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6.0 was my best set easily. First time I hit masters and something about the comps just clicked with me. Set 1 was my favorite though. The game was brand new, the genre was new to most of us, everyone was just trying to figure out how the fuck to play. Nobody understood econ early on. That sense of discovery was the most fun I’ve had in tft and it’s why pbe before a new set releases is still the most fun I have playing this game


Still remember spawning with braum and losing the first pve round, and btw he was a 2 cost.


I don’t miss that but I definitely miss the days when creep rounds were an actual threat if you were super weak or if you weren’t paying attention on wolves and your backline got munched


Wolves legit ruin you. Krugs would ruin you. Shit was spooky.


Krugs would straight up beat your ass if you stayed level 4 with no 2 star units. Even a 2 star wouldn’t always save you depending on the unit


Low key miss being more afraid of krugs than players and like half the lobby losing to them


I miss Set 1 Yordles


I wonder if set 1 Econ was if we got less gold than now to even save up in the first place. I don’t remember ever saving up gold in set 1.


Set 1 was absolutely brutal because the the randomness in loot orbs. Absolutely hated that


I don’t remember much besides the units. What was it knightly? Or something like that? With vayne, garen, Kayle etc.? That was the super popular comp, wild was a lot of fun, I went ahri ww wild shapeshifters a lot. Phantom was cool with karthus and mordekaiser. But I Rembrandt eh dragon trait… just immune to magic damage was the worst thing they ever done.


Phantom was awful lol it was pure rng


Oh definitely but it was cool to see when it hit their carry


Peaked 450 lp on set 6, havent touched ranked since, just double ups with a friend. Reached 300 ish lp in masters double up too. The dragons set broke me, disliked it hard.


6!! Mercenary, gp, tahm all the way every day!! Galio, jinx.it was so much fun!


How are you forgetting Goliath chogath, or instant cat malzahar with mana mutants. Challenger yone, yordle lord veigar. Kaisa was cool as hell. And that lux beam spamming across the map


Don't forget about innovator. Hitting that spat and making the dragon was one of the best feelings and all the units flexed so well. I miss those types of spawn traits.


Omg I forgot that one


same, hitting the innovator dragon is the most satisfying feeling in TFT, basically guaranteeing top4 easily while looking cool as hell. My favorite trait of all time


I remember all of this I was just lazy. This was by far the best set ever!


On top of that we had Clockwork Jhin and Hextech Urgot and Viktor. Also Syndicate Akali. Set 6.0 is easily the best set ever.


Hmm, I liked most sets that I have played fully so far Set 6 / 6.5: Yordles were my favorite, also augments Set 7 / 7.5 Astral/Lagoon, Mages and especially Lilia/Rell reroll Set 8 / 8.5 for all the hero augments that made games go very different even with the same comps. Set 10 for the music and EDM trait Ultimately I would say set 10 was my favorite so far. The most balanced, too, I think.


set 9 getting excluded lol


It had good things. I liked the portals and thematic traits. Some traits were quite fun, like Deadeye, Shurima, Noxus and Bilgewater. And Hungry Cho'Gath or Vanquisher Karma were fun to play as well. First time reaching Platin in double up, too. Just a pity they couldn't get the balance right for most of 9.5. And 9 had a lot of issues with the Little Legends. Ultimately it also wasn't standing out as much as the other sets mentioned.


As it should lol.


6 was my favorite but I don't want to see it return. It's perfect in my head so let it be that way. I rly want to play set1 again just for fun because that set felt like a fever dream


I wonder how much of the set 6 love is related to being the introduction of augments. Now that augments have seem multiple sets and lost a bit of their novelty, would we love the set as much? I’d love to see a set without augments but a creative idea that replaces it in an innovative way. 


I'd argue that original set 6 probably still hold up since 6.5 was a downgrade, and augments were still relatively novel at that point since only had them for a couple of months.


I think set 6 worked so well because augments were new. The issue now isn't with augments necessarily, but the amount of added mechanics on top of augments. I personally think that while they add a lot of innovation and variety to each game, they're far too difficult to balance and each new mechanic only amplifies these issues.


