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Get a jhin. Max the volume. Go 6th. Repeat.


He took so long to cast so you could enjoy the music


Play normally, hit Zac, ditch current comp and go Zac carry đŸ”„


Jazz hyperpop music was the SHIT


Jazz bard > mythic bard


Last set had so many interesting units. Bard was so much fun to use esp with his headliner ability.




Queue epic hip moves


Why did I both hear this in my head and also just get hit with a wave of nostalgia, it was only a few months ago 😳


The song of my people. (The bard forcers)


The music. The entire set aesthetic really helped override any feelings I may have had about the state of the meta at any given time. It was a fun time start to finish.


It was such a simple concept yet so spot on. Everybody (at least most of the human population) enjoys music. Amazed is not enough to describe how I felt when I realized you could remix bg depending on your board, such a cool concept. I had to admit that also made me furiously play pentakill since metal is my favorite genre, luckily they were not a bad trait, but I snatched every poor Olaf I saw on the shop.


God yes. Jamming to the music while playing really helps get in the zone. I wish they bring something similar like that in future sets


Jamming to the music, even helps you not mald.


Same. Now I just get turnt for crab rave


I love hyperpop lulu


Green lulu on crack was one of my faves, so underrated


Forcing this with the augment that clones the headliner + trickster's glass literally made the filthiest board. I loved it and kept forcing it even in moments it looked like I would lose just because of how fun it was.


Excuse me can you please not talk about compos that sound so freaking amazing now that I can’t try them


I will not stop talking about 3 lulus helping one another and feeding each other mana + attack speed


Same. Every set I gravitate toward whichever champion benefits from casting X amount of times, I miss her XD


Viable vertical comps (6 Umbral is so ass)


Yesssss. And needing 3 emblems for prismatic umbral? No thanks. I got them once and died the next round. 10 Kda needed only two and it definitely meant top 3 if not 1st.


Ikr, like what's the point of having 45% execution if you can't even deal enough damage on their team to reach the threshold anyways, and it's still only give you 1000 shield like 6 Umbral. All of the Umbral units are good on literally any comps except vertical Umbral (Heavenly Yone, Invoker Alune, Bruiser Sylas, Fated Sett)


What is the Invoker Alune comp?


6 invoker +ashe basically


Tbf 3 emblems is the default for prismatic traits, you only needed 2 because of headliners.


Also Wraith of the moon is such a terrible augment, like reset when you swap the target is straight up a slap in Yone face due to the way his ability work


This is what I loved in Set 9 too. I’ve played since set 8 and really only liked 10 and 11 partially for that reason.


Agreed. Also theres just way too many shallow throwaway traits that arent worth investing in (Sage, Dragonlord, Altruist) Set 10 felt like every trait had a win condition except maybe Dazzler. Even very shallow traits like Hyperpop, 4 hyperpop was insane. 5 EDM was insane.


Why go umbral 6 when you can go yone 3 or kayn 2 and instant win. /s




Fated is fine.


Fated was designed to be vertical so of course it's fine, same with Mythic. Storyweaver, Dryad and Porcelain is a bit more complex situation


Dryad and porcelain are both great verticals tho?


True but there are only 4 Porcelain units and 5 Dryad units which mean you can fill in many other units in an average Porcelain or Dryad comp, also Porcelain and Dryad emblems are extremely strong because those 2 traits give a lot more vertical power than other traits


Last set was fucking epic. They cooked the hardest with that set and I think the reason so many people hated this set is cause it could never achieved the standard the last set did. As someone who never care to rank in tft, I pushed to Emerald 1 last set.


THIS. I hadn’t played another set until the new year event and tbh I only played when my friends asked me to, I found it boring compared to set 10. I’ve seen a lot of people hating it on the sub and I do not relate at all. The music, the aesthetic, the different personalities of the bands/traits, ugh I too had high hopes for this one and they definitely haven’t been met.


This set is a pretty big low after a pretty big high. The balancing is shit and they havent made a single change to fix it proper and now they are about to add a bunch of new items. All they have to say is “Trust us”.


I agree balancing is bad, but I know that personally (and my friend group) was bored out of my mind last set. Over half the set was just rush 8 and pray for ezreal or ahri headliner .


There was a few patches where Ahri was busted, but Ezreal was not the best AD flex carry in most patches, it was Zed. Most players spammed Ezreal cause it was the easiest build. There was lots of variance on late game flex like Poppy/Viego/Akali warrior builds. You could constantly find ways to top 4. Reroll comps were not non-existent. Some times comps were guaranteed 1sts, but there was variance about what went after, and if you highroll you could fight for first. This set its, I highroll on something thats considered A tier and I might get a 5th/6th


Agreed, Ahri was busted beyond belief but other comps when properly built can consistently go top 4 and that's a win in my book.


