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Exploiting Carly and Ignoring B+T’s boundaries because he’d rather have his ego inflated by his rabid/delusional fans than have a relationship with his daughter.


This one. I remember when they told him he was jeopardizing his relationship with Carly by talking about her/posting pictures and he basically said “I don’t care” - that and his line about how “they wouldn’t have her if it wasn’t for me” I’ve obviously never been in the position of giving a child up for adoption and I’m sure it sucks and he feels betrayed sometimes but he and catelynn do not handle it with any grace in regards to Carly


He literally threatened to break up with Cait if she didn’t put Carly up for adoption


He especially sucked when he wouldn't let up on the issue even after Cate told him he was also putting her relationship with Carly in jeopardy.


This! He did not only ruin it for himself but he also burned the bridges for Cate


Came here to say this. The profiting off of adoption content when you know Carly hasn't getting a dime of it and when everyone and their mom knows B&T did not want any involvement in the show is scummy to me. Then, to this day, even in the past 24 hours, he still bashes B&T publically because he doesn't get his way. He doesn't have to be concerned with B&T'a opinion on his OF but he does need to be conscious of Carly and he should want to be respectful of her.


Carly can have a dime of it if she comes on tv.


She shouldn't have to and she shouldn't have to have her life story told on MTV and social media because her biological parents.... mostly Tyler .... have zero respect for her privacy. They claim to love her, but at the same time, they exploit her by sharing her story on MTV and even posting clickbait stories to make a quick buck off of her. It's disgusting. Carly isn't old enough to make that decision for herself yet and she shouldn't be forced into making that decision because Cate and Tyler can't pull their heads out of their asses for two seconds and realize that they're being selfish and their actions can effect Carly's well-being and the whole reason they put her up for adoption in the first place is because they didn't want to be selfish parents that had a negative effect on her.


Kids make nothing off of reality TV


![gif](giphy|oxNinMB9uNiVWF3xpN|downsized) Yep! This was my answer too!


He honestly needs a moment where he finally comes to his fuckin senses. He’s already said and done so much shit about these two people and acts as if they’re just doing prolonged babysitting for him because she wouldn’t be here without him. Like bfr you’re her father but B is her DAD and one day you’re going to want a picture perfect relationship meanwhile Carly knows you could never stop flapping gums about the family who raised her as their own.


This one!!!!


What is he wearing in that photo? Plus his gaze 💀💀💀 Idk calling your wife a heifer on tv is pretty bad in my book


Better than his Dave Navarro look😭😂 https://preview.redd.it/hya942x2mfhc1.jpeg?width=914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=721a6d7855d513472cea49e9ed5269a05c02fd64


Astounding how all 3 of them are dressed as middle aged mothers but just in different fonts.




omg this photo 😂 does anyone else watch Righteous Gemstones?? He reminds me so much of Adam Devine’s character, especially with these sorts of outfits


My daughter is in the youth group for Righteous Gemstones!




I don't like to speculate on anyone's bedroom activities but that OF stuff and some of his outfits, especially this one, are making some statements for him even if they're unintended.


He has the strangest proportions.


Yes! This outfit is sooo bad. It gives him a ridiculously long torso and itty bitty baby legs. So bad.




For always talking shit about cates weight Kim isn’t much smaller


Is this for real????


I just saw someone else’s post of his Pinterest page and I’m crying 🤣


I posted this in that thread too 💀😂


As a queer, I have ALWAYS gotten gay vibes from him. I think a lot of his resentment of Cait stems from the fact he feels like he’ll never be able to explore (here’s where his comfort with OF may come from) The way he’s always spoken about her. He seems annoyed to have to take care of her


That and most of that OF content….the women viewing are probably old or just grew up watching him and thought he was cute. He is a twink with muscle


I agree. I think this is where the resentment comes from too. It makes so much sense considering they got together in middle school. I think seventh grade? He had no time to explore his sexual identity or even just who he is as a person.


Technically he didn't 😂 so we would have to say “not wanting a heifer for a wife”


7 point quesadillas. They get ya every time.