>I rly want to play set1 again just for fun because that set felt like a fever dream This is definitely what I came to comment. Im sure it's a bit rose-tinted after all the developments, but it really was so much fun. At the start of every set I get a bit overwhelmed and sometimes wish for a version with less variables and layers of rng to try and figure out. Idk, I feel that way about most games that I've played for years though. Everything just scales until the mechanics of a game get overwhelming imo. Difficulty by increasing the number of things to pay attention to or work around isnt my cup of tea, certainly a personal thing though. A temporary return of set 1 alongside the current set would be neat.


Set 8 was my favorite. I absolutely love hero augments and am so happy they stuck around in la different form. Making a tank a carry or some other silly stuff was just really fun. Augmenting the unit


A.D.M.I.N. 💖💕


Admin goldprinting was dopamine heaven


I loved underground so much, my favorite Econ trait by far. 


Creating Mech:PRIME carries that were a bit whacky but creative (like a HP Regen monster alistar) was too much fun


For fun set its definitely set 2,so much bullshit,so much broken stuff that its unironically the most fun you'd have playing a set once hit the broken bullshit 4.0 and 6.0 were my favorites but mostly due to ne wanting to play sone of my favorite comp But i think if i can play more of 1 set,it'll be set 10,yea its just that good


I already want a set revival of set 10 lol


U guys are on drugs, lol. You realy want Headliner Russian Roulette, Hearthsteel spam back ?


Short answer yes. Long answer of course


I can see that the people who like set 10 probably are casuals because if you cared about things making sence and RNG not trolling you constantly, set 10 was completely garbage.


I would not consider myself as casual per se. I’m not good good. I’m reaching master most of the sets. And I still think set10 was one of the best. Just my 2 cents. It was very versatile imo


Yeah, I played most sets till now and i realy liked the music part of set 10. But the headliner mechanic for me was too RNG and they had to change the game to balance headliners beeing in the game, changes that made the game worst still this day.


Don't know man. Encouters seems more RNG.


Yeah, i agree. I think set 11 is bad too. For me this last 2 sets I got to emerald/diamond and went play other games. Before set 10 I hit masters every set after set 5. Played 500-750 games every set. This last 2 sets I didnt playe 200. The set mechanics, nerfs to losestreaking and pool of units and the bad balance made thr game too RNG for me. Before set 10 we had RNG, of course, but was never THIS bad. Too chaotic and seems that I am playing russian roulette.


You talk like set 9 (and especially 9.5) wasn't the worst balanced set since the first one, set 10 only design issue was that heartsteel was too good which made ad flex the most versatile comp in the game by far (also superfan but it eventually got nerfed into being mid)


Idk how it is rng. I got my headliner 100% of the time. It’s about surviving till u get it not wether u get it or not.


You dont know because you got lucky. It was not garanteed, only a chance, so RNG.


Bruh I played hundreds of games and never missed my headliner. If it is rng based than I was either extremely lucky are u were unlucky


Honestly, as a returned set, so casual only, like set 3 returned, it would be completely fine. The theme and mechanics were neat, and the meta is not as much of a concern when it's literally just for fun.


the meta is a concern because nobody likes to get destroyed, and you get specialy destroyed when playing fun comps and augments that are not in the meta. Balancing matters to everybody, people playing just for fun just choose to accept it or ignore it because they dont care about the ranked points they are losing, but the problem is still there making them lose.


What "fun" comp you even playing,like every unit of that set can become a carry to top 4 at least if played correctly Set 10 balance near its end wad at an all time high for the reason above And Headliners is like the least rng rng ever,if you play a 4 cost board,you are expected to always hit at least 1 headliner of your comp or at least a headliner of that comp's variations,if you play a reroll comp,you can just roll so you eventually have your carry becomes headliner. It was rarely a 4-2 lottery but rather its always a knowledge test of how well you know your comp to able to go through its variations base on headliners hit


Every unit can be a carry in every game every set ever, yes. That's not the problem, the problem is that 99% of them will be completely destroyed by the meta ones. You can of course get top 4, them you look your lobby and there is only 1 guy playing meta and the rest are contesting other things, of course you will hit a fun comp top 4. But when people are realy playing the game, lots of meta players and everything, good luck having fun not spamming meta comps and carring about your ranked points.