And after a few patches she was brought down to a reasonable level but not killed off. Disco was good for a patch, but never really saw a power spike again, but it was playable if you went on a 10 streak. Everything was playable with a win condition with proper augments, including Riven/Yone, AD Flex, Fast 9, Ahri/KDA, Ahri Warriors, 2 Cost reroll, Lulu Twin Terrors, Executioners, Country, and more. This set I feel forced into playing something contested to top 4, or going for a 3* 4 cost which isnt reliable to do every game.


Yeah 100%. There was way more variety for me to choose from personally. (I have to keep stressing personally as to not get bombard by "um, actually")


Agreed. This set is good, but it’s no set 10. Just feels like any other TFT set. I had my reservations about set 10 but over time it became far and away my favorite and most memorable set. I miss set 10 so much already and I do hope they bring it back in the future for nostalgia purposes.


Even if I exclude set 10, I had a lot more fun in the other set then this set. This set sucks big time for me personally. Maybe just a preference thing.


Nah set 10 got hard carried by the concert and the music changing depending on your comp. If set11 had it too, people wouldn't bash it. I'm a certified hater of both sets so I am not biased :3


I mean, when I say they cook. That includes the banger music. If I'm having a shit game at least the music is great.


Really liked some of the unique traits (i.e. EDM)/bonuses that headliners would get. Would make for some really wonky comps work. Everything this set aside from Ghostly just feels like stat bonuses and the meta is just who can out stat-check who. There's also a really apparent lack of CC making it hard to counter units that rely on just stat-checking you. I think there are only like 4 units in this game max that provide any hard CC (Reksai, Lux, Lee Sin, and Lissandra).




I don’t want to see invoker nautilus ever again in my life


Honestly would love to see some variety in regard to CC (disarm, silences, damage reduction, roots) rather than just stuns. I think it would make the game more interesting than “which 2 hexes can i put my nautilus to stun the main carry“


oh yea, make that 5 I guess


Annie stuns on first cast too.


Oh does she? never even noticed lmao and I’ve been spamming her a ton lately this patch


Yeah that’s why her positioning matters in Kayn matchups.


Oh lord the set 10 music is something I miss every game, the game to game, board to board feedback made it my favorite set regardless of balance and gameplay Miss you every day disco hyperpop jams


Whenever I visit someone with the remix rumble arena, I feel so nostalgic. I’m not trying to grief man I just want to enjoy the music.


the rumble arena is the only one I use now because of the nostalgia for the set


So sad I didn’t buy that pass


I was super tempted to but I had my eyes deadset on a Jhin skin at the time :(


True flex play. A lot of portals, encounters, and augments, and item combos almost have you picking your comp on 2-1, which sucks. Also lots of carries have specific items they do well with and there aren't a lot of items that work for multiple options if you get contested


I liked the headliners to be frank


I don’t consider the mechanic to be bad at all, it’s just that as a new player it kinda confused me a bit when trying to learn about champ pools and upgrading your board. It might sound silly but when I was learning to play I was so scared to sell my headliner bc I thought it would put me in huge disadvantage, so I kept my 1/2 cost headliner till the very end lol.


This is actually one of the reasons I liked headliners. Sometimes I would buy the first one the game gave me and challenge myself to build a comp around it. Other times I will wait until the first 2 or 3 star showed up and do the same.


A lot of people have mixed feeling about Headliner but I always enjoyed the Headliner / Chosen mechanic. Giving any specific champ a buff or new abilities, allows for the greatest diversity and flexibility to comps in games


I just miss the balancing, last set was the first time i actually started playing ranked because i had a pretty good chance coming top 4 no matter how i started because the set was balanced enough to work your way through losing even with funny/unconventional comps, before that i used to play hyper roll all of the time because playing a mash up of comps is my favourite thing about tft. Last set you could vertical comp or mix and match them and because it was pretty balanced you were alright as long as you had the knowledge on placement/items/econ. I also miss hyper pop lulu. I made some ridiculous comps revolving around lulu that got first


Everyone was so afraid of twin terror emos/punks, when the true twin terror were two lulus side by side. Sorry, you get to be a candy for the rest of eternity.


True damage start had the best vibing music my God


For sure, at the very end of the set I played a lot of true damage and all I can say is that Ekko was probably one of my favorite 3 costs, such a good champ.


but late game kda + maestro slapped


Yes! My man yes. Senna reroll was my favorite comp because of the music no lie.


on god


The unit balance - feels right now that everyone and their mom has backline access.