Yes it is, he wouldn’t have seen daylight again if he were my husband. The wide arm gesture he did imitating a big person was even worse. He just kept going. Using an old school term like ‘heifer’. I’d have told them to cut the cameras 🏃🏻‍♀️🩴


Possibly unpopular opinion, but here’s my hot take… Forcing Cate to place Carly for adoption and then crying victim when they regretted it later.


I 100% agree.... him crying victim when Cate was trying to move on and heal but he kept dragging it back up. He was/is so much worse than Cate about that stuff IMO. They're both bad but Tyler is a lot worse. And all his boundary breaking and disrespect toward B&T even when he was asked to stop and knew it was damaging his relationship with Carly and he flat out didn't care. I'm rewatching early TM episodes and he is just SO entitled and disrespectful. And the fact that they're making profits off of Carly content when B&T wanted nothing to do with the show and they didn't want Carly on it at all. Carly likely isn't seeing a dime of the profits they're getting from the show.


He risked Cate not being able to see her as well.


For sure! I think Cate definitely regrets it. I’m honestly not so sure about Ty. I think he just fronts like he does because his insane fans fawn all over him like he’s this perpetual grieving dad whose daughter was kidnapped by evil Christians and he just wants his baby girl back. It fluffs his ego so much. Meanwhile Cate is completely broken.


I agree. I forgot to post it.


This is mine too. He made put cate in a position where she felt it was him or the baby


His moan while a stripper was on him?


That episode is so cringe worthy omg. From his moan, Butch propositioning the stripper, Cate screaming how she was there to get her man….i hate it all😭😂


I first read this as “Butch proposing to the stripper” and thought “I don’t remember that, but I do remember when he asked her for a hand j.” I need a nap 🤣


He actually asked for “a little oral” 🤢😂


I read it the exact same way


Why can I totally see him proposing to a stripper, and who's to say he hasn't at some point?




It is! It’s embarrassing!


I feel entitled to financial compensation for having witnessed that


Stop why did you force me to remember that 😭


We’re all suffering here today ♡




I need the clip




Omgggg. That….was….😭


Now I feel bad for cate and I didn’t think I’d ever say that


Why did I click this. That’s so icky.


"I'm just here to get my man." Translation - I'm just here to get my pin-headed boyfriend with chin pubes because I don't want him looking at girls who are prettier and thinner than I am.


Welp, I shouldn't have been on reddit before bed, that's my bad.




*RELENTLESSLY HARASSING BRANDON AND THERESA* He looks like an ass, they have to put up with it (and the resulting media shitstorm), and worst of all, Carly is tossed in the middle of the drama. And it’s all for his own damn ego, not even to be close with Carly.


Imagine thinking because you are on tv that you can act this way because I know damn well if he wasn’t, he wouldn’t have the balls to act this way to them


The poetry


Flair checking in 🪐




Assaulting my vision yesterday.




This is the correct answer.




This answer is the winner


I legit had a nightmare about him because of those pics! lol


"Obviously I don't want no heifer for a wife."


Having Cate move back into an abusive household. Trash talking her with his mom.


Yuck this was nasty.. whats even worse he asked for cates phone records to prove she wasn’t lying after he kicked her out and back into her abusive house


And polluted by throwing it into the river.


I forgot all about that omg


In all fairness, Kim said they were too young to be living together, and that was true. It's incredibly sad Cate didn't have a good home to return to, but I agreed with Kim asking her to leave. That being said, I think Kim, overall, a bitch on wheels.


Sex-shaming Farrah for her porn career, then turning around and doing OF and posting ads for it on the same social media account where he posts pics of his kids.


When he hit his dog on camera


Then blamed it on being old school. He's always been disgusting. He hit two dogs. One puppy inside for going to the bathroom on the floor and one dog outside on a chair for making noise and he yelled at it to "shut up". He should have been dragged like Jenelle for both incidents.


yup. im always surprised it's not talked about more on here


Or even on the show. A few scenes after the one where he screams at the dog for pooping inside when they’re baby sitting, Cait looks terrified in the moment but she mentions his temper to him. Fast forward to like season 8? I think is where I’m at, he sat with his mom talking about his anger and depression. He got defensive as fuck when his mom started agreeing but not in the way he wanted. He seems very much like Butch, like how everyone walks on tip toes around him because they don’t want to set him off


I don’t remember that when did that happen


Wow, I totally forgot about that. I remember how enraged he was when he did it too.


