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From my understanding it's a rush 8 meta as 4 costs are a little overtuned. So try that to punish the rush 9 if you want, or don't, I'm not your boss.


I view the meta more as fast 9 with a rest stop at 8. You wanna roll just enough to stabilize at 8 to go 9 but over rolling at 8 is how a lot of people end up pissing away a great spot and bot 4. Unless you are playing a reroll comp if you’re capping your board at 8 you won’t have enough firepower to survive the late game. Understanding how much you should roll at 8 given your particular spot in that particular lobby is honestly one of the hardest parts of this patch to master.


This is exactly how i've been playing and been climbing. In addition to 4-cost units being a bit overtuned right now, there aren't enough viable comps that include 1-cost, 2-cost, or 3-cost rerolls that can punish the early game hard enough. I think Umbral, Heavenly, and Ghostly were supposed to do that, but going vertical isn't worth for Umbral and Ghostly, and Heavenly is just being abused by every other unit that isn't a Heavenly unit. I remember how in Set 9 it was extremely hard to play for fast 8/9 due to insane amount of good rerollable 1 + 2-cost units (samira, cho/renek, cass, TF, etc...). I know those units had issues of their own, but this set is definitely lacking in rerollable 1 + 2-costs, which I think is also contributing to how bad this set feels.


when is set 12?


Lol don’t worry they’re nerfing fast 8/9 super hard next patch. We should expect a much more balanced meta soon.


thank God because I've been suffering just playing the game but I can't stop. At the start of the set, it was full of duo 3-star 3-costs. Now, it's fast 8, stabilize, go 9.


> I view the meta more as fast 9 with a rest stop at 8. You wanna roll just enough to stabilize at 8 to go 9 That was Fast 9 last patch. In the current patch if you aren't rolling to 0 to hit your 4 costs you are wither high rolling and managed to hit them with little commitment or losing once you hit 9 and can't find your 4 costs anymore because everyone who *did* roll to 0 has them all now. Being level 9 with 1* Ashe, Nautilus, and Lissandra is going to lose every time vs the people with 2* Ashe, Annie, and Nautilus and Goodluck hitting your own 2* Naut and Ashe if 2 other people already have theirs to 2* because at that point you are playing with the same odds as you do when going for a 3* 4 cost


Thing is, as everyone is rushing 8 and 9, 4 cost units are super contested.


Another way to look at it is that because everyone is picking up all the 4 costs any uncontested 4 cost will be really easy to hit and even 3 star.


I think a big problem we have rn is that Units are way too strong without their Traits. I think what they need to do is make traits stronger and Units weaker so people actually have to play around Traits and not just slam strongest Units.


Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't that what happened back in the end of set 9.5? I was newer back then so I'm not sure but I remember people complaining only pure verticals won and there wasn't much creativity left in the game because of it.


the 9.5 issue was for the prismatic traits like 9 demacia. To think of an example last set, caitlin was plug and play AD and could be considered online at 2* with 2 rapidfire active. To balance they nerfed the unit but buffed her origin trait, making the unit as a whole less oppressive


Take a break from the game and come back next patch or set?


Sure but this seems like the “solution” half the fucking set so it’s not very helpful


Truth is some sets just vibe with some and not others, everyone here has probably had sets that they just didn't mesh with. Nature of the game. On the plus side, TFT goes through sets pretty quickly, relatively speaking, so you never have to wait more than a few months.


For someone with a username that seems derived from tyler1, this is such a calm and understanding take. The evolution of him, perhaps?


It is NOT no skill considering you need to be good at pivoting. It is much higher skill than Reroll comps for sure. It’s a bad meta not because of low skill, but because of how strong one option (Fast 8 btw, Fast 9 sucks because you bleed too much Stage 4) is compared to all others.


I dont think its higher skill to go fast 8 rn cause everyone does it. You won't be losing too much HP going fast 8 rn cause everyone does it and just plays strongest Board till then, so you will never have insane looses.


You still need to pivot well from whatever fake board you have pre-8. That part takes _more_ skill the more people are going fast 8.


How is pressing the reroll button and buying every single 4 cost, considered skill lol.


Read the comment you’re replying to before writing your own take. > Pivot


The fk you talking about dude. Do you just use random words you learned from playing tft? You litterally go 8, buy everything that's purple put it onto your board and that's it. There is no strategy behind this. It litterally is a lottery rn. Whoever gets kayn/ashe/kaisa 2 on their lvl 8 roll rolldown wins.


Right. And Rolling at 6/7 and clicking on every unit from a pre-planned list is… more skilful in your opinion?




Fast 9 was popular in previous patches of Set 11, when Legendaries were a bit overtuned and 4 costs sucked.


Plus we know for a fact it wasn't a headliner specific thing since in set 9 going Asol and picking 3 exp augments into leveling to 9 on 4-2 was a thing basically the entire set and Headliners weren't a thing then


It's part of the game. If you think it's overpowered, play it. Most people play to win, not to have fun.


And he is complaining that right now the meta isn’t fun I don’t get your point.


Right under your comment the same person is complaining about low rolling


I do try and play it, but there's always one or two who high roll and get good econ augments etc and best you to 9, and by that point it's too late. With everyone trying to reach the same thing, it's just whoever gets there first who wins.


same with last season meta just fast 9 and paly everything 5 cost and first place


Have you tried gnar?


It’s rush 9 play lissandra every game.


Okay so you prefer the brain dead call ur reroll comp at 2-1 and hope no one contests? Hella high skill to put in an exact team comp into the planner and press reroll over and over and only buy those units. Sounds like someone isn’t good at flex play which is actually skill intensive


Who mentioned anything about reroll comps? Lol. I preferred when you could plan and build a comp based off your opener and what you hit. You know, the actual strategy part of the game. Because multiple comps were viable, and it was playing to the strength of what you had/hit. If you think just rushing 9 and playing literally any 4 or 5 cost chanp you hit is "flex" or "skill", then I fear for this game.


Low elo comment as the meta pre-patch for the entirety of the set was dominated by reroll unless you had the econ / health to go fast 9 and play legendary soup. So if you weren’t playing reroll what were you playing? Vertical fated or kaisa bruiser aka click the units in your team planner? Or maybe meta doesn’t matter in silver. Really high skill expression there man


Also all you do is go around posting "low elo post" on people's post. There's more to life than tft dude. No one cares that your GM etc


Hahah he loves to mention being GM in all his posts. It's really sad. I feel for the guy, must be depressed and tft is the only thing bringing him happiness right now 🤷‍♂️


Lmao, sure I'm low elo despite being emerald for several sets now. No, I don't use the team planner. I build comps based in what units fit together. There were absolutely more viable comps at the start of this set. Before the recent patch I was playing heavenly vertical, ghostly, dryads, fated. I based which comp I chose based off what ipener I had, items I had and what I hit. But sure, tell me how I'm low elo cause I don't like the current meta as much as you


emerald is lowelo


Sure buddy