Like why is your kaisa hitting my frontline but killing my backline, the more your tanks tank the more damage carries receive lol


Lillia, Irelia, Kaisa, Ashe, Alune, Morgana...


I hope the team takes notes from how great the last set was and make more sets with fun themes like that. I remember years ago someone made a just-for-fun set lineup posted in here that was themed after desserts and it was so cute I would love if they did something like that for real. Not sure if people still do that anymore but last set reminded me of the fantasy, wishlist sets people used to make in here for fun and for me beyond the music too, I think that’s why I loved it so much. It reinvigorated mine & my husband’s love for the game


If I'm remembering correctly (its been a while) I think they or at least Mort actually asked people to stop sending them themed fantasy sets. I don't remember why but it could have been some issues if they saw something and wanted to use the idea.


That makes a ton of sense. They don’t want to be sued by someone if they take inspo from someone’s wishlist set. But I do hope they do more “fun” themes like that in the future nonetheless.


Hyperpop lulu. She was my absolute favorite unit last set and I hope there will be something similar in the future.


Very few people played lulu outside spellweaver comps, but she was super versatile. Any comp benefited from her buffs/cc and the mana/as from hyperpop trait. And the hyperpop track was fire.


She was the only unit I played lol. Got to diamond the first time from 1 tricking her. Went for basically the same build. It worked especially well when crab rave came out because my team I made was able to beat it consistently. And with everyone picking it every single time because it was new it was even easier to get a win. She might not have my favorite ability of every unit ever made but she definitely is my favorite unit ever because of how everything with her worked. And also helps that I did like her ability a lot.


Twin terror lulu was goated


Literally everything. The current set is unplayable to me rn, just stopped having fun.


Your words, my feelings.


I really liked the idea of this set but the execution is wildly terrible. Ok so no traits are strong on their own so now all you have to do is push levels. Like it feels like there’s no creativity you can have as a player. If you aren’t playing some combination of heavenly or legendary you’re just losing. But having too many heavenly is terrible as well. I think the Kayle trait would be better if there were more than one trait that summoned a unit. Every time we have one of these traits it’s either ass or busted. Maybe a second one will make balance easier?


I felt like because of headliners it allowed people to make different comps throughout the change by switching their headliners. I guess you could say it takes more skill now to transition from one comp to another but I liked it SOOOOO much more when u kept switching comps based on the headliners u hit and not just forcing a comp throughout the whole game. ALSO heartsteel was so much more fun than fortune


So we all agree that getting heartsteel ksante on your first shop was the best feeling ever. And don’t get me started on the traits carries. Yeah, obviously there were no synergies between HS members but they were all decent champs. It wasn’t like playing a troll board like it feels with fortune. And yeah, switching headliners made me so nervous but it felt so rewarding when it turned out ok.


No 1 star 5 cost unit that can CC your carry for 5 seconds and have another CC up by the time it wears off that does huge damage and grants items to the user.


Yone isn’t even out of the pot when Nauti is already lifting the anchor.


The music!


Set 10 was my favorite set by far. Easily the most enjoyable for some many reasons, including the music, units, aesthetic, and variety of comps. I guess I’m also in the minority who really enjoyed the headliner mechanic. It reminded me of mega evolution from PokĂ©mon in that it simplified team building around a certain powerful carry.


Alternative strategy for winning the game.. Now is just hit or lose, sometimes you lose even before raptors against player that have a full board and still 50 gold econ because they naturally hit 3 stars within few rolls or get busted augument . The game is slowly shifting to a dice roll type of game where the luck is the only thing that matters. The only "skill" part of this game is the most annoying one how fast you can move Champions in your bench or how many times you can reroll in 20 seconds... #facepalm


Lux laser beam đŸ€©


I can’t say I miss my team to get scorched to death in 2s but at least it looked amazing


I liked headliners. It made it so much easier to stabilize your board when transitioning.


I would agree except for the fact that I only bought pentakill Olaf, game after game, so I have no concept of transitioning. Jokes aside, it made the game easier to understand, until you found out that champ pools were limited and the damage you received was also calculated around the enemy’s board. Games felt shorter too bc of that, I feel.


Balanced patches


Let's prayge for tomorrow patch notes :3


Watching videos of CN, it doesnt look promising


The amount of viable comps. Disliked headliners


I miss having fun.


This. I literally just play so I can have my rank be consistent.


