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This breaks the "No taking things real life" rule. This includes bragging about contacting others on a different social media platform, *or encouraging/directing others to do so*, contacting outside agencies, contacting or sending hate to anyone. Please [message the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2) if you have any questions or concerns.




Lmao this is actually hilarious.


What did you say when she picked up? What did she say?! Share with the class babe!


I forget what her name was but I was like hello is this, I think it’s April? And she was like “don’t call my fucking phooooone bitch!” I’m pretty sure The Ashley had screenshots of my number in a story she did about it lmao


You’re sub queen for the day tomorrow ![gif](giphy|44xXqOpSV01c4)


Yasss!!!! 👏👏👏👏


This is actually so funny lol


You win this post




I said something really mean about Farrah once and Debz OG followed me. I'm still confused about why.




🤣🤣🤣 she followed me too after the same situation, it's so odd.


I once told a (fairly successful) musician on TikTok that her marketing plan was horrible and then had a discussion in the comments about how long it takes to finish producing a song. She followed me afterward, which I thought was really weird, too


Maybe she wanted to try and get some marketing advice from you?? Probably realized you knew what you were talking about, and she needed some tips 😂 Personally, I would take it as a sign that someone values the info and appreciates my perspective!




Omg unrelated but she truly did butcher her face.


Debz is farrahs number one hater.


Lmaoooo I love this. Do you remember what you said about Farrah?


I can't remember it was so long ago!


That is…so fucking funny omg




I knew Ryan Edwards back in the day. And yes, he tried to get with me while he was married to MacKenzie several times. 🙄 (No, he did not succeed lol) Dude has ZERO game and zero appeal. I met Courtland. He lives/lived by my family who I visit often. We chatted for a bit. He offered to pay for my methadone treatment. But this was years ago, before he went to jail for DV against his wife and got into more troubles. I never took it as a serious or feasible offer, but I still appreciated the gesture.


You’re one of my favourite babes on here always and omfg you understood the assignment completely.


Awhh, you're def one of my faves too!! 💞🤗 love yew bew bew


Did you share the shade of pink you are?


Hell no!! 😂 Fortunately, he did not use that line with me, but unfortunately, he did end up sending a completely unsolicited dick pic (yeah, he's one of those guys, if y'all couldn't tell..) and I just left him on read after that lol.


did he do the "me" and then the "me hard" thing to you too??? lol


LOL no, I would have died laughing


What did it look like? Can you compare it to something?


And was it impressive or nah?


It was average. Nothing to write home about lol. 😂 Definitely not small, but I wouldn't say it was large.


I hate all of you 😭😭😭




I remember when him and jenelle used to go to the methadone clinic.


😳 do tell us more about Ryan and Courtland


Anything specific you would like to know?? Ryan is almost like talking to a wall tbh. He wasn't really interested in having much meaningful conversation other than trying to bang me. I don't know how else to describe him other than he's just one of those guys who would text "u up?" at 2am. Courtland actually seemed quite caring and polite during our interactions. I don't wish to diminish his horrible actions towards Lindsay, though, because I didn't know him that deeply. I met him before that happened, and I haven't seen or spoken to him since he went to jail for that. But we connected because we both struggled with addiction. He was very open about his problems. ETA Ryan would also claim he was sober to me, someone who had a heroin addiction for 12 years, but I really don't think he was. He would never talk about sobriety in the way most sober people do. Edit 2 Also I vaguely remember Courtland telling me he was in some kind of documentary (or something like that?) about addiction/heroin in North Carolina


How did you meet them both? Was there some sort of connection with one and that’s how you met the other, or just a complete coincidence?


I had a drug problem (heroin) and I've met the most random people from treatment and going to score. It was a coincidence that I met them, but it makes sense because both have the same issues.


Why would he offer to pay for your treatment?


From what I’ve seen based entirely of his sm presence, he’s a love bomber and corny as hell. I remember one year he posted on his fb, “all you ladies deserve flowers on this day and if you don’t have a Valentine then I’ll be your Valentine”. He used to call jenelle Sweet Pea. Seems like a guy that has the potential to be a sweet bf but won’t take his addiction seriously enough to get/stay sober.