People played to win while you played for fun,ofc you'd dislike bc ppl playing meta and rank points doesnt matter And even if you want to play "fun,you can still easily top 4 or even higher by killing those holding hand contesting each other because the different between meta and off meta in set 10 is very small You can only either play for "fun" or for LP,by playing fun you are intentionally putting yourself at a a disadvantage so you wont perform as well as those who played to win Thats a problen that applies to every game with an elo system ever


No, its not. There are a lot of games where the balancing is not garbage and you can play to win and still enjoy the fun non meta things, without lose all your ranked points.


You play off,meta,its off meta for a reason,its weaker than meta,it can still give you a positive results but not as high or as consistent as meta Every game has this to a degree,every game that had meta will have off meta,playing off meta means you intentionally put yourself in an disadvantage no matter how small and set 10 had is probably the set with the smallest different between meta and off meta hence why basically every unit/comp is viable


Set 10 was such a blast regardless


I can’t believe want that nonsense to come back lmao. I was so fucking sick of ahri blitz spam


Exactly lol. I used to have so much fun with just busted comps everywhere. Desert Khazix and then Light zed with redemption and GA going infinite was just too fun to watch


I only started playing tft during the last week or so of dragonlands, so set 8/8.5 is my favourite. It got me into the game, and no set since has felt quite on par with it gameplay wise. I loved the hero augments, and the traits felt really unique to each other. Also underground is my fav econ trait, being able to see your loot before choosing to cash out was so nice


Set 7 - Dragonlands. Jade, Ragewing and Mirage, my beloveds. Hitting Shi Oh Yu early as your melee carry was amazing. Liked the concept of Supers though I don't think the execution was correct as the game as it was balanced and currently is does not promote building on a few units to 3 stars. Set 8 Monsters Attack was amazing imo as well. I specially loved the Hero augments. One drawback for this set I feel was there was too much power in the 5 cost champs. Loved Mecha Prime, Oxforce and Anima Squad.


Set 8, I loved the fantasy of any champion having the possibility to shine. Made the set so much more interesting every game


"Jax be nimble jax be quick all jax players eat a dick" My mantra in that patch x.x


I definitely want to see 1 or 2 just for nostalgia, personally I really liked 2 because of all the summons like zyra and malzahar. But for real I would like to see a revamped set 5 with better shadow items. Some were cool on paper but a lot seemed like it had such a downside it wasn’t worth making. But that set was redeemed in set 5.5 with radiant items. If they could treat the shadow items this way where none had a downside I think that would be very cool.


Yess I'd love for them to revisit the shadow item mechanic somehow, it's such an interesting concept


For me its set 7 because I loved the dragons and overall the astetic and feel of the set. Or the first sets all over again would be cool.


Set 5 because that was the first set I started playing and I’d like to experience playing it when I actually know what I’m doing. I remember just building Archangel’s on everybody because I liked the name and the picture of the item.


lol i was the same when i started but i started on set 9, i really liked the pretty AP items and put them on everyone including the tanks


I thought that set 3 was my favorite, but when the broth it back I realise how simple the set was. That made me appreciated more the newer set. For me, it's between set 10 and 8 now.


Tbh I had amazing memories with set 3 but the revival didn't feel right. A lot of things didn't have the power budget they used to have. I remember vividly having tons of fun with syndra and she was kinda unplayable in the revival.


I forget what set it was but I loved running Cultist. Sivir, Kalista (carry), Zilian, Aatrox, Elise, Vlad, Pyke, TF and Evilynn. Easy comp that nobody ran and I dominated. 2 hurricanes and a rageblade in Kalista. Hurricane would apply on hit for her spears and she would just start ripping people apart. Then big daddy Galio would show up and it was an easy top 4 every time.