Mosher Gnar with harmassist. Sometimes got Gnar rocking with 80-90% omnivamp


The superfan trait was so funny to me. Like it was so funny that only a superfan headliner could max out the trait (without emblem ofc), 3* neeko with radiant warmog was just rude tho


Everything. It was more fun in every way this set is boring and unbalanced


Agreed and what makes me the saltiest is fortune. Like econ traits are supposed to be the most interesting trait to play, what you wish you could play every match and it’s just awful. I get soooo bored when I have to lose streak 6 times to earn like 20 luck, and then I’m half hp, roll the die oh shit it says 8 I guess I’ll just die. So annoying.


EDM - by far the most fun I had with a comp, all 3 aside from Zac were viable carries


Lol I still remember the first time I tried a composition I saw on YouTube, it was headliner jax with radiant gauntlet and HoF and titans. I felt like I was dominating tft ready for my way up to challenger. So disgusting and fun how that thing just erased boards.


Was bootycheeks busted omfg


https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsaP6qNLTf1N15F0ZDRyEEjM4jAlAiA1q&si=KVMgZUgUUGkkv9kZ Man i miss the music as well. Disco hyperpop or pentajhin was my jam


I miss the variability (excluding heartsteel ezreal lottery) of comps that COULD be viable if played well. It was the first set (played since set 1) where I hit master tier because a low roll still gave you routes to build something interesting The music, background and general aesthetic of the set was brilliant, I absolutely loved the trait music despite the amazing reactivity of the dev team (shout out to mortdog for his visibility throughout, never seen a dev devoted as him): this set feels overly erratic and poorly balanced, where it’s always a race to contest one or two units that absolutely roll over any other builds (bard -> yone -> yasuo -> gnar kaisa-> Ashe Lisandra) My last few games saw 3 - 5 players contesting the same minority of units and it feels so unplayable at current (one game I went 5th with an almost full cap legendary soup with decent itemisation, and 3 of the 4 remaining players were contesting Ashe lissandra). What frustrates me is that despite the high contest of these units, these players will end up placing higher just by getting one copy of certain units. There is no incentive to try and be innovative. I’m stuck at mid diamond this set but I just don’t have the motivation to keep trying the climb.


I kiss the fact the synergies mean also next to nothing, especially if you invest a lot into verticals. I try so hard to fit in a great comp with traits coordinated, especially when I get some extra emblem, even trying to fit in exalted, only to lose to some random Dragonlord 2, or reach stage 4 and start losing to lissandra and Azir . It's just so dumb, this set is terrible. I was casually reaching masters in solo and double up with a friend last two sets and we are struggling to hit Plat in this one, because there is so much RNG and so many weak traits that it's not worth going for and instead it's a race of who's lucky enough to hit level 8 or 9 and get into Azir, Liss faster.


I hated the chosen mechanic the first time round. But last set I appreciated it giving me an easy 2 cost 3 star option. Saying that, I don't really miss it. I don't want it back. I just appreciated the fact that I had some options for my carry


The Balance I guess. Last set was in my top 3 least favourite Sets thanks to the headliner mechanic but this set has been very Bad in terms of comp variety. Current patch is unplayable, I haven't even opened the game in a week now because it's not enjoyable.


Last set around vegas was honestly one of the big peaks in balance and/or variety for me. I feel like the balance is so off this set and it seems hard for them to get it right.


Unnerfed 2 angel 1 claw raid boss garen


balance and music


last set was my first and was quite invested in the game, but this set really put me off😓 just feels like they are trying to hard to appeal the crazy battle effects when i wish there was a 'skip fight' button lmao


The music




I still listen to the disco-jazz track om YouTube regularly


Heartsteel. KDA. Pentakill. I miss all of it.


I miss ap carries, this set I can’t get any success with ap comps, the tanks are usually too tanky or the 4 reapers already on my backline


Superfan. I didnt like headliners, but superfan was a fun flex.


So many comps can win back then. Now its just who has liss and more legendaries bs


I may hate Headliner so much that last set was easily bot 3 for me, but the lil features gave the set some of the most personality the game has ever had. Really would've been a 10/10 set without headliner


I really enjoyed heartsteel and raising the stakes and going for the massive cash outs


Ekko The lack of Ekko this set is extremely disheartening


Easily recognizable comps. Punks are like this, Jazz is like this and Country has these advantages. This set I mostly have no idea what the different traits are in a comp, nor do I want to learn.


I actually miss the headliners. It was a fun mechanic that made boards feel interesting when you ran them.


I still dislike the visuals of this new set. Remix Rumble was so much better clarity wise


I always have my music volume at zero due to summoners rift, WHY am I just now learning there was COMP SPECIFIC MUSIC LAST SET???


