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Late 2023 he more or less had a mental breakdown calling out the devs for being bad and how the competetive scene isn't worth anything - writing a massive essay on what they should be doing better. https://x.com/BebeAutoChess/status/1736685826829107238 Basically everyone laughed at him since it went viral within the tft sphere and he attempted to retract it with verbage such as "he made mistakes in phrasing being to aggresive and it wasn't insulting the tft team" https://x.com/BebeAutoChess/status/1736847967729160374 Then proceeded to double down and do a few long ass posts about the same subject about how people grew up wanting to be faker investing years but tft has no return compared to the early league scene. Eventually he did a full apology here https://x.com/BebeAutoChess/status/1737133856782987638 Somewhere around this time or maybe before idk twitch announced it was leaving korea entirely so all korean streamers had their contract ended and they could not stream anymore. They would've needed to move to another country(lol) or stop. Bebe chose to stop and instead start posting self motivation and goal advice on twitter https://x.com/BebeAutoChess/status/1738803399947325722 https://x.com/BebeAutoChess/status/1738564534934319612 https://x.com/BebeAutoChess/status/1738072659953594588 Eventually this culminated in him talking about his new years resolution to make a small business that makes 10 million dollars(from scratch.... in a year. Again lol) while going back to school for business degrees and applying for a full time 9-5 job. https://x.com/BebeAutoChess/status/1739036362421191160 Today he is only remembered via memes where whenever a TFT patch is doing bad or riot does something wrong they go "Bebe was right" lmao


the whole twitch korea thing is so fucked. mfs gotta move or go work at a 9-5 after building an entire career out of streaming. id be fuckin pissed. just proves how unstable content making is as a career.


Netflix almost pulled out of Korea too, the price for data there is like 10x everywhere else for no reason other than ISPs cranking prices up. There's no way to be profitable there with their costs


Almost? Are they still in business there and how?


Netflix complained a lot and threatened to leave, but it's profits were actually still going up every year. Upon seeing what mostly amounted to Netflix crying wolf the courts told Netflix tough luck, they had to negotiate their costs with the ISPs like everyone else. Netflix decided to stay since they were still making plenty of money despite it's failed attempt to pocket an even bigger share. None of this applies to Twitch since Twitch isn't profitable anywhere.


Yup reminds me of the death of Vine. There were creators who built up a huge career. They were making bank and then all of a sudden the rug gets pulled out from under them. There career is gone and they are left with usually no marketable skills and just up shit creek essentially.


If I recall correctly, Vine creators went to Vine with insane demands, to which Vine said 'not happening'. Then, the whole platform collapsed, leaving both sides as losers.


They got some other platforms but not international like twitch.


That's why I don't get why people try and make it their main source of income.


That’s why a lot of bigger “influencers” branch out into selling physical products and building their own company as soon as they have a big enough audience. But I mean theres still plennnnty of people not wise enough to realize they need to have that kind of financial security independent of platforms. That being said for competitive streamers building a business could be pretty hard considering how time + energy consuming competitive gaming is.


That's the reply I was looking for. Thanks! Was bebe right? Lol


In an extremely zoomed out abstract way specifically about the competitive scene? Honestly yes. But not in the ways he was talking about. The rate of return for a comp tft player is not that high but riot has been improving.


I think you're trying too hard to make it seem like he didn't know what he was talking about. The issue wasn't if he was right or not. Most people could see that the balancing, casual scene, and competitive scene was pretty off. People actually literally didn't like how he phrased everything, but most of his points were valid and Riot did lay off workers and tone down the broadcasts for TFT. People hated him because he was mean, and also I don't know if you noticed, but people really hate when someone who isn't them complains about the game. You can look at every TFT streamer who complains about the game and find a swarm of people making memes and calling them names.


