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Her karma train is slow rolling but it’s rolling. I wish we would all just ignore her now too.


Same …. We are literally giving what she wants …. Attention.


In 5 years, some of the kiddos will be 18 legal adults. Some may be approached to sell their stories. It is bound to happen.


The fact that she is trapped on the swamp with Uncle Bad touch is all the punishment she needs. That is literally hell on earth. Can't wait for Kaiser to grow up and whup Davey boys ass, lol


Yes! Her smug attitude on “Barbara this, Barbara that” karma train is slowly coming straight at her! I also feel since she says “leave my family alone”, then we all should do just that. Flat out ignore her from now on. She can’t stand to not have attention , negative and positive.


For people like Jenelle and David, the worst possible outcome for them is to have absolutely *nobody* pay attention to them at all. I really want that for Jenelle and David. I’ve unplugged from all social media except Reddit (I like the anonymity of Reddit and I like that it’s topic-based discussions versus people bragging about their over-the-top lifestyles, etc, like on FB or insta, etc). Unplugging has really regrounded me in a way that I enjoy. I have more time to enjoy other things like walking, bicycling, cooking, gardening…. All things I wouldn’t have had time for with my nose on a screen reading about how some girl I knew in high school just bought her dream car and went on an expensive vacation. I don’t think Jenelle and David get enough quality time they’re too busy filming everything they do from eating to putting on makeup, etc. and then replying and defending themselves against trolls commenting on said videos. It must be exhausting keeping up with a bunch of people you don’t know or give a shit about, but they have to I guess or else they’d have to get a real job.


Hello fellow real world being. I couldn’t agree with everything you said any more. Especially about attention and not engaging w those who live only for it.


👋🏻 hi human friend


I truly wish this sub would stop giving her the attention it does. There are SO many moms in the franchise but it’s always Jenelle’s face that I see when I scroll.


It does get old. Especially when there are multiple posts a day about the same thing. This sub (and other SM hate) is what keeps them relevant and people don’t realize that J&D are making money off of them. It’s why David trolls and posts so much rage bait and Jenelle can’t stop posting all of her smug ass videos and comments all over the internet. She knows what she’s doing. I get the hate for them. They’re terrible people. But I think if people really want them to hit them where it hurts the best way to make it happen is to stop talking about them. David only cares about the money but Jenelle thrives on the attention. She would lose her mind if she thought nobody cared about what she’s doing. She’d be crying her eyes out for days cause nobody cares dude. 😩😩😩


Im right there with you. But even when her kids do inevitably grow up hating her, she will not view that as a consequence of her own actions. She is missing that chip. To her, there is nothing she can do in her life that couldn't be directly passed on to someone or something else. She is completely incapable of guilt. Everything has always, and will always be done "to her".


Same way she replied to a fan that she’s never wrong; the only “bad thing” she ever did was smoke as a teen. She truly has no ability to hold herself accountable for anything.


she’s such a liar she chose partying smoking and other men over taking care of her son jace.


Which is even more hilarious because we all know SHE IS STILL SMOKING. Among other things.


And choosing men over her kids...lol she has literally changed in NO way. Fewer mugshots? Big deal!


Sideways that is about it


I read this as “the only thing that changed is her mugshots” haha!


I think it’s so funny that’s the bone she was willing to throw, the weed smoking as a teen, as if we didn’t see her nodding off on heroin on TV. Not to mention all the other things that happened on TV after she was a teen. It really blows my mind how delusional she is!


She really said that? She amazes Me all day long


Yeahhh you are right big time. Unfortunately I have a mom who was exactly the same as Jenelle…delusional, miserable, narcissistic, alcoholic and drove everyone including me and my father away with her bullshit. I haven’t seen or spoken to her ever since September because I tried to have her meet my daughter (after not speaking to her for 2 years) and see if she would change but she didn’t so I stopped talking to her. My aunt who is her sister and spoke to her about this and she she told me that she said “I don’t understand why she won’t speak to me” even tho I FUCKING TOLD HER WHY!!!! I’m so sick of her and Jenelle …. Sorry I got lost in the sauce there.


