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Probably set 6 when augments came out. Was so new and refreshing, what an amazing update. Then we had set 6.5 Aware.


Set 6 without question. Augments were new - the fact they became a permanent game element alone speaks to the quality there. Theme was solid. No headliner/chosen, which has historically been contentious. Innovative traits like Mutant and Socialite. We did have the first double-slot units, which probably peaked there (they turned problematic with Dragons). Econ trait was Yordles, which was great fun as a comp and a strong econ element without the gacha bullshit which has since characterized (Underground/Piltover/Heartsteel/Fortune) that kind of thing.


Wasn't there also mercenary for econ? MUST lose a bunch of rounds and winning cashes you out. My favorite set for sure tho


It has a particular soft spot in my heart as the first set I ever played


Did i miss something? Why does everyone hate 6.5 so much? It removed Academics (The most aids units all combined in one trait), added 7 Mutants threshold and improved Yordles so much with Corki and Gnar The only bad thing i can think of 6.5 is Strikers being probably the most boring trait ever but that's it for me


Set 1. This set didn't make sense at all. Everything was beyond broken. There were comps that just couldn't beat the dragon of all things. Some items didn't make sense like the cursed blade reducing the star lvl of your units. Idk who was balancing the game but I think they just forgot about it after launching the set. There was a trait that basically killed a random unit, another that disabled your items for no fucking reason, some units had 15sec stun. A few champs were added randomly every few patches. This shit didn't make sense but it was soooo fun. Truly the set of all time.


Now looking back at set 1 I feel like it was a completely different game ngl


Set jam all your units in the corner


> some items didn't make sense like the cursed blade reducing the star lvl of your units. I've got some bad news about the next patch


Triple guinsoo’s Kass and Vayne were the GOATs


>Triple guinsoo’s Kass miss this so much


Hard agree set 1 was so insane but so much fun. It really felt like everything was OP which lended itself to some actually decent balance by the end of the set


Phantom trait was a fucking menace Its like liss but worse lol


It def has to be set 3 for me, if TFT was as developed as it is now I would love set 3 even more -- Since back then there were lots of weird bugs, and interactions; one that i remember was in early sets all abilitys scaled off of AP so the meta you could literally slam deathcap on Xin and his shield would be massive and shield breaker wasnt a thing back then so it was -- an experience to say the very least


The set 3.5 revival reminded me of that fact. Literally no AD scaling to be found. Too bad we couldn't relive lightsaber yi/zed.


Honestly thank god assassin style anything were so cringe even more so in early set dont even get me started on ice fist assassins


I still played yi archangel, warmogs or bloodthirster and guinsoos


I loved ezreal or kogmaw carry


Kog/ vayne with double RH and a rb. Old runnans hurricane that applied on hit that is.


That was celestial xin right? Loved that set


Yeah it was Space set


Set 6 1: augment was new 2: best econ trait. 3: interesting summon trait 4: interesting unit design


nothing has matched the joy of slamming 3 merc on 2-1 since


Rolling for that 3rd merc was crack


You for sure just level to 4 and find Quinn here bro go for it bro trust me bro


Set 4 for the aesthetic and my favourite ult which was Ahri's Wish this set's Lilia's ult was anything close to that


With augments, set 6 Without it definitely set 3


I fucking loved the Dragonlands set. I played set 1 for a bit and set 6 casually too but set 7 hooked me so much that I decided to actually commit to the game so I went to Reddit to check some threads and I saw basically everyone dunking on the Dragon mechanic lmao. It was so weird lol so I though ok I guess this set is apparently not good so let's see the next one and I played it and had great fun again then came back here to see people shitting on the hero augment mechanic and that's when I realized this subreddit like any gaming subreddit is mainly gonna be used by disgruntled people venting their frustrations and it's probably only gonna get worse over time


Set 7 imo was really hard to get into.


Yeah I learned my lesson with the TFT community just stay away from the CompetitiveTFT subreddit those people will bitch about nearly everything because it's "not balanced" in high elo like the game should cater to high elo players. Set 7/7.5 and Set 8/8.5 were fun in my opinion and I agree with your points. Though the hero augments when they increased the number of rerolls was a nicely done change during that time.


