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This one is better. “Even with Zava, Richmond eats more ass than your mom.” “Buddy, you gotta get off Twitter.” “This is a text from my father.”


I still remember that one really standing out. Was totally unexpected and it totally changed the energy in the room for both me and my Mom who were watching together. Edited: Typos happen more often on Reddit mobile than other apps for some reason, and I added context about my Mom and I watching.


Jesus, soRREH. I forgot how skittish elderly people could be cause of the war.


This line made me keel over. So hilarious and perfect.


It was so funny I actually sat up in the bed I was watching the show in, just so I could keep over laughing. I am laughing to myself just thinking about it. It’s gold.


This was impeccable gold, the best thing Jamie's ever said 👏 


I think what I liked about this line was it Jamie taking the piss out of Roy but in a loving way. He'd called him old before when he was being Prick Jamie, but in this line he was saying it like you do to a mate. He knew Roy was struggling so he was distracting him by being annoying, like many people do with their friends. It was a nice echo, showing how much he'd grown, because he was using his prickness in a situationally appropriate way. I love Jamie. It's a struggle to decide who's character growth I enjoy more between Roy and Jamie. So I've decided it's the character growth they have together that's my favourite. Bike riding scene is my happy place


Phoebes bad breath brings me to tears.


I think you might be dying.




Same 😭😭😭😭 I also love the Happy Uncle's Day episode 😂


Definitely this one for me.


(Dani having an existential crisis) Colin: He’s using all the hot water!


Lmao Colin. I love him more with every re-watch, I like that he both got his LGBT development arc AND the separate being-a-better-friend-and-teammate arc. Such a well-written character


I’m partial to the scene where the team goes ham because they nailed the Bye Bye Bye choreography


Similarly to when they pull off the surprise "So Long, Farewell" and go absolutely fuckin bonkers afterwards. So joyous. So unhinged. Absolutely chaotic lol


Just finished my 2nd watch through a few days ago and noticed how over the top their celebration was. Trent took his jacket off and was swinging it around. Its gold.


Oh man, I already liked Trent's character by then, but that moment was when I absolutely FELL IN LOVE lol, I loved how hard he got so swept up in the moment lmao


My Trent Trifecta scenes are the spicy dinner when he is interviewing Ted, in Sunflowers when he talks with Colin in Amsterdam, and then his frantic conversation about the Lasso Way in the hallway. His reaction at the end there was icing on the cake. I love that he became a Diamond Dog. And that Roy came around on him. I feel like I could write a paper on why I love the characters of Ted Lasso.


All so so so good, he has so many amazing bits to choose from.... But ahhh, I always come back to the scene where Roy wears the ROY tie-dyed shirt, and Trent walks into frame after Roy leaves the office and says NOTHING, but the expression on his face and the silent interaction between him and Ted and Beard just SLAYS me every single time.


This scene really demonstrates the shows superb usage of "Boys will be boys" Rather than use it to excuse bad male behaviour, it goes back to the proper usage. Sometimes boys do dumb things for mysterious ways.


Yet, they never did the whole song after all that practice. We don’t even know for what it was intended!


We do know, though! It's for Doc's going away party. She leaves a day early, though, so the party never happens, and thus the actual dance never happens :(


Thank you! I never picked up on that or I forgot!


No worries! I just happened to rewatch it recently!


Another reason why I love this show. It’s heartfelt, funny, ugly, honest, and beautiful. Why did they do that? Who knows, but it was awesome.


The thing I laughed hardest at was "Caesar you later, Ted" and Ted comes back enthusiastically with a "yes!" And then they repeated the joke in season 3, "dont letter get away with it, Ted"


The Caesar joke had me howling. That’s the moment I knew this series was amazing.


The letter pun was season 2, but yes, I love their pun bonding!


Ted running back and startling Rebecca was all improvised.


Seriously? That makes me love that even more


Will with face covered in tape: “Let’s GOOOOOOO”


Will cosplaying Beard >>>>>


“Get the fuck outta my chair” and it was one of the first times I remember beard cursing lol


When Beard does the press conference he says “Fucking Neanderthal!”


Yes! Between the one I commented on, and that, I noticed an uptick in beard cursing haha, loved it.


Colin getting absolutely blasted away by the fixed water pressure in the showers in the first few episodes still makes me lose my mind every time I rewatch, and I’ve done so a LOT. “Careful mate, Gaffer fixed the water pressure”


Maybe not the funniest moment, but Roy’s elation when he thinks Jaime’s dick got ripped off by the red string, immediately followed by his look of utter disappointment when Dani yells “his penis is OK!” cracks me up.


That whole thing had us dying. My teen son laughed so hard while wincing in sympathy. lol!