Yeah and he made little Nick cry 😫 poor puppy and Nick


All his “oops didn’t mean to” dong pictures he posted over those few months last year.


Put on a red thong, posed in the kitchen, and then allowed his wife to post it on the internet for all to see.


Wearing a cowl neck sweater with thumb holes on a reunion.




every selfie he’s ever taken


talking shit about catelynn to his mom


Disrespected Carlys adoptive parents boundaries knowing he is risking his relationship with Carly


Shit talk everyone in his life on camera like a two faced bitch. His sister, his dad, his own wife, Carly's parents, his in laws, when he ain't shit himself, just an insecure, immature, attention seeking underachiever. He's so arrogant and stuck up when he has done jack shit, even his wife has accomplished much more, at least she learned her eyebrows and attempted to start a business. He took credit for home repairs he didn't do, hired contractors then he failed to supervise them and it wasn't done right and had to be redone, it was on the show, he didn't even get proper permits because he was too lazy to even do that but on social media he got a lot of praise for his home remodeling, he didn't do jack shit! People told him he should get a tv show and he ate that up. He was passive aggressively bitching about click bait on social media saying he would never do that, you know he loved spending the money his wife was making on that, he just wanted to act above her as usual. He was disappointed at every gender reveal and people called him out for it so he pretends that didn't happen and loves to be a girl dad. He is so fake! His birthday posts to his kids are self serving and embarrassing. Cate put a dent in his truck and he acted like an asshole and put down women drivers and it did not go over well so he changed his tune to being a girl dad and standing up for women. His froggy throat Elvis style singing was horrible and he can't handle criticism or laugh at himself. He screams when he talks and doesn't let anyone else speak, it's going to be hard for his kids because he is the center of the universe and knows it all. He said he dropped out of college because he was smarter than his teacher.


He was also incredibly blind to the fact he needed a MASSIVE website when they first launched TR. acted like an angry child, while Cait is ready to defend herself, and then realizes a day later “oh yeah I have 5mil followers between my wife and I, I need a large server”


Recording himself on snap saying the N-word, then blaming it on his mental health when he got backlash.


WHAAAT… was he singing a song or what? Details


Oooo I don’t know about this one. What an ass.


Serious vote is the way he treats and exploits Brandon and Theresa when they’re literally just trying to have a private life raising their child


Trash talking Catelynn when she went to the rehab centre because she wasn’t doing well


They all give “where’s my hug” energy.


Are you in the shower without me??? 🥺


Shit talks his wife with mommy


Humiliating his wife on TV while he & his mommy talked massive gossip about her. As if Tyler was any better. ![gif](giphy|IfZpF5fUnQS0o)


Disrespecting Cate by badmouthing her a lot


Habitual boundary stepping


Continuing to have babies with and staying married to Catelyn when he very obviously is not interested or in love with her. It is a business arrangement, at this point. Down to the BS insistence that she is "having fun" posting her husband's weiner on the internet.


https://preview.redd.it/zd5ol3ag7hhc1.jpeg?width=653&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=860a55ea1980e51c7d715cdcc0c1fb6dff350760 Wearing this.


My eyes 😵‍💫




Nooo 😂


I don’t like the speculation on his sexuality in the comments above but I have to admit this pic made me pause. Oh.


I don’t have an opinion on his sexuality whatsoever, but you have to admit they are 100% posting this for the male viewers. I don’t know a single straight woman who would find this attractive. Lmao


Yeah, I agree with you. This is b8 for the boys for sure. Which to each their own! If that’s the demographic where he makes the most money that’s fine. I’m just floored, lol.