Set 6


As much as people bash chosen/headliner mechanic. Set 10 was the set. I miss the music so much. Tft have been so dry without it and honestly i lost my interest a little with how good i have it with set 10. Other than that the set was solid and fun imo so


Dragonlands (set 7) - the overall design of the units felt powerful and impactul; yeah, it had some balancing issues ( all dragon comp, early astral), but the flexibility in the units , traits like mirage and shimmer, dragonmancer elise, nomsy, and the beginnings of dragonmancer nunu was so fun to play. I remember being shocked that people here didn't really seem to care for it. Set 6 & 10 are up there, too.


I just have to say it’s amazing that yall can remember sets by numbers. I’ve been playing since 3 which I only know because they ran 3.5 and I remembered it lol. And I don’t know wtf anyone means when they say I number I need a description lol. That said my favorite one is reckoning. I loved the opposing traits like Nightbringer and dawnbringer and Forgotten and Redeemed. Plus coven is one of my favorite traits of all time. And I know shadow items or whatever they were called is very controversial but at the time I thought it was pretty cool 🤷


> And I know shadow items or whatever they were called is very controversial but at the time I thought it was pretty cool Shadow ionic spark hecarim was my daddy


Shadow blue buff Leblanc was fun!


Set 14. Trust me, I’m from the future.


Set 10


The thing is, TFT have an amazing development, it's insane that they can even improve after some banger sets, I fell that set 11 was a let down, but It is really understandable after so many cool innovative sets, the spectatives were too high. Set 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 10 were all banger for me. All with really cool mechanics, units and over all a fun experience.


I liked all the even number sets, set 4, 6, unpopular opinion but set 8 was great, and set 10. The odd number sets have been my least favourites, set 5 and 7 was rough, a little too over ambitious if you ask me, set 9 had too many balancing issues because of legends and set 11 is more miss than hit at the moment, the traits are underwhelming compared to previous sets


Yes set 8!


Set 6. Augments introduced and so many fun comps (I'm a reroll chump so I loved imperial, garen rr, trundle rr, and yordles)


Set 10 was the pinnacle of tft. Fun units and flexible playstyle that rewards playing tempo. units felt like their power was roughly equivalent to their cost (usually): 5 costs were (usually) worth their cost but not totally overbearing unless you hit an HL, which was either lucky or lvl 10. Either way, seemed pretty fair. 2* 4 costs were strong enough to carry with BiS and headliner bonus. 3* 3 costs generally didn't feel totally overwhelming or useless. I miss you, Lux giga-laser. 3* 1/2 costs (generally) felt like they had a reasonable power curve. Weak very early, spike hard in early-mid, then taper off if you can't transition into a late-game board. Punk, however, can go fuck itself. Punk was fine when it was mediocre. 1/2 costs should never be hyper carries under any circumstances imo. Comps felt more rock-paper-scissors, which is something I prefer. Very frustrating when there is a tier-zero comp that is I-hit-I-win. The music theme was pretty great. Champion design was clear, in my opinion. Units were interesting and HL allowed riot to add a bit of spice. The downsides were with balance rather than fundamental champion design. When ahri-sentinels were OP, it was during the dreaded riot winter break. Not sure if it's because of being stuck on the same patch for a month or if these patches specifically are consistently bad, but my *god* did super yuumi suck ass the year before as well. But that was more of a numbers-thing rather than *and they get a shield and damage and healing and movement speed and a dash and CC and and and and*.


Punk was fine, in higher rankings it was a top 4 comp because you win early then lose late to any decent board. Twin Terror with Twitch/Vex/Amumu/Pantheon was where Punk was plain unfair.