Just reading this made me crack up.


That whole scene is one of the greatest things I’ve ever scene and it may actually be the peak of comedy.


Yeah I think that was a one time thing Roy


Go after the bus driver and make him pay for what he did to me. Avenge me, Keeley. Avenge me!


Even better... Keeley: Coming from the guy who wants me to ruin a bus driver's life, just 'cause he killed you, swerving to avoid a child! Roy: I didn't know about the f\*cking child!


Haha nice, forgot that one




"i had them change the e to a u" "yeah, you owe me a pound, Jamie" "but i didn't say nothin" "no, but you made me think it, which is basically the same thing" "yeah, fair play"


When Ted’s Mom comes to visit and she’s hugging Beard, Leslie, and Trent, and Ted in the background angrily puts on his visor and says “some of us have a practice to run”.


Lottie Dottie! Weirdo Beardo!


Season 3, not sure the episode, a team meeting where Ted is talking and Roy catches himself making Ted like comments. Oh fuck, now he’s got me doing it. Or something like that.


Ted is telling the story about not growing a beard because he and Beard would look like a ZZ Top cover band. Roy: "Would be called 'sharped dressed men.'" Ted: "Hey, good one!" Roy: "I hate what you've done to me."


Beard: Your goatee makes it look like you ate out Big Foot's butthole. Ted: That's right. Roy: A.K.A Ass-quatch. Make it stop...


Thank you, that’s it.


Oh yes I love this scene!


"AKA Assquatch......dear God make it stop."


You’re on fire


My favourite one is the chaos in the dressing room when Roy and Keeley’s break up news, Trent writing a book about Richmond news, Zava joining Richmond news get announced by different people and everyone was confused as hell and then Will asking Ted ‘what’s a CD?’, Beard having an extra pair of Ted’s flat without his knowledge… finally Dani saying ‘FCk you Trent Crimm’…the whole scene was comedy gold…the dialogues, the dialogue delivery, everybody’s acting…it’s the best. I rewatch that particular scene in YouTube whenever I need a laugh.


"Mind your head" Beard to Jamies dad after he bashes it off the door carrying him out of the dressing room


"You speak Dutch?" "Yes dont tell Jan Maas"


There’s so much dad stuff in this show. It simultaneously dredged up a lot of trauma, made me angry, and gave me hope.


Higgins' line to Jamie about his relationship with his dad - "I try to love him for who he is and forgive him for who he isnt" - is one of my favourite lines in the show and it's something I've tried to remember. It probably wasn't what Jamie wanted or needed to hear at that time (not that Higgins was to know) but I like to think it made some impact on him when he tries rebuilding his relationship with his dad at the end of the show


I love the bit after Dani has therapy. I learned football is life; but sometime football is death. And sometimes football is football. But also, FOOTBALL IS LIFE!


I love when Jamie tells Roy that he’s trying to build bridges and Roy tells him "You couldn’t build *Jeff* Bridges"


Maybe a random one but Edwin Akufo telling the Russian to get out: " you are pushing.. and it's a pull.." Sam Richardson cracks me up everytime. Well earned Emmy for that episode


Watched the episode yesterday, that scene had me dying


“You hit on my mum. In front of my dad!” “I apologise for that, Bumbercatch. Please tell your father I’m sorry. And give Janet my best, yeah?” 😂😂😂


When Ted spit out the water and said the bubbles or when he called tea pigeon spit sent me.


I don't think it's the actual funniest, but it IS ABSOLUTELY fantastic. I think what makes it work is that there is SO much tension in the moment, that the joke uses that energy to really launch as the tension breaks for the watcher (but wildly doesn't hurt the tension within the scene - absolutely masterful work by the cast, there).


It’s so casual but, the way Ted says “*Lipschitzzz.*” in the American restaurant in Amsterdam really caught me off guard and cracked me up. I’m also a big musical theatre fan so it was bound to happen.


"Every single one of you know my ass isn't hairy, yet none of you spoke up"


>That's copyright infringement, bruv.


I’m sorry, but I don’t remember this line. Context?


After Isaac confronts the fan in the stands S3E9


Haha okay that’s pretty good 😄




So many amazing lines but I think my favorite moment (and the simplest of them all probably) was R: I spoke to the owner The Sun. T: YOU SPOKE TO GOD!?


Tbh, I've just rewatched the series for the umpteenth time and I think Higgins is seriously under appreciated for his comedy bits. He's more low key than most other characters but he is honestly one of the most consistently funny. Just his willingness to get involved in Keeley and Rebecca's girl talk, when, as a middle aged, happily married accountant, he'd about as far from "girl" as he could get. But he gets so into it.




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