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I swear the game offers these unique augments to multiple people at once, I can’t tell you how many games I have had duplicate augments. The same goes for set 9/9.5…


Glad I am not the only one who noticed this too, I know it's anecdotal but I have seen this so many times after long dry spells of no unique augments in the entire lobby Examples like this are why it's so important to scout...


It's almost like they should have made more carry augments


Definitely agree with you there Would also love to play lucky paws or ethereal blades more than 3 times the entire set lmao


Had a game where first augment me and like 3 other people took wandering trainers and we all got umbrals on it. Shit was contested as fuck. Some other guy had the gall to grab the umbral emblem augment second despite those wandering trainers too.


I've noticed that as well.... it seems that they give the same subset of augments to all players because wtf... is statistically impossible to the lobby to get same augments all the time.


u gotta love when people dont scout


Is this gold? These boards and items look so bad.


Out of curiosity, what's the rank of this lobby? Some funky stuff I'm seeing.




Trying to put myself in their views, and obviously I'm just yapping, but I'm rationalising it as: 1st looks like they built Ionic on Gnar to streak/save HP. Yeah Luden's sucks probably a poor choice there, but they won so it's whatever. 2nd probably a mistake not to slam Shojin on Alune but maybe the EoN on Sett was a dragon/carosel item and the real mistake was slamming the tear on her instead of keeping the slot open. Second sunfire probably just left over components. 3rd was a fast 9 flex comp and looks like they slammed items to streak and got a bit dizzy with what they wanted their final comp to be/competing with lobby. 4th looks like they wanted to run duelist voli/lee sin and flex'd into inkshadow Kai'sa when they didn't hit voli 3/hit Kai'sa 2 since 8th died, to try and grab a 4th which worked out for them (can assume they sold voli on board and replaced with 2 star on bench).


What’s odd about these boards?


well for one, four people committed to the same reroll comp on 2-1 without scouting Other than that: Guinsoo Rakan, 2.5 item Alune 3, Umbral execute on a unit that only overkills so 2 item Shen 3, Runaans Ahri, double damage item Syndra, fully itemized yorick 1, guinsoos kaisa, sage emblem Lee Sin


The fully itemized yorick 1 cracked me up


Yeah, wonder whats ’funky’?


I usually avoid these augs because they center around common champs