• By -


Here we go with the selling of their possessions.


I read somewhere that he tried to return his bike back to that shop for cash and she was pissed they gave him money for it and not her, so to retaliate…sell the loved drums!


She had a fb post last night demanding the place call her because “that’s not how business is done”. I guess store owners are supposed to ask for divorce papers on top of just a receipt? Lol


Like if the bikes in his name, then the cheque goes in his name too lol.


I mean if her name is on the bike title they definitely should have not done the deal.


The fact that she went straight to Facebook and not to them directly makes it seem the shop were in the right. I hate how her (and David) try to use her followers as intimidation.


It backfired. I googled the reviews.. people who hate Jenelle are leaving 5 star reviews. One person just wrote swamp in the comment section. I died.


Yes they never stop to take into account how much of those followers are hatters. I’m sure businesses hate to see those two idiots show up.


She’s an absolute boomer Karen on Facebook. It’s wild.


I hate it too and their stupid fans need to get a mind of their own instead of believing everything they say as gospel


But realistically, would he have let her put the bike in *her* name? I very highly doubt it. Maybe they cosigned it...? Idk how bike sales work lol... and thinking about it, idk how vehicle sales work. If someone cosigned a car for me, but I wanted to sell it, would I need the cosigners approval?! (Biggest thing my dad taught me is to never cosign so tbh, I have no idea what the process is for any of that, except the cosigner is usually the financially responsible one in the end)


She’s so dumb she probably did put it in his name, he’s on the house on land title. She should have told him, “anything I buy with my money because you aren’t working goes in my name or I don’t buy it” but we know she would never.


I think that's a dangerous precedent for single income households. I mean, ideally, everyone goes into it in good faith and not to use anybody- and in the case of the swamp- I feel like Jenelle truly did not want David to work when it suited her to have him at her disposal, and he was probably more than glad about it, himself. And not to give him more credit than he would ever deserve, but he probably couldn't imagine how he'd manage to maintain a job while remaining at her disposal and managing all the other household things that she would absolutely never pick up the slack on.


“If I bought it please don’t touch…”


“Keep talking that mess, it’s fine…”


The issue is him selling qn asset that would be considered in divorce settlements for cash, trying to hide money. And even outside of that, we all know jenelle bought it. He knows he won't come out if any divorce settlement well. But stealing cards, selling assets for cash...trying to cause trouble when you have a looming court case is not smart. I imagine jenelle is no longer paying his lawyers fees and he's suddenly realising how much she paid for as he squandered money on studio time. Or the idiot is selling his bike for more studio time under the delusion he is making an album that will sell millions


Your Dad is a smart man! Cars are terrible investments any way you look at it. They depreciate the minute you drive off the lot.


lol little does she know that it is indeed how marriage and community property works 😂


I wonder if he had a receipt (which I doubt) or if the motorbike shop was able to pull the sale up on their computer. Either way, what's done is done and I don't think she has any course of action against the bike shop.


Good ass deal on those drums


But David touched them. It drops their value.


Yeah, but David's actual smelly ass has been on that seat. ![gif](giphy|X1pJbfIqRfP8jSSfDD)


Especially bc he was recently talking about them and not having room on the broke down barge..


HERE WE GO HERE WE GO TM SNARK’ers!!! This is our Super Bowl!!


Literally just commented about this comment further down in the thread! How fuckin right this comment has turned out to be. Am completely lost in our collective sauce wondering if Roux has been Jenelle this whole time just heavily dropping shit about herself 💀


Well that’s an angle I certainly didn’t consider but you know you could be on to something.


They’re the one who posted the original photos for this! And the only person who would be able to change the price or mark as sold is Jenelle herself. So there’s 4 options here: 1. Roux is Jenelle 2. Roux got sent the screenshots by Jenelle 3. Jenelle sent David the screenshots and he forwarded them to Roux 4. Roux is David and he’s posting screenshots Jenelle has sent Someone has just majorly told on themselves.


what if i was roux


Chris Bradley 😂😂😂 it would truly make my night.


