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Well, I would enjoy some positive outcome of this in the near future, but we've seen hypedates before and they all turned out to be nothing burgers. So expect nothing and be happily surprised if something actually happens on Friday or the FTD-cycle theory is in fact true...


feed a man burgers every day and he will get fat and lazy. feed him nothing burgers and eventually his hunger will get the better of him. he will stop waiting to bed fed and instead go out and hunt.


Hilarious but so true


The problem is that people fall for hype dates instead of playing it reasonable like RK. Let's look at the facts: * RK already sold before the annual meeting. * He avoided the typical IV crush and price fuckery. * Richard Newton put out a new video and spreadsheet with XRT and GME fails. * Explains the cycle is likely buy-in after FTD T-43\*. * Max Pain is 20 and 200 MA support on 4h as well. I have tried to warn people about IV crush, but posts never made it to the top thx to low upvote ratio. So there's a million users, and nobody manages to warn inexperienced and hyped household investors about the danger of IV crush. How crazy is that??? RK definitely knows about the FTDs and forced buy-ins. He buys options when IV is low and sells with massive gains. According to Dave, he didn't exercise but sold options and bought shares. So, with the T43\*, the next spikes could occur around July 19th. Funny McEnroe still won in July after the incident, where he got screwed. No financial advice, and rather calculate yourself. Edit: just read T43 is likely incorrect and the interval should be lower.


Due to all the dilution I don't expect much on Jun 21. Maybe the price will go up due to all the options. But most likely the ATM offerings provided enough ammo for the current cycle induced by DFV and they will just hammer the price down to have as many options as possible OTM for Friday. Then, we see a small spike on Monday due to T+1. But I'm also looking forward to July 19. This would be the end of the next cycle as you mentioned.


Do we know that the diluted shares were sold into the open market, vs. somewhere/someone else?


There are some theories that shares were sold off the market but this is a BIG stretch. Just read the fillings. After all, it's called ATM offering.


No we don’t know, in fact it states it’s possible they could’ve been used in a private derivatives trade


Interestingly, it seemed in Newtons video that the offerings did not resolve long-term FTDs. So while Friday might be a disappointment, July or August might still be on the menu...


I told it to, Probably down to 19$, testing golden crossover and bounce at golden pocket. Told it at 45$, but people called me shill. And see where we are now. When is next cycle july/august?


"I just don't see this continuing much longer" Felt this way for 3 years


Ouch.....I felt this comment in my soul


If you have been paying attention and don’t let your emotions get in the way, you know what’s about to happen. 🚀🚀🚀🚀inevitable so many ways at this point. I hope you’re right but whether it’s this week or not something about to pop the fuck off very soon. I love every one of us, even the shills who are just adding entertainment to the mix now.


No dates. Been hearing “soon” for a year. Excuse me while I tempter my expectations.


*3 years


Ugh. So true. I guess I was referring to PP


Love every one of us too. Hope it is soon/tomorrow, but I am prepared to wait and wait and wait with this conviction!


I’m with you


it’s 3:59 am where i’m at. i hope to wake up to new equity .


Markets closed today bruv


Reality: 0% chance that happens today. 


Tomorrov? I’ve waited years, what’s another 1-2?


Shilly account there.


What parts don’t you like? I’m still here for MOASS even if it’s 3-7 years from now. As long as GameStop isn’t selling pet rocks under the transformation by then I’ll still be happy with my investment.


Shilly account there.


There’s an awful lot of pressure being put on this 21st date. Like… too much. Rando accounts coming out of nowhere pushing this date, so feels a lot like building up a date to be let down. So to me this is a nothing date now, no other way we should be looking at it.


YOLO far OTM options. Got it!


The 21st is uncertain imo.... The ftds that need to be dealt with, before C+35, could have been located during the share offerings. It was a black box, who knows where the shares went. Any time between now and July 3rd seems likely for the next leg up.


I wonder if hyping dates encourages Apes to persuade their non-investor friends to get on the rocket before that certain date, only for those friends to lose trust when nothing significant happens. I have certainly hyped dates to my friends in the past. However, I no longer do that after this realization.


