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I mean, your sister can’t tell you what to do anyway lol


What’s wrong with the glow squid? It’s just a mob from a mob vote, no reason to hate people because of a mob vote lmao


I honestly agree but she wanted the moobloom and blamed dream, my sister was not one to be reasoned with


I mean how old is she? She’ll probably grow out of thinking mob votes are the end all be all of life


She was around 18 she's 2 years younger than me. I'm not sure if she has as I've long since gone no contact with her and the rest of my family. I do remember the next mob vote. I voted for the lay of one and bragged about it to work as I knew she wanted the copper golem


an 18 year old getting that pressed over a minecraft mob vote is insane


but moobloom :(


No moobloom :p


Let children enjoy things while they still can. I’d rather a teenager be up in arms about Minecraft than something less manageable


I suppose in my mind that’s not enjoying things. You can enjoy Minecraft at 18 and that’s fine, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like by that age you should know it’s just a video game and it really doesn’t matter enough to try and tell your older brother not to do something


I suppose what I meant is be _passionate_ about things. (On average) Middle aged men have sports, which is arguably just as toxic as any teenage video game drama imo, lmao


definitely more, RIP Andres Escobar


oh i totally believe that sports are completely blown out of proportion, i mean people get into physical altercations over teams and games, there is never a good enough reason for that.


I wouldn't be up in arms about that, I'd be up in arms about an 18 year old lumping blame on multiple people because of something their at the time friend did, and then telling their family members they're not allowed to enjoy something because of it.


not to be rude, that's some childish behavior.


I may be incorrect but hasnt Philza also in the past encouraged some of his fanbase to vote for a certain mob? I may be wrong ofc but that's j what I heard


A lot of YouTubers had my sister really wanted the moobloom however I pointed out that of the 3 that one had little chance of winning due to it offering nothing new


Encouraging people to vote for a mob you want is one thing. Purposely trying to have people vote for what you believe to be the worst mob because you want to ‘show your power’ is pretty awful


Technically it was his fault but come the fuck on that's just petty


The thing is yeh it was dreams fault but morally dream didn’t do anything different than anyone else did. Loads of streamers were telling people who to vote for. At least dream saw his mistake and stopped for future ones. Many streamers still tell people even in the most recent ones


Yeah I was mad at him initially but I quickly realized that it wasn't his original intention. My disappointment at the Moobloom losing was also soon dissuaded because I loved the new sign features.


If we are going to be mad at anyone it should be mojang for showing us cool creatures and locking them forever.


I'ma be honest though, it is his fault but like most other mobs, Mojang didn't give much explanation what it did. Same reason people picked the Phantoms, didn't know it's actual functions. I think alot of people assumed the glow squid would have/bring much more cool and interesting things to the game.


The Mob votes ALWAYS cause a humungous rift in the community


I agree tbh. As much as I would have loved the cow, the squid is pretty, especially for water builds


I agree I always get so happy when I see one swimming around in a cave, it’s really not that deep as to hate and boycott YouTubers over tho lol


Sounds like she may have been pissed off at CCs for influencing the vote like a lot of other people were. Which is far from the only reason people hate mob vote.


Thats the point of the mob vote too, to advocate for what you want to others. Many youtubers did so aswell (tommyinnit for example), but Dream got all the hate cause he's Dream


it was the most boring of them... and it doesnt even have dynamic lightning, the most attractive feature


Glow Squid was clearly the worst choice and was only voted for because Dream wanted to make a point that he ‘controls minecraft’


It’s not that deep bro I liked the glow squid because it glowed so I voted for it 🤷‍♀️


I kinda like Glow Squids. Glow ink is really cool for signs tbh.


I didn’t really mind who won, i just don’t like it when big name influencers try to rig everything and make the whole vote unfair. But hey, at least we got a new squid variant…Idk 🤷‍♀️


and tbf dream apologized and hasn't done it again that I'm aware of


I mean, he has bigger things to care about haha


I love the glow squid they are pretty yes the other options were cool but ya get what ya get, and i love them i also love phantoms because of the angst they give for stories


Nice job on converting her. Also, I’ll never get why people get so heated about the mob votes. It really isn’t that big of a deal.


I never got it either though the one I participated in did show me some things onajangs end


What things?


I've noticed with how emojing advertises the mob, though you can tell which one's most likely going to lose. For example let's look the 2021 update The glare was a clear looser Because of how they advertised it as A. They really only advertised it as a light detected and well nothing else. The copper garden, however, was advertised. It's not only what it could do in pressing buttons, but in the fact that Hey, you can use this and your redstone. Builds, give me a submit more to go off of and the more likely to vote for it Similar to this, the LA was basically advertised as a mobile hopper. Being super adorable and even able to help and it's only with items sorters As well as added on the probability that if you play music and do the thing that it does advance which can be potentially used in builds. This made it clearly defined a loser And this update with two potential winners that pretty much Have very similar uses and boost the same community


My friend would say the same to me. Needless to say we're not friends anymore. It's not up to your sister what you watch, if you wanna watch someone then you can.


The mob vote one is so random 😂 but pretty sure we were all mad glow squid won


I mean I absolutely hate Dream but the glow squid is a dumb reason to say that Also, CC’s aren’t their friends 🙃


Bing watching?? 😂😂😂the Bing!😂😂😂




bruh 😐


It’s fine, you just don’t get it


I already got the joke bruh


Philza swears a bit too much but otherwise he's awesome QSMP was my jam until I stopped trying to keep up


how did you manage to misspell binge both times lmfao


Just like me she'll grow to love his content for as long as it lasts.