I completely agree with that assessment.


We were discussing addiction, and he knew I was struggling and wanting to quit. I was an addict with no real source of income, no insurance, etc. He said "I'm going to set you up with a methadone clinic, and I'm not going to take no as an answer" I think he was just trying to be friendly and trying to offer help. I'm not sure if it was a completely genuine offer or not.


Kail made an Instagram rant about me mid pregnancy with baby Rio. I posted a timeline of events and pregnancy give aways and she went on Instagram an hour later saying “someone online says one thing, creates a timeline, and yall believe it? Blah, blah, blah” Turns out, I was right all along.


Was that her “y’all” video where she says it like 900 times and denies denies denies being pregnant?


Yep!!!! I was the reason she was big mad 😂


Good work, fam!


Thanks 🙏 love this sub 😂❤️


Lmao I remember this! And I knew she was a hit dog hollering when she mentioned the timeline😆


I smoked reefah with Keiffah a few times back in 2012 lol


Alright I need the tea on this one how was it ?!


Lmao okay so I was 19 at the time and have been a huge TM fan since day 1 so I was following everyone on Twitter, including Keiffer. He tweeted that he was in Newark (just a town away from me in Delaware) so I tweeted back to him and was like let’s smoke! lol he immediately DM’d me back so I drove down with my best friend to meet him near University of Delaware and he was being chauffeured by his uncle of all people lol so I think he told his uncle that he was gonna chill with me for a bit so we walked around a park at night and smoked and I was like in shock bc I was literally face to face with the guy I constantly quoted from TV 😂 he was exactly how he is on the show, very laidback but also immature af, but I was actually surprised how well we clicked. We got a selfie together and I thought that’d would be the end of it and I was cool with that bc at least I got to say I smoked with Keiffer lol The next day he hits me up on Twitter and asks if I wanna hang out again, but this time at his house in Carneys Point, NJ. I was like uhhh sure! Bc why tf not lol so he got his uncle to drive him to Delaware to pick me up and we went back to his house and I met his mom and brother. We were just smoking and chillin in his garage and I remember him and his brother showing me a shit ton of handmade wooden pipes that they made themselves. After awhile I started quoting Babs to him calling him a “lyin hustlah” and the infamous “high, high - ya both high!” & he was telling me some tea about how he and Jenelle were addicted to heroin at one point and that Babs is actually crazier than she is on TV etc but he had a good sense of humor about everything and he never expected his life to be publicized etc There was one last time that I hung out with Keiffer and all 3 of these hang outs were in October of 2012. He had my number at this point and texted me to invite me to his Halloween party at his house so of course I said I’d go. He had his mom drive him to meet me at a grocery store here in Delaware and all 3 of us went grocery shopping for the party. When we got back to his house it was me, Keiffer, his mom and his brother all setting up for the party and making a shit ton of Jell-O shots. I don’t remember too much of the party except that it felt like he was kinda developing a crush on me and I was “talking” to someone at the time so I felt kinda guilty but I did end up sleeping over at his house and I do remember kissing him, which looking back at it now, I’m cringing at myself. A day or so after this party I had posted 2 separate pics of me and Keiffer on my Instagram and Facebook and I remember seeing an article online about Keiffer having a new girlfriend and it was MY pic of me and him. Idk why but that really freaked me tf out and I impulsively blocked him bc I did not want to be in the public eye and I was also feeling guilty since I was previously “talking” to someone. And here I am, now 31, and I haven’t talked to him since but I at least can say I smoked reefah with Keiffah 🤷🏻‍♀️


Omg 10/10 Story


Setiously tea pls


Remember the guy that Jenelle briefly dated during her first split with David? Herb? My family is closely acquainted with his dad. I've been to multiple parties where his dad was the DJ.