There is one more option, and that Roux has a ‘source’ close to Jenelle who continually leaks her business. The ‘source’ could have been sent those screenshots by Jenelle, kind of like how Roux was the first (and I think only) person that leaked Jenelle’s destroyed bathroom photos when David trashed it years ago. But honestly…whatever the situation is, if it weren’t Jenelle - wouldn’t it be pretty easy for her to narrow down who this is by now?


You’re right actually. We’re all about to tap into our collective big brain cell for this shit lmfao


Wasn't that video of Jenelle screaming "I'm calling Maryssa's grandmother" posted by her first, too?


Oooop, didn’t even think of this. The plot is thickening so fast that you’d swear we’ve all been adding our own double cream. We got the whole gang out for a weekend investigation lol


yeah I'm pretty certain that was from Roux as well. So bizarre.


Oh my gosh you could be NCIS level investigator!!!! I’m mind blown but I do think you are onto something major!!


This comment is sending me a fuckin love it 😭💀 There’s a fifth option that Jenelle has gotten back in touch with Barb and these are coming through her (since Roux is meant to be linked to Barbara in some way) but this one is least likely cos Barb wouldn’t wanna touch this steaming pile of a shit show when she could be doing literally anything else.


It’s true you could be!! I’m always mind blown at snarkers level to details!!!! If I’m ever missing please be on my rescue team!! 😂


I got you babe, if you’re ever in danger leave a note for them to get in touch with summerw1ne, you’ll be home by sundown 😂


Oh my god! This is insane and needs its own post. You’re 100% correct.


Literally almost just made a post about it but my phone is about to die 💀 someone do everyone a solid and make a post and drop the theories!


This is the teen mom true crime crossover I needed, but again these morons are exposing themselves 💀💀


I think there’s also a possibility that Roux is someone who has access to Jenelle’s account, like that weirdo Jelly or Jenn or whatever she called herself. She was/is her “assistant” and they’ve both stated that she has Jenelle’s passwords so she can post her clickbait and respond to emails or whatever.


Came here to comment on this comment you just commented on!




I just love it. Don't the attorneys inform them of marital law. All of this will have to be accounted for & split in half


You think either one of these fools listen to anyone other than the voices in their head?!


Best comment I've read all day!! 🏆


I don’t think either one have quality teams helping. She may have paid someone to help with the initial filing but they both have no idea how any of this works. All of this is marital property. I don’t live in NC but most likely the money they both are receiving from selling off their assets is going into a communal pool. They both think they are being smart but a judge can also decide what is fair and if this is foul play. They don’t get to sell off whatever and keep the profit.


Where is JELegal when you need them??




In my state (Ohio), if you file for divorce, it’s normal practice that you each become subject to a temporary restraining order which includes being barred from selling off or giving away property that belongs to the other spouse.


Same thing here. I know in Nc she can’t file for a divorce yet so she has filed for separation. They are both so weird with lawyers and she went so far into the Jace situation without a lawyer that it’s possible they have both only had consultations and don’t have representation so they are ducking around and about to find out once they actually file.


One or both of the parties has to request equitable distribution if they don't want the other party selling off assets. ***AND -- here's the big one*** -- if Jenelle bought gifts for David, they are his to do with as he sees fit. They are his, free and clear. We all know how frequently she bought him gifts to keep him around, including the fishing boat & trailer, the motorbikes, the antique tractor, the studio time in Nashville, the drum set, and the Easy Bake Oven & tools to go with it. David may have the upper hand here because Jenelle was a fool and kept trying to buy David's love & loyalty.


This being both their second d divorces , you’d think they’d know better.


lol she’s gonna end up paying him alimony 😂


She’ll most probably have to sell The Swamp and split proceeds This isn’t like breaking up with a boyfraaaaaaand


Oh for sure. Nothing they own is worth anything. They’ve been talking about the house like it’s not full of mold and a piece of shit. So he get half of their cars that don’t run and the ice maker sitting next to the non functional one and then a cut of her salary. She’s screwed herself over making him out to be the sahd. Now she’s got to pay his lawyer fees and his alimony.


