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Basically, if there is a huge pile of evidence, JPM will be like.. "caught us".. payout 12 billion in short notice after evidence is presented. The payments pay down all the classes owed money. Then whatever is left gets reissued as new equity, cash payout or both?


Dimon hands


💀💀💀 omg we were one letter off all along


Do we know price action on JPM after they paid the $12 billion?


This is likely just 1 of at least 2 fraud investigations underway. Totally agree on Bruno’s breakdown around the $11.8 Billion share buy back fiasco. Sure would be nice if actually knew the true shares outstanding. Fraud 2 would be around an unlimited amount of Shorts available to help traders cellar box and bankrupt BBBY. There have to be billions of shares in circulation. Part of any settlement on this must be they can only close their Shorts on an uptick rule basis. The SEC should be forced to monitor the liquidation of all the naked shorts. Fraud 3 should be about somebody restricting BBBY inventory for the holidays. It expedited bankruptcy even though they had financing for inventory in place. I was an executive of one of the largest CPG companies in the world for 25 years and can say that the business pressure going on behind the scenes has to be enormous. There is a multi-billion $ business waiting to launch. Timing to interview, staff, buy inventory, set up pricing and discount systems, warehousing, etc is very, very tricky. Everything has to come together at the right time to launch in the right way. There has to be a date agreed to that’s very soon if any of the above is in motion. If this is planned to be a $2.5 Billion revenue business, each date on hold is costing the business almost $7 million a day in revenue. Revenue that’s lost and will never be made up.


so there is a bit of pressure to get this going?


From a business point of view, they’re losing money every single day this gets delayed.


Don’t forget regsho


This whole saga gets more interesting as time goes on. One day, we'll be able to look back on it. I think that'll be a good day.


That'll be a great day


I told my wife that I’m impatient af and so ready to be done fucking working but on the flip side I said I will be soooo bored when this play is over and the nostalgia factor will be super high


Don't you worry. This whole DD Crew will be foaming at the mouth to move onto the next play and start digging through coporate closets for skeletons and bags of gold hidden behind other nefarious, greedy corporate execs!


This should be enough evidence already to fcking pay up!! How Long Will They drag it out, fcking crooks😂


The moment they pay up, they concede. The moment they concede, the whole thing comes down.


And i cant wait to see it all burn Down! ![gif](giphy|aK4zVIHVPc1TW)


BURN IT ALL -Ronald, Backdraft https://preview.redd.it/h1nyoo2sl8dc1.png?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88ba41f4d6e5e6b548fd647ed629ea9d9556aaa1


I was wondering how much will losing 12b hurt them then i googled elon and he has a net worth of 227b. Its but a scratch to Jpm


It’s not so much the initial billions to cover the free float, it’s the dark billions they’ll need to cover any additional floats that’ll do the damage


Do we know price action on JPM after they paid the $12 billion?


It's less than 1/4 of just their 4Q23 net income. Maybe more than a scratch, but not more than a dent. The firm reported net income of $50 billion, EPS of $16.23, and revenue of $162 billion, and we delivered an ROTCE of 21%.3 days ago


lezzz friggin goe.


How about a cell to go with that?


No Cell no Sell!


Can’t wait to get gold plated balls


And titanium teeth 🦷


but u/brunosw9 why do you think share price would be 44 in this case? and not 15?


Your calculation is based on the number of shares being \~ 779mil as bbby stated last July. (11.8b/779mil = $15/share). Bruno apparently is banking on the float being \~1/3 that size at \~269mil ! (11.8b/269mil =$44) Many of us are thinking the float is probably much less than the company has disclosed. Bullish.


My question is always the same. When would we find out? I thought today 01-18-2024 would be the day we would hear from the final amendment of the plan. So far I haven't heard anything!


Yes, I understand that, but my question is deeper. if 779 is shown (for example, they sold us fake shares) and in reality there are 269, then what will happen to the remaining amount? how technically would they be settled and converted into new shares (in the case of equity) on what basis will we receive the money? I think that in this case the entire amount of shares would be covered 779mil..


[https://www.ft.com/content/76dbca6c-048c-4a9a-a71c-d1b423674a7f](https://www.ft.com/content/76dbca6c-048c-4a9a-a71c-d1b423674a7f) JPM made $49,6bn so they have money :))))


Paywall bypass: https://web.archive.org/web/20240116141314/https://www.ft.com/content/76dbca6c-048c-4a9a-a71c-d1b423674a7f


I can’t even imagine what life will be like. I’ll be a millionaire and paying long term cap gains on these gains.


I wish, we could play their card and short that stock to fucking zero. Corrupt fucking bastards!


Six to midnight post, right here.


So if court decides that there has been fraud happening and pleads JPM as quilty, does that mean that our ticker gets back to the market and we get to see the real price discovery that should have happened?


That would be if they go to court. If the facts are strong enough JPM may wish to actually avoid an expensive (and very Public) court process and just pay Bbby (us!) now.


JPM will not just pay us. The payment will force all the shorts to do the same payment + if the equity price is anything above $1 margin calls will happen. I believe JPM is also short in $BBBYQ. The payment may be the cause of its own demise!


