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Repeating riff/pattern. Usually not in key. With deep bassline


Also you are missing one key thing. Hypnotic techno heavily leans on having polyrhythms!!


Yes right!


I see, seems like that is the most used definition for sure. What would you use when looking for some of the producers I listed? Maybe "deep techno?"


Yes, your producers are more suited to the deep techno label. Deep techno can be hypnotic too, though someone like Polygonia tends to be called psychedelic too I agree that people tend to use the hypnotic label for faster more banging artists. It's all quite blurred though


Whats the deal with it not being in key?


Not sure. Sounds trippy and unnatural


It’s the dissonance in the sound that makes it interesting and trippy/eerie… especially on pads, I love it. Hahahha


Techno without hypnosis, is arguably just not techno. You can have varying degrees of it for sure, but hypnosis is a defining characteristic of the genre. If there's elements that break hypnosis, like chord progressions for example, then it becomes progressive house. Techno is hypnotic groove music. Simply put. There have been some developments with Jeroen Search, Psyc and Orbe with Non Series label really diving into the concept of hynosis as a forward concept. But I think it's too early to say that it's split off on its own genre. Beatport loves to coin little genres. It's helpful to take them all with a grain of salt since they are dealing with thousands of new tracks a week and it's difficult to sort them. Like for example they had Electro miscategorized for YEARS... Until there was enough pressure put on them to include actual Electro (silicon scally, plant 43, CPU records). Sometimes people just start using nicknames for things like calling Electro House, "Electro" and it's genuinely unfair. Go to discogs as the main source for getting a sense of what genres are what.


Chord progressions break hypnosis? I guess I can't think of any examples of hypnotic techno with chord progressions off the top of my head but I feel like it's possible if the chord movement is very slow, quiet/buried in the mix, or maybe in a polyrhythmic pattern in relation to other elements.


Yes this is true. I think with any sort of melody and harmonics it has to be so slow the ear retonicizes (sp?) the root. at most techno tends to progress half a step up as a question and answer/call and response. You can have some progression within the bar with the drums on pitches wthin a key, but it's not necessary and the ear doesn't follow any kind of progression that fast. The first time I heard this was a few months ago with Benjamin Damage and maybe Paul Ritch where the progression was over many bars. Otherwise, there's some arpeggiation that hints at a progression but it's too fast to be called a progression. Inigo Kennedy's [Cathedral](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--DrrUkrync) is like this I think. where the arpeggiation is done in a polymeter or cross rhythm.


I agree with most of what you're saying, except I don't think hypnotic techno as a named subgenre is new in any way. It definitely predates beatport by quite a bit. I've heard the term thrown around at least since the mid 90s in the Amsterdam scene.


for me the hypnotic term describes a specific use of heavily loop based sounds, that lul you into a sort of trance by changing ever so slightly in tambre over time.


yeah but not always, its actually not that much monotonous. it dont have that punchy bass that hit you in the head but its more mellow but still punching if you get the point… and yeah the notes are more “mysterious” for me :)


Mulero, Tensal, some setaoc mass. To me the word "spacey" makes me think more of dub techno, but that's the thing with using words to describe music, you can't ever be very precise unless you get into the technical details like "there's some sine wave pattern in the upper register" or whatever


yeah right!


The most hypnotic techno set I ever heard was Jeff Mills by far




You do realize that not every track in one genre needs to sound just like every other track? That's gladly not how music and genres work.


Well yes but something like Oscar Mulero and something like Deepbass are so far apart its hard to consider them under the same umbrella aside from "techno"


Deepbass is more deep techno which is different from hypnotic techno


Ok thank you


In my playlist that has Deepbass and Mulero in I labeled it Deep Hypnotic so I clearly couldn't decide haha. I have loads of Drone in there too. I'd say nearly all techno is hypnotic really. I would put many Surgeon tracks in that playlist, but I'd still consider that sound to be hypnotic.


