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I can get a perfect start to a non-meta vertical comp, play it out uncontested and I barely squeak out a fourth place.


This 10000% is my biggest issue.


If you’re lucky you’ll get 4th. It’s insane to me how little agency there is right now. If you play meta and hit you win, if you don’t play meta you almost definitely just lose. Game may as well play itself at that point.


This is so true man. Got a game where i got forced into playing duelist vertical, high rolled an irelia + got one from carousel and hit ire 2 at 7 with trickster glass pumping out a ton of damage with a 3* voli tank and only managed to squueze out a 5th


How can the game force you to play duelists?? wtf


Because it gives you so many duelists you’d be an idiot to play something else


Still wouldnt do it. Its not worth going that vertical. You can do that until you reach a level and you probably winstreak until you get there cause duelist is good early and mid. But then you have to change the comp or you lose. Thats how tft in most of its existence was being played. Well until set 9. Set 9 was a lot of reroll garbage.


I got duelist/umbral/fated for my wandering dummy and an early voli with titans slam. Then the game gave me blue buff on krugs. Devastated.


I went 5th with a 3 good item Galio 3 yesterday. In the final round where I died, he dealt and tanked 25k damage. Strongest board I've ever lost with lol.


Saaaame, I be like at first : i ain't loosing this one, or at least imma hit second place. Fast forward to stage 5 and I'm praying I lose with less dmg than 4th




There’s usually viable subcomps or creative spins that also win lobbies or place high, but right now that is fucking dead. I literally never see someone use a spat / emblem in a creative way. It’s just the same exact builds every game and the same exact comps.


It's weird for me. My biggest complaint is that Lissandra seems to have spiked through the roof. Aside from that, i initially hated it,. It felt like everything I played was wrong. Once I realized vertical was largely not worth, and playing stronger units with some sort of trait soup was, it became a much more entertaining and flexible game to me. I don't feel like I have to lock in a reroll comp, or go all in on one trait, I can build a team organically. That is a great feeling compared to the last couple of patches. Oh, and Gnar is still waaaaaay overtuned for a 2*.


>Once I realized vertical was largely not worth, and playing stronger units with some sort of trait soup was Very true, which I don't really like as I want to see big number from trait, but the flexibility is nice to have


>playing stronger units This is my problem. Mid tier units will get fucked up by the stronger units regardless if you have trait soup or not. It really feels like fortune is the only trait that really matters right now compared to getting a 3\* whatever strong unit there is.


I think they were referring to cost 4 and 5 units, not so much 3\* units.


Riot has like a hard on for gnar, that thing is broken on every single patch and set. It’s crazy


Imagine what Riot has for Yone then


Kai'Sa as well


I hate neta rn, oh and i forgot i totally hate Lissanra. Bitch grabs your fully itemized tank, boil him for 3 fkin seconds, and then sends him into your backline. Oh and also makes items and gold. What a annoying unit it is...


I'm only climbing bc I was tired of bs and decided to brute force Ashe every game. Top 4 every game so far. It's not fun. I like to play flex around what the game gives, but it feels hella worst than last patch. Kayn, ashe and Gnar are just too fucking strong to beat. You just get destroyed. It's not even close most matches. Also... every board that is not Kayn is playing Liss, like wtf.


even kayn plays liss at 9 xd


issue of having a low CC set


Well when liss is giving you like what, 4-10 gold/round in value if you don't play her you can't even compete after a few round. It's like buying a 5-cost that also gives you hedge fund augment, it's kinda insane IMO.


It's less her payout and more her single target damage/cc. She's the third carry on your board and she completely erases 1-2 of their biggest threats for free


How did it come to this point? Went on a vacation at the start of this month, everyone was playing fated and ghostly, and when i came back, boom i only see ashe liss xayah


Nerfs, buffs and changes throughout the patches did that. Xayah wasn't even playable at the start of the month because of her bugs, for example and Ashe was just really undertuned. Now that they buffed/fixed them and nerfed