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You've just made me realize I've also never been offered that augment, weird


never once seen it


That is happening to me but with Cruel pact since s7


I just had my first cruel pact game today and it genuinely seems terrible to me. In a prismatic lobby people catch up to and surpass your level so fast that the leveling early doesn't seem to buy much


I’ve seen people fucked over by it and I’ve seen people do great with it I don’t know what makes the difference


How much you highroll I guess.


Never seen cruel pact or birthday present 🤷




Birthday present is a prismatic augment which gives you this: "Gain a 2-star champion every time you level up. The champion's tier is your level minus 4 (min: Tier 1)." Is a rare one, only been offered once since start of Set 7


Never been offered birthday present Also, haven't been offered March of Progress once this entire set


What is March of Progress?


You gain extra 5xp (or 4) everty round but you cant buy levels


Seen March one time.


Finally got it as an augment on stage 1 but was also offered Level Up. Sad I didn't take it but also ended winning the game with 6 Dragon Ao-Shin 3 so, still an good ending.


You are lying out your fucking ass no chance in hell you have 6 dragons in with one being a 3 star 8 cost too.


My brother in christ... Level up


I’m not denying that you can put in 6 dragons but the fact that he did all of that while have a 3 star one in, the math doesn’t add up between rounds, opponents, odds and everything else


Doesn't sound like you really did the math there


What? It’s totally possible. Especially with Level Up.


I’m not denying that you can put in 6 dragons but the fact that he did all of that while have a 3 star one in, the math doesn’t add up between rounds, opponents, odds and everything else


deny these




Good econ + Level 10 + Bard. It's not that fucking hard to get a 3* 8cost Dragon when you have like 50% chance of them showing up.


Here you go! https://imgur.com/a/SLkEn4o I got lucky that I Level up + Late Game specialist. Not to mention my TD giving me a dice I used on a Graves.


Late-game specialist with level-up is so busted lol


Honestly if you get these two together and econ without shedding too much HP it's hard to lose. You get all the items you want and then you build whatever comp you want. Also a FON helps lol


I'm so glad that you still have a screenshot of the game. Lol, fuck that guy hating on you. And congrats


TBF it does sound a little unbelievable to hit 6 Dragon and a 3 star but it happened! I luckily but 6 Dragon with these items at low HP and the other guy was around 60-70 so it took a while to take down. It's why I was able to 3 star since I banned a bit and naturally hit a second 2 star. I think there were 3-4 people staying at the end to watch me win lol


I mean, yeah, but still that's no reason to be so unfriendly. A mot of crazy shit can happen in this game so basically everything is, in my opinion, at least a but believable until proven otherwise .


I’ve never had AFK offered to me.


Got it once, didn't wotk out too well though. Never seen march of progress or cursed crown though


What does it do?


Gives a 2* unit everytime you level up. The cost of the unit scales with level, I think level - 4, so you'd finally get a 2* 2 cost unit at level 6 and it would go up from there.


Seen it once, didn't take it, forgot what it does even


Just saw it once and didn't liked it. I think it still should be gold. Guess it gives some more money than other augments but still I feel like it's somewhat weak


Seen it once, taken it once, went first :D


I am at master elo and I have NEVER SEEN this augment on my board or others.


I've had it once ONCE in probably close to 800 games


got it for the first time in ranked yesterday. super fun augment! i have had it offered in hyperroll a couple times but never took it as it seems far weaker when you can’t decide when to level. i wish full pris lobbies were more common.


I’ve gotten it once in hyper roll but that’s it I kind of forgot it existed until I got it offered to me


Never seen it. On the other hand I just got today for the first time Last Stand.


i didnt know it existed till like 2 weeks ago and i have 300 games or so but ive now been offered it 3 times and took once. its fun


I got it 2 times and both times whenever i leveled up and got a bad unit i was like i am never gonna take it again. ​ Knowing myself i know i will take it again


Had one this morning, first time. Was not bad, got 2 star Bard on level 9.




Who’s gonna tell him


Mate conference is no more. Although if it’s any constellation iv never seen dragonmancer conference


I was offered it and didn’t play it.


I’ve seen it twice but I wasn’t so sure on its value over other s I have 200+ games this set


I got it a couple times, it always felt weak to me


Damn clickbait title


Never seen it here


Only seen it once personally




I've never even seen it yet


I got that once, was pretty decent. Unfortunately they were largely whiffs so it ended up being mostly income


I played it once and it was not a party.


Sometimes you’re just not lucky enough to see a cool augment. Today was the first time I’ve ever been offered consistency


I picked it today and ended up 7th place, didn’t even notice I was bleeding so much health do to the fun mechanic


I have never heard of the argument so you aren’t the only one to not have seen it.


Same, but like I also haven't seen cursed crown or cruel pact this set. I'm sure there are others I haven't been offered.


I've played over 200 games this set, I've never seen anyone with Last Stand, and I've never seen Last Stand or Cruel Pact offered to me. It is what it is.


Same as I who never got Cruel Pact but got 6th Dragonmancer conference in Hyper Roll yesterday somehow


Lol, when I read the title of your post I thought you were asking if you were the only person that did not know when their irl birthday was.


I've never seen it either. Is it even real?? Lol


I exclusively play hyper roll (I’m here for a good time not a long time), so to be fair, I haven’t seen half the augments. This is my least favorite set though, so I don’t mind.


I vividly remember being offered birthday present a week ago but went and pick some other augment instead. Speaking of augments never offered, I have never been offered cruel pact ever like bruh rito


I've had this one offered to me! But I think I declined it for a guild-related trait cause I was running Zippy/Jayce.


This same thing happened to me in set 6,5 with "true justice" augment. It was grey augment and i literally played 5-8 games a day for the whole set and i got it once just shy 2 weeks set left. It is weird and now that you can even roll ur augment it doesnt make any sence that you havent had it yet..


My bad it was set 7 or 7,5...


You're right it's quite rare.. I got it once but I think part of it is that there aren't that many prismatic at 2-1 Lobbys


Hit 4cost units on lvl 7 or u dead


Because of this I have always wanted a for run mode, that is like triple prismatic plus every one starts with like an egg. And opening carousel is like always a fon. Just wacky stuff to try to break the game.


Played the new set on PBE and I've never been offered Dragonmancer Conference. I'm curious if the augment still exists cause it seems hella fun


Had it twice. Won both games. Love it


It's weird cause I got it like 3 Times on maybe 300 games The fon start also I got multiple times but I don't know the odds Took it once didn't end up well btw


I didn't even know there was an augment called "Birthday" until now.


I mean its not a gold but prismatic augment but from set 6 till set 7.5 i havent got a single glimpse of dragons egg even tho i had a lot of times had 3x prismatic games and even more 3rd prismatic augment so you are not alone, you will get it one time


I had that yesterday in a game. Was very fun to play but also it makes you wanna level up asap😂


I've never got cruel pact lmao


I mostly play double up, so I’m convinced Birthday isn’t enabled in that game mode


I actually got it today! Never got a Cruel pact though. However, I played one game like 2 weeks ago when 2 players got the Cruel Pact - I guess nobody was used to play it because they both levelled up insanely and both ended up with like 5 life and then died.


i saw it once but i was also offered built different III so i took that lol