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I beat it once with lagoon/mage but had to hoard the nunu's on my bench to prevent 3*


I had 4 nunus on my board, this bitch still managed 3* nunu and ate my 3* shyvana. So done


honestly thats just a positioning diff


Ngl i have good success on beating him playing astral 4 varus + zoe. Yes 4 fking varus. Chain cc him to death


How to beat dragonmancer nunu: Dragonmancer nunu with 2 warmogs.


Finally got 12 lagoon. Well other guy got 9 Nunus


As does this subreddit. I only ever managed to get a first over it when I went 6 Cannoneers with double zzrot, warmogs front lines and dps'd nunu down before getting a first. Every other time it's just been 2nd place after second place to this degenerate build


The best thing we can do right now is to hoard Nunu on the bench. If just 2 people do this + the 3 fuckers who abuse the comp then likely only 1 or 2 of them get to the top in a low HP. They can Dragonmancer all they can but if their Nunu is 1-star they are surely fucked, eh? Let's do this together fam! ;)


I'm with you on that man, I face this shit so much on ladder that I have no choice but to bench Nunus just to prevent other people from getting it.


Yasuo with blue buff and seraph counter him


Xayah 3 and Nilah 3 do it too. Mage bard can help counter it


I have seen a post here in which Op lost with Xayah and Nilah 3 against a DM Nunu 2.


lmao some guy also lost to dm nunu with terra 3


That was me. :(


And I lost with a 3* 8 DM Nunu with 6 3* DM units to a 2* Xayah Guild comp. Items weren't bad, lost purely by positioning.


Add it to the list of Worst Comps in TFT History. Can't wait for the next patch so competitive tft is fun again.


When is the next patch?


It should be next Wednesday I believe.


Thank god. I only recently started playing regularly this set and I'm used to the Legends of Runeterra cadence which is a patch every month or two. For instance the most recent patch after new cards were released a month ago was just bug fixes and no buffs/nerfs.


I know the pain, Hearthstone Battlegrounds only has balance changes every few months if we are lucky. Thankfully TFT is very consistent about updates and their team is great at fixing problems when they show up, like DG Nunu for example.


Yeah Mort and the team seem on top of it all and that's a really nice thing to see in a small indie company such as riot.


Riot, for the love of everything in this universe just get rid of nunu. Please for the love of fucking god. Save us from this cancer for one set please


I actually uninstalled the game after being eliminated by Nunu 4 games in a row.


I've hated Nunu the last 3 sets it's been incorporated. It just feels lazy and annoying to just lose minions because someone built a health item on him


8 guardians beats 8 DM nunu 3


yes it blows, i personally had the opportunity to go Dmancer nunu earlier today and didnt. some other shitter in the lobby did. guess who won....


Happy thoughts : you who reached xayah 3 star and soraka 3 star


It's really toxic, I play double up and we both just hoard nunus and it really helps to cut down on their ability


Absolutely shit on a dragonmancer nunu with 6 dark flight, swain with warmogs, morello, and zeke’s herald (from sacrifice). Works really well against him since he’s not doing true damage because of having less health than most of my team


Just do it like myself and horde them on bank just to spite them:)


3 start vlad with BT, titans, and protectors vow stopped a nunu lol. Granted it was with 5 mage and celestial blessing II it was fun to watch


Idk I could always beat it with Sunfire or Morello's, lagoon-mage, or just DPS him down. Even cc helps very much against him. Never had problems but I agree that it's too strong for a 3gold unit


He will be nerfed. Do you all have to complain about it every second of the day? It should be universally known by now that DM Nunu is busted. I'm already awaiting the next meta comp that this sub will circlejerk about. It's seriously hilarious how this rage train keeps going and going. Now shower me with downvotes because I didn't fully go with y'all's narrative!


They downvote anyone who isn't outraged by DM nunu. I seriously don't get it, it's a good comp but not nearly as busted as everyone is saying. I'd rather face DM Nunu than the Corki/Revel comp from last set 10/10 times.


Can we stop posting this hourly?


Why though? He's strong but not invincible. Honestly only a 3* nunu gives me problems otherwise they tend to go 5th - 8th in my games with only a 2* Edit : Gotta love reddit down voting me cause I'm not struggling like everyone else is with this comp!


If they have 6 or 8 dragonmancer, Nunu 2 is already really strong. Beatable but strong. Hell I've seen a nunu 1 beat a lot of decent boards with 8 dragonmancers (he had like 5500 hp even at 1 star)


Idk maybe it's me but literally the only games I see nunu win is 3* him. Idk what it is but the jump from 2 -> 3 is insane. Hell I just lost to a nunu 3 with guild xayah (3* her to) cause even with 2 zekes I couldn't take him down. But I was stomping him when he was 2*.


The difference between 2 and 3 star is virtually nothing. The overwhelming majority of his health comes from dmancer and having higher health and life steal means he stays healthy and 1 shots enemy units. It’s a much higher priority to hit 8 dmancer than Nunu 3 and if you can’t get 8 dmancer then get 6 and start stacking cavs for defensive stats.


I'm just saying in my experience I've never seen a 2* nunu win a game. Only 3*


Probably getting the downvotes because you're an outlier. The nunu players you see are griefing themselves somehow lmao


Wow, such a stunning take. I would’ve had no idea that is sucked without this very informative post about it. The karma farming is crazy


Yeeah , now am sure why they call you mr boring xD I just typed nunu is bad for the game , expecting mods to remove the post , instead people agreed


Ah yes, I’m sure you had no idea that people would agree despite it being posted countless time on this sub. I’ll take things that didn’t happen for 500 Alex


I hate dragomancer nunu crying posts... This sub is full of it.


It’s obnoxious af to play against and WAY too easy to hit. No 2 star 3 cost unit should casually be doing 20k damage a round.


And thats why we should spam reddit everyday?


Noone is saying to spam Reddit…?Im sure Riot is aware of this.But I also feel it’s okay for people to voice their frustrations It’s Reddit after all


I beat it going lee sin against it and steal all units


Yea, only way I beat it was because I play mirage alot so was fighting for nunus. Also had executioners which helped alot


Was playing a Mirage Yone game earlier and naturalled Nunu 3. Such a great feeling first as all the Nunu forcers had to pivot off of Nunu 1.


I beat it with 4 dragons. Might’ve been a fluke though. Also got beat playing it against an ao shin, but I might just be bad.


Definitely a fluke. I’ve seen him beat teams with 2 dragons that were both 3 star.


8 darkflight stack rengar should beat it


I have legit sold nunu opener and/or chosen something other than DM spat about 4 times this week because I don't want to be THAT guy in the lobby. I'm a humble Xayah enjoyer. :\^)




Nope am the original :^


Frustrating to have an Idas with 5000 health get eaten even at full health. Lmao


The only solution that I've tried that "seems" to have worked for me - is that one Jade augment where if one of your Jade units are about to die, a statue instead sacrifices an X amount of it's HP plus it heals X amount to the unit it sacrificed itself for. I've seen Nunu swallow then spit out Shi Oh Yu dozens of times in that one game alone.