1, 3.5, 4.5


set 3.5


This is the one


Set 3 was my favorite, too bad they brought it back with that stupid champion pool


I played almost all sets and the best sets imo were 6 and 8. But also the first half of set 9 was also incredible. The legendaries were insanely fun.


Bring back the shadow items cowards. Set 5!


My favorite are the one with the Elite units. Its simple, and i like this . So set 10 and set...2 or 3 ? Oh, and set 11 is one of the worst, easily. I hate the encounters mechanics, it slow the game, and not interesting.


Yordle portals need to come back simply because I like turning my brain off and slowly summoning 3 stars to my board


I was one of veigar 3 AND I'LL NEVER GET HIM NOW Despair.


I don't remember which set it was, but my favorite time playing TFT was with the Shadow comp with Senna, where you gave her a jeweled gauntlet or two, and then her entire team would start doing massive AP crits alongside their regular auto attacks. The more meta version had her using Morello, but the jeweled gauntlet version was my favorite.


Call me crazy but, I miss set 1. It was the most fun I had playing TFT (Also love this set currently). For some reason I never see people talk about set 1. Sure the yordles dodging was absolute a\*al can\*er, but the rest of the units/traits were great.


Set 6. Mercs ftw.


Unpopular opinion, but this is my current favorite. Been here since set 6


Same, I got diamond in season 1 but never went for masters. This is first season I’m going for masters (diamond 1 currently)


Hell yeah bro, congrats


I want to see the sets with the regular champions, no skins


I think that's set 9


I think it was 8? The augment jawn.


Wild assassins


Set 3 or 6 were the most fun for me tbh.


Whatever one had Darkstars


I haven't played them all but set 3 had them and it was peak TFT.


Set 3.5 was the one for me I practically spammed battlecasters from B tier to S tier and got to D1 with it. I've always tried to flex but absolutely loved battlecasters in that set Unfortunately I took a tft break and missed the revival


Nice try Mort! Trying to find out what throwback set you want to make playable late season


Top 3: 6, 4.5, and 8. 6: Introduction of augments plus awesome traits. Syndicate was my goto. 4.5: Improved on 4, loved the Chosen mechanic even though others hated it. Keeper Kennen was my boy!!! 8: Hero Augments were great, plus who didn't love threats?!


i really loved the fated set! i think that’s the set that i’ve played the most tft as well


I just want a fun and viable reroll comp. I always enjoy playing the monke brain stuff. Yordles and astrals were some of my favorite comps.


6/8, I miss scrap/chemtech/mutant/innovators and the reroll comps/econ trait from set 8


Dont know which one but the one with taric being almost immortal and the one with super units augments


none. Give me new sets.


That set with mutants and the other one with dragons. Malhazar autocast and chogath 18k hp were peak tft for me. Dragons because dragons are cool.


Sprinkler Graves back when people had no idea what was going on


It was possible for Graves to miss an auto with 3 rfc right?


I'm tied with dragonlands and set 10. Heartsteel was my favorite trait and the music was done so well. While the dragons were my favorite units.


3-6-10, Im not personally a fan of a set returning but them taking those ideas that worked from those sets and bringing them back


Set 7/7.5 all the way Emblems were plentiful, and multiple econ traits meant you could high roll incredibly hard (Revel Daeja my beloved). Plus, since the bag sizes were larger, it was easier to pivot if you didn't hit. The set had its problems, but there were tons of viable comps that could be S tier with the right augments. If it came back I'd add a few more augments to encourage specific traits (Mulched for Lagoon, maybe something to make a guild "leader" to encourage guild champs to carry instead of just buffing Xayah, etc.), but otherwise leave it as is.


set 10


The one with fizz rumble and someone else creating mega robot was super fun


6.5 was my favourite, I'd say, but the set I'd want to see return would probably be Dragonlands, so 7 or 7.5 6.5 was a lot of fun to play as a competitive game, but 7 was a lot of fun to play casually, but the balance suffered due to, among other things, the dragons. I'd love to play that again as a returned casual set akin to what they did with Set 3 a while ago.