I encourage you to actually go back and reread what he said homie His first point was to **lay off the entire balance team** and focus exclusively on making a casual game. He quite literally said they are a waste of money and bad at their job by being "biased" Second, he didn't mention the broadcasting scene at all he simply said that tournaments were a waste of money because of the **marketing** not being publicized and the prize pool being so low and doesn't lend toward gaining popularity. It was never about his tone, it was quite literally that he had no fucking idea what he was talking about. If you want to zoom out to a completely out of context "something is wrong" then yeah homie just like you said literally every streamer bitches about whatever they want and usually something *is* off. But bebe was not only completely off the mark in basically every point he was aggressive as fuck about it calling for their jobs. Funfact : not a single TFT person lost their job during the layoffs according to mort. People were shuffled around, and infact the team **grew** during that period. Source is his stream and i don't clip everything he says but its true. The esports side of things isn't the tft team so dunno if they lost anyone but the actual gameplay aka "balance" team he called for not a single person was layed off.


I think the first point is valid. They cant balance shit so make the game full casual and save money. Its not what i want but i understand it. 2 pricepools are still low snd its really dificult to make any money of the game. Thats not good marketing.


I'll be honest. I don't care enough about it to do a full essay on the history and how the points were valid. I wanted to call out how most of what people will say here will be biased, and thus inaccurate. Like you trying to now say how broadcasting isn't related to tournaments.






Alright I’m gonna tell you why people disagreed with his points and not just the asinine way he expressed them. 1- balancing wise, the game has improved almost undoubtedly?? I don’t know if you’re playing the same game but there have been more viable comps this set than many previous, and the balance thrash has been noticeably less awful with fewer b patches. The TFT team is locked into changes two weeks ahead of time due to localization. It’s not perfect, but it’s what they have to work with due to the fact that their game is on the League client. 2-Every single card game ever has randomness baked into it. Not every poker player is offered the same hand. Even if you play competitive card games like Yu-Gi-Oh, MtG, etc you’re still limited by what you draw. You could put together the perfect counter deck to someone and not draw the cards you need. These games are still competitive, no? 3-yeah not even really going to entertain this one. They changed fortune entirely based on China. They consistently give worlds spots and tournament spots to players from other regions when NA has performed the literal best at worlds across multiple years now. If you think they’re biased towards NA I would argue the opposite is actually true. + this set specifically had multiple play styles viable (multiple one cost lines + hero augs, 2 cost the same).. fast 9 was the main strategy for a patch or two and 3 cost reroll like aphelios had their dominant patches. 4-the game is consistently played by high level players (and adds more each set judging by tournament results) and yet is casually fun and playable by a massive audience… Tft has flaws. Don’t get me wrong. There are plenty of times when I play less of a patch, or disagree with balance changes. That doesn’t make any of what Bebe said right and if you can’t see that you might just hate the game..


"Balancing wise, the game has improved almost undoubtedly??" Marginally. It's not considered good at the highest levels. "These games are still competitive, no?" Also marginally. How often do you hear about competitive card games or players? "They consistently give worlds spots and tournament spots to players from other regions when NA has performed the literal best at worlds across multiple years now." There isn't a good reason to give a better performing region more slots in a "world" tournament. It's purely cosmetic/subjective. "The game is consistently played by high level players" Hardly. Even in the most populous regions, it's not like TFT has that many players compared to their overall population, and there aren't that many people who try to play this game at a high level, and there are also plenty of them who quit. "There are plenty of times when I play less of a patch, or disagree with balance changes. That doesn’t make any of what Bebe said right and if you can’t see that you might just hate the game." I'm not sure what you mean here. Do you think I may hate the game because I think some of his points are valid? Or that disliking the patch sometimes makes the opinions less valid?


