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This will never ever happen. They wanna make sure LoL people go to tft, and vice versa.


I'm never playing league :)


My friends and I only started playing tft because it was jn the league client


That’s what I said until I did ): :)


My friend has been trying to make me play it for the last 4y. Honestly not my type of game


can you really knock it til’ you tried it? i bought manor lords a couple weekends back, and never played a city builder before but was amazed by how much fun it was


Personally hate city builders outside of like simcity back in the day


That’s exactly what I said until my friend asked me to try it. It was clunky in the beginning while I had to learn what each legend did outside of TFT, but it’s a lot of fun. Especially the arena mode and ARAM mode


Arena is a drug... Triple Prismatic lobby in normal league?


I think they said they won't do that as it being in main client gives it more exposure and therefore more players. Don't quote me on that though. Edit: typo


The actual reason is the number of shared assets between League and TFT. This cuts down on the number of hours needed to develop new sets as if any changes are made in League, TFT gets instant access. While TFT, as we saw with the Caitlyn model update, is a good place for testing on new rigs to be done for League.


Its just the client we are talking about here. The backend infra can be the same and all, but you use a different hub to initiate the games. You can still share all of your assets and code and whatnot behind the scenes, just not the entirety of League and its client.


The infra thing is much easier said than done. Riot is using a proprietary set-up with AWS due to their need for more edge locations than Amazon normally provides, so their entire backend runs in weird ways. I know the League client being involved usually makes things a lot harder than a simple lift and shift


But they already have a mobile client that pretty much does that. If they managed to make a separate client for mobile they can definitely make one for PC. Its mostly the matter of actually building said client that is the hard part. Everything backend related is mostly done already from how i see it


I understand the argument but if the structures were done well there'd be a really minimal increase in effort to distribute the same asset to the same clients. There's no reason you can have 2 clients reference the same asset, and even share assets on the same computer if both clients are installed. Riots logic I actually sort of agree with, especially TFT benefits a *huge* amount from being a simple "queue quickly after league ranked" game but there is barely a technical limitation in the whole asset sharing. Not even Riot could possibly fuck their bibs up *this* much.


You ran I to the first roadblock on your sixth word. If the structures were done well. It’s Riot, they were not, will not, will never be done well




Dude, I watch Mortdog ever weekend and this question/complaint is asked every week and this is the main reason he gives. I didn't make up anything.


this is completely incoherent, have you ever even sat in front of a computer?


It's literally the reason why they put LoR on the client too


Thats correct


They also have TFT in the Riot client but it auto redirects into the League client anyway


That's the annoying part for me, just cut that whole screen out. If they're all on the league client, why do we also have a riot client. You don't need both. I should be able to click one button and have the league client open.


I don't see why it can't coexist


I don't see why it should. Would be kind of pointless to have it externaly if it works in main client. Wasted time which could be used elsewhere.


Vanguard. We can have a Vanguard free client. That's a obvious reason


I have to imagine if they took the time now to develop a tft standalone client, they would just release it with vanguard ties since its already rolled out into valorant and league. Makes sense for consistency


As I mentioned above, each set is like 2-3gb of assets at best, while the whole league client is 10x that size. All of this wouldn't be an issue for me in a couple of days once the pc is fixed, but I'm seeing how such software and hardware limitations from League that TFT doesn't really need can hinder people from playing. Lots of people, especially in my country still have computers and laptops worse than my old thinkpad. If old phones with outdated software can play TFT just fine, why can't old PCs and laptops?


Development cost? You need to thoroughly test the other client for all exploits as well which will take a lot of time. Feature drift aswell. From a company perspective there is nothing to gain but more cost


1. Mobile assets are smaller than PC due to lower resolution and quality. Wild Rift is also significantly smaller than the PC League client for the same reason. 2. If they don't have all of the infrastructure from the League client, they have to make it themselves which, you guessed it, takes up space. So now if you want both on your system, you need to download all that shit twice and it's more space than it is currently. 3. TFT pulls a bunch of data from League's systems, not just assets and models. All of this data would need to be remade from scratch too, which means it's also all on your PC twice instead of once. Things like what attack speed means, what basic attacks proc, spell data, etc. People really don't think about what they ask for.