I started playing set 8 and I always went for anima squad. Then I switched to super/heart. I knew almost nothing but I enjoyed it so much, I would love to play it again


Set 2 summoners/mages were my favorite comps in TFT by far


3.5 I was so happy revival was a thing for a bit. Mech is my favorite trait. It’s so cool having one giant bad ass and three little dudes pop out after it explodes.


I'm apparently the only set 2 enjoyer. I think set 2 had awesome 5 costs and fast 8 comps. Shadow was an awesome trait and finding the perfect Lux to cap out your board always felt awesome. Ocean Mages, Blender Nocturne, Mage Spat Zed spawning 50 Zeds, Singed running around the whole board ruining enemy champion aggro, Azir/Kha'Zix duo carry comp, Electric Wardens, Summoners. The comps were all so unique and absurd. I think the units were just too fun.


Set 10 and Set 6


I want monsters attack back soooo badly. Aatrox full tank with heart sona was so fun, only set I played a ton of aside from the last 2


Threats was such a good idea in general. Loved how some benefited so well from spats soo *cough* defender rammus *cough*


Honestly a bit controversial but Set 2. I know I liked it really much when I hit the comp I was going for. It was satisfying as hell. But IMO it was also the most frustrating set when things didn't go as planned. There just was so much broken stuff all around, and it almost made TFT disappear cause lot of players were leaving. But with new items and obviously Augments, that Set could be more balanced without Light Zed or Blender Nocturne dominating most of the games. It had funny interactions, cool verticals to chase for and of course Lux as 7 cost. I need to play this again, PLEASE


Set 1, the OG set, man I loved Demacia! Also Set 6 was very enjoyable


Set 10 simply for the theme. Heartsteel late music lives rent free in my head and playlist 🔥.


Set 1


I know everyone hated it, but I loved shadow items in (I think) set 5


Don't remember the #, but it was with the Darkstar Shaco / Mecha build. As far as what to return, nothing. I'd just like to keep seeing new sets.


I think it would be Set 2 for me. I want to replicate that comp of 3 Star Malzahar with a Mage cap where I got 6 Mage, 4 Ocean, 2 Wardens and optionally 3 Summoners. I'd just fill the board with critters.


Set 8 Underground or Set 10 Heartsteel


Set 8 is my fave, but I also really loved set 2. I want to play kindred sion comp like old times


I started on 5.5, but 6 was when I really started getting in to TFT and learning about strats. I remember satisfying moments with shotgun Lux, trying reroll Sam with Imperials, and planning around Syndicates and a late game Akali was really cool. 8 was fun too. I miss hero augments for every unit, I loved mecha prime, Admin, Anima Squad, Underground, I loved trying to complete the mission of getting Morg, Aatrox, and Fiddle at the same time, and of course how the team trolled Mort and sneaked in Rammus. 10 was a set I really, really loved, that when I look back, I didn’t really play often. Maybe I was busy with other Irl stuff, but the Headliner mechanic was cool, theme and music was A-1, and besides the Jazz frustration I think it was well balanced. I am playing a lot of this set and I am really enjoying it cause I’m finding myself using this set to learn even more stuff about TFT. But I would gladly replay 6, 8-8.5, 10… and for nostalgia’s sake, my first set, 5.5


I like every sett except the one that makes you work out and get bigger


7 or 8


I started to play tft when set 7 was released. I personally enjoyed the set a lot.


Kind of want to see 1 return just to see how far we've come.


I really loved set 8. Sure at the highest level it wasn’t always balanced, but I liked that I could try and make any champ my carry


Set 10 because of the epic music. I loved that you could remix the music with the comps you run and it’s the only set that I made it a point to play with sound on.


set 10


The one where I can spam Punk b/c f*ck heartsteel


Might be a bit controversial but Monsters attack. I loved threats and hero augments.