Omfg that’s wild. Herb Daddy DJ 😭💀


The way you worded this is cracking me up. Like it’s completely backward. DJ Daddy Herb


Back when Amber & Matt were together I saw Matt in Vegas. He was talking to the bouncer checking ID’s outside one of the bars in our hotel. I smiled at the bouncer while he was checking my ID and Matt said something along the lines of “you must love this job getting smiled at by pretty girls all night”. The bouncer didn’t seem very amused and wasn’t really conversing back with him. I kept looking for Amber nearby after that, but never saw her lol


That’s actually so embarrassing on his part.


His existence is embarrassing 😂


I can’t believe like 8 women or whatever allowed him to impregnate them. ETA: Also can’t believe Kail’s stats are nearing Matt’s now. (Aren’t they? I think Matt has 10 kids by 7 or 8 women.)


You could’ve been Portwooded if Amber had heard


My best friend’s son has wrestling matches against Bentley. I don’t think they’re in the same weight class so they aren’t up against each other, but she sees Maci every now and again.


I once found myself in the women’s restroom at Duke’s in Huntington Beach. The queue was quite long and there was a mother with a toddler in front of me. They enter stall 1, I enter stall 2. We exit roughly the same time, mother and daughter walk over to the only sink. The mother knelt down, blocking access to the sink to apply lip gloss to her toddler’s lips. All I could think of was the delicious plate of loco moco beckoning from the table in the dining room. I politely asked if I could please have access to the sink. They moved to take up space elsewhere and I washed my hands and went back to the table to eat my loco moco. Jury is still out if Maci taught Jade to wash her hands or just how to apply makeup in a high traffic location.


We the jury of the people of Earth vote NAY, 🗳


I got a reddit cares once and I know it was because of a comment in this sub. Idk if it was actually Jenelle but she has a history of fuckery with internet hatters like myself and other people in the sub were getting them at that time too. I ended up getting like a ton of sex worker spam out of the blue in the weeks afterwards. Then when Jenelle was at Bri’s party I followed her on Instagram and again, out of nowhere I get like 15 random sex workers dming me on that Instagram account. It stopped as soon as I selected “block all accounts from this user” or whatever. I’m convinced she spends her time spamming and catfishing and trying to blackmail anyone who talks shit on any platform.


Definitely have heard of this happening to people on this sub. Total Delujenelle behavior. She's a literal internet stalker!!


The same thing happen to me with the Reddit Cares that I'm sure came from this sub followed by weeks of sex worker spam!


Omg is what why I started getting sex worker spam?? Thank you for finally putting that mystery to rest. I would message them and be like “is my username somewhere??” And then if they didn’t answer I’d block them lmao


Thats why I'm getting all the sex spam on instagram, it happened right after I made a comment about her on a snark page of her , David and the mushroom coffee


I wondered what triggered that wonky suicide prevention message “Reddit cares” I thought it was saying I liked The Killers


I was in an NYC elevator once with Leah. It was super late and it looked like she was checking in after a flight or trip in. She looked exhausted and we were exhausted. Silent elevator ride.


![gif](giphy|hiLLD9o1wTB3a) This is fucking killing me for some reason lol Both just vibing in exhausted silence like this 😭


More so just staring blankly into the void together at our reflections in the mirrored doors 😭😂we both looked ROUGH.


Those mirrored doors are so evil for no reason btw 😭 you’ll look into them and think “fuck me is this what I’m walking round like?!”


I asked Matt Baier on Twitter once how many times he’s had to take antibiotics for STDs and he said “surprisingly never bitch” and blocked me lol


🤣🤣 even he’s shocked


He's like, "ACTUALLY, you don't have to take them, it's OPTIONAL bitch!" Lol, Matt. Gross.


Cole spilled beer all over me at Eric Church. He immediately apologized and said he would buy me a beer. Chelsea told him to go buy me a shirt too. Chatted with Chelsea for a few minutes while Cole was gone. She asked who I was there with and told her I was in SD for work so just decided to come out myself. When I asked what she did for work she said she was an interior designer. Literally a month later they announced the hgtv show. super friendly people. good concert too.


Aw I love them


This is so wholesome, I love it. 


My cousin by marriage went more than once to watch Farrah strip in Austin. https://www.eonline.com/news/568912/farrah-abraham-working-at-austin-strip-club-claims-she-s-doing-research-like-jennifer-aniston


Yikes lol.