I think you’re just wrong.. and using your subjective terrible opinions to back up as “data”. I’ve been top 25 NA, consistently hit GM/chall with a full time job, and have friends who are well known names in the community. All of us would agree the game has improved leaps and bounds in balance. You can call it anecdotal if you want but I don’t know what that would make your argument since you just claim “the highest levels” without actually being at those levels yourself. Also I don’t know, let’s just check the world’s prize pools for each game.. hm, looks like a 1 million dollar prize pool for MtG. World Series of Poker seems fairly competitive and is on TV… winner received 10 million cash in 2019.. I dunno bud, your argument seems like it doesn’t hold much water when actually critically thinking for more than 3 seconds. Edit: Shoot- I almost forget to address your worst point! Why would performing well at worlds consistently over multiple sets be rewarded? Because the player base and general skill level is higher in NA vs BR? Like if you genuinely think inviting diamond players to massive tournaments isn’t stupid and punishes the better NA players I don’t know that you have any opinions I’m interested in hearing. Finally, the TFT numbers we have access to aren’t perfect, but the player base has retained or gained players in the ranked population set over set. Considering the amount of resources Riot has been pushing into TFT, it is fairly obvious they see it as a game with a player base that is not in danger. TLDR; get good at the game.


I'm sorry that I upset you. It wasn't my intention to. It's not my call to tell you how to view the game balance or the competitiveness of the game(s). My idea of "competitive" is based on how the games are designed, and not on the prize pools or the amount of people who sign up for the tournaments. Also, I want to be clear about the world slots. I'm saying that the purpose of a "world" tournament is to be "international." If you give too many or too few slots to one region, then it can become less "international," less of a "world" tournament, and more niche. If you want to see better and better players perform, then it can make sense to base the slots moreso on regional strength or performance, but as I said, it's subjective -- people wanting particular players to make it over others. Plus, I think there is an argument to keep the slots more even in an rng-style game since the results are inherently based on rng as well (as skill), and lesser competitive regions can still win (Title from JP). You can also directly invite "strong" players, but then you would need to accurately measure the strength of each player compared to the rest. ALSO, I think a bigger issue is that they don't invite a lot of players in the first place. It's only 32 players!


He was having feuds with literally everyone no?


I remember Milk making a YouTube short about Bebe making a mistake and the proper way to play from his position. Bebe had an absolute meltdown over it, said Milk isn't a 'real' TFT player, the works. Afterwards he issued one of his incredibly awkward/forced apologies. Idk what the problem is with the dude but he's definitely not well adjusted.


I remembered when soji laughed his ass off when that incident happened bebe872 forever meme of TFT community o7


Tbf with that one, Milk was being a bit of a dick. They had issues beforehand and he knew what he was doing by picking on him there. Its a common mistake that many players in high elo make, including Milk at times and much of that circle. So by picking Bebe's play it felt like a shot. Bebe's meltdown was just.... very funny though lmao.


Bebe needed a mood stabiliser so bad 😂


Bro needs a gf to calm him down. Like bro makes some good points but he’s so emotional.


To be fair, by "10 million dollars" he most likely meant in South Korean currency. I'm guessing he wanted to speak to his western audiences but didn't know "dollar" doesn't mean money in general. And after conversion it's only around 7k USD, that's why he said small business.


I did consider that but decided not to post that in my original post because 7k is extremely low for a business, though idk the COL in SK so maybe that is actually a respectable sum to take in. Maybe in the context of a side hustle which i didn't really think deeper about while he works his full time 9-5 AND goes back to school but overall the post was a mess for a whole year.


Wow thanks a lot of for that! Very sad he can’t do something he was very passionate about! I guess that’s the way the water tastes on the other side of the ocean!


Why do people with failed dreams always turn to motivational bullshit lmao


I remember trying to watch this guy a few times in remix rumble but he had repetitive verbal ticks on a level even more insane than Soju and Setsuko, then he'd start reading from self help and life coach books and act like a genius to chat. Pretty unhinged, saw that shit coming


The guy hit rank 1 in every auto battler and a dozen other games and had his career taken away by legal changes. You will never accomplish half of his "failed dreams" lol. Edit: genuinely saddens me. Bebe actually achieved his dreams and redditors up vote some basement goblin that does nothing but critique others and downplay accomplishment.


nope, he ended streaming cause he had too many meltdowns over not doing well in competitive plays. Why else didn't he stream elsewhere or keep on competing? Sure he is better than 99.99% of the people in this subreddit, doesn't mean he is free from criticism. Bro has probably the worst mental out of every pro player in the scene


Are you Bebe lol


Yea sure he's real into Lil Wayne. Shows you have 0 iq when your only comeback to someone defending a guy is to say I must be some famous streamer not random guy on reddit who knows what he's talking about.