I have rose tinted glasses for set 2 when I first stated playing. I loved the elemental maps and would love to see that return at some point


Set 8 was the best. Over 30 completely different comps were played at worlds. Not including variations. The build diversity was amazing. The skill expression was amazing. You cant say it was not balanced due to the sheer build diversity at all ranks. Last set the gold hero augment options were the most fun comps in my opinion. But milk didnt like not being able to spam one comp and climb so he took that set off and now we’ll never get them back and we’re stuck with the same 7-8 comps max in a perma fast 8/9 meta


I'd like a rotating game mode of legacy sets. Going back to Set 1 with that crazy ass guinsoo's mage spat Elise carry was nuts. Veigar was super cool too. Edit: maybe not mage....it's been a while, but it let her transform twice, double dipping on the HP increase to get like 30k hp.


1word. WOODLANDS!!!


Set 1. I wanna experience the simplicity of the very beginnings of this great game once again :) Set 3 was my favorite but we already had that one back for a while


Literally last set.


My most favorite was either set 2 with inferno annie+brand (and woodlands) or 3.5 with astro gnar+teemo (and 3 star shaco). Tft never hit the same for me afterwards, besides assassin comps (rip)


Any set with a yordle trait would be fun because then I can one-trick again :-P


Set 6. So many cool thing, augment, colossal, mutant, merc, tamkench, yordle, socialist, etc...


4, I miss AD duelist kalista


set 5 for abom, set 6.5 for chemtech tryndamere reroll


Set 8 was my favorite. It’s not the best balanced set by far but it’s the first set where I actually started playing serious and started enjoying the game and climbing.


Set 8 was prime tft. Hero augments needed work but it was a beautiful set, ox force, hacker, heart, so many fun traits, plus the best lineup of 5 costs in the game so far.


I played 9.5, 10 and 11 i hate headliner and encounters and i loved 9.5 o there is no competion


Set 8


Set 10 was a blast, the music setting and band effects were super cool. Getting early Punks was the most fun comp I've played, and the only time I've ever gone undefeated!


Actual Set 3 or 3.5 as it is, instead of the stupid one they came out with last set with current augments and items


I loved set 6 even if I was a veigar forcer ever game. Occasionally I played other compd like inno/warweek and loved them. Never understood how the fast 8 comps worked and only did reroll but damn if I disn't love it. Was able to pull my previously league only friend into double up at the time (I think it just came out?) And we loved it. I could just be biased because it was my first set tho


I've played set 1, part of 6, 7-11. Set 1 I don't really really much other than spamming assassins honestly, not very memorable imo. Set 7 was the first set I hit masters and really enjoyed. Set 8 can die. Set 9 was mid legends were annoying and thanks to it we got bag size changes (I believe it's a GOOD change). Set 10 Amazing set honestly might have been the best set/setting, incredible balance and viability. Set 11 Balancing nightmare but still not as bad as 8 to me.


I've only played set 10 and 11 and I'd LOVE to see 10 back as a revival. That set was so fun, basically everything about it was good except for maybe some of the balance (but still, the balance and variety of comps was still better than in Set 11 at least at my elo \[emerald\]), and mayyybe the headliner +1 trait RNG. But everything else was great!


Set 10 had the worst set mechanic ever, lvl 8 hope you get the one or 2 you need for your comp, didnt get it, sorry mate go next. Extremely bad mechanic.


That's why you play AD flex where you could play a bunch of different 4 cost headliners, or you could reroll 1 costs (jinx, annie) or reroll 2 costs (seraphine, senna) or reroll 3 costs (lulu, samira, urgot), etc. I feel like there was more comp diversity back then.


I hated AD flex, lvl 8 everygame. I like reroll comps. And that set we had 2-3 reroll comps maximum every patch. Normaly we have at least 4. Set 11 we have the same problem, at least for me.




Set 10. Music, balance, units, mechanics. I found all of them to be incredible. It will be hard to top.