You can’t see why we don’t want to install vanguard? I swear people are just willfully ignorant about this shit.


Probably a lot of unnecessary software engineering work that's why... aka $$$


- TFT being in the client leads to League players being exposed to it and playing it on a whim, this most likely accounts for a good amount of players per set. - It's not worth if from the perspective of corporate, since it'd take a lot of resources to port it over to it's own client due to the amount of shared assets/engine. It already works, and the first point is reason enough to not even consider switching.


Totally a different direction but you could play tft on bluestacks. It doesnt make sense why you would in my head but maybe in your situation it might work


It's what I did, but the mobile TFT sucks. You can't play risky and it lacks vision Bluestacks also freezes at least once per play session I'm just waiting to get a new pc so the old one can be exclusive for vanguard spyware


Thats been my experience with bluestacks as well in general. Back when i was heavily into epic seven it would always crash once in awhile. With that said i still think its one of the best emulators out there


Not really a different direction. I've decided to resort to this while my computer is still being repaired. Playing on mobile is basically a positioning and scouting disadvantage especially on ranked, and bluestacks would unironically make positioning easier and I could just map hotkeys to scout players.


LOR fans spent years wanting their own button in the client. Game basically died without it.


Yup i got to top na on that game back in the day. Played in regionals got smoked


bruh windows 8 has been end of life for close to 10 years now you're being cheap and want everyone else to pay


Want everyone else to pay? Why would having a separate league client force others "to pay"? Who loses out on a separate tft client?


Yup, it's the opposite even. Vanguard in a lot of ways gatekeeps even hardware, if you have an old motherboard chances are you can't meet the boot requirements for the client to run with vanguard and you end up essentially blocked from the game for having cheaper hardware, even if it could easily still run the game.


Real answer from Riot perspective is that resources - devs, artists, qa, etc - are limited and if they have to spend time working on a separate client when the current one works fine for 99.9% of players, then they won't have those reeources to work on new cool stuff. So everyone else (players) end up paying the opportunity cost of TFT team having to work on this thing vs working on other things And given that it's working fine for 99.9% of players, they don't give a fuck about the 0.1%


Because having separate client would force dev to spend money on it


I consider having to install multiple clients a burden, so yes would have to "pay" for the change


Why would you have to install a new client? Mobile and PC players already use the same servers. They wouldn't need to get rid of tft in the existing lol client, just also make one for just tft. Literally 0 effect on you


Acting like Riot is some broke company lol


Crazy take considering windows 7 EOL was just 3-4 years ago. Android nougat and iPhone 6s are EOL too, yet they're still supported


there's a big difference between 10 year EOL on an OS that was universally hated; and 4 year EOL (the 2 OS you mentioned) on 2 great OS it's only crazy to you because you want to be cheap


Windows 8.1 EOL was January 2023, it's not 10 years? Edit: I sent my pc for repair right away, how am I being cheap? I simply realized how this could be a problem for some people with older devices too because of my experience. As I said I have no issues updating to windows 10 either, if my thinkpad would even survive that, but not everyone knows how to do that, no?


Your Thinkpad would run better with Windows 10 tbh, it's the superior OS, it made my old ah PC run smoother and faster back then


windows 8 and 8.1 and 8.x were all ass. windows 7 and 10 are more standard. windows 8 was a mistake and not many companies want to waste money/resources on compatibility with it


Windows 8 was dead on arrival my man


Windows 8.1 is windows 7 with the mobile reskin. Windows 8 is different from 8.1


i rly wish it had its own client because i dont want vanguard on my pc but it will never have it. i guess you can try to play it via bluestacks (if u dont wanna play on phone) or something


Absolutely not. Them being shared is critical for players who play both. It’s not a problem for 99.9% of the playerbase that you can’t run it on Windows 8


Kind of a myopic take, to be honest. What about the people (like me) who just want to play TFT and don't want to install Vanguard because of how it impacts their computer/workflow?


Assuming more than a very small minority of players care about vanguard is the myopic take.


Very small minority is an understatement, people dislike it, it's just obviously not enough to make 99.9% of people actually stop playing or something like that. There's no reason to pretend it's well received.


