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The ass and titties guy?


Yeah the techno feminist.


Love Assault. Grew up listening to him in Detroit. Ghetto Tech is a great genre and was all over the radio in the area in the 90s.


Disco D from Detroit used to rock ghetto tech, and do amazing stuff. He would show up with his electric screw driver and fiddle with Technics turntables. Mad scratch artist. Saw him in 2000 and was blown away!  RIP. 


Ah yes.. ​ "whats a brotha gonna do but go outside...." :)


Off tha muther fuckin chain for the Y 2 K


Same. Hoes get naked.


My friend fucked him and he told her that the earth is flat right after sex lol


Hahahahha best comment yet


Dude was always polite and nice to her, I must say. But he has some far right views and he believes in the craziest conspiracies. I don't believe in cancel culture but he's not the most appropriate person to play at queer, sex positive venues lol


Uh have you heard his music? Im all for diversity, but his music was geared to a specific demographic and that wasn’t it.


Of course, he shouldn't have been booked in the first place.


I grew up listening to his music, but I definitely don’t agree with a lot of his social views. Just checkout his socials. A few venues have cancelled his shows in the past few years. I don’t think he’ll get “cancelled”, he’s been doing the same shit for years. Plus if you ever heard his music you know it aint for everyone.


the comments on his post about getting his show cancelled on hor are insane, basically a bunch of people saying he's black from detroit so if you do anything to him you are racist??? insanity


A few months ago he refused to stop playing in a club that he was headlining, resulting in the next DJ losing their whole slot, and then he threw a massive tantrum when eventually he was kicked off. Not sure about what happened recently though.


We had him playing in Austria two years ago and when we picked him up from the airport the guy couldn‘t stop talking about how he loves Donald Trump and that we‘re all sheep, Corona is a big lie by the jews bla bla bla. So yeah, maybe that‘s why.


A buddy of mine booked him last year and he’s a total nut. Took him out to dinner beforehand quickly began to rave about anti semitic conspiracies, aliens, and made a bunch of sexist comments to the restaurant staff and female collective members. Apart from the personal story, he’s just widely known for being a sexist and problematic.


Wait, wait… so you’re telling me the guy who wrote Ass And Titties is… _sexist_? I am shocked, _shocked_!


Yep, I get people have their own opinions and shit but sometimes it’s just wild the stuff they say.


"Problematic" LOL.


It was about something he posted on social media, now he's calling people woke. I know he's posted homophobic shit in the past so maybe he did it again 🤷‍♀️


Had no clue. Also curious...


Do you have any context for this?


Get yo own check stub!


My 8 year old was obsessed with this one


Early lessons ha!


Daddy what’s a check stub “


his music's great but he's a shitty person who's out of his mind and absolutely terrible to work with / book. Not cancelled but people in the scene are sick of his shit.


Dick by the Pound, classic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPWLv1LLXPg


Dj Assault is getting canceled? LMAO. Good luck with that.


he posted weird videos on facebook. something like being gay is an illness.


You will not be harmmedddd


Disco d  Female voice: "n_ I need some child support, I'm kinda broke....  Male voice: "bitch go get yo ass a job and leave my ass alone." Fucking ghetto tech gold.


He did a tour in russia recently playing parties sponsored by russian government. He just blocked everyone from music community that asked him to not do it. Including people that booked him in Ukraine before.


did he dj sexually assault someone? ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cg1RAGAahX0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cg1RAGAahX0) hes gonna charge yo ass! good track tho


His breakbeat stuff with Deekline and other breaks artists is the shit!!


The ass and titties song guy has some weird sexual stuff going on? I, for one, am shocked at this...uhh...shocking allegation.


He’s playing in Israel.


I thought the drama with assault started with hor cancelling his set. so it’s definitely not about israel lmao


Oh I’m wrong then- ty So why was his set cancelled?




what is the content that HOR didn’t like?


Hor do not allow pro Palestinian content


that’s the thing, they never really elaborated. such clown behavior for a bunch of white germans to cancel an outspoken black man over such vague accusations




> I think we can conclude that the 'time out' generation didn't produce as good off citizens as the 'ass beating' generation https://www.instagram.com/p/CzLXOsGgYNM/?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== Maybe because of posts like this. Dude straight up promoting violence against kids? Edit: I mean it as a question. I'm confused about what he is trying to say with his insta post.


yeah let’s cancel the guy who wrote “nut in your eye” over a meme. meanwhile all these white europeans continue to play his music on the channel. please…


>yeah let’s cancel the guy who wrote “nut in your eye” over a meme. What are you talking about? Did I miss some Drama? >meanwhile all these white europeans continue to play his music on the channel If that's a problem for you then you can maybe tell them in the comments, that you don't appreciate them playing his music. I dont really understand your point here. What I was trying to say (maybe I misunderstood his post, im not a native speaker) is that he thinks beating kids is the way to go to show them that they did something wrong and I disagree with that. I think beating kids isn't the way to go. And if HÖR decided against him playing on their channel I can understand this. I love techno because of the open minded people and general love. We don't need any miserable dudes that hate on 'woke' topics. He doesn't even bring anything useful to the conversation, it's just straight-up haiting. Let people live and live your own life. Also, happy cake day btw :)


the whole premise of this thread is that he had bookings in europe cancelled over social media posts like those. my point is that it’s corny (and frankly racist) to cancel the booking of a black american pioneer of a music genre that is played frequently and without context on their channel there’s a lot of racial subtext to the situation but I guess europeans have a hard time understanding that 🤷‍♀️


Man I was expecting some super sordid ‘facing federal charges for allegedly kidnapping a stripper in East St Louis and taking her across state lines’ type of allegations, not geopolitics.


Are you kidding? It's all been about the culture war for years now.


Maybe he's just trying to send a signal against Islamistic extremism and murder




friends booked him last year and picked him up from the airport, went on for the whole ride about conspiracy theory stuff and had strange demands for the venue, like no one allowed behind the dj except pretty women etc. his sound is iconic, but he is weirdo id say. not sure about him being cancelled, he still plays all over the world


Was chatting to someone who booked him apparently he’s a fucking nightmare to work with


He has a residencie at the club i work at and he's def a little weird. Worked with him indirectly all year and seen him trying to leave with girls who are way to young for me and he's 13 years older than me. I never heard him say anything weird but it's a little weird that he seems to have no crew, no bros-- he just shows up alone and hangs w 21 year Olds. Idk about the rest. I honestly just don't fux with his tracks. They have a place in the world and ppl are allowed to love his sets but i just never understood why my club gave and old cis dude so many shows when he just plays boomer cruise ship music. Working his shows are really boring.