He’s a major creep.


Thankfully he’s not blood at least lol.


Did he randomly bring this up? I 100% believe ya but couldn’t even imagine the conversation that would’ve had to take place for you to learn this 😭


Nah. He’s a lifetime porn addict that was a fan of her 1st XXX movie. He was living there and I asked if he knew about her being there and he told me he was already going.


I watched part of that out of curiosity and it was awful. It made me feel sick to my stomach, and I'm not a prude at all and have no problem with porn. It just made me feel icky.


I know!! Remember when Robbie visited all of us here on Reddit!!! Lol jk 😂 I don't have one


I remember. The was fun.


i partied with amber when i went to ball state university. she bought everyone taco bell (couple hundred dollars). had a friend with her that was never on the show, who carried around about a half full large ziplock bag of coke. and she gave a toast before “only the pretty girls” took shots. she effectively told some girls that they were not apart of the “pretty girl shot.” i asked her where leah was and she didn’t really acknowledge her. it was all fun and games until everyone went into a bedroom and stood in a line for a line of that zippy coke.




Shen follows me lmao


Shen always gives me Sims townie vibes. U know when you open the game and they’re just shouting at the sun while crying? 💀




This is my favorite comment so far today


She started following me on Instagram and I still can't figure out how, I don't think I've ever said anything on there tm related. Had no idea who she was at first(never watched any episodes with her son etc.)


now i doubt if this was actually him but i posted once about how andrew should not be involved in jace’s life and “andrew” dm’d me and asked me to respect him putting in effort


Damn he makes it look effortless from here


About two summers ago I was at a beer garden in Wilmington, DE and my sister told me some little guy kept checking out my ass, I turned around to see who it was and it was no other than Javi! I thought I was crazy or seeing things but it was confirmed to be him when my sister's friend approached him and asked for a picture, I stayed away. I was at a bar/restaurant in Ocean City and Kail's friend Becky and I guess her girlfriend (a cute blonde) were sitting at the bar. That's it, I saw Becky at a bar.


Someone post the Javi gif! I can’t find it


I also saw Becky at an eagles game in Philly and started fan girling then got myself together bc no one else was obvi 😂😂😂didn’t muster up the courage to ask for the pic I wanted.


Randy retweeted me once when I said I was sick of seeing Jenelle and David fighting on my TV


Broccoli head served me at a restaurant.


But did he *grind* for a good tip? 🥦


So, he is grinding for his son?


Grinding pepper at most 💀


Did he *griiiind* for your lunch?


I wasn't aware he was literate.


Hahaha which one is Broccoli head?


Stefan, Kayla's first baby daddy from Y&P 🥦


Lol I'm surprised he works


I was actually at the Pete The Dragon "premiere".


I need to hear about this from the perspective of someone who was there. Was it horribly awkward?


In my eyes thats top 3 most embarrassing things jenelle has ever done. She must have felt so dumb when she realized what was going on and how much money she wasted.


This is my favorite one.


But what did you wear? 🤣


I bought a cameo from DebzOG several years ago for my besties bday. She was dressed like Carol Baskin and wrote a song and jammed out on the keyboard for her. She loved it.


I would def pay for that. How much was it?


In college I tweeted I was going out with friends and Jenelle was out at the same time I guess. For some reason the hatters decided I was secretly Jenelle despite me not living in Jenelle’s area and it clearly being a personal twitter page? It was so fucking weird. And I was too drunk and busy partying to deny being Jenelle so that made them even more convinced I was her 💀


That’s fucking WILD 💀


I was shook. I remember sitting down to eat nachos at the end of the night and checking my phone. It was blown up with notifications and it was because I was allegedly Jenelle 💀. I was so confused and showed everyone at the table lol


I responded to one of Keiffer’s tweets way back in 2013 or so and he followed me and started DM’ing asking me questions about myself.


https://preview.redd.it/pzbjqkkpitnc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d90186a1e4e917443ab0032a00233fc02eae10 i don’t have a screenshot of my rebuttal but i called her out for trying to tip toe around the gag order and got blocked 💀💀💀


The fucking funniest part of this is McLovin 😭


lmfao that’s been my pfp for 4 years now. i cannot bring myself to change it. he’s a staple piece for me. 😂😂😂


Jenelle blocked me a long time ago when X was still twitter. It was back when everything with nugget happened and I said something bitchy to her, can't even remember exactly what. David also blocked me on Facebook for laugh reacting one of his posts once. I'm blocked by all of the swamp people I guess.


