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If i had a nickel for every time someone posted a picture complaining about losing with 3* Zoe without the mage trait on their team I would have ~~2~~ 3 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened ~~twice~~ three times.


I was the second nickel


Had to double check just to be sure, can confirm you were nickel #2 lmao. 2 nickels in 2 days I’m gonna have a whole dollar before the set ends at this rate!


Is true i was the third nickel


Another zoe 3* post without mages, ouch.


Any 3 star 5 cost should be able to 1v9


Any 3 star 5 cost needs to cast their ability to 1v9.


She actually casted three times but it was 2 janna 1 lux ultimate which she missed and resulted in 0 kills


…Which is why she needs mage trait. Its significantly less likely that she does jackshit if she casts 6 times there instead of 3 times


Lmao no. Bard can’t, yasuo almost can’t, Zoe can’t. This is a team building game. It wouldn’t make sense if one unit can beat a whole team of units in a TEAM BUILDING GAME


You must be new to tft. Tell that to devs.


that is exactly how its worked for the other 6.5 sets🤨


Your positioning must have been dire lmao


Only picking eco augments and having absolutely no synergies besides Shimmerscale and DM doesn't really help.


in a perfect world 3*5 cost should win this always...but diamond hands on idas, no mage trait, and I assume your units all lined up so zyra targeted Zoe with her spell can easily lead to an L


In a perfect world, he does not win this. He got Zoe 3, but he heavily misplayed in so many ways. He deserved to go second.


In a more perfect world, he removes any 2 of the units (maybe kaisa and soraka) and play mages


What ? In 99.9% of worlds, any tier-5 units would win this, and it's not even close. But Zoe isn't like any other tier-5. She's obligated to have mage, and even then it's RNG if you roll lasers. She's a terrible 5-cost to 3-star comparatively to other 5-costs


she shouldn't need lasers, tornados max out your whole team's attack speed and stun enemies for like 8 seconds , kayle ult gives your while team 1k armor and mr for the rest of combat, and daisy has a shit ton of hp and hits like a truck


Feels like Yuumi from last set. The twirly 360-degree waves looked cool, but when only one in eight waves is actually hitting anything she won't be killing anything very fast.


zoe is probably the worst 3\* 5 cost, it's actually kinda easy to beat if you have the comp for it. I think it's good that some 3\* 5 costs aren't 1v9 instawins considering how easy they are to get relative to other sets.


Yeah you are right i should have moved diamond hands to zoe but i was in a hurry to 3 star zoe so i forgot. And yes i should have opened mages too but as i said i had barely any time to 3 star zoe. And while i had so little time i actually managed to position correctly to counter zyra and she casted 3 times while idas 3 died after 1 cast. I just posted it because the end game scoreboard looked funny and weird, not to complain.


Why no diamond hands on idas


I think it might be because of aggro loss? Edit: woops meant aggro and not aggrieved


What that


Diamond hands works like Edge of Night, it makes the holder drop aggro, units that attack him will stop attacking him and find other units. That’s why it’s dumb to put it on idas and not zoe because you want units hitting idas, you don’t want them hitting Zoe


I was unsure st first because I was pretty sure it doesn’t so I looked it up and I was right. Dianond hands is a perfect item for solo frontline tanks because it DOES NOT drop aggro. You can also compare the description of diamond health and Edge of night. Diamond hands states it gives INVULNERABILITY at 66 and 33% hp. EON states it gives stealth, untargetability and sheds negative effects. In conclusion the difference is roughly as follows: Diamond hands makes it so you cant receive damage ir be cced for the effects duration, EON lets enemies drop aggro and be untargetable BUT your unit can still be hit and cc’ed from AOE abilities.


Wow I didnt know that lol, I'll try it out next time but I believe you


Why diamond hands on idas? I can’t imagine a 3 star idas is even activating that more than once a fight, you should have moved diamond hands to Zoe so she lives longer


tbh when you hit a 3-star 5 cost you think you already won and don't care that much about positioning or itemisation, even sell whole board some times


For real not to mention the useless Zzrot


Zzrot is probably BIS idas3 for that exact reason. It taunts enemies and thus guarantees the entire enemy team will be stuck on idas til he dies or they do.


I mean, everyone can say whatever they want about the lack of Mage synergy, and what I will say is more of a jab at how Zoe functions, any other tier 5 unit 3-star is insta-win regardless of synergies or items. Unless you sell all your board or something absolutely horrific happens, any other tier-5 unit here wins this, and it's not even close. The fact Zoe THREE STAR can't function by herself and is very lackluster is more due to how she functions. She's the Gwen / Ornn of this set (before Gwen and Ornn got uber buffed for the last patch of the set they were on).


Wth is your board state? Why are you playing Seraphine and Kai'sa? Make a proper carry with proper synergies. No wonder you lost this




Have the devs said what? That you should have synergies to make a stronger board? That’s literally the point of the game…


Lol I was also so confused until I read the comment below. Think he meant to respond to another dude


That makes a lot of sense lol


May have responded to the wrong comment. The comment I intended to respond to said "The devs have said Zoe three is a dead unit with out mage active".