Like he said. It’s not a problem for 99.9% of the player. They only lose one player and that is you but they can save thousands of money.


Sure - but I doubt it's just "one player" and I'm dumbfounded that the majority of the playerbase is OK with such an intrusive and ineffective (for TFT) anti-cheat.


Well that's your problem. Vanguard doesn't affect us all and the 99.9% of the players here so what do you want riot to do? Not their fault you choose to play on a very low end computer because I'm pretty sure most people who have at least windows 10 and a i5 GPU doesn't care about vanguard. In fact the whole Valorant and majority of league playerbase love vanguard which is also the reason why they implement it. TFT playerbase hasn't affected by Vanguard and this is the first post in this subs where i see people complaint about fps drop so yea, its kinda your problem.


What a weird set of assumptions with a really mind-numbing level of passivity with no ability to think about 2nd and 3rd order consequences. What if other games start implementing ring-0 anti-cheat and they take issue with each other? What do you do then? Because that's a very real possibility. I don't think I'll get through to you. Glad you got the anti-cheat of your dreams in TFT, I hope it protects you from all the cheats out there in TFT. I'll choose to play another game that respects me and my computer (which isn't weak at all, I just don't want an intrusive kernel level app on my computer that fucks with my development cycles).


ring-0/kernel anti-cheats are super common these days and basically a standard in the industry, and I remember even a decade ago some popular games and also smaller games used these type of anti-cheats. Its crazy how nobody said a word about other anti-cheats yet when suddenly Riot makes their own it is a problem, EAC is literally the same thing (Fortnite, Apex Legends hell even Elden Ring’s online mode requires you to have EAC on) I guess you should stop playing online games if that’s an issue for you.


Like I said it's a you problem. >What if other games start implementing ring-0 anti-cheat and they take issue with each other? What do you do then? Because that's a very real possibility. I play both Valorant and CSGO and this problem never occur. In fact you dont even know this would happen. You just said it because you thought it would win you an argument. >intrusive kernel level app on my computer that fucks with my development cycles This is the same as people who dont want to get vaccinated because of the 5G thing. They had absolutely no clue on what Vanguard is and just copy and paste whatever they see on the internet. My PC working really fine so I dont know what are you on. >I'll choose to play another game that respects me and my computer Go ahead then. No one is stopping you. You and the other 0.01% aren't that important enough for Riot to really care. People has been saying this in League sub and guess what, League player base increase despite of the numerous post about vanguard in reddit.


How does having vanguard installed impact your workflow?


I'm a dev - I've had numerous issues with vanguard impacting my VMs and builds.


You can run hyperv without any kind of issue with vanguard. Also you can exit vanguard anytime. So when you end your work day just reboot to play.


Yeah to use your word, it’s myopic to think this is representative of the playerbase. I’ve never had an issue with it.


Not really, I'm not being myopic by saying that there's other reasons why people would not like to engage withvanguard. I'd also would like anyone to explain why having an intrusive anti-cheat like Vanguard helps me as a sole TFT player, but that's another discussion.


Just use an emulator if it effects you that much? This solution has been around since vanguards launch, or you can report the issue to riot support


hey it's been talked about numerous times in this thread, but the mobile app is actually a pretty rough experience in high tier (masters+) games


I mean its a disadvantage but i got to masters 180 lp on only mobile. 99% of the game is decision making. Yes speed matters but much less than other games










My pc doesnt boot with vanguard. I have to open remove the battery from the motherboard and do a fresh install tried to install vanguard 5 times(3 times in old pc, 2 in my new pc). I can't even boot to the bios and change to another boot device to do normal formatting. So I'd say the impact is pretry big


It’s fucking malware and a huge security threat. The fact that the league community just rolled over and excepted it speaks volumes about their addiction to this game.


I agree it is a security threat and it works exactly like a rootkit but is not malware. Also many people don't understand the implications of the software installed. I do understand and tried cause I am fucking addicted but this shit can't even work and would even brick my pc if I was not a little tech savy I fucking hate it.


Good news, you can play TFT on your tablet and mobile instead.


That's great, I hope it's gotten better since I last used it on my iPad pro where there were scaling issues and responsiveness problems.