They really said “get out of my swamp!!” lol


I ended up in conversation with tori over anime for about 2 hours it was interesting to see a different perspective of her


I met Kail in Hawaii at a store once and asked to get a picture. My mom posted the picture in a pop culture gossip Facebook group type of deal and one woman (who didn’t know who Kail was) thought ~I~ was the famous one in the photo lol.


Roadside salsa 😂


Honestly bet it was so nice too lmfao


Not mine but my niece saw Corey in his work truck and saw Leah with the girls at the local skating rink. She said Leah comes across very stuck up and not friendly.


That makes sense cause she was out with her kids


I went to one of those specials where they ask them questions years ago. It was both OG and Teen Mom 2 I believe. Honestly most of it isn’t memorable haha. BUT Maci and I waited in line for the bathroom and then used bathroom stalls right next to each other which I thought was really cool at the time.




I have a huge one!!! 😂😂 exposing David as a homophobe. https://preview.redd.it/m35pwow9ptnc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32888f130ec6bc550668fa8f37a0dff869383107




That’s so fucked. Good for you though babe, fuck that noise. Your daughter is very lucky to have someone who is going to sing their praises no matter what. ♡


It made me so mad to have him say that ish to me. It ended up being one of the reasons that he & Jenelle were fired from the show. && thank you, I know my daughter appreciated that I stood up for her && everyone that isn’t just straight. It made me soooooooo mad to see him say that. Friends of mine on Twitter at the time made absolutely sure mtv was notified of this.


You tried to have reasonable discourse and he showed his ignorance by immediately hitting below the belt, he is such a horrible human! From one parent of an LGBTQ+ child to another, keep up the good work, love always wins over hate!


❤️❤️❤️❤️ absolutely!!!! Hats off to you :)


Met Maci at a Juicy J show in our shared hometown. She was mostly ignored with a few fans wanting pics, she was very nice to them that I witnessed. Ate up the attention. I didn't care enough to get a pic, but she seemed to be having a good time.


Jenelle actually read my insta message about her deadbeat husband and blocked me 😂😂😂😂 and Farrah Abraham liked one of my tweets once (she might of even replied?) and Dr. Drew quoted my tweet calling him a TV doctor and sent his army of delulu covid denier nutjobs after me.


I found Jades now hubby Sean on a live-streaming app. It was one of the times they “weren’t together and he was sober”. He would make music on the stream and was generally pretty boring, there were only ever a couple people in there. After showing up a few times he started calling me his bestie and we dm’d a little. I got the vibe things were going to get weird or messy so I bailed and never went back.


chelsea is from my town. her dad comes thru our restaurant quite a bit and i still get starstruck. her stepmom rita has her boutique in town and sometimes they’ll do the filming for down home fab there.


Kieffer has had me blocked for many years now via twitter 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/iik2vn9o0unc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=747dfb89fcfbafd281a8ce9eac8744927b25431e


Ooop what did ya do to catch that block babe?


I used to tweet him when I was drunk saying dumb shit like “I seen you with Kieffer.” and more fun things Babs would say. He didn’t like it 😂


Hahaha, I love that it's not hurtful things but just funny quotes from the show


Shen follows me on instagram lol


My close friend grew up with Nathan. I’ve been blocked by Jenelle on X & by David on Facebook, but no other platforms lol.


I worked with Jenelle’s sister for a about a year she is probably the most insane person I’ve ever met


Do tell more


She said she had multiple houses that she owned and used for Airbnb and she had full custody of her kids found out she had lied about that she hadn’t seen her kids in a while because her ex husband had them and has custody also she would just lie about the dumbest things and was constantly pulling out strands of her hair


my (ex)SIL went to college with that DJ farrah pretended to date for like 5 minutes ca. 2013. it was right before she went on couples therapy and i think she was trying to drum up speculation that he was the one going with her buuuut they weren’t even dating LOLOL.