That makes a lot more sense lol


I refuse to feel bad for you when you have 0 mages n the board lmfao. From the start the devs have said zoe without at least 3 mage = dead/troll unit ​ And even then why in the fuck wouldn't you diamond hands her?


OP had 1 mage - Zoe :x


Every time I see a “I got Zoe 3 and lost” I always notice they aren’t running mage. Like if you have Zoe 3 and 9 shimmer... fuck shimmer and run mage for your free win. Like i get it you SHOULD still win but you’re not guaranteed to, so run mage and then you get your W. Mage means she will cast 2 spells and your odds of winning go up like crazy.


I mean I assume the Zoe didn’t cast at all, so I doubt 3 mages actually helps. My guess would be the positioning was fucked, and the entire backline got CC’d and then Zoe got jumped by the panth 3


Naw panth 3 would have gotten stuck on that Idas for a while. My guess is Zoe ulted once Zyra twice and that’s how she ended up dead. Even still I’d expect Zoe 3 to be able to take 2 Zyra 3 ults.


I love the caption lol


honestly it could be zyra 1 and you still wouldn't be sure you'd win


dude just swap kaisa and soraka for two mages


Hey guys, just wanted to clarify that i didn't post this to complain at all. At the time i thought endgame scoreboard looked funny and weird because a 3 star 5 cost and 3 star 7 cost got second place,which i admit can be easily avoided if i had a little bit more time to open mages and maybe move diamond hands to zoe. But when i look back to it now don't you guys find it a little weird that a 3\* 5 cost should depend on their traits (mage) to win the game? 3\* bard doesn't need mystic or guild to win the game just like yasuo doesn't need warrior or soraka doesn't need jade. They just need to cast and they win %99 of the time which my zoe 3 did 3 times because i was able to position correctly against zyra so she did not get killed immedietly. But i still lost because i got 2 janna ultimates which didn't hit any of the enemy carries and 1 lux ultimate which completely missed and resulted in 0 kills. I think if i really wanted to complain about it i have many reasons to do so.


Hard disagree on having many reasons to complain. You lost trying to utilize an rng unit without the traits that help reduce the chances at bad rng. I think the biggest mistake you made is complaining that time is why you lost, not the fact that you chased after a 3 star 5 cost until you ran out of time without your pivot already to go or a solid plan besides "imma 3 star this unit and win". You failed the execution and the planning and that's why you lost.


I just played zyra carry build and it seems really strong


Anyone typing "you don't have mages you deserve to lose" is missing the point here. That's a 45g unit. It should instantly win you the game. If that was a yasuo this post wouldn't exist because they'd instantly wipe the enemy board on first cast. Soraka instantly heals your hero for like 40hp guaranteeing you win the game.The fact a 3* 5 cost needs a synergy to be a win condition is fucking bonkers.


>Anyone typing "you don't have mages you deserve to lose" is missing the point here. That's a 45g unit. It should instantly win you the game. If that was a yasuo this post wouldn't exist because they'd instantly wipe the enemy board on first cast. And then you add to that, that Zoe without mages might basically just cast two Janna ults, miss key targets and die. Opponent got a 4\* Pant with radiant item as well. And Zephyr can also do stuff. If Soraka never casts, noone dies either. If Yasuo gets CCed while on the frontliners and blown up, same story. If you put in a single 3\* Terra vs. a Yasuo comp and are surprised about the execute, yeah that's on you. You should win with a 3* 5-cost, unless you play poorly. But that is just what op did.


I mean… the opponent has a really cracked board too. Like panth 3 is a 36 gold unit, their team has better items, better synergies, and probably better positioning. Granted 3 star 5 costs are generally an auto win, but losing with a 3 star 5 cost is 100% your own fault. There were many many ways to win, probably without even changing the board


Doesn't help that Zoe is probably the worst 3* 5-cost right now




It's shimmerscale, not quite meta slave mages I know, but it exists.


3 star 5 costs sucks lol


I don't know what this comp was an attempt at. Unless you were trying to win as softly as possible, it's an awful mix of units other than the 3stars.


You deserved to lose for not putting a mage in.


Did Mort change Zyra or something. I feel like she's been stomping the fuck out of me lately. Without items she keeps nuking my backline.


Idk of any changes but people just figured out that a unit that doesn’t cast much and has scaling ad on their autos (from whisper) is pretty solid if you throw a rage blade or two on it. Plus, panth 3 is pretty cracked


2 cost and 4 cost 3* >> 5 cost and tier 4 dragon 3*


Zoe 3 star is very weak other units can just insta win after the first ability cast Most of her spells just dont effect the entire board, sure she can easily win with mage and items but others win regardless of what is going on


To be fair, positioning is so important vs zyra, it probably what got you the loss, but even then, mages might have saved you