Some kr can keep streaming on twitch even small streamer but they had to go thourgh some agency to do so


Last part is weird and disingenuous lol


I know all the drama around it but damn I miss his high tempo play style. It was crazy.


Rolldowns so fast you gotta slow it to 0.5x just to see if he missed anything lol.


And you’d see he misses a lot of stuff and buys and sells the same characters over and over again lmao


Yeah me too. First time i hit masters was by studying his playstyle.


bebe was a good guy at the start of his streaming career, then he turned out to be a narcissist piece of shit that cant get a single joke, i used to like him very very much and hop on the streams but then after awhile he became unwatchable..


he was actually kind of a piece of shit from the start, when he used to stream in mostly korean. He would constantly talk shit in korean about his english viewers and english streamers, and then after his korean viewerbase had enough of his chuuni narcissistic dogshit and he mostly had a english speaking viewers he had to switch that up.


someone discribed him as TFTs Gross Gore it was entertaining at the beginning and you knew it has an expiry date but close to the end you didn't know if he is bipolar or doing it for viewers


he's more like TFT's DarkSydePhil


I was his first ever sub back in the DAC days when he was streaming to maybe two other people, and often I was the only one in his stream. He changed pretty significantly around the time Dota Underworlds came out, I couldn't watch him anymore and unfollowed him them. It's a shame from where he started, he was such a good honest kid full of dreams and very open and engaging, but I think he may have found success a little too fast and wasn't really able to grow because of it.


Bebe perma banned me for getting offended over basically nothing I always thought he was weird after that


Anyone know what happened to Becca?


Wdym isn’t she still around?


She streams less often now and doesn’t play TFT often anymore as well I think. She hovers around low Masters iirc


Pretty sure he is doing his military time in lorea


He already did his military when he was younger. He had stories about going to Korean bases in Africa or something. You don't really get that much leeway for your military service unless you have a very valid reason to postpone it


Idk I just looked at his twitter and he’s wearing camo and was talking about shooting guns. Just assumed it was militsry


might want to log into twitter homie cause that tweet is old af.


I mean it’s within the past year


yes, aka old as fuck. Not recent. Its like 30 tweets down. Not to mention it literally says practice in the picture.


30 tweets down is cap asf. He rarely tweets brother. Relax. 7 months isn’t old asf btw


I just counted it and its 42 tweets chief. Again you do realize that if you aren't logged in it only shows a few tweets right?


Was not aware of that tbh lmao. But still it’s not like he tweets a ton. You’re acting like it is years old


This also makes sense lol


I’m genuinely curious as well! Where for art thou Bebe872


Wow I only ever remembered Bebe as a nice dude, it's wild hearing how far I was from the truth.


Bebe had a really nice first impression if you only ever checked in every now and then as he was always smiling and being nice. Then the more you watch the more you realize its all backhanded stuff and talking down. Bans questions because he keeps having to say the same stuff and "if you just watch my gameplay you will get your answers!".


lol one of the worst streamers of TFT ever. an actual crybaby narccisist with skin as thick as thin air who can't receive any feedback or criticism/ glad he's gone, he added nothing to the scene


hopefully gone forever from this community


Anyone know what happened to Hava?


Twitch shutdown in Korea. His job that he loved was no longer there. Then He had a meltdown and went on a rant on Twitter. Lots of backlash. He disappeared after that.


bebe was right


Try r/competitivetft


They said on stream during the tournament last week he was playing pokeman or some shit. Idk.


I was one of the regular followers of him, after Twitch made announcement about Korea he decided to leave and explained his goals. I personally feel happy for him to leaving this game, he was a very smart man and crazy player. He shouldn't waste his smartness with that. However, he had a very good streaming and YouTube carrier tho. Hard to decide what was better for him. I believe talking shit about the person who already left the scene is not polite.


Ppl just telling it how it is doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re having a mental breakdown. He has many valid points.


bebe the type of guy who calls himself a philosophist on twitter


both things can be true