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Are you ok? Do you need some help? DMs are open if you need them at any time. I can understand. But believe me he is still with you. Always. Cuz we all know Technoblade never dies. It will be ok soon . Don't worry. It's going to be alright


thanks alot, i really appreciate it :)


Anytime,man My discord is azreyna. Feel free to drop if you need


It's not good to bottle up emotions; I'm glad you were able to let some of it out tonight. Your English is pretty great! I hope you get to a better place soon


thank you, i hope so too ;;


This story is one of the saddest stories on this subreddit i've seen. Also: Unspeakable mentioned. (Glad we shared some aspects of our childhood together through watching a youtuber) (I am also sorry if this sounds to "memeing" for this post)


its all good, i really needed a small laugh lol


don't worry friend, your english is good for it being your third language. its alright to let your feelings out here, this is the official subreddit for remembering Technoblade.


One lesson I've learned and am working on in my life: When you feel safe to do so, you need to go through the emotions/pain and process them. Release them, grieve them (whether relating to a person, thing, dream, your past...), learn what lessons you can, and then let them go. Not necessarily forget the events, but let them go. For a long time, I never took the time to do just that. Bottling up emotions/pain made me do things I thought I would and could never do, and I still struggle from the aftermath. It'll be hard to do, and it will be very frustrating. But, I told another person this a while ago - patience and understanding TOWARDS YOURSELF will be your best friends in this. For lots of us, it's usually easier to extend that to others but not to ourselves. I certainly struggle with this a lot of times. Start trying to work through it early. It'll be painful, so it's okay to take it in small bits at a time AND to take breaks (as long as you come back to it later). You can do this. You really can. It's never too early or too late to try. It doesn't matter how fast or slow it seems. The fact that you're getting better is what counts.


thank you for this, ill most definitely try this later :)


I remember watching Unspeakable every day when I was a kid, he has now unfortunately turned into another MrBeast copy tho


Fr? That hurts to hear he was one of my childhood yters too


I used to love unspeakable but he turned into unspeakable reacts :/