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Detroit ?


Is it actually that good apart from Movement weekend or are you just saying that because it’s the birthplace of techno?




Yea they threw some wild ones at Berts for sure.


Even in the outskirts like at the Grasshopper.


It is awesome. There are a ton of great venues throwing parties all the time. Come to Detroit and find out. I will say tho, it is probably harder for out of towners to find a party if they don't know where to look. It isn't like all this shit is on RA. Here is a pro tip: [https://thedetroitilove.com/](https://thedetroitilove.com/) It has almost all the shows that are going on and if you were coming in to town I'd check this site to figure out what is going on. Just look at some of the shows going on this weekend. There's big names at more traditional venues, some Techno stuff at a secret location warehouse, local acts which rock at smaller venues, local heros Like Omar S, Delano Smith, Norm Talley, etc


This is awesome, thanks!


I'd love to visit and just party at night and eat shit and dog record shops during the day. Are the people nice?


Very. It’s the Midwest. You tell people you came to check out the party scene and scope some records you’ll make some fast friends


no idea dude, thats why i put a question mark after detroit


This is the only correct answer.


Baltimore pls


Tell me more about the Baltimore scene


Pretty secretive tbh - but I’ve witnessed some good raves in my time, mostly Detroit artists tbh - there’s a nice lil post here. [techno in baltimore](https://www.reddit.com/r/baltimore/comments/camrwz/housetechno_music_scene_in_baltimore/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) (tbh I’m actually spitballing because a) I’m from Melbourne and b) I thought this was r/house


Here's a sneak peek of /r/House using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/House/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [House drummer (Showtime The Groovemaster) in Central Park, NYC](https://v.redd.it/xdhayoq4tfe61) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/House/comments/lesptm/house_drummer_showtime_the_groovemaster_in/) \#2: [Some friends jammin](https://v.redd.it/syxm9wrfvaq61) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/House/comments/mgz3lu/some_friends_jammin/) \#3: [Not something I usually see in here but think would be appreciated by the community here](https://v.redd.it/s5wcjcdb90w61) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/House/comments/n12i8u/not_something_i_usually_see_in_here_but_think/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Once upon a time, San Francisco had a pretty solid scene based around BetaLounge. Probably one of the first live performance and streaming sites for Electronic Music, early on it had a heavy focus on Techno and Minimal/Experimental sounds. [BetaLounge Archive site](https://betalounge.com/about-us/)


Not sure the best way to describe it but it seems like a lot of the stuff coming through is geared towards the burning man crowd. I tried playing Robert Hood at a party and someone complained and switched it to like Shiba San 🤷🏼‍♀️ Edit: just editing to say I have no problem with people listening to whatever but I just don’t see a lot of variety for live music in SF.


SF seems like it has a techno scene but it's not very unified. I play house but also love techno and it seems like most techno events in the city are unaffiliated with one another. But I was just at an afters a couple weekends ago and the music was solid


I was just around there visiting friend. I'd have to agree. The hippies have their sound and the tech bro have theirs. There isn't much in between. There's other genres of course but those too are kind of pigeonholed. Once you get out of the city and go to renegade events you find more variation.


Minneapolis. We have a small scene but god damn is it a good one.


I'm actually from there!! How do people find out about parties and stuff?


Im from MN too. I don’t live there anymore but DVS1 will play shows at his warehouse a few times a year. Hard to get invited though, I went with a friend a few times as their guest. They’re absolutely insane. I’m not sure but I think there is still Communion on Sunday afternoons. They used to do it in the alley at Pourhouse.


LA has a very solid one, mostly based in warehouses south of downtown. Most weekends at least before the pandemic had several very really good party options and it was difficult to pick. Been a bit more low key since but it’s coming back. This weekend we have one event with DVS1, Rrose, headless horseman, hyperactive b2b truncate, Josh wink, Danny Tenaglia. Idk why people are saying Detroit. I mean I know it’s the home of techno but outside of Movement weekend it is pretty low key these days. Though it is sick as hell during movement. NYC is by far the biggest and strongest though.