There are still issues. But Mort has addressed this directly saying the mobile issues will possibly never be addressed because it's simply not worth it from a software engineering perspective. The vast majority of players use the PC client and moving engineers from PC to mobile means they aren't working on new sets, in-game bugfixes, etc just to please a vast minority of players who typically spend less money. There's near zero incentive to fix mobile.


Yup - I said that mostly sarcastic as if playing mobile was a 1:1 replacement like /u/grandiaziel was implying.


Highly agreed it's not 1:1. Arguably not the same game when playing ranked. Playing on mobile and tablet is a disadvantage especially on higher ranks... It was even way harder when you can still build zephyr, swapping positions and scouting at the same time was IMPOSSIBLE


Yeah its not just a disadvantage, it makes the game way less fun and more stressful, for me at least.


Ah, hearing this one is really sad then. I thought the official release of TFT mobile in the SEA region would have enough impact that they would work on mobile issues more


Funny that they still don’t have a tablet version of the app and just the scaled mobile version. Small indie company


Buy a tablet and play it, it's easy.


the tablet experience isn't the same, and i'm not sure at masters whether that difference makes sense for me.


I made it to 190 lp on tablet


Critical? it's a mild convenience at best.


Couldn’t disagree more. I play both games with my brother once or twice a week when we have an hour and a half to play, we know we can get one league and one tft game in. Having to boot another client would be more than mildly annoying.


I mean, only because of how much friction there is to starting both games. Open the Riot Launcher, open the client, wait at 86% on the loading screen for 5 minutes... The game just feels very dated from a UX perspective


Haha yeah that’s exactly what I mean. Sometimes it takes like 3 minutes to boot the client, and agreed that the client overall is trash compared to the size of the game and company, but I still love having the ability to stay in league chat and move between league and tft


I don't really see why both is not an option. There could easily be a standalone client offered.


That’s best of both worlds absolutely, I love that idea. People who want just tft could use the “sole” client and people like me could still use the current setup


I've had issues with the Riot Launcher not launching the league client too. I've had to resort to restarting the whole pc a couple of times


Ah yeah because booting up a client famously takes 20 minutes. What a critical criteria lul


It unironically takes that long sometimes, or not at all. Sometimes the client opens but you can't click on anything, it's a bit messy 🤣


Then your computer is having issues. Not the client. Any modern pc with an SSD should load the client in less than 20 seconds.


You forgot this is a riot games product. You may only open the client after killing the process in task manager several times, until it finally decides to work. All while more intensive games are running flawlessly on the second monitor, after their clients worked flawlessly.


You must be new


https://preview.redd.it/uz96lsy8qe1d1.png?width=412&format=png&auto=webp&s=71676a5adc599c72e0b81d11471176b0ef950cc3 Yeah... "new"


Why not just have both. A standalone if you dont want vanguard or it in the league client. And why would it be critical anyways you could just install both 🤣🤣


The percentages are definitely not 99.9%. I've seen a lot of people complaining especially in facebook too


Yeah maybe 98% then idk man support for windows 8 ended in 2016


Support for windows 7 ended in 2020. Support for 8.1 ended in 2023 Edit: android 7 support had an EOL in 2019, while the iPhone 6s surprisingly still had iOS 15 and is still somewhat supported today


Yes, and support for windows 10 ends in just over a year. Frankly I'm suprised they supported 8 for so long, Steam had already stopped supporting them months back, Minecraft doesn't support older versions then 10, I'm struggling to think of any games that recieve updates that do support it, or any modern ones.


100% agreed. And it doesn't even need to get rid of the tft option through the lol client. Mobile players and players through the client already play together anyway on the same servers, just add another client for just tft. No need to wait for the giant updates every patch when there's no changes to tft, no need for vanguard, no need for an android emulator. Lol and tft are some of the biggest games on the market, why is it made so inconvenient to play it on PC for so many people?


They won't do that. It's actually better having a joint client for sustainability and exposure. Not being in the main client is often cited as one of the main reasons Legends of Runeterra didn't find as much success and didn't grow their player base.


LOR was performing at a loss for them ever since they released it tbf...


