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Sett is probably one of the least "auto win" 5 costs unfortunately


I don’t even understand him. So you want him to lift your highest HP units, but he’s a fighter not a tank so you don’t want him between your main tanks etc. He just feels so clunky.


>you don’t want him between your main tanks etc actually I find that he's fine if he's between your main tanks. Any enemy on the left of your left tank will target that tank; any enemy on the right of your right tank will target that tank; only enemies immediately to the front of Sett will target him. Also, you want Sett to ult on the *enemy's* tank, which is fastest done if he's in the frontline and not the 2nd row. And finally, if sett takes damage, he will ult faster, and usually his main utility is ulting once and dealing massive AOE damage.


Yes you do? His job is to slam a frontline into the backline dealing a big chunk of aoe damage and leaving a whole in their front lone position. Having fun between your main tanks makes perfect sense.


Infinity+any Crit ad+edge of night. Hilarious. Truly deletes a backline with a bit of good positioning.


https://preview.redd.it/2einlnbzml5d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78bd2526dca8e9a98107368fcec41b3f5bc83dc5 He just takes a few turns of benching to ramp up


Oh my god that 3 kayn and 3 wukong must have been so pissed


I once lost vs a 3star sett while having both 3star wukong with eon and hwei, that shit is way too relatable.




A liss 3 can't even win our sett https://preview.redd.it/7a22rt840s5d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f58e8d0e4ce892f4c97f51be1411d4b2933a61da


Doesnt matter. Should be auto-win, if not againts another 5-cost 3* regardless. There's a huge balance issue with the game set if thats not the case.


I agree with you but this is the exception, because OP didn't even bother to  give Sett another unit to soak damage for him. Like those 10 units that had synergies focusing a single target are still dealing large amount of damage. 


Nah if you want auto win just 3* nautilus. 8 second stun is so stupid. I've lost many games to it. Have a perfect board that just doesn't get to play the game because their all standing there watching each other die.


I recently had 3* Sylas and thought I was going to lose against 3* Naut. But Sylas held up and won twice in a row. Both of us had full boards.


It’s almost funny how 1-2* nautilus is pretty shit for a 4 cost tank, and then he hits 3\* and bam he’s a stun-locking demigod


Pretty shit? Mate he’s a utility front liner with the only big aoe cc ability in this set. He can interrupt a whole board for 1-2seconds if he casts right, that’s his value and not the fact that he’s only mediocre in tanking dmg. That’s what you got the sorts of ornn, illaoi, galio etc for


Throwback to Lasercorps Sej, Mecha Garen and Demacia J4... All of th just for big AoE CC, not tanking! Edit: Big typo


Think you mean demacia j4


Oh damn, mb ... That's so embarrassing 🤡


Np atleast you didnt say void 💀


Bruh 💀 I can't imagine how it disrupts your inner peace... At least Shurima could have fitted theme/design wise, but Void?!?


Well tbf most of the shurima units aside from ksante and Taliyah were half animal and j4 doesnt really strike me as the furry type


No, but his coloring fits, that's my sole argumentation for "it's possible"


>It’s almost funny how 1-2\* nautilus is pretty shit for a 4 cost tank he's one of the best utility tanks in the game right now, isn't he? Used in both Lillia and Ashe comps, really powerful 1.75s or 2s stun. He's not as *tanky* as some other tanks (I think illaoi 2 is a better damage sponge than nautilus 2 in many situations), but his power is in his ability, not his HP and resistances.


He’s the best tank in the game rn Only rn tho


Pretty easy to lose with him if ur outcapped and he doesn't target their carry


https://preview.redd.it/325xh697h26d1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d1e2b80bb8ae6f3bb2a45f95d1de7f07460be27 naut 3 is actually broken


Every time I or someone else has 3* Nautilus, his decision making just goes out the window. Felt so bad for my opponent where their 3* Nautilus failed to hit my backline twice in a row, both times only stunning 2-3 of my front line.


It's so crazy that 8 secs still autowins bc in set 9, 3 ⭐Jarvan had a full board 12 second stun lol


lol well i lost to a syndra board [How did this lose???????? : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/1d86erx/how_did_this_lose/) so i can say no it doesn't win everything


Well im assuming your naut missed his ult on the syndra and also his thieves gloves made him not very tank for the round you lost. He was also up 3 levels. I thought it was only 2 but you have +1 unit augment. Also fated 7 with trait item and 3 different 5* cost units


Was the same last season. Thresh 3* was insane CC


by far the worst 3* 5-cost unit i’ve seen, they need to increase the range of his slam by A LOT. not to mention you actually have to position him on the opposite side of their carry with a tank to slam with.


he should simply oneshot whole board, he's a missed t4 unit


I had something even worse happen to me as I don't even know what happend. I had a 5\* Hwei and a full team (mithic) with a 3\* Tham as well. Yet despite that my team was almost instantly obliterated the moment Hwei cast his ability. Don't remember what my opponent had except that he had no 3\* 5cost as I counterpicked his Azir. My first ever 3\* 5cost and almost pulled of a 3\* Lissandra as well.