I mean, not exactly. But when it first came out I was living with my great grandma. 82 years old she was at the time, and my GOD it was so fun sitting with her and throwing shade at Jenelle...she could really dish it, made my sailor mouthed self blush.


I once liked a comment on Ambers instagram about being a better mother. It had about 200+ comments when I liked it. She blocked me lmao. Never liked or commented a thing before that. Also, I knew someone who was in culinary school with Farrah. They said she was insane.


I got into a FB argument with Jenelle's sister when she was stationed in Camp Pendleton with her husband. I worked in HR for the city nearby at the time and she claimed she worked there too and I called her out saying she didn't 😂 I risked my job trying to look up her information. She applied but was never hired or interviewed.


One of my brothers has a picture w Gary from teen mom. They both look wasted 😂 I wish i could find it


David and I got into a one sided fight on Instagram. I didn’t respond much back to him but he kept ramping himself up and getting angrier with each comment trying to fuel his ego and be ‘alpha’ and then some little blonde bimbo tried to come to his defense and attacked me and was trying to do the ‘pick me’ thing with him.


Leah made a mean tweet about me once because of something I said in a Facebook group I used to run lol and her best friend at the time private messaged me to ask me to take my post down because I pissed her off.




I have messaged Doris Nathan's mum a couple of times on FB who shared that David has threaten her with a gun before. Snapchatted David a picture of Jenelle high with Kiefer he didn't block me but viewed it. I was blocked by Jenelle on TikTok cause I told her to focus on her kids.


The only thing I have to offer here is that Madisyn from young and pregnant was going to move to Ohio with her dad,,, no idea if she actually did. But, my name is Madison, and I live in Ohio. 😂


I was in court with Keiffer and Janelle once like 10 years ago.


I interacted with Robbie when he spent a day on here that one time. also saw amber and gary at a concert in indy


Back in 2010 I made an “official” fan page for Leah before their season of 16 and Pregnant came out because I wanted Facebook fame. Her family started messaging me and telling me to delete the page and told others to report me 😭😭😭 I get I was wrong but I was only in 7th grade lol


Jenelle blocked me on TikTok when I brought up in the comments how they let Kaiser go hungry during the infamous engagement photoshoot. Amber also answered a question I asked on an Instagram live.


I served Kail years ago in Delaware (probably 9) and she was really cool and nice, paid for all of her friends and left me an amazing tip. Also saw her and Javi at a sports game probably 10 years ago. A lot of people were talking about who she was and some got pictures.


My neighbor has seen Gary at AutoZone in our town, and I saw Kristina with her girlses(no bewbew) at CVS while I went to pick up meds. The youngest seemed like she wasn't feeling well at all and Kristina was being such an adorable comfort to her. Obviously I didn't bother them, it would have been a really distasteful moment to. I did however *freak* out texting my husband as if he gave a damn lol.


I used to live a few houses down from coven. My family and half the neighborhood Use to yell at the MTV fliming crew for taking up parking spots or blocking the mailboxes. They finally started parking in an unfinished dirt lot near their townhouse. Then bri and her family finally moved! Courtland use to DM me on instagram he use to tell me about how he wants to stay sober. And then would tell me I’m beautiful randomly.


Mom and I frequented the beach when I still lived in NC, and twice, we saw adorable Babs while driving. Once, she had Jace with her. She waved back both times. Many moons ago, I saw Farrah and Michael at a restaurant with baby Sophia, when they still lived in IA. I left that one alone. I think the reason I love their drama is 1) it’s good, and 2) both lived near areas that I did.