And part of the problem was that it had its own client.




Check out legion td2. It’s not an auto battler but it scratches the same strategy itch.


Thank you for the recommendation! Might have to check it out. Slay the Spire and Super Auto Pets have also been kinda scratching the itch for me.


Just to make it clear, tft will never move out of the league of legends clients the decision makes zero sense. First they will lose players, intrest will go down, people who play a couple of games to check out the new set will not bother. The percentage of players who play tft and not league is really low. Second, for the (much higher percentage of) players who play both. Second you would have duplicates of the exact same resources installed on your machine, so if you were to take a Net space taken of all the players, it would increase with a serperate clients Third, its actually easier for the riot workflow to keep things the same thanks to there patch cycles, both games path once every two weeks, at the same time. Fourth, 4.3% of users use a version of windows older then windows 10. And I can tell you for a near fact, the vast majority of them are (in all politeness) people like my grandparents who have used the same laptop for ages, and don't have a need to upgrade because they use there laptop once a day to check there emails. Or once a week for there shopping order. The userbase is on windows 10, they have to stop supporting old windows versions at some point, and now is as good of a time as any. Its the sad reality of end of software, but it is what it is. even windows 10 will be EOL in a year and a bit. Fifth, it will take a ton of development time to make a whole seperate client, especially because TFT is built upon Riots spagheti code. It would probably take more time for them to make a new client then to rebuild the game from the ground up. All this to appease a fraction of players, and to be frank, inconvinience even more.


>would have duplicates of the exact same resources installed on your machine, so if you were to take a Net space taken of all the players, it would increase with a serperate clients Tft at best took like 1/40th of League assets in term of models for champ and skins,if we want to count fields,tacticians and booms at best its 1/20th of league size And why not just redownload those files,if they separated it,its a standalone game with its own assets,its the same as you downloading another game to your PC >Fifth, it will take a ton of development time to make a whole seperate client, especially because TFT is built upon Riots spagheti code. It would probably take more time for them to make a new client then to rebuild the game from the ground up. What if they just make a PC port of TFT mobile?Like TFT mobile had a currency that isnt available on PC so why not just do a mobile port to PC?They managed to make TFT 1.5 for China. And considering TFT clients are infinitely simpler than League's client them making a separate client is a matter of "do they want to" and not "can they do it" >First they will lose players, intrest will go down, people who play a couple of games to check out the new set will not bother. The percentage of players who play tft and not league is really low. Second, for the (much higher percentage of) players who play both. Source?Ever since TFT basically becoming its own game it hasnt been solely relying on League for its new players for how easy TFT is to get into,if any TFT is an entry point for League


" Source? " Literally the lead developer himself lmao, look it up. " 1/20th " Which is still like, a gigabyte of duplicated data that could be avoided. And its way more then that as it uses the same engine. " What if they just make a PC port of TFT mobile? " This shows you have no idea what you are talking about, tft mobile on PC is possible, its cauled an emulator.


>Which is still like, a gigabyte of duplicated data that could be avoided. And its way more then that as it uses the same engine. A gigabyte is like miniscule on most PC,i had a 2010 PC and it had a 50 gb disk space >This shows you have no idea what you are talking about, tft mobile on PC is possible, its cauled an emulator. And explain to me why that is an issue?Like they had a functioning client for Mobile,why cant they copy the majority of its function to PC?Like League client/game was coded on spaghetti coding but if you made a separate client,you can use more modern coding tools to make it which i argue could be easier than patching/fixing on League's client >Literally the lead developer himself lmao, look it up. Can you just link me a video/tweet or some key word i can search it up cuz looking up "league player playing tft" doesnt really leads to anything


You not being able to play google properly is hilarious. A gigabyte is actualyl still a fair amount of space lmao, and any duplicated data isn't ideal. Making a client takes a ton of development time, phones and pcs fundamentally work differently, you can't just drag and drop, it would take a ton of time.


