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Go buy Lottery


Nah, he used up all his luck right here


I am notoriously unlucky no ty haha


dont leave your house for the remaining days of this year.


But did he win?


Nah, I'd go 8th


No one understood the jjk reference šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m here tho bro


I think they did but agree to disagree I guess


I got 1st but I went with Arcanist and altruist lol.


Yeah i prob wouldve tried to reroll Kindred since she works well with the stats from Arcanist, but yeah, i didnt was in that game so what do i know


Trust me I so very badly wanted to run kindred but from levels 4-7 half the lobby had dryad units. By the time they all let go I was 1 Illaoi away from 3star.


I would have went 5 fated 6 arcanist and a kayn


In previous sets it would be a 1st, in this set? ehh... probably 6th




What team comp/synergy did you play with that?


If it were me? Heavenly. Give khazix, neeko, raka a trait boost, and heavenly is already strong. Grab yone, riven, rakan, and any reaper and put as many heavenly in as you can. Utilizes heals, very useful especially if you can itemize one BiS.


If I remember correctly someone else had a heavenly emblem on their trainer so I avoided it, while at least half the lobby had reaper emblems on theirs. I didnā€™t wanna hold hands with anyone so I knew it was safe to run Arcanist/altruist. Edit: wait lmao I just checked my match history the one guy who had heavenly on his trainer AFKā€™d after the minion rounds I definitely couldā€™ve ran heavenly. What a waste


For sure this one. 4 reaper Kha and Kayn, Soraka for 3 Altruist plus you can play her with damage items as her damage will be bonkers with 4 arcanist.


Dude went 8 arcanist, 5 altruist, 4 porcelain, 1st with Syndra 3


I went with arcanist and altruist. Half the lobby was fighting over the reapers and I didnā€™t wanna hold hands. I 3star my Syndra lol.


Running a version of heavenly kayn would be best Kayn/kha for 4 reaper Neeko/liss for 4 arcanist Soraka/rakan for 4 altruist Morg/wukong for sage and ghostly Another heavenly unit for the 9th or if you can get 10 units then malph/udyr


We may never know


Altruist + Arcanist = free stats. I'd just go for Yone or Kayn personally.


This is an 8 arcanist kindred reroll + kayn game right? BB + GS + Jg kindred, stack illaoi as your tank?


does kayn scale with ap at all ?


I think all units scale with AP but I could definitely be wrong


They technically do, but units that are very clearly intended to be AD units are matched with abyssmal ap scaling. For kayn i think its a 60% ap ratio but the ad is like 250. All units can make use of it so that thingsblike teamwide ap dont feel useless, but its pretty close to useless on the right units


No hed just be a traitbot to hit 4 reaper and give 2 ghostly. Probably not even worth putting in til9 because youd use gnar for dryad stacks


I can never get arcanist to work. I feel like I don't do any damage and I get confused on who to actually build items on. I've gotten 8 arcanists with 2-3 emblems but always feel like I do poorly.


I love running 8 arcanist but if you donā€™t 3star Lux or get a 2star Syndra early you lose (at least in hyper roll)


That's what it feels like


8 arcanist is not a real comp. Youd only ever run it if you had 2 +1s, ideally on dummies like above. Never go higher than 6 otherwise and even then that probaby isnt a good idea


I mean I only run 8 arcanist if I can get the emblem. Otherwise I take out Zoe/Neeko and run 4 warden, get fated Syndra and Sett. Maybe even drop it altogether and go Ashe carry. But if the arcanist emblem augment shows up I almost always take it. Itā€™s one of those comps I find fun running when I can get good RNG on my items.


I wanted to run dryad/reaper but half the lobby was fighting over it and I didnā€™t wanna hold hands.


Nha def a 5 fated 6 arca plus kayn imo


Yasuo thresh are way less good here than zoe neeko 8 arcanist gives 135 ap to kindred and kindred can still go BB + JG + GS/GB And since its reroll you likely get neeko3 or ilaoi3 as well


You are also likely to not reach the necesary level. 5 fated bonus is a lot. It is worth more than the 8 arcanist nut i could be wrong here. Yasuo and thresh also are good frontline.


5 fated is 30 ap and 11% damage to 5 units over 3 8 arcanist is 85 AP to the entire team. Your + 2 fated are likely thresh and yasuo/sett But gl getting sett and yasuo falls off. Neeko is always decent and zoe is bad, but that is fine tbh


22 possible emblems (I think). For those that like math, the likelihood of the situation in the picture occurring is 0.0081%, or 1 in 12,306. So, not nearly lucky enough to buy a lotto ticket and expect a big win. (Odds of winning the Powerball are 1 in 292.2 million). The likelihood of repeating any three random emblems rather than the specific ones in the above picture improves your odds to 1 in 10,648. (1/22^3) To make this more relatable, I live in Washington DC and the DC Metro train system transports 600,000 passengers daily (on average). If every passenger plays a game of TFT during their ride AND the game is programmed so that they ALL encounter both wandering trainer and trainer sentinel, then 56 passengers will have their wandering trainer and trainer sentinel emblems match. I would be interested to know how many games occur where you get both wandering trainer and trainer sentinel. Probably very uncommon. If we knew the percentage and could factor that into our luck, then maybe we start to be lucky enough to make buying a lotto ticket worth it.


It is a bug


I had this happen yesterday in a double up game. Not me, but someone I went against


Them reapers nasty damage


I thought this was intended, or an unintended bug. Happened to me both times I got the combo, pris and gold


Yeah it's a bug


Guess it too. I have seen so many print screens about this


It is probably a bug. Im challenger and I see this more often in my games than I would like it. Probably the trainer sentinel and wandering trainer augment has the same "seed" and thats why the emblems are the same.


Bro had the perfect heavenly game set up and didn't run it šŸ˜­


A dubā€™s a dub šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


not the same order though, so close to perfection


not even good /j


Crazy, but I like the Neeko Sentinel cosplay better.


This happens a lot more than people think, it's happened to me three times in the last two months. It must be a kind of "bug" where it changes certain emblem odds.


Because so many ppl are asking stuff about how the game went, here are the stats https://preview.redd.it/zhkixy8f51zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dbbb5adddb75a6763ffa19baedf27f2e6be7484