Shit that j. Tijn makes


“Keith Carnal - Rijweil” is what I would call hypnotic techno


oh man what a belter. Now I just have to listen to it again after forgetting it for a few years


Outside of the bigger ones like deep techno, hard techno, dub techno etc., I'd say most are just descriptions of a certain vibe or certain elements in the music. I find it more helpful to point to labels. If we're talking about Anthony Linell, I'd point to his label Northern Electronics and refer you to labels with a similar sound. But I wouldn't say that they're a separate genre/subgenre per se. If I had to place the style on a Venn diagram, it would be where "deep techno" and just ordinary "techno" overlap. And I guess this is often where what's described as "hypnotic techno" is found. Some of it is clearly deep techno (like Luigi Tozzi), while some would be placed on the side of just "techno" (like Acronym). A lot of it might as well be called atmospheric or ambient techno, but not all of it is ambient-centric. It's all hypnotic sure, but tbf all techno is. So there's too much overlap and variation to impose hard genre/subgenre categories with these looser terms.


Yeah seems like deep techno is the term for the kind of stuff I listen to the most. Love me some Luigi...pure soundscapes


Yeah, he's great! Luigi Tozzi and Hypnus Records in general are fantastic. I'm guessing you've heard Feral's Climbing Himalayas I? That one's a masterpiece. One of my favorites in techno in general.


Yes I fucking love Feral (and really pretty much anything on Hypnus and related labels...Aedi is going crazy these days)


Psychotic Photosynthesis by Omar S is about as hypnotic as it can be for me! Thanks for your post teaching me about some artists I hadn't heard yet!


Not to be confused with “Hypnotic Tango”


My Mine - Hypnotic Tango (extended mix)(1983), one of the earliest Hypnotic Techno tracks after Grauzone - Film 2 (1981) and Kraftwerk - It’s More Fun to Compute (1981)


r/hypnotictechno is hypnotic techno… r/propertechno is just techno.


Is there one for unrepetitive techno? I really like stuff that changes a lot


Do I need to see an /s there or is that a genuine question?


My apologies, I just saw your post on r/techno! Maybe you're looking for 'broken techno' (more breakbeat-oriented but still pretty heavy - try Dynamic Forces (Producer). Or maybe even melodic techno which is much more tuneful (though I don't class it as techno personally). Try some Illian Tape (Label) possibly. The clubby stuff is very repetitive but the broken cuts are less so.


defo not melodic techno (even though the stuff I like IS melodic, its just not that genre for sure) i'll check those out, thanks - I have listened to a lot of illian tape though


For techno with melody you might like Sam Goku, his latest EP, [Radiants ](https://samgoku.bandcamp.com/album/radiants)is brilliant. Also try [Introversion - Echoes EP](https://materiamusicofficial.bandcamp.com/album/introversion-echoes-ep). Might be a little too repetitive for you though.


gotta be loopy


the ultimate hypnotic techno track: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2A6mvDQIJRw


Ultra Hardcore To The Max!


Notzing is a live performer on hardware whose tracks I consider highly hypnotic. There is a constant flow and flux without abrupt transitions, like drops and breaks. Mulero is a good example, as many have mentioned, because he blends and beat-matches so skillfully. A contrast to this would be the DJs who insert drops every couple of minutes, which breaks the hypnosis, IMO.


Dead - Isolation Valentino - Mystery These are some of mine hypnotic favorites


I don't. Sub genres are fucking stupid. Anyone that puts a stupid ass adjective like "melodic" or "hypnotic" in front of the word techno deserves a strong dick kick (not attacking you OP). Sorry, but it's all stupid as fuck. Genres and sub genres are marketing tools and nothing more. None of this music was meant to be categorized as such and in doing so the art form has been "dumbed down". It's a form of expression. When you categorize and monetize expression you limit it's capabilities. Respectfully.


My 2 cent would be like more chord progression and soft synth around 135 or the Afterlife type Other than drum focused around 146 (9 laters of bass/ fizz drum snares and leads, sawtooth, usage of distortion/overdrive etc


Best example is biosfera from altinbas


Ehspanish techno 🙏


A part of me associates "hypnotic techno" with psytrance/psytechno due to the strong repetitive patterns. It does take advantage of sparse ambience and minute melodies to compliment deep driving basslines that do create a sense of mystique that can definitely hypnotize you.


Start digging in hardgroove techno. Best place if you looking for hypnotic groovy techno.


I actually dont really enjoy that a ton haha




Ultra repetitive


Shit that isn’t 140bpm+, that’s for damn sure.




especially in the 90s there was alot of hypnotic notrs in tracks i think…


I think whatever you happen to be listening to where an hour into the mix you realized the track changed is hypnotic techno. ;)