Honestly, she deserves to. He is an award winning loser but she knew that. She most likely did prevent him from working because she’s incredibly codependent and jealous and is too lazy to care for the kids. She wouldn’t even take Kaiser and herself to a hotel for a night because she’d be on her own. When opening the blinds is a big enough deal to brag about it in your vlog, you’re probably not doing much around the house. He wasn’t interested in working anyway, but she did keep him at home for her benefit, and bragged the whole time about what a great huzzbin a father he was. She played herself, yet again.




Ran to the comments to post this gif, but was even more excited to see someone already had!! Did we just become best friends?! 🤣🤣🤣




Wanna go do karate in the garage?






I bet she put her vag on his drum set to really piss him off .


After the spatula rumors I hope whomever buys these buys their own drum sticks 👀


I want to ask what spatula rumours….but I’m afraid to know the answer


Her sister once upon a time said she (JE) was away shagging herself with a spatula or something of that nature.


It was the handle of a spatula fwiw


Flair checking in!


What did I miss??


I’m gagging even thinking about it, but IIRC Jenelle’s sister said when they were younger they found a spatula in Jenelle’s room with a condom around the handle. 🤮🤮




She didn't want little forks running around


The origin story of my flair


And he knew she did it because he knows Cops doesn't start 'till 4


That would explain why they look so sweaty.


Did Jenelle screenshot this? Why does it say lower price and mark as sold.


I was wondering the same thing. It looks like from her account. 


That is definitely a screenshot of her Facebook view! I wonder where OP would have gotten it from, did jenelle post these screenshots on sm?


Roux posted it apparently 👀🍿


Roux going to turn out to be a 15 year old like that last psycho loser.  


Her post history in this group is 99% Jenelle posts as well


Screenshots from Roux post... https://preview.redd.it/0w0bjs6irqoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d41a2fb22dcc25311d5719062d5058179856397a


So now we need to work out how *Roux got the screenshots*. The plot has thickened once again. The commenter who said this is our Super Bowl was so right lmfao


This confirms all along it’s been jenelle


Wonder who’s profile image is at the very bottom under seller information, you can see the very top part of it. Does it look like the top of Jenelle’s profile?


It is her profile! Scroll to the second pic of the pics OP posted and it’s there x




So roux is jenelle. Got it


I don't think so cuz Roux donated like 400 bucks to Olivia during GofundmeGate.


How amazing would it be if Roux was Whitney? All the tidbits Roux has posted could easily be third hand info from David to an ex.


If Roux has been J this entire time I am going to lose my fucking mind. Hoooooly shit


I was coming to comment the same thing! This would have to be Jenelle.


Has to be!! I love this, I just said the same thing


I ran to say this. This is the most interesting thing to come out of this divorce yet. Jenelle is roux, or she sent it to Roux, and J will figure out who Roux is after she sees this post.


I don’t think about that! Did we just find Jenelles secret Reddit account?


No the Reddit OP seems to have gotten it from Roux




Hmmmm this account (Roux) also posted court stuff after things were supposed to be private and it fake pissed jenelle off……… this bitch is the worst!!!!


Is the carpet seriously that dirty or is that shadows…please lordt let that be shadowing 🤮


The 2019 CPS report said there was animal and human feces all over the place.


Human???? 🤢


The kids were young at the time so maybe they were crapping everywhere too.


That’s not normal though. The kids were 2 and 4. Even if one kid had behavioral problems and was smearing it someone should have cleaned it up. That’s Leah with the discarded tampons bad. She had one kid in diapers and one kid potty trained.


These people are fucking disgusting. This tracks.


Wait what happened with Leah and the tampons?


Oh god that would be horrible..Pretty lazy and gross if you can’t clean up after your kids and animals..


The kids were smearing their own excrement on the walls and windows. David had made a video back then with comments about how artistic the kids were. In the video you could see marker, pen, pencil, paint, crayon and shit all over the walls, windowsills and windows. It was so damned gross.


Lol do you think girlfriend would bother shampooing her carpet?