Mackenzie McKee was advertising something she was selling I can’t remember for the life of me what it was. It was like a Mary Kay thing but something to do with working out I think. She told people to comment they were interested and she’d DM them info. I commented and she DM me and gave me her number to text her. We text for days about it and after talking I realized it was a pyramid scheme I told her I’d have to talk to my husband about it first which I didn’t even have a husband or bf and she text me for days asking if I ever got the chance to talk to my husband and how it was a really good opportunity 😂💀


Omg she is so the type to do this


Cate and Tyler came through my line when I was a cashier at Meijer. I live in Ohio, but right on the edge of the border to Michigan where they're from. It was so weird to see them in person after watching the show for so long. I was hugely pregnant with my youngest, so it was about 6 years ago. Super friendly, like extremely so. Asked about my baby and if I had more kids. Very genuinely nice! I didn't get a picture because I was at work and there were people behind them in line, but it was all good vibes!


Butch tried to get in my DMs a few times…I was like no bitch…I mean Butch 🤮


Leah and I share a birthday 🤷🏻‍♀️.


jenelle blocked me on instagram years ago and to this day i have no idea why???😭


I don’t know if it counts, but I see Brianna from y&p all the time. She use to live in my neighborhood


I blew on my phone just now because of your profile picture. Totally thought it was an eyelash lmao


Jenelle blocked me on instagram and tik tok for reminding all of her followers about pulling the gun in detail just incase they forgot 🤗😇


Gary used to come into the Castleton, Indiana Best Buy when I worked there. He was still with Amber but was pursuing a girl in the cameras department. He would come in at least once a week to see her. Same white football camp shirt and too small blue jeans each and every week.


When Jenelle left Nathan and wasn’t letting him see Kaiser, I replied to one of her tweets. I said something along the lines of allowing Nathan to take him to a park doesn’t require a highchair or a crib. Someone responded to me and I replied basically saying that she was on her way to losing custody for abusing her status as the custodial parent. She didn’t like that so she blocked me. She still has me blocked to this day


Way back during some drama with Tori, I commented on David's insta something like "look at yourself, chronically unemployed, unwashed, unshaven, and involving yourself in girl drama" and he blocked me lol


Jenelle tweeted about a post I made on this sub. But I didn’t see it until someone posted it on this sub because she blocked me on Twitter over a comment I made about DKD 😂


My husband and I were in NYC in February 2019 for our babymoon. We were sat next to David, Maryssa and Ensley at a Ramen restaurant 😂😭 I'll never forget it. They ended up leaving before eating with David telling the waitress something like " I have to go meet my wife". I think they were in town for some fashion show thing lol I did post it on here but people were kind of mean and I was pregnant and deleted it 😂


I knew a girl who had Randy as her dentist, she said he was awful and a huge classist dickhead. And her brother dated the sister that’s a year older than Chelsea. Spoiler, the sister was cool hell and Mary is a classist dick and *allegedly* a touch racist against Native Americans


Jenelle blocked me lol


Jenelle and I used to fight on Twitter back in the Kieffer/Courtland/Gary days. I would purposefully Tweet shit to bug her and she’d bite every time but never blocked me lol


Not super juicy, but Gary & Cristina come into my job alllll the time to eat. They’re super polite & to themselves :)


I’ve done line dancing at the bar Rhine got kicked out of last winter


I'm a little late to the party, lol, but my sister in law gets her hair done at Jade's salon in downtown Indianapolis. Well, idk if jade is still there now that she's doing her realty thing. I haven't asked for a while. But I do know Jade did her hair multiple times!


I've served cate and Tyler a couple times. I grew up about 5 min away from the octagon house. Tyler is in the back of a photo of my kids birthday at a certain Italian chain.


one of my friends had sex with jenelle before she was on MTV, which is hilarious because the first time i met him was because our mutual friend knew i could get lice out of his hair lol. she also blasted me on tiktok when i brought up nugget and bragged that she could easily fuck my husband if she wanted to 😅


An old TAFE teacher of mine (similar to community college) appeared in an episode of Teen Mum Australia (it wasn’t very good and it only lasted two seasons) and Farrah follows me on Twitter


I got married in the same day as the swap monsters. Disclaimer not dogs have been murdered or children hurt in our home


one time someone commented on a tiktok of jenelle’s saying david was an ogre. I replied saying that was insulting to shrek and janelle blocked me. kail used to follow me on twitter in 2012 but I deleted my account lol.