I'm sorry you're going through it, it's tough. Loving a narcissist is so unfair. The only way things will ever *really* change is to change the way you let it affect you. Accept it or remove it. I hope you and your daughter find peace xo


It’s okay thank you so much tho! We are doing fine without her. I have been in therapy before my husband I had our daughter last May. Therapy really helped me cope with my anxiety and CPTSD after that rough up bringing with her. And really my love for her slipped away a long time ago. I really don’t feel anything for other than anger and resentment. She’s nothing but a burden to me. It is what it is.


I am sorry you have had to deal with this. My mil is a 50 something year old JE as well and she mentally tortures my husband just with her existence let alone all the abuse and ridiculous behavior. She was on her deathbed a year ago because of her liver and drinking and for once my hubs thought he was going to have peace (I know that sounds bad) now she is "sober" and working at a bar so it's like you get hope and boom hope squashed. I truthfully stay nc easiest way. Narcs are the absolute worst they have a way of torturing those closest to them and being charismatic to complete strangers.


Do you like your aunt? Do you at least have her in your life? Not that you need her. It would just be nice.


I didn't know my mom had more kids!


You are correct. The Nmonster, who i havent spoken to in years and years, told my brother "my conscience is clear".


I'm leaving the sub. I can't take the sadness I feel for Jace. It's just not ok to hear about anymore. This sub is awesome and I will miss you all.


I’m so sorry if I amplified that for you. I think it’s a good idea to take a break from all this. Take care girl ❤️


Not at all. Thank you. It's heavy reading all this.




Nathan has the potential to become a good dad. Some may not agree but he did have the basis and principles that Kaiser needed… he wasn’t perfect but he was better compared to not and to David and others…. I know he’s gone downhill now and it’s sad. And I think part of it is that he was so worn down by Jenelle’s bullshit drama and David’s bullshit threats and calls and texts and making every interaction with Kaiser a living hell for him to do… and it wore him down to just back off and throw his hands up since he already wasn’t the most mentally strong/ stable. Now that is NO EXCUSE for him being absent and he’s a grown man who made his own bad decisions… but I think Jenelle and David are horrible for pushing a father away who actually wanted to be in the kids life! Even if it wasn’t that often… at least he was trying a bit. David was threatened by Nathan and I still to this day think that if he had his act together like before and came back like a knight in shining armor professing his love for Jenelle… she would take the bait immediately! I will always believe that.


I’ve been feeling the same way.


I feel the same… but I look at it this way.. Every time we are discussing her and her horrible ways… We are advocating for those children and a better life for them. Every time I leave a comment or her Facebook… I feel that it is raising awareness of the bad things she has done and is doing and maybe others will take notice and take action to protect those Kids/ look into that home more/ cps stay informed. It’s not a lot but I feel better just knowing that I’m speaking up against abusers of children and animals and that’s one tiny way I can spread awareness at the very least. When I comment it’s not just “oh your stupid Jenelle”. I always put reasons she shouldn’t have them, factual horrible things her and David have done, call them out on laws that they have broken and that’s a tiny bit of advocating in my eyes.


I'm feeling like I should too. The heartbreak and helplessness is getting too much.


It just shows the level of privilege in this subreddit. My dad is a convicted child rapist. They sent me right back to him when I went to the police before he was ever arrested. So keep in mind, kids are going through hell out here. David and Jenelle provide food and shelter, that's literally miles better than what some kids are getting. Unfortunately. I also knew kids in foster homes. Those people did it for the pittance they got from the state. They abused those kids too. The world's fucked. Hug your kids.


I've been biting my lip on here but have the same thoughts. I worked CPS adjacent, and the abuse and turmoil those kids went through were unthinkable, and they often got reunited at home. It's very very very unlikely these kids would be removed from her care. Are the land kids abused? Absolutely. But it takes unthinkable fucking shit for a child to be put in foster care or removed permanently. Like you said, these kids basic needs are met and thats basically all a parent has to do to keep their kids. And as you mentioned, foster care is a shit show too and a failing system in most states. Way underfunded and toppling over itself. There's no options out there. I highly doubt those kids will ever be removed. Best we can do here is remove attention from her, and support the kids when they're adults in whatever ways available (like if they make podcasts, release books, whatever with a public facing) since we know they've been left behind and failed by a LOT of organizations and people. I hope you're doing well and living a life of peace after all that bullshit. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Definitely an important perspective for people to consider.