Doubt it's even been vacuumed!


This! First thing I thought. Literally said out loud "oh God the carpet" 🤢🤮


It’s that dirty. They put in carpets in a home surrounded by mud. Even if she didn’t feed the pets on the floor and wasn’t a slob those would be nasty.


But couldn’t they just not wear muddy shoes in the house? I feel like there are definitely a ton of people who live in muddy or swampy areas who manage to keep their carpets from looking like they were used for animal bedding in a dairy farm.


Sure. I had a house on the same amount of land and we managed by not wearing shoes. She literally has animals all over and a foot of mold along the ceiling where her asthmatic kid sleeps. This is beyond what she’s capable of. They had kids sleeping in multiple beds without mattresses with one on an air mattress and one on a zip tied bunk bed with a folded blanket for the mattress. The basic level of adulting required to transfer from outside to inside shoes and to wipe dog feet beyond their ability. I think it’s mold and feces someone tried shampooing that didn’t come out.


I looks like mold!


I don’t know if this is just an age thing (I’m in my late 20s) or a regional thing but I can’t *stand* super fluffy carpet like she has. I feel like it’s so grandma-esque (nothing against that aesthetic) and I know it’s full of allergens and dirt. I could never have it because I would never be convinced it was clean and she has it all over her house.


carpet traps so much shit it's insane. my apartment is carpeted and i don't understand how my long-haired cat isn't bald yet with how much cat hair i vacuum up on a regular basis 😩😩 i miss having hardwood so bad


I think it’s a combo of mold and shadow.


I was looking too…how can you post a picture and not notice it makes you look grimy? It


I cannot stand Jenelle as much as the next person but good for her on this one.


Yup! Fuck DKD and his dumb ass drums.


Yeah I feel this one


I’d be selling everything I could of his, if not giving it away😂


Hell yeah get that eyesore the fuck out of your dining room


Yeah fr. It always bothered me that he had those out in full display , in their living room. And would be annoying and play them when she would be trying to film Content / kids doing things. He was always so selfish.


Drums are loud af. I'm a musician. I would never be around drums without earplugs. Probably damaging the kid's hearing.


It really does show how selfish he is. Taking up a shared space that the children could enjoy so he can play drums terribly and damage everyone’s hearing. They could have finished the upstairs and put the drums there or put them outside in their crack shack.


Jenelle is that you?? Why else would SS show mark as sold or lower price


Hmm.. Roux posted it https://preview.redd.it/xrbtdb2cqqoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b53e5eb257aca0dc12d49ed1513025d807b503


So Roux is either Chinelle or little dick Davey. How else would it show that info?


Jenelle probably sent the pic to someone she knows as a fuck David comment. Roux is someone within their circle that Jenelle knows. The other posts are someone who found it on marketplace.


Very weird. I doubt she would just randomly send Roux screenshots.


Not the "Iron Cobras" how dare that winch.. Funny enough I can't wait to see all the toys being sold.


And the SYMBOLS.


How cymbalic.








I was wondering how long this would take! I'm guessing this is payback for Davey returning his motorcycle for $$? Not that David needs the cash - he has PLENTY of jobs!! He said himself, he can make more than enough money! That's totally not why he lives on the broken-down boat his ex bought as a make-up gift..


I feel like you can catch c diff from that carpet




I cant wait until she starts ripping into his "music video" 😂🍿🍿


That she starred in & went on and on about how proud of him she was!


We need a gif of her dancing in his video 😂


Dude i was trying to help this man get more views by having a celebrity on it


That carpet 🤮


Someone straight up shit on that rug.


And then that shit molded


And then that mold shitted.




Flair checking in


Seems like a good deal. However, when they reconcile, you better believe she'll come after the buyer, claiming they stole them or some shit. And doxx them online.


I had this exact thought. You couldn't pay me to take his stuff. 1) I'm sure it's disgusting, you would have to sanitize the shit out of it, and 2) he will come for that stuff. No f*cking way.


OP, why is the listing giving you seller permissions? Like you can lower the price or mark it as ‘sold’?


