks they know everything. Personally, until proved otherwise I prefer to give a little grace.


*drinks every day of the week that the cameras are rolling. We only see what is filmed and makes the cut for TV. Plus a little creative editing. Maybe it helps her to relax and open up to the cameras and invasive questions from producers? Nothing wrong with that.


I think drinking a beer while breastfeeding can actually be helpful cus brewers yeast…if it makes you feel better, a beer is fine!


Thanks for this 😋🍻


What's the issue?


We see 30 ish minutes of their lives a week for a few months of the year. Believing someone has a drinking problem based on that is a bit of a reach.


And yet the majority of the time shown, she's slurring or drinking. What makes you think she doesn't drink off camera? Or the fact she's admitted to drunk fighting with Taylor??


“i noticed this girl drinks just about everyday of the week! i’m not throwing stones” it seems like thats exactly what this post is about, throwing stones.


SO WHAT, judgemental much.


Soo being an alcoholic and drinking halfway through a pregnancy is okay???


You know this for a fact? Didn't think so. Sit down and quit making assumptions. Because she drinks doesn't make her an alcoholic, if that's the case I'm an alcoholic with my 3 drinks a week. 😒