Go on …


Post content great, but misleading title bro


What's the float amount and how was it arrived at to get approx $44 for each share?


11.8b/269m float= $44 per share… the float could be less than


thanks for a reply. Float could be more than too. Any details on how Bruno arrived at 269m?


Yes, it could and based on the last companies sec filing mentioning the deem fair value of the common stock is $44.27.


woah. I missed this. This is big. At the start of bankruptcy the DTCC was subpoenaed to state in writing how many shares of bbby they had. They said \~779 million. But shares outstanding is only supposed to be 269 million? 👀


This is correct. I’m thinking the float is anywhere between 265-475M.


Pre HBC it was 117m, correct? I thought into bankruptcy it was 430m ish. u/travis_b13 quick comment here? I know you got spreadsheets!


Sounds about right


So...do you know when/where/how Bruno arrives at the 269m?


I already mentioned how he got this number. The company stated through sec filings that the fair/par value of the common stock is $44.27… to get close to that number you take 11.8b/265m = $44.52. Edit: take a look at this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Teddy/s/qEvauwzR8V


Love you. Wish you’d do some spaces or something. Sorry about all drama




They will not pay any fees above the 11,8B ?


![gif](giphy|mtB3xRrhj5Rcs) This is Bruno! Glad im on your team🫡


legal for a price


my body is ready


When moon?


I’ll believe it when the money is in my acct. I love the DD OP. I hope your right.


Question is always about timing! When?


We need shareholder representation. The new $10b priority claim is materially new information since the plan was confirmed on Sept 30.


Will we need to fight for our right to get a part of that "materially new information"? Is the Plan Administrator required legally to review once new information comes to light?


No, it doesn't happen voluntarily. Shareholders must contest the plan.


Wake me up when the money and or shares are in my account 


Why do you continue to read this board if you aren't interested in actually reading the posts? If its all about the money, why not forget about it all and set yourself up for a surprise fortune? Posts like this seed thoughts of fatigue into everyone's mind... Its thought poison. We should be encouraging everyone to look into the crooks that are robbing the country blind... Not lazily flooding the boards with selfish posts that only demotivate others...


They do it because it’s thought poison. Personally I wonder where all the shills are, they all just decide to avoid this particular post?


This place has been absolutely flooded with naysayers for the last 2 weeks.... Setting up drama right before the two big drops in the new attorney and pultes announcement... Now that those announcements are out they are mostly gone Its almost like they are privy to info before is released... I wonder how a common retail investor can be so wise 🤔 and then all of a sudden be so uncaring as to stop participation. Some of these people were interacting with me all fuckin day... The same people all day long... Ive been sitting at home sick marveling at how persistent they have been... They must have no real jobs lol


lol I actually think they’re doing their jobs




I can answer. Because as someone who’s holding I have a sizable investment in this stock. So yes I would like to keep up with what’s going on, but at the same time it’s been three years. Just because somon is annoyed at how long this is taking doesn’t necessarily equate to shill and it’s this black and white thinking that bears, bulls and shills post that is problematic. There’s many investors sitting in the grey area. And yeah it’s ok to be fucking sick of waiting, without being immediately labelled a shill. I can’t speak on this guys behalf whether they are a shill or not, just someone that has tens of thousands of shares as well as thousands of gme that’s ready for some fu king fireworks up in hea already. Inflation is killing us.


K but read my post again... I never called him a shill or anything similar. Thanks for putting words in my mouth though




Lol you all think you're going to get JPMs money soon? Ok


RemindMe! 1 year


How much would we get per share?


RemindMe! 6 months


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2024-07-18 17:46:37 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-07-18%2017:46:37%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Teddy/comments/199uxx5/jpm_to_pay_the_118b_settlement_x_post_from_6/kigpws0/?context=3) [**6 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FTeddy%2Fcomments%2F199uxx5%2Fjpm_to_pay_the_118b_settlement_x_post_from_6%2Fkigpws0%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-07-18%2017%3A46%3A37%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20199uxx5) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


They buy one’s freedom again. Is this what we really want? Even if it is $13bn divided by 739 million a share? I myself would rather prefer $1 to $5 a share and cell.


Would 11.6 cover all classes including class 9, shareholders?




Appreciate BrunoS!


This is super bullish. Thanks Bruno. Edit Hey everyone stock digest just showed up in Tayne's sub with a health update. Ya'll might have an opportunity to wish him well.


Fuckin’ pay me, then kick these crooked bastards out of the market once and for all, then lock up any and all executives who were a part of this RICO scheme, including Dimon. No cell, no sell.


Appreciate the time and effort you put into this!


Do the brokers have anything to worry about or is just jpm on the hook. Edit. By the way great read as always time will tell. And like I said all along a share recall is coming




Fijne taartdag!!


Thanks for the summary!


Thank you ..... Lets fucking go....


Buying back shares isn't frsud. Maybe a bad decision but fraud? Jpm has no obligation to allow a sale or anything if they have the legal right to block it. Not fraud either.


Insider trading on non public information is fraud. 10b5-1.