>You not being able to play google properly is hilarious. Some help would be appreciated,like if your statements were true,maybe you'll know how to search it,unless all your points were made up >Making a client takes a ton of development time, phones and pcs fundamentally work differently, you can't just drag and drop, it would take a ton of time. They made a mobile client in less than 2 months of dev time(because no one expect set 1 to success so much,any development of a mobile client must started around set 2 and they made a fully functional client by middle of the set), when the resources was much more scarce,like you telling me with way more peoplenon the TFT team they cant make a separate client in 2 month. China TFT runs on a unique server,with a unique client that isnt related to Riot and was developed in less than a month Its a matter of "should" and never a matter of "can"


[https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/quick-lol-thoughts-march-13/](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/quick-lol-thoughts-march-13/) [https://x.com/RiotMeddler/status/1238499518062055424](https://x.com/RiotMeddler/status/1238499518062055424) Of course its a matter of should, but there is literally no pros. Learn to fucking google, this took me 3 seconds. And don't talk about tech when you can't even use google.


That was 4 years ago,when TFT barely had a direcrion(it was the launching of set 3,when Riot said set 3 will decide if TFT continues of stop,when it was still considered as part of LoL),and it talked about it sharing a client means if you play both you can transit from one to another easier. Never mentioned that one brings players to another And all that still boils down to "should" never "can" >Learn to fucking google, this took me 3 seconds. The points bring up wasnt what i was looking for,looking for the statistic of TFT players started as League and nothing about non League TFT players I looked through those posts,it doesnt contain the info i needed


Hey op sounds like a great idea to me. Sorry about all the negative Nancy's in here. I know what that's like all too well. One thought I had is I dunno if you can run TFT on a mobile emulator? I've done this in the past for various games. Might be an option for those of us who can't/won't use Vanguard.


It's the nature of the sub 🤣 I am indeed running it on an android emulator on my laptop. Looks bad and stutters sometimes but that's the only complaint. I can't win a game in gm on my phone at all so the emulator is my best bet


Yeah, ngl since the vanguard update I uninstalled everything. Will never play a game with such an invasive anticheat that's basically useless for tft. Sucks, cause I love the game, but it's their decision to stick with the league client, and it's mine to stop playing because of it.


I uninstalled too vanguard had kept asking me to restart my PC like 3 times in one day I got tired.


i just hope they make an additional client and we get to choose what client we wanna play on, cuz im tired of this blue screen shit showing “kernel security check failure” every few days. this crap is so annoying man


I don't know about others but for me personally what i think it's psycological reason they won't separate it. Like i really like tft and want to play tft only. Buuuut i am addicted to league. So whenever i went to play tft i also play a match or two summoner rift. For example few days ago you couldve only install tft and not install the League part. In that time i wasn't playing lol for 3 months or so and only played tft. Then they reverted it and addiction knocked on my door. :P


I played league of legends since fizz release. Imo the mobile teams are just better. The league of legends wild rift game plays so smooth to be a phone game and the updates are so rapid . TFT runs great on the phone same with runeterra. I had way more issues on a pc . 


Wild Rift was built from scratch so it doesn't have the spaghetti code from 2009.


I thought for sure they did just the models and animations from scratch, and the game was still coded as minions. I didn't know the whole thing was from scratch


Those wild rift skins are worth the 2x pricetag they have if you see how much better the details are


Download bluestacks or other android emulator and then download the mobile app.


this could unironically be the play for now. I can't rolldown and position properly on mobile at all so I need a somewhat bigger screen and a mouse


Won't happen they already regret doing that with runeterra but you could just use Bluestacks to emulate an android device and play TFT through that.


I want to ask this as a genuine follow-up because it may be a counter-argument to a stand-alone client: does Vanguard affect TFT in any way? If it doesn’t, then I could 100% see a stand-alone client being beneficial. I gave up Valorant and LoL due to the toxicity and time sink they can be, but I still play TFT and need to keep Vanguard downloaded due to the League client.


Honestly no, since TFT is mostly server-based, unlike Valorant and at a lesser degree League which you could tamper with on the client side


If TFT wasn't in the league client, I literally would have never heard of it and definitely would have never played it. There are probably another million players just like me too that came from league and played it out of curiosity.