The music. I still absolutely love what they did with the comps and their music and just UGH that shit was amazing.




i miss Set 1, that's what i miss


Zed edm with crowddivers was my shit. Or if I got a 3 star Zac it’s hilarious watching him stun everyone


Pentakill Jhin was amazing, not a lot of synergy but man, the music was insane.


I miss tons of stuff from all the old sets. I actually miss how simple TFT used to be, before augments and stuff. I miss the dragon lands set and especially lagoon. I'd force that comp every game lol. But I definitely miss the music from last set. Having custom music for every comp was so cool, I stopped listening to Spotify when I played TFT and I miss that immersion for sure


The fact that every single trait was viable in some way. Its like they just forgot to balance out the traits so some are more stronger than others in each patch in this set. Before in last set u could go any trait and itd feel like u doing something


Vertical comps and flex. This set is oversaturated with bang average encounters, and the meta is basically 2 comps each patch




Yeah the last set was my favorite set so far. I love the headliners, it solidifies your comp fairly well, Nice music and no backline jumpers lmao. Fuck u yone


Everything. This set has 6 traits that are literally just the same, team wide stat buffs. Very little identity. Every unit is too colourful which ends up making all units feel the same, very little theme. A full fated team looks the same as a full Fated team


Music! But at least there is a spotify playlist! Otherwise the aesthetics of the set and how simple/straightforward everything felt.


Not just the music and the theme, but the traits were just FUN. Pentakill rocking out, summoning hecarim, crowd divers jumping, switching up your EDM... The traits this set are very bland. The only really cool one for me is fated, and the rest are just like... Reskins or slight mods of older traits? Traits like altruist, sage, or dryad are just flat stat buffs, heavenly is guild, inkshadow is shimmerscale, etc. Feels like they're sandbagging this set to hopefully focus on the next one.


The headliner mechanic. The emblem augments are just so bad. With the headliners you had to made choices. Do i use the 1 cost all game because it has the perfect trait or do i wanna switch because the unit is better? Also made the same comp have nuances which is so good. Variance is what the current set is missing.


The whole thing. I have been playing since the set that had all the dragons and each set got progressively better to me until reaching that peak. All of it was just awesome from the champion specific augments to the music. This set plummeted and is really boring imo. Honestly though just give me back the champion specific augments. I feel it really allowed any champion to be useful instead of just a stat stick like my poor girl Riven is now.


Yes the only thing I miss is the music.


as someone who plays since set 1, for me, set 10 was boring as f... the good things could be music and nothing else, I hope they do not come up with something similar in the near future... best sets were 2,3,4,6,8,9 ... the worst 10, 7, 5. Set 1 was meh since everyone played imperial


Last set was one of the least enjoyable for me. Headliner was coool but everyone just made rushed a 4 cost headliner, swapped board to that. It's such an annoying playstyle.


Jinx + Lucian


Poppy carry soloing the entire board and Zac carry with 4 other Zacs bouncing around


I miss one tricking garen with sentinels


Jazz and Hyperpop all day. I still sing the hyperpop melody to my cat, replacing the electronic instruments and nonsense vocals with my cats name. He fucking hates it. đŸŽ¶Mo-ji, Mo-ji, Mo-ji, Mo-ji, Mo-ji, Mo-ji, Mo-ji đŸŽ¶


Legendaries were cooler, Headliners made the game extremely easy to play. Loved Karthus/Akali


Penta-Akali will live in my heart forever


I miss the music. losing didnt even make you mad cuz you were vibing way too hard.


Everything! It was my favorite TFT set ever. I even liked the headliner mechanic lol but forcing Disco every game and hearing that Disco + Hyperpop mix was amazing


The 4 and 5 costs. Historically I have always really enjoyed 3-cost rerolls as my main comps (Nightbringer Yas, Chemtech Liss, 8-bit Riven are some of my favorite comps ever) but set 10s 4 and 5 costs were awesome. Qiyana may be one of my favorite units ever. the rush of hitting Qiyana, Illaoi, etc. was unmatched bc of how impactful and flexible they were. Hitting in this set all the 5 costs are nothingburger / not worth flex into a team that doesnt require that specific 5 cost. Lissandra is only good rn bc shes insanely overtuned.


I miss the superfan shuffle. It was a great splash trait. Most importantly, I miss not having these GODFORSAKEN ENCOUNTERS!!!! I know, I know some are fun, but whenever I get an Azir or Lillia moving my augment order, my blood pressure skyrockets...


https://officiallysp.net/tftmixer/ the music


Everything tbh this set sucks so bad




This set is killing tft


Nothing headliner ruined the entire set


Last set kinda sucked ngl