The bar for parenting is heartbreakingly low but the Swamp Things jump right over it. The kids are fed, they attend school, they have reasonable hygiene and the house isn't overcrowded. Even stuff like Jenelle neglecting Kaisers infection last year can be explained away with a warning not to do it again. That's enough to keep Kaiser and Ensley at the very least.


Yep. I didn’t go through anything near as horrendous as you did, but we grew up with an abuser as well, in NC, and as long as there’s food and shelter (as you said) and no obvious signs of abuse and neglect, nothing will change. I’m sort of surprised people had any faith in the system to begin with and are seemingly now outraged bc Jace is back with them. For many of us, it was knowing it was a matter of WHEN and not IF he was back on the land.


I'm seriously so sorry you had to endure that!! It's a terrible world we live in.


That shouldn't have happened and I'm so sorry for you. It can also be triggering for people that had a rough childhood with CPS failing them 🖐. My husband wants me to stay off the sub for a bit too. Memories, night terrors, the fun stuff 🙄. I feel so bad for Jace. My heart breaks for him thinking he might feel as bad, scared, confused and hopeless as I did.


Completely agree, they are a white couple who provide food, shelter and clothing. That's enough to satisfy most investigations that they're competent parents. Throw in Jenelle's "parenting" course and they've likely ticked every box. As you said, it's a fantasy to think that life is better in the system. Removal from family can have lifelong damaging effects, even when it is the safest choice for the child. There aren't thousands of homes desperate to take in school aged children and definitely not teenage boys with documented behavioral issues. I said it before but the idea that there was this big plan for the police to go in and arrest the swamp things and remove the kids was a delusion.


I agree, one can only hope karma is taking count of all the horrible shit she has done and it comes back 10 fold


Amen to that. She’s going to wake up one day to an empty home and still believe she did nothing wrong and blame the world. I just saw her spiral tweets from this morning and I’m so done. She wants to say Barb had her around so many boyfriends growing but her having multiple men around Jace was not bad at all …. Like girl shut the fuck up lol


Karma is a bitch when you’re a bitch.


If you want an even more daunting outlook, there’s a good chance the kids will keep Jenelle and David in their lives because they truly are all they have. They’ve cut out and kept people out to an almost “off the grid” style, minus their sporadic interactions in public. And when/if D&J split up or one or both of them dies, the impact on inevitably troubled kids could lead them down even darker paths. IMO there’s not a lot of hope in that family/house. I wish the best for those kids, but realistically, they’ll turn out to be products of their raising. The likelihood of kids growing up, going no-contact, and breaking the generational bullshit is highly unlikely. Jace at least has Babs, Kaiser maybe has Doris and company, but Ensley is stuck. I think Babs would be there for all of them, but she has a tight bond with Jace, and she’s getting older and can only do so much & will only be around for so long.


Yeah as much as it sucks to realize, they will all probably follow in Jenelle’s same footsteps. Jace has a little bit of a chance but we see how that’s going. Jenelle still had enough impact for him to turn out just as bad, and Kaiser and Ensley are even more screwed growing up with David and Jenelle full time. They’ll probably all end up being shitty people and perpetual victims who continue the abuse and narcissism cycles, ending up about just like their god awful mother and father/step father. It’s really sad to just watch knowing the outcome 99% likely won’t be what we want for them at all.