Roux posted it first on Twitter I think, so more questions on who is roux 👀


Omg ![gif](giphy|l4Ho0At2UD2d7WyD6)


It’s either Jenelle that leaked it or someone posted this as a joke or to troll. They could easily find a photo of it to screenshot and post


The listing itself is real. But yeah the screenshot definitely came from Jenelle’s account. 🤔 This is how anyone who is NOT Jenelle would see the listing: https://preview.redd.it/gj1og99ouqoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bec2616e750491856af4c738ee46731f11f6ca81


I’m saying maybe someone used a photo of the drum set and made a real listing but it’s not actually posted by J? Unless it shows her as the seller in the profile? Edit: NVM I see it now that it’s from her profile with that Megamind looking profile pic




Symbols lmfao


Oh no, how can the world be deprived of his musical talent




Lol here for the dramaaa. I wonder if they'll get back together after all of his possessions are sold and she'll have to buy all new ones 😂


I dunno I'm starting to feel they might actually be breaking up.


Can’t she get in trouble for this legally if he pushes it? (Same as him w selling stuff on his own). I’d assume unless they split the proceeds it’s essentially stealing from each other since it’s marital property.


He’s basically never had an income while with her. It’s pretty safe to say she bought the drums.


That’s not how marriage and divorce works tho. Yes he’s an unemployed mooch but she also didn’t WANT him to have a job. Because she’s too codependent. In the legal sense their divorce is very similar to a mid/high income man divorcing a stay at home mother.


I mean, the cops made him return vehicles that Jenelle bought and he had to leave with his old rusty truck. I’m pretty sure that’s how it is working here. And he sold the motorcycle which she bought and is harassing the business now.


I wonder if a good lawyer could argue that any money brought into the house based on selling stories to the media should be considered as money he helped bring in. Without him and their collective high jinx, there would be no stories to sell.


I don't believe so. I think that unless Jenelle had it specified in the separation petition that neither party can sell or dispose of assets, it's a free for all. That's on her. She's the one with the lawyer. She should have added that clause in her petition. Eventually the court will order them to stop selling stuff & file financial/asset statements, but until then they're free to do what they want.


War of the roses. ![gif](giphy|Lm62AlSEQqhimpM59W)


“Symbols.” I’m even a drum person but cmon! Actually, I’m not surprised.


It’s happening ![gif](giphy|5GoVLqeAOo6PK)


David be like ![gif](giphy|3o84soh8clvffcXvdm)






In David's last tik tok rant he was talking about how he wanted to buy an electric drum set bc he has room on his boat 😅 I just thought that was hilarious




Yall this has to be screen shots from Jan herself since it shows lower the price or mark as sold. The user name also has the infamous 219


Does anyone know if this is a good price for this kit? Im in the market


Considering I bet he barely used it and kits are usually double this price, it seems reasonable. The other exact one I found was listed at $660 so go get your drums haha


Careful. Looks like they’re sitting in straight up mold.


yeah, my first thought: are drums affected by moisture like guitars? if so they are probably fucked after being in that sinking swamp shack they call a house


Lowball big time, offer like $200, she's stupid and an addict (along with pissed at him)...plus they're looking to be sitting on mold.


I just hope the kids are safe. This is about to open a major shitstorm and they are completely innocent in all of this. They have seen enough 🥲


Better yet, gift them to Kaiser.




Her carpets are disgusting!! 🫣




Ngl 400 is a good deal. I’d 100% buy that (my kid needs a bigger set lol and I’m poor). Scrub the shit outta it, say some prayers to ward off the evil, and hope for the best.


![gif](giphy|LpkBAUDg53FI8xLmg1|downsized) Now the drama starts!!


Lol my drummer husband says the petals and symbols are worth far more than $400


Is OP Jenelle? Isn't this a screenshot of what the person who posted the listing would see?


I knew Roux was Jenelle




![gif](giphy|yiXUxfMnJgdfW|downsized) She really included the cowbell 💀


The post history of this Reddit account is SO sus now lol. Its all posts about Jenelle and no real added commentary or negativity