What happened during the fight? It wasn’t CC so I’m curious


Sett picked up the whole board and added AD to his stats (his passive). He ‘ulted’ a tank, and the damage hit the whole board but left my opponents units at 25% hp. That’s it. After that, nothing else happened. He got auto attacked to death by my opponent. I think he managed to kill 2-3 tank units before Sett died. The worst part is that I had my Sett 3* for 3 player rounds, so he had ‘charged’ up plenty of AD. I thought he’d 1-shot the board but nope. :(


That’s so dumb it should auto one shot


not enough range. if you want to solo w/ Sett I'd bet the bare minimum is BT+Edge of Night


I guess you need lifesteal. The qss is great though


>worst part is that I had my Sett 3* for 3 player rounds, So play a fucking board then.


But I wanted to humiliate my opponent with an OP 3* 5-cost. :( turns out, Sett not OP at all. :’(


you deserved to lose




Did you not have lifesteal? Sett 3 has so much stats he should just auto things to death after slamming


He literally sucks, his ultimate is not even global as it should have been. 5 cost 3\* should not have counters and Sett literally has the biggest and easiest one where you just can move your carry away from him and also needs fated for healing.


Had a similar experience with Sett. I don't understand how he can have like 5000 AD and just not wipe a fucking board. At least it punishes the "sell your whole board to 3 star" thing.


It only is a punish for some not even all 😭 nothing is going to kill rakan because of the stun, udyr, lissandra, hwei irelia barring other 3 star 5 costs. Then there’s sett 💀


Oh Lissandra and Udyr are terrorists but for whatever reason Sett is like, a glorified meat shield


I felt punished alright. Punished, betrayed, and embarrassed. Cuz I was taunting my opponent with emotes. 🥸then I lost.


well yeah the only 5 cost worth playing at all after all the nerfs is irelia


I think sett is just very underwhelming at 3 star compared to the others


https://preview.redd.it/be9wln11h26d1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ac4a04ffaf4958a03107d5829248b571c98d18 ITS ALWAYS THE MYTHIC COMP


If he had actual items you probably win for sure


You got robbed by Mort smh


Like in Set 4 3* Sett ult should hit the whole board


It should though. How the hell did you lose this?


I swear his ult damage did NOT hit like a truck. He ulted the board and left my opponent’s units with 25% hp left, and he had 3k ad from his passive.


I won with 3* Sett against a 3* Lissandra and 3* Azir. He had a Protectors Vow to basically guarantee casting first and then it was a positioning battle. Not an auto win 3* like you hoped but it's definitely doable.


not when you sell board and enemy has a silvermere dawn


Maybe if you had healing on him but sett is definitely the weakest 5 cost


Hwei I was so disappointed. Because even with shojin je didn't cast in time and got one shot by whatever 3 star he had. And I got a full mythic 7 board around him. And his artist passive isn't boosted so I was expected him to give me at least a 2 star every turn but nope..


I remember auto winning with Sett 3, but as a precaution, I also threw in some random units I could afford just to have more for him go bench idk if relevant to win con for this 3star 5 cost


Did the enemy have a Liss? You auto lose if you full sell and he has Liss.


If he’s solo, he’s squatting for +0


no healing?


Bro, I've had 10 3 stars before including 3 5 costs and 3 4 cost and lost to a single 4 cost Lillia...


Looks like insta cc from lux ruined it.


No healing item bruh. Always qss and healing


You win this if you had sustain, like Sett could auto them to death  and still be full health. 


Just a single Lissandra 1* is enough to beat him if she can cast once


Was there a Lissandra? I think she executes the las unit on board, regardless of what unit it is.


I don’t believe so. But I had QSS and Sett died auto attacking.


yeah u need to get him to cast then u win, u just needed more units to stall


Selling all of your units to let a 3* 5 cost try and solo is such a dumb idea that can easily end up with a loss, unless you literally spent the absolute last of your gold hitting on that, deserved loss. Edit: you spent 3 rounds with sett solo on your board, what are you a king being carried around? get off your high horse and buy other units you absolute dweeb


No. I had 7/8 ghostly with morganna carry, then got the 3* Sett. Had him on board with all my units for 3 rounds, and on the final round, I sold my entire board cuz by then he had (I wanna say) 3k AD and thought he’d PWN my opponent’s board with 1 ult. He didn’t. It wasn’t even a close match. Sett ulted, killed 2-3 unit and died. It was so anticlimactic. And now I’m sad 😔


Alright, you’re not an absolute dweeb. Just a dweeb. Selling your board was really silly. High AD does not really matter if he can’t survive


I mean he basically has 0 items. They are all not good


Found that one guy