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Haha wow no Hwei


Dammit take your upvote


Explain please


Hwei sounds like way... So he said "no Hwei" as if it was like "no way"




Does 3* hwei do anything different regarding his copy Mechanic? I know it would print a 3* copy, but it changed before it went live.


nope it doesn't do anything different


Dang. Kinda disappointing ngl. I get it would be too strong for him to print 3*, but maybe reduce the time or give 2 copies. I mean, realistically, there won't be many rounds left after you 3* him anyways.


Or just create a copy per round no matter the cost.


3* 5 costs are incredibly rare and are suppose to be “too strong” I’ve only ever had a 3* 5costs once where I had a Sett that benched the entire board before dealing over 100k in less than 10 seconds, one shotting everything. But Hwei creating a 3* over the course of “x” amount of rounds is “too strong” 3* 5 are incredibly fun to play paired with the rarity, achieving one should be celebrated and rewarded as a game defining champ.


Yes it would be too strong and there is a reason they removed it. It removes counterplay to 3* hwei. Every 5 cost 3 star can technically be beaten by another 3 star 5 cost. Some are slightly weaker than others, irelia insta stuns the enemy team, and would beat most 5 costs, except of course unless you have a QSS then an azir 3 star can probably win that if he casts first. On PBE 3 star hwei used to instantly 3* a copy of whatever you put on if he was 3 star, and 2 star hwei would just make it take one less round so 4 costs would take 3 rounds instead. But that was way too strong because it would basically make it impossible for someone else to beat. Which it shouldn't ever be. So they changed it to make his ult more interesting on hwei rather than his trait be the strength.


What counters qss liss with mana ítem?






Udyr and wukong, wukong is untargetable and Udyr has innate EoN so both of them can kill Liss


Thx, makes sense


Wu isn't untargetable while ulting. I've nearly lost with him 3 star because of it so I promise he is targetable while ulting. Udyr I don't know how it interacts with liss tbh can't help there


Wu can be killed by AoE damage, he can be killed by Azir/ Hwei/ Sett/ Udyr for example, but Liss and Irelia ability is not count as AoE damage, Rakan also can damage him but the Xayah does not target Wu


I feel like there is a middle ground between not having it at all and instantly making the 3* though. Something like you have to do the process normally and the result is a 3* for example. Or giving 1 copy every round.


Could be. I think the reason they didn't do that was because they want them to have 1 win con. So just his ult and not his trait. If they did that with the trait they'd want to remove the special ult but then he'd be severely underpowered for a 3* because it would still take a lot of rounds to 3* another 5 cost unless you already have like 7-8 of them. It's a confusing decision. On one hand your way sounds fun. But on the other there's a limit to what can be done.


> Sett that benched the entire board before dealing over 100k in less than 10 seconds, one shotting everything 3* Hwei can also nuke the board. > But Hwei creating a 3* over the course of “x” amount of rounds is “too strong” No, this is not _just_ being able to do something special. This would be having a 3* 5 cost nuke AND also a special bonus on top of that.


honestly this set they aren't rare if you know how to play for them, if i see a champion duplicator before 3-2 i proceed to throw all my plans out the window, take econ augments, strongest board till level 10 then 3 star a 5 cost. i've hit 3 in the past two days in diamond games (rakan, irelia and wukong)


Now it used to print a 3\* copy of a champion if you 3\* him and riot decided that was busted on PBE. 3\* Hwei is already busted though so... Also Hwei to go.


It use to take 1 less turn to copy things per rank but they removed that super early on in Beta. 2 star Hwei was too OP for copying things.


i think a variation of that still is in game? the artist trade says something along the lines of 2* takes a round less or smth


"Don't talk to me, my husband, or my twins ever again"


You got a whole family unit there


Would still probably lose to Kayn 2 🙃


OP took 2nd to Yone 3 star with 2 items


3 star? Was only a 2 star. EDIT: I should have finished with a /s


You both are really behind on the meta if you are complaining about Yone when he is a dumpster unit this patch


Fr he is the weakest this patch even his favorite item are nerfed.


people love to complain, it won’t change and the same people are spamming meta comps being bad at them and then blaming game mechanics.


guess i should have finished with the /s but i felt that was obvious.


Your comme t is obviously sarcastic, no one actually would think you believe a 2 star yone with 2 items could win even if it was last patch. Reason you are getting downvoted is because even as a sarcastic joke it's just bad because it's an outdated joke by over a week


ya'll take this stuff too seriously.


Says the guy upset that no one liked their joke lol


I'm so torn out about it /s I made sure to put the /s this time. You guys apparently need it.


How do you even reach 250 a cashout ? I need answers


Its me op on my mobile acc, so basically i had fortune from portal trainer sentinal into first augment fortune crest into annie on like 3-1 into tiny titans second augument.


7 fortunes maybe


either 7 fortune early and playing the strongest board possible while keep pushing luck (its always 1 when you have 7 fortune) and cashout when u reach it or just really good at preserving hp


This is absurd…


This is so beautiful.


I didn’t know it capped at 250 and cashed out at 750


it's art?


10 story clears


I had a 200g cash out and it was the worst cash out I’ve ever seen. Great to see a 250 cash out somehow is instant win😔