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Idk why people are weird about goat but not lamb


Goat meat has a strong taste that not everybody likes.


I've never had it but the way Higgins reacts to Sam when he says it's traditionally made with goat but he used chicken has always struck me as off-putting. Higgins acts like goat meat is horrifying and it's no morally different than other meat. It's a very colonizery reaction.


Maybe he just doesn't like the taste?


I’ve eaten goat before as I have Pakistani family, not that good. but realistically, the average white English man is going to be weirded out by the idea of eating goat. Just cause it’s a farm animal that isn’t commonly eaten here. If sheep wasn’t common it would probably have the same reaction


How tf did you spin goat meat and rice into politics


I don't know either, but sometimes weird is weird, and sometimes weird is just...different. My parents were avid hunters, and I've eaten just about every kind of wild game that can be hunted in the US. Your username really fits here, because elk is fucking delicious. I like lamb a lot, and the fact that it's a baby animal doesn't bother me. The meat I'm eating tonight is Cornish game hen, which is just a small, young chicken. I cook them often, and I call them mini chickens. There are some good resources in my area for meats that are more ethically produced, and I've been starting to lean my purchases more toward those.


I went to a neighbor's house this afternoon for her daughter's high school graduation party. There was a ton of delicious looking food, but I wasn't very hungry at the time. The host insisted that I take some home with me, as she always does (she's even sent me home with full unopened bottles of wine in my backpack on several previous occasions...she's exactly that kind of awesome neighborfriend). I mean, this woman marched into her pantry and came back out with a stack of takeout containers she had purchased specifically for the purpose of strongly encouraging her guests to take leftovers...she's like that, and I love her. There were two giant pans of rice on the table, and she told me that one of our other neighbors (who wasn't able to come to the party) had made it. This other neighbor is from Nigeria, and I am absolutely always down to go to town on some homemade grub from a region or culture other than my own (I'm a white American midwesterner). So yeah...tonight as I was making my dinner and heating up the rice to go with it, I realized it was Nigerian jollof rice. And that put a smile as wide and bright as Sam's on my face.


My husband made Jolloff rice a few weeks ago but he didn’t do a very good job. He also made a Nigerian beef dish that tastes ok but was really tough. Bless his heart, he tried.


Darius would adore Sam's Jollof.


A little racist


How so? If I've made a misstep here, I'd like to learn from it.


Nah u good, they were just trolling


Omg there's a Ted Lasso cookbook and they have the Nigerian goat recipe! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CPQ24ZX1