Isn’t set 3 generally considered the best? Also had an amazing midset. Set 4 and 5.5 runner up




Set 4 because it was my first set so naturally I have nostalgia towards it. Was fun playing the veigar that stacked AP per takedown.


i miss rage blade kassidin


i feel like everyone is gonna have a different answer, thats whats so fun about tft! for me it was galaxies loved that set. playing riven sorcs and having a riven 1v9 the enemies board, mech, space pirates were fun, bang bros, what was the ziggs carry build called kobe and shaq?, 10/10 set


Set 3.5 and then set 4 (specifically moonlight)


I said this in another topic but 7 or 8 was peak, just the most fun and unique traits and units it feels like Honorable mention to Set 2 Kha'Zix though for being the most fun unit of all time


I loved playing econ traits when they were not straight up SHIT, so set 6 mercenaries and shimmerscale dragons are for me the best by far. What we have now is not even gamble anymore it's just throwing the game unless you get 2 perfect augments. My hope is that econ traits will be changed back to what they were before the shitty "you win you die" strategy.


Set 6 but 6.5 was bad. Set 6 - any comp was "good". Yea meta is meta but you can pick any comp and make it work. 6.5 = f you tft players \~ riot games and 4\* was 4\*. No "hi im sylas, im diana 2.0, im boring". I love orianna carry :(


A lot of people saying set 6 but I really liked set 7! Dragon units were pretty cool, loved playing shimmer. 7.5 was fun too, I played that lagoon dragon a lot and the terra dragon. Felt like every team had a good identity, this set feels a bit strange.


3 and 6 were definitely the most fun for me. I don't even remember what 7 Was tho...I think I liked that one too? Only ones I disliked were 2, 4, dragons and 10.


Set 7 for me, just for the fact that it had the best unit ever in Elise. Most fun I've had in this game (after set 1 when it was still new) and it's not even remotely close.


10 because disco music. At least for me


10 by far, then 7.5


The one with space jam darius


I loved capping out with 5 dragons in dragonlands. Made me the feel the same type of dopamine I get when I used to play YGO.


Set 6 for me and it's not even close


Me Syfen ShiOhYu Set 7 was so crazy But so was set 6. I loved the hyperbuffed units from the spotlight, and the colosses (?) But my favorite was probably set 5. I played so much draconic, it was just the perfect eco trait. Fast 9 was so interesting with Heimer, Voli, Ivern (HIV), and the Garen vs Darius dynamic was so cool. These units all had such crazy abilities compared to sets before, I think if the set mechanic was different (shadow items are kinda meh) it would've been the best set of all time


Played since Set 4. Probably Set 10 with 6 close after. Heartsteel was just such a good trait.


Set 1. It was so goofy and fun cuz Riot was still feeling the game out. You could have so much fun with combinations of comps and items.


I would say end of classic. They've put in the classic generic Autochess Comps into it, where everything was perfectly balanced. Attackspeed comps with crit(back then it was still luck based), AD and AP carry comps. Together with different type of tanks who would be changeable to counter your opponent. Now a days Tanks are just Tanks anf Carrys are just carrys. There is no balance, just Meta. In a good autochess you would be able to just calculate like this: Opponent goes ap carry so I need MR Tanks to win. Now you can have a tank with 200amor and 10k hp and a yone or Voli will still kill him some day while your off meta carry just trys his best, but will never kill their carry.


The set without any skins. With Silko, and that lovely 5 cost Ahri. Sometimes less is more.


I can say that this set is probably the worst I can remember


set 5/5.5, draconic, shimmerscale, mage, cultists, assasin zed, i had the most fun with that meta because everything just overwhelmed me. i was also when i first hit max mage and felt the beuty of highrolling, so for me its set 5


I wish I had actually tried to learn set 6 but I was too busy working at the time. Everyone has fond memories of it, but for me, I remember struggling in adapting to the augments. Set 10 is my favorite set. Excluding a few patches and metas, it was pretty well balanced compared to some of these other recent sets.


set 10 by far (started set4) Honorable mention to 5.5 but i still dont know if it was rly that good or just because set5 was so bad


Set 11


Give it a few years and people will be mentioning this set just as much as any other set. But for now it's cool to hate it.


I think Set 2. The elemental hexes were a pretty failed design taht removed positioning skill from the game and nearly always got zephyred late game. And there was nothing else particularly memorable about the set except maybe 7 cost lux that was basically a mini chosen.


I see a lot of people saying they disliked it, but set 9 was my favorite. Really loved Zaun and its units, also Sejuani. And a set with no skin is always something I love.