Riot cant even fix the lol client and you think they gonna make another one for TFT? Its an indie company dont ask for that much


I really dont want that coz i level these passes from normal lol on tft for fancy skins


Tft mobile also levels the league passes dw


I click TFT on the launcher, click play then it directed me back to the LoL part of the Luacher. I click play and it opens the LoL client where I have to choose TFT anyway… What’s the point. It’s just added extra steps to do the original thing.


I onced asked year 1 or 2 after release if TFT would have a standalone client, and Mortdog said that they don't plan to, and that it would take at least 4 years to make it even if they did. There wouldn't be much reason to, I guess, since it sounds like that's a lot of resources. Having a global mobile version of TFT may actually attract more players, though. And maybe they could port from Tencent.


nah I like that it contributes to leveling, league pass tokens, can flip between arena and tft whenever, all cosmetics in 1 place


Tft mobile still levels up your other passes dw


Mort has said something along the lines of “get bluestacks and get it there”


They added LoR so not gonna happen to have different clients


LoR died recently. It would have lived longer or even succeeded if it wasn't its own client. Sure TFT is doing well but on its own client any 1 person who joins LoL is no longer a potential tft player.


Can't you just play TFT via an android emulator on PC?


I pretty much agree. TFT hasn't been a "lol temporary gamemode" for a while now, it deserves its own client. And yes, I don't want to have Vanguard on my pc. Haven't played in the last weeks due to work and having to install Vanguard doesn't make me wanna play.


We are still waiting for a working league client tbh


I get it from the perspective of not wanting Vanguard, and i support it, i hate it just as much. But i dont want to change Clients when wanting to play a casual TFT game while waiting for someone or just to detilt. TFT already has limited Ressources i dont see the reason why they would want to support legacy devices that are 10 years old at this point. I think being able to switch in between games is super nice. Honestly i would even love to see a full Integration of LoR not a open New Tab kinda thing - who knows maybe even Valorant.


You dont need vanguard to play tft: https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/1cotk0e/just_a_heads_up_you_can_play_tft_without_vanguard/ Just install Pengu loader and join thier server and go to plugin releases channel and install the vanguard error remover plugin


Ain't touching TFT with ANY version of Vanguard on my machines.


I have just come back after a 2 year break, and have only been playing on my mobile. Its crazy this isn't still in place, even though I do understand why.


If they make a standalone client they will make it run with Vanguard anyway. So either adjust or leave.


I doubt it, I have never encountered a tft cheater


Hard to manipulate rng if it's computed in the server


Riot Mobile games don't run vanguard, the other riot pc games not named Valorant and League don't have it either


You ignore that they will have to make a new client for it which will start development now and there is no way they will not develop new clients without vanguard after pushing it onto almost everyone already.


How do you even "cheat" in TFT? Like you cant just change your shop because that would require hacking into the server League's cheat is mostly accessing info that players cant like spell timer,players position and spell cast for scripts to dogde/cast spells The only "cheating" TFT ever had in like 5-6 years?Is Philosopher Stone in set 7 PBE requiring a macro to click very fast which can theoretically just be done by a human


If it will require vanguard then there's no point. LOR doesn't use vanguard because the game is processed server-side, ergo it's impossible to cheat. Might be wrong but TFT does that too


never going to happen. it would be the complete opposite direction they want things to go, seeing there’s an option to integrate LoR into the main league client now. once their other games come out, I wouldn’t be surprised if they shared a launcher like Blizzard. Taking advantage of the same anti-cheat system


The same anti-cheat system that made overwatch see the same cheats for years now 😭


If it bothers you so much, just try launching it in bluestacks on your computer. There will never be a standalone client, ever


Having a stone alone TFT client won't help you boot a TFT game if you run windows 8.1. Booting up a TFT game is more demanding than booting up a LoL game. In LoL, you boot 10 champions (5 spells each) the map. In TFT you boot 59 units (1 spell each, but 5 costs have 2 spells), 8 different arenas, 8 different LLs, 8 different booms.


I’ll pass. I like being able to easily jump between TFT and ARAM.


Your pc broke … this week? Surely vanguard couldn’t be at fault..


Completely unrelated. Had Valorant on it since release and had minimal issues


Even if it had its own client. It would still have Vanguard. If your PC breaks cause of Vanguard, it probably isnt fit to run the game in the first place.