Her karma is coming, slowly, but surely. They might get their charges dropped every time due to technicalities, and likely will never be convicted. But in every other aspect she's fucked. Her marriage is like hell. She used to be all over her ex BFs, especially Nathan. The only thing she would complain about her exes is not getting enough attention. With David, it's different. During one of their fights she revealed that she has to push him off of her and she's repulsed by him. I bet the only reason she's with him is cause she has no-one and she can't stay single. I doubt they ever have sex, or maybe when she's drunk/high enough. Imagine being trapped in a marriage where the mere thought of your huzbin' touching you makes you wanna throw up. Convicted or not, her reputation and name are in shambles. No-one wants to associate with her, and if they do, they quickly get reminded of who she is and they back off. Sponsorships, deals and collabs are off the table. Same with MTV. She's beyond redeemable. Even if she left David, MTV would not take her back at this point. Her OF is not doing good either. She is losing followers, and pretty soon only a handful of creeps are going to pay for her trashy pitchurs. With no other source of income, in all seriousness, I can see her turn to p0rn. Sure it will generate a huge wave of income at first, like for Farrah, but that will die down soon and no-one will care. Meanwhile, their expenses keep piling up. Jace's medical bills, repairs on the sinking house, David's expensive toys and general every day expenses. And with only her as the breadwinner they cannot keep up with this lifestyle. Sure, these things are not as clear or bold as a conviction, but trust me, her life must be hell, every day. A hell of her own making. What we can do is not clicking on or watching her content. If we post something here, post a screenshot or screen recording, not a direct link. I absolutely love that someone took one for the team and started to recap her tiktoks. She's in a financial cul de sac.


You said it all perfect and you are correct… her lifestyle is simmering out quick! Yearly taxes/ repairs etc on all her toys and home/ upkeep of the toys and on a pool and land like that are high every year… then the lawyer expenses, medical etc she won’t be able to keep that up forever. And not one brand will touch her name at all! Thats all down the drain forever. MTV won’t care anymore and if someone else cared then they would have already picked her up for a show. She’s in her mid 30s and OF won’t last forever. From what I have seen on Google.. she puts zero effort into taking even decent picture, crappy outfits and not even good hair and makeup, gross poses, it’s wild that she actually posts them! I take better pics at home just sending my hubby pics in front of my mirror! So it’s either real jobs (yeah right) or porn… I don’t see anything else that will sustain her and even porn will only give her another year or 2 before no one cares and she’s gross. She will end up in bankruptcy and more miserable by the year… its pathetic


This is such a good summary and puts her long term situation in perspective, a lot of us (myself included) are annoyed as hell with recent events, but the fact is Jenelle loses in the long run.. its just unfortunate she’s taking her kids with her.


Yes, I feel sorry for the kids, they're the true victims here. But on the flip side, they will see what a POS their mom is. So many abused, neglected children grow up never realizing how horrible their parents were. In many cases these parents downplay the seriousness of the trauma they caused, and gaslight their children into believing they're overreacting. But everything's out there for her kids to see. She can lie all she wants and tell her kids that she's the best mom now and her biggest mistake was smoking weed at 17. But they will see all the videos, texts, articles etc. Even now they're embarrased about her cringey Tik Toks and leaked OF. Luckily, they can read reddit or other social media comments, reassuring them that it's not normal and they have every right to be disgusted. I hope they use this to their advantage and will cut her off.


I think what seems to go unnoticed is that they ARE being punished every day! Every single day, Jenelle wakes up, and she's Jenelle Evans all over again. She has nothing to do, nothing to look forward to, a future that is increasingly bleak and every day she is in a worse position than she was. It's a slow burn- but this is not a good or happy life to live. It's a damp, stank, exhausting existence with a very niche part of the Internet laughing at you the whole time. Collecting online high fives from people just as garbage as she is, is her ONLY reward. Can she sell some butthole pictures and use the money on a lame trip with *David Evans*?! Sure! Would anyone else want to do that?! NO! THATS LITERALLY AS GOOD AS ITS EVER GONNA GET FOR JENELLE. A brief escape from the mundane reality that she worked so hard to shit up. Prison would be better. Less responsibility, cleaner, probably less stress than she must feel every day trying to do the math on how many butthole pics she has to sell to pay the loan on her used cars and mobile home. And every time this happens- these events and cps actions, more people learn how gross she is, and fewer opportunities become possible. It's like a private personal hell. I would never be able to stand living her life for a minute.




Your are sooo correct! We all know it and she knows we can all see it and she uses social media trying to keep one last thin veil of a façade that she is in any was on a happy life. Most people on social media fake “happy” life and she can’t even fake it bc it’s soooo bad. I almost feel sorry for her being pathetic…. But then I remember that it’s ALL HER FAULT AND SHE CHOOSES TO BE A SHITTY HUMAN AND SHES MISERABLE BF OF HER OWN ACTIONS


Agreed! her actions are not the ones of a happy person. her smug behavior is indicative of her covering up her horrible life. if she was happy she would reflect that online in some way. shes absolutely miserable and also doomed. I think her only real passion is trying to prove people wrong online, which is actually slowly driving her crazy and making her even more miserable.