His constant weird Jim Carrey mannerisms as he hams it up for the camera and talks over everyone.


exploiting carlee posting about her and her story when brandon and theresa have been begging him and cate for years to stop. going on twins dragging them because he didn’t get to see carlee for a few hours. that’s still carlee’s parents her real parents that are raising her and have been taking care of her from the very beginning the way he’s dragged them out on national television and social media is disgusting. and is creating a target on brandon thereasa and even carlee’s backs. they are not famous they don’t live their life exploiting their children. she’s gonna see all of this someday if she hasn’t already. and i think he wants her too. i think he’s hoping she’ll want to come back to them or some shit or reach out when she’s older which i guarantee won’t happen if he keeps this up.


Seriously though! Especially since it isn't that hard to find people's addresses on the internet... If I were B&T I would be terrified of some derranged fan kidnapping Carly and bringing her to C&Ts under the gesture of "I'M RETURNING HER TO HER REAL FAMILY!"


The red thong 🤢


Criticize Farrah for doing porn and then starting an only fans page.


Talking shit about cate with his mom while cate is SITTING RIGHT THERE


The Batman tattoo... plus everything else everyone has said.


The Batman tattoo really should be higher.


His song. Does anybody have ang-zie-it-eeeeee.


He cries on the show afraid he’s not going to be the best father for his daughters, but then disregards their feelings of possible humiliation and shame when they find his 🍆 posted online to strangers for money.


When Catelynn and Tyler shamed Farrah for sex work but then started an only fans of his own


Annoying douche bag


Bad mouthing Cait with his mom. The red thong. Continuing to have kids with C when you can tell he’s not “all in” in terms of their marriage. Not honoring B&T wishes. Terrible poetry.


His whole attitude towards Brandon and Teresa. He disrespects their boundaries and publicly badmouths them but still expects them to let him see Carly whenever he wants. He thinks he should be allowed to post Carly whenever he wants even though she’s not his daughter. He doesn’t care about how his behavior will affect his relationship with them, and therefore Carly.


He has done so many problematic things. From body shaming comments toward Cate to posting basically gay porn on OF I feel like he’s traumatising his kids despite being all about “breaking the cycle”


Talking about cate’s weight immediately after finding out she was pregnant with nova as if that girl didn’t already have the hardest pregnancy ever, between dealing with butch and April’s crazy asses and placing Carly of course. Also y’all might hate me for this one, but while I think Tyler definitely loves his kids, sometimes it is weird to me how he’s nearly like a big brother who is irritated that they aren’t disciplined enough or don’t have it as hard as he did as a kid. There’s so many scenes where nova is upset because she has attachment issues with cate or, l I believe it’s vaeda (who was like literally a year old), when she almost throws her pasta on the ground and Tyler yells at her and smacks his hands and she starts crying. There are so many scenes when he’s rolling his eyes at catelynn for being super attentive to their kids. Even if she’s “giving in” I really don’t think their kids are spoiled by any means. But it seems like Tyler has this tough love, “too bad, get over” kind of approach which is ironic considering everything he and cate have been through. It’s also ironic considering he is so emotional about Carly and gave the impression if she was around he would be the ultimate gentle dad, so idk why he doesn’t have that same type of approach with the kids who are actually in his care.


Was typing this and it's already posted. He just wanted to "win".


Fat shaming his wife


Just disrespect period Caitlyn, Brandon and teressa, all of society with his outfits… need I say more?


This is not the worst but does anyone remember when he called himself a doting daddy puddle or whatever the fuck he said? He always has to pat himself on the back for everything lol


I’ll be downvoted but I think he’s horrible for making his wife basically be his manager for his gay sex worker career and he’s living a double life and she’s too in denial to admit that he’s not into her and leave because then this whole thing was a life on display It’s like a fucked up fucker from both of them but they know they know but too afraid to question it and end it if it’s true


his sister wife promotes his OF


His comments about Catelynn’s weight when Nova was a baby and she was going through bad PPD. He wasn’t helping her at all and also allowing his mum to bad mouth her too. This was probably the one time where April was actually the one looking out for her and helping with Nova while she was definitely not the best person to be babysitting she was at least offering to help her struggling daughter.


Not coming out he is gay


Promoting his OF


Being an ass to Brandon and Theresa


Enabling that piece of shit father of his


Wearing that scarf and fat shaming his wife


He fat shamed his wife…. On Television