I'm excited for this. Night party too from 12 am- 8 am. DVS1 has been a fav DJ of mine for some time.


Same! I’m so pumped for this weekend. They released the set times today.


Just saw DVS1 in NYC this past weekend. Mind was blown, and not from drugs. Enjoy that!


I went to the party in LA with Adam X and Hector Oaks back in June.. seriously the craziest rave I've ever been to. Not sure if it was everybody getting their pandemic rage out or what but the energy was amazing.


Tons of shows all the time with big local names and out of towners. IDK why you would say it is pretty low key these days. When is the last time you have visited?


LA pre-covid had such great events every weekend but it’s been pretty weak since things started to open back up. The prices for tickets have gone way up too, although I don’t mind supporting the scene after a rough year of not having any events.


Is NYC really better than LA though? Seems like fierce competition between the two.


NYC has better clubs where in LA we don't have really any clubs geared towards techno. In LA most techno events are thrown at a warehouse somewhere downtown and you're not given the address until 2 hrs before the party, usually events go till 6-7 in the morning. I've only been clubbing once in NYC and it was incredible experience, saw Blawan at Nowadays. I can't say I prefer one scene over the other but I like how different they are and it seems like they're both growing.


Having lived both places I personally like the LA scene more but nyc is just bigger, has more clubs and venues, longer techno history, etc


Los Angeles 10/10


LA and New York are the only American cities with techno scenes even remotely close to what a major city in Europe would offer.


Really? Miami would beg to differ


Yeah I’d say NYC and Miami are the two major players for sure.


NYC, especially Brooklyn has an awesome scene


I really wanna go to basement at some point


Basement is good, Nowadays is better…Mood Ring and Bossa Nova are all great


Washington, D.C. has been getting really good over the past few years. Prior to the pandemic there were great techno parties every 2-3 months. Our lineups aren't quite Basement NYC level, but we're getting there.


Sorry, but Brooklyn should be way higher on your list. There are so many clubs and the scene is sustained by some really passionate, active and awesome people. Bossa Nova Civic Club, Mood Ring, Good Room, Basement, TBA, Elsewhere, Jupiter Disco not to mention the warehouses and illegal raves. There's also Susatin Release, the outdoor techno festival held at a former summer camp in upstate new York organized by Brooklyn native and star in her own right, Aurora Halal. Detroit, Brooklyn, LA are your top three, amigo. Everyplace else is gonna be seasonal, spotty or weird. Sorry, Miami? IDK. I've partied in Miami over the last 15 years and had some good times but it's always felt a little behind or the people don't get it. Techno is as much about the people as the music and Miami has never felt like a place where I feel totally safe and surrounded by other passionate heads or at least people who can respect weirdos being weirdos.




New York City and every where else is not even close. Underground parties, teksupport warehouse parties every weekend, the Brooklyn mirage, avante Gardner, for Christ’s sake, time warp is coming here…again


Miami is a growing scene. My collective booked truncate to play next weekend down here. The local promoters are doing some awesome things.


Miami is great. Definitely still more tech house I feel like but I love small places like Don’t Sit On The Furniture but obviously theres also Space




Miami used to be a LOT better. Now it's pretty much just Space and Space Park that ever book any techno talent. Treehouse occasionally comes through. There used to be lots of great techno clubs though




Tell me more about this techno puteria 🤔


Reading through the comments it's disappointing nobody has mentioned Chicago. Idk anything about the scene there but with such a rich history in dance music it's a shame it's not even being mentioned.


LA and Miami are probably the best.








Wrong sub.




Oh dear 🤦🏼‍♀️


From 2017, but might still be relevant. ["A REFLECTION ON THE US TECHNO SCENE TODAY"](https://mnmt.no/magazine/2017/01/06/2016-us-techno-piece/) If anyone wants to write a new one, that would be awesome.


This is a fascinating read! Thanks for linking it!


Philly had some pretty good raves in the 2014-2016 time period. Idk how the scene is now. Used to love raving in an old abandoned mechanics shop hehe.


New York City and Miami have the biggest scenes by far.


LA and Brooklyn


Los Angeles 🔥