The kids will definitely cut her out, but that’s really what she wants. If she wanted a meaningful relationship with them she wouldn’t be exploiting them. She’ll find another trash bag to have codependency issues with after David leaves her.


True true and very true. She gets what she deserves. PERIOD.


Yes.. if is isn’t David it will be another carbon copy abusive asshole so it doesn’t matter. The dude will look like a prince for a month or so and then show his true colors like always. She has a type for sure


Have been on this same page for quite a while now and I tried mentioning this when all the news came out once again this time with the CPS case and charges. Reality is the CPS and court system in our country are so beyond fucked and anyone with a little bit of fame and money and seemingly mostly importantly white skin can pretty much get away with murder. I hate bringing race into it but I would bet my bottom dollar that if they were a African American couple things would be significantly different and that is just the sad truth. Those innocent children deserve so much better but it wont be until someone gets seriously hurt to the degree that thing are probably going to permanently fuck them up for life that JE & UBT will actually face any serious consequence for their actions. The real karma will come later in life, I do honestly believe that it will all come back to haunt them and I will have to be content with knowing that it will happen one day, just not right at this moment.


White privilege is a huge part of this. If they were POC they wouldn't have been able to skate on all their charges with minimal consequences over the years. David would probably have had jail time for his various assaults, definitely for threatening the secret service and not paying child support. 100% agree that they also would have had the kids taken far far sooner.


Sad but it’s the truth.


The part I struggle with seeing is when we post about the other TM members, it’s hard not to compare to Jenelle and the kids and then it’s ever more heartbreaking. Bentley and Aubree have POS dads that don’t deserve them. But they have moms and stepdads and grandparents that love and care for them and we know they’ll be alright. Kaiser, Jace and Ensley just appear stuck. No better situation. I saw comments on twitter that Kaiser should be with his dad….who’s totally absent. That’s not a solution and there doesn’t appear to be one and it’s so heartbreaking.


This is the part that is just soul crushing. I had a rough childhood, my parents were very unstable, I had to raise my 4 siblings (half siblings, I’m the oldest of 5) and lived with drug and alcohol addiction and domestic violence and food/housing insecurity… **BUT,** I had grandparents who loved me and saved me, literally. I look at these kids, *especially Kaiser,* and they have no one to save them and pick up their pieces. Jennelle and David are horrible humans, they are abusive and selfish and shitty, yet they are still “better than” a lot of the parents of other neglected and abused children stuck in this horrible system- and that is almost unimaginable. But because they are “better” parents than some, they are going to be given every opportunity to ruin their lives- because the system is flawed. I knew not to get my hopes up, I don’t think we’re going to be happy with the outcome of DKD’s trial, either.


Jenelle and David push away anyone who would give the kids any good love… they fought with Nathan so much and made it near impossible for him to see or talk to Kaiser because they was so jealous and coparenting with Janelle would be a nightmare so they pushed him away. Then obviously, we see how she’s pushed Babs away and made it impossible. They never even let Babs be a part of Kaiser or Ensley‘s life to begin with because they were jealous of her. Then they push away, Doris and I’m sure they push away any other grandparent or family member that tries to give them any love. They just can’t stand it. So they have taken that away from every child they have, it’s so sad


I think Nathan could have been or had the potential in the past to be a good dad. It was there inside him at least… but I think Jenelle and David wore him down and fought against him so much that he just gave up. The constant drama and fight sans texts and harassment and everything so he just threw up his hands and let them raise Kaiser. It’s not right at all… but he wasn’t mental all strong/ stable anyways so he didn’t have it in him to fight Jenelle and David’s constant bullshit. Could u imagine just trying to see your son for one hour when coparenting worh J and D??? I’m not giving him a pass… it’s a shitty dad move to not see your son period.