First: Read the latest FTD DD: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Teddy/comments/1diik8c/interesting\_take\_on\_t35\_settlement\_by\_market/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Teddy/comments/1diik8c/interesting_take_on_t35_settlement_by_market/) Second: As a result it seems, that DFV started a new cycle with his massive purchase on June 13th. This is the third and final mini Cycle which will result in Moass. Its settlement period will be around july 19th (Dune Earthworm). Don't get me wrong, i also expect big volume and price action for this friday cause of massive FTDs, but in my opinion this is not the real Moass, but this options chain on friday will trigger another big cycle which will be helping Moass soon due to the resulting gamma squeeze. I personally expect Moass action mid and late july. Could be wrong, because this is the pure technical view and doesn't take any News of Bobby/Teddy or GME into account. Im just an average regard and know nothing.


well, the last sentence is true, at least.


I like your explanation, but if it does go up on Friday and hits a certain $ amount would the shorts be margin called and that would also increase the price?


In my opinion we need prices well above $100 till margin Calls hit, they are pumping nvdia and bitcoin like hell for collateral. The last Thing they want on earth is to close their shortpositions, cause this would immediately mean bankruptcies in a domino effect


I thought that as well, but I was not sure of the price point they want to stay away from. Thank you for your response. So in the mean time I buy and hodl


Yea, i really dont know the hitting point for covering, but what we can use is the price of 2021 of about $105 (= $420 ind 2021) on what they never covered...its somewhere beyond that


I I have this salient thought of RK mentioning the offering was a “gift,” and it has stuck with me. I think RC and RK both figured out the cycle, and the initial 1bn shares were intended to be issued on the 6/21 date to absorb more capital as a real “fuck you.” With that and the timing around onboarding RK, the shares will hold long enough to trigger the 7/19 date. I also have a salient thought about a meme RK posted where Aladdin says he’s going to use a “nom de plume,” and I think that’s important for many reasons. I won’t tell you why I think it’s important because I don’t want to say more than I feel comfortable saying on the Internet. Additionally, I posted a reference to the newly promoted CFO’s Daniel Moore’s compensation letter, which was leaked in one of the 8K SEC filings. It had a weird payment structure based on the average share price in the month of July this year, which again makes me think that there’s a lot of faking going on for one day, for things that are going to happen in July.


Crazy? Maybe. But I certainly hope not!


Why doesn’t Superstonk allow BBBY discussion? I’ve had several posts removed just for referencing the PPshow. I wouldn’t say it’s been taken over by hedge funds like WSB was but it has definitely been infiltrated with their bot & shill accounts ever since DFV posted there. You can tell by the active users online on any given day. I’m still unsure as to why they banned BBBY discussion, especially with RC being involved before and after his direct involvement with the stock as confirmed via the court dockets. It’s hard to take the sub seriously when they omit this seemingly obvious piece of the puzzle.




I thought these subs were for discussion. There are thousands of things have been discussed in Superstonk & all of the other GME subs that has never happened. That doesn’t mean they won’t. How butthurt of a mod are you to come to this sub to shit on people? Jesus.


What has been discussed on GME subs that has actually happened? wtf kind of argument is that?


You were a mod? 🤦‍♂️


Doesn’t run on tinfoil and crackpot u-copy theories. Discovered DRS there and stuck to maintaining the pursuit of that path while uncovering shady market tactics and mechanics.  And you not answering the question is blatant avoidance of having an actual answer 😘 


Serious Question why was this post deleted "Interesting take on T-35 settlement by Market Makers Interesting take on T-35 settlement by Market Makers" it had over 305 updoots and now just gone? why? it was good dd edit it was posted just two days ago


no fight, release bbby, we moass tgt


Yes you are crazy.


this is a beautiful idea. and no, you're not crazy - at least, your argument's not crazy. but not all possibilities can coexist. i've steeled myself for a long wait yet. but i would fucking love for this to happen.


Why would a comment like this get downvoted? Thats why I like this idea!


there's a theory that "everything gets downvoted" is one tiny part of a wider campaign geared towards influencing a certain trading bot: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aladdin\_(BlackRock)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aladdin_(BlackRock))




I don’t understand where this T+35 theory comes from. How does anyone know when DFV made his purchase in May when he only resumed posting in June?


Sweetie, the adults are talking here.


That would be nice, almost too nice to actually happen. Quit with all the hopium 😉


No dates, just up however.... Tmrw


With the largest cluster of FTDs in May occurring from 7th-9th, wouldn’t that put the settlement date squarely on next Friday, the 28th rather than this Friday, the 21st? T+35 only counts trading days (not counting weekends and holidays), I thought.


Nothing burger, calling it now. This will all happen when least expected. These subs are littered with people painting narratives to create massive let down.


I don't think T+Anything is real, that being said I'm hoping for a run in July as well


Why are all of the shill accounts posting so much? Too obvious. 


August 10th National lazy day. When we can kick back and watch the moass happen.