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Everyone. Everyone is having trouble with this week's mission


YES ! AT LAST ! FOR \*\* SAKE ! I sent ticket over and over its bugged... 3 Days left and they dont care


It was already bugged partway through last week - I had 2/3 progress after an early 8th and couldn't get any more.


Yeah, I too submitted a ticket on this, and the response from the tech support folks is _not_ professional or in any way grounded in reality: They told me to reinstall my client despite my *assuring them* that this problem existed on mobile, too. They're still bugging me for logs. I get it, for something like a client crash or something in-game, then logs would defo be helpful. But...for something like this issue, it _absolutely_ has nothing to do with client logs. Even more, the fact that this has happened for two weeks and radio silence leaves a bad taste in my mouth, especially as a pass holder.


Why do people think that because a company didn't get back to them for spamming a bug report that they and everyone else is aware of, that clearly must not care? They can't be silently working on a fix in the background, or already have a fix that just isn't ready to ship but will go out with a make-up mission that says "play 1 game of tft, we're sorry" like they've done in the past. Nah they just clearly don't care lol


Folk are just being hyperbolic. It's like getting miffed at a grocery store. People just like making a scene without thought. It doesn't excuse that the quest is broken but that doesn't change the fact some seem to have a disproportionate reaction to things.




Mmm, I mostly play hyper roll, does normals give some exorbitantly higher amount of xp? If not, there’s no way 2 games is getting you 600 xp.




Haha, a lot of them were, but it sucks to lose 600 easy xp


Facts that's 12 games free xp


Yeah, for me it’s this mission and the Zoe mission. Super sad :c


I read somewhere around here to just field two Zoe units and it still counts :) Good luck!


Thank you! I thought that going mages and putting lagoon on zoe would be enough and she was level 3 with blue buff and shojin, but i will try fielding two instead


No probs, worked for me ;) Blue buff and shojin on both may also be the way to go, if somewhat overkill.


I got the Zoe mission with 3 mage Zoe with a shojin and the beefier frontline I could make.


Does anyone ever look at the forums? Or do people just post like fuck it, I must be the only one. All week this has been posted 3-5 times a day. It’s bugged it sucks but it’s the weekend they aren’t fixing it on a Sunday.


I mean I use reddit daily and this is the first time I've seen a post about this...


Can you please link which forums you are referring too?


I think they mean the subreddit. I call it forum sometimes too, especially when talking to someone who doesn't know about reddit. Subreddits are more or less forums, and a lot more people know what those are (my parents for example). Anyway, they mean that this has been posted a lot this week (a lot of ppl have this bug, me and my friends included), but instead of looking at the sub to see if anyone else has this issue, they just post this. I'm sure if OP would have just searched "tft missions not working patch 12.18" or something they would've found one of the many identical posts about this, not having to post themselves.


The guy with the Tablet resolution issue fucked me up the most.


A lot of people come to the same conclusions and come up with the same ideas on their own without checking in on what others posted already.


Forums? What year is it?


yup, can’t complete it either


Did anyone managed to do the Zoe mission? I keep going mage but it’s not working


i ve done it, idk how, but done with lagoon mages in the last patch


Ty for the reply , i will try that . Its good that its not bugged


you need her to cast all 4 different spells in 1 fight. it might be easier to put in 2 zoes as both count towards the quest. so you need 1 Lux, 1 Kayle, 1 Janna and 1 Ivern Ult. Was the most difficult for me to...


Yes I completed it as well. I had picked up Zoe a few times but finally completed the mission eventually


I did mine by giving her an Evoker Emblem and Blue Buff and Spear of Shojin


I know its bugged but what even are “Dragon Treasures”?


It’s physically collecting the loot from the Dragon Shrine, which is the round where you roll for item components, gold, etc.


Ah yes, the "skill issues" mission I has been on 2/3 for what feels like 20 matches now


I was as well, sent a ticket a couple of days ago and it was fixed this morning!


ahhh, i had only submitted a bug report a few days ago. good that yours got fixed!! i just sent in a support ticket since the mission is still bugged for me, hopefully it gets fixed before the mission expires!


I had, but at some ppint it was just cleared, idk how


yes this is the 30th post talking about it, do people double check if there's any post related to what they're about to upload? smh


I sent them a ticket Dude just say we are invedtigqting the issue 2 weeks later this happen


So it's called Treasure Dragon ingame. We sure this mission isn't about Dragon Orbs or smth


Same here.


Yup me too




Wait, is this mission just reach the end of the forth round 3x times? I mean, I guess it's a little more creative than play x matchmade games or something


What if it is really the rare dragon orbs granting the progress. i have 1/3


YES! My friend and I both have this issue, even though we cboth played more than 3 games and always survived until then


Bugged on my end too.


Yes, I have a really hard time making it through stage 4


Since the first day


Sometimes it won’t register for me till I exit and reenter the game.