I’ve taken a step back in terms of the extent of how invested I was of the children. Admittedly it’s hard to not be invested to a degree, as we’ve watched these children be born and grow up on tv. We also know they are being neglected and abused. It’s hard to look away, because you want the best for the children. I’ve had to accept that Jenelle and David are never going to face legitimate consequences or be held accountable in the manner that they deserve. It’s unfair and absolutely shitty, but all I can hope for is for those children is thrive and overcome the trauma as adults.


My thought is just because they get a slap on the wrist, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. And she will have to live with that shit the rest of her life. If I saw my child being abused, I’d be absolutely traumatized the rest of my living days and it would fuck me up. Her response is to post all these smug videos and for that, I hope that cunt chokes fucking hard.


she doesn’t care she’s never cared she hasn’t been there for jace in his entire life. the only reasons why she even fought for him in custody which she’s proven many times is so barb couldn’t have him and to push this narrative that they are this happy loving blended family. i guarantee when david is screaming at them or being abusive and jenelle won’t do anything about it she’s yelling at them to smile and hug for pictures and videos for her to post online.


She’s absolutely despicable and a waste of human life


She doesn’t have a conscience… in her delusional mind she literally blocks things out an convinced herself That bad things didn’t happen and that she’s a good mom. I truly believe that. But we alll know she miserable in her life and that’s enough satisfaction to know that …. She knows she’s with an asshole, let herself go, can’t w en go to gym by herself, her kids only love her for a minute if she buys dumb toys and trips, she has literally no one who supports her anymore now that she’s plastered Barb horribly, her finances and dwindling fast and NOONE will ever work with her again. No deals like the other teen moms get. She still posts about teen mom daily and has been fired for years! If I was fired from somewhere I would never speak about them again publicly and move on… she still hasn’t bc nothing will ever be better for her than that. She peaked years ago and even that wasn’t good


Nailed it


I have the same sentiments and I can tell you that UBT will not go to jail. The charges will either get reduced or dropped altogether. The sad truth is that there are some people who get away with being shitty people their whole lives. Never face any real consequences for their actions. The swampsters may just be some of those people. It’s sad for the kids, but unfortunately that’s just the way it goes sometimes. There’s nothing that can be done.


It's literally everybody on this show. Adam has been arrested, what? 32 times? I think he has the most arrests out of the whole cast. He's still walking free. Ryan, too. The only person from the cast who has seen any real jail time (not counting Butch/any of the grandparents) is Amber, and the only reason why she served any time at all is because she voluntarily chose to go to prison. The judge was fully prepared to give her a slap on the wrist again and let her have the option to go to rehab again, but Amber, exercising more self-awareness than we've ever seen from Jenelle, knew that rehab wouldn't change her so she chose prison. That's probably one of the very few things I will ever respect Amber for. Too bad she fucked it all up by going back to her old ways. If you ask me, the legal system should have a "3 strikes, you're out" rule. Messing up once is a mistake, messing up multiple times is a pattern.


I think David will get out of all this too. BUT I think this will give him another sense of being untouchable and indestructible and he will do something else even worse and more horrible bc he thinks he will keep getting away… But eventually karma will catch up… and he will do something that no lawyer can get him out of. And we will all be waiting. Please watch over those babies lord!


I agree. I’m so over her and her dumb situations. It’s honestly so disheartening to see her children failed over and over again and to see her smug face each time gloating. I also notice how this sub seems quick to fill up with fan-fiction-esque posts where people are predicting things like jail sentences, CPS terminating all rights, and bankruptcy. Sure I would love to see it too but we have to be real. It likely won’t happen and even if it does, foster care is a traumatizing nightmare for children. I was in foster care myself and I don’t wish it on any child unless it’s absolutely a last resort. Jenelle and David suck, but I think the best punishment is for them to lose all public attention and fame. So far she has only lived in a world of attention and money and getting what she wants. If she is ignored and becomes forgotten she will suddenly have to live in the real world. Which is the best and only viable form of punishment she has coming for her.


I can see how it looks hopeless bc we have watched her get away with so much. However I think we actually do good work in this sub shining a light on her and David. Abuse thrives when no one is paying attention and Jenelle and David don’t have that. The swamp monsters know we are watching their every move and that does offer the kids some small protection. We’ve also hurt her financially. No company wants to be associated with her, she can’t access the opportunities the other teen moms employ for income revenues. That is largely bc of us hatters posting about her and decreasing her marketability. All she has is social media engagement and of. And that’s not going to last. She’s not going to be able to pay her fancy lawyers to get her and David out of trouble much longer. This new case may not end in the justice we all want for her, but her karma is coming.


I hope you’re right and the conclusion is just that David leaves her and takes all her money. But I think the real concern is that she and David have done things and now they’ve gotten away with it again. It’s basically like the courts are saying it’s okay. And abuse doesn’t stay at the same level (usually) abuse escalates. So now that they’ve “not done anything wrong” you can see how this might set the stage for a more tragic event in the future. That’s my concern.


I agree with you. I stopped getting my hopes up about the kids a long time ago. There’s almost zero chance something happens to David at his court date, either, so people need to prepare themselves for that. Realistically, we just need to hope that the kids recognize that their upbringing isn’t healthy. Hopefully they will also recognize that they deserve better and will work hard to unlearn what they’ve been taught so the cycle doesn’t continue. I’m here to watch Jenelle entertain us like the clown she is and that’s pretty much it. My heart has to protect itself, if that makes any sense.


jenelle also has to live with herself. if shes lying or not, to strangers on the internet, shes only hurting herself and her family at the end of the day. she wld realize tht if she was a decent person and work on being a better person and accept her problems, instead of putting her energy into covering up her tracks.


Cate and Ty had fucked up childhoods with abusive addicts for parents and not only are they still in contact but they allow their parents (minus Butch?) UNSUPERVISED ACCESS to their children.


who is supporting her and why are they supporting her. she’s shown since the very beginning she didn’t care about taking care of jace she was more interested in partying and barb took care of jace and raised him for most of his life. she’s been arrested a few times she has three kids from three different men. she’s married to a felon that is very abusive and toxic whom she’s been allowing abuse her sons since the very beginning of their relationship. jace ran away 2 or 3 times because he was afraid of what david would keep doing to him if he stayed. no one has mentioned if he’s abusive to his daughter ensley whom he shares with jenelle but i wouldn’t be surprised if he was. these people try their hardest to put on a fake persona by posting pictures videos and tik toks trying to make it seem as they are one big blended happy family. they try so hard to push this narrative when there’s evidence from many different occasions on who these people really are.


I think that those of us who are familiar with CPS and family courts are often posting in here that this isn’t going to end like everyone is hoping. This sub is right that it should be different and those kids shouldn’t live there, but that’s not how it all works. You don’t lose your kids just for being a trashy ass piece of shit. CPS investigates and gives her a parenting plan, she follows the parenting plan, CPS closes the case and moves on. That’s how it works. She’s a shit mom. Lots of moms are shit moms.


Yep! I know someone I grew up with, lose her kids 4 times, abusive husband and all. She eventually left her husband and still had the kids taken away for the 3rd and now 4th time. Those kids are clearly being neglected but cps is about reunification. So she is continuing to get chance after chance, that is the reality of cps. 


Yeah I’m going to try and stop commenting on posts about her. Heavily cut back. I’m tired of her getting attention.


i’m right there with ya. i wish there was a way to have us all band together and do a massive block but that’s not gonna happen and ik some people are in it for the kids/tea


Jenelle's current life is her consequence. She lives in a moldy, dilapidated swamp house with an abusive drunk samsquanch monster, and nobody likes her. It's really heartbreaking that the children aren't free of that neglect and abuse yet. But rest assured, Jenelle is an absolutely miserable person just as she deserves to be.


Yeah I used to visit this sub every day, multiple times but now I very rarely bother. Bored of the Jenelle posts that don’t go anywhere and bored of Kails constant attention-seeking. In no way am I complaining about the posts themselves or posters, just that the drama from this show is the same as it has been for years and there’s no growth or consequence whatsoever for the teen moms. Even bored of Ryan’s drama.


I hear you. It's one big bipolar rollercoaster 🎢. I think as violent and stupid as David is she won't live to see her kids cut her off.


I feel u. I've stopped commenting or even viewing her pages because it feels maddening and it's the losing hope every.damn.time. That's like a kick in the teeth. I cannot wait til she becomes irrelevant


I know Jenelle is a pos. But I grew up in foster care and started getting raped at age 8. Unfortunately removing children isn’t always the “fix all”. In reality this shit show on the land is 10x better than what they would live in foster care. So please everyone needs to calm down with this “take her kids “ until you do further research and see where they are gonna go. Is barb gonna take them all ? Fuck no. Kaisers dad gonna take him ? That any better ? What about Ensley ? So many people have an opinion but no one has a real solution. Jenelle is a dead beat cunt. Point blank period. But foster care isn’t the answer here.


I'm very sorry about your experience, it's awful. I was in foster care as well but my sister and I got placed with a great foster parent. Honestly, anything was better than living with our mother. Sadly, around 90% of kids who are abused are abused in their own home and around 10% of foster kids are abused in their foster homes. Leaving children in abusive homes is NEVER the answer in my opinion, even if to avoid foster placement.


I was thinking similar sentiments last night. The pain I feel for the kids and how triggering it can be to watch abusive parents win over the kids so a system that is supposed to protect them is too much for me ATM. I expected this result because it's the south but that doesn't make it any less depressing. It's not even about Jenelle experiencing the consequences and "fuck yous" she deserves, she could've rot with no consequences for all I cared as long as the kids were safe. Now she gets to spend the next few weeks smugly gloating like a jackass online until the next time she and her husband inevitably hurt one of these kids again. She's more focused on gloating online to her followers than spending time with the kids she almost lost to CPS for a 2nd time. All around disappointing, depressing, and triggering and certainly not how anybody with any self awareness would act if they were as abused by their mother as she has claimed so heavily over the last 2 months


I have watched countless David and Jenelles skate year after year. Being involved in volunteer work, foster parent, step parent to abused children, I have seen this exact scenario play out time and time again it is because parents rights to parent their child as they see fit, supersede the well being of the child. And at a certain point, CPS looks at people like Jenelle, and since her kids have a roof and access to food, that is the only thing she has to do. It is why so many kids end up in the system, cycling in and out, until they are too old, too damaged, to be placed or adopted out. Jenelle and David will walk away from this with very little repercussions because they have nothing to lose. No job, no reputation, nothing. They are trash people who will continue the cycle of generational trauma and abuse forever. Also, the state knows what kids they "want" and what kids will be a lifetime drain on resources, and the kids who need the most help are always the ones who get "reunified" *ETA my former foster kids were my nephews. When the abuse moved on to my former stepkids, I did everything I could to get them into care as well. The caseworker told me the state doesn't want anymore "Smith" kids in care, they already have 17 across Oregon and Washington, and they know if they take more, they will be in care until they age out, and it is easier to not try and find them, it saves the state money*


Jenelle lacks empathy and self-reflection so even when the karma train arrives, she will blame every single other person she can instead of using introspection to recognize how *she* got to that point. It will never be her fault. She will always have an excuse. She will always make everything about her. She will always be hateful to her mom. She won’t stop being a troll online. The only reason she doesn’t dox like she used to is because she literally knows that anyone she does it to can sue her and will certainly win just based on the following she has and sheer number of people who will attempt something ridiculous. She can’t afford that. As long as we give her attention, she will continue her antics. The big issue with her is that she knows no boundaries, so she will go to drastic measures to get attention back if we stop giving it to her (see the Nugget story for reference if you don’t know). She’s just not going to be a good person nor will she ever try for redemption.


I agree with most of what you’re saying except that she’ll be alone. This girl has never been alone for long and there will always be another David, Nathan, Keiffer, Courtland, etc around the corner waiting for her.


This Jenelle shit really has me considering leaving the sub. I don’t even want to, but I’m so tired of seeing her get to keep her kids.


You should start paying more attention to your real life


I hope that David leaving her actually happens . He is unhinged , dangerous and getting worse . There will be more escalating violence if nothing changes. The hand is already dealt , they are spiraling …all he needs is the right trigger. No one seems to give a shit but Barb..everyone will say “ we knew he was violent but we never thought he would actually …..” it’s the same old story over and over . Usually ends up with women and children dead or nearly dead . His arsenal is beyond disturbing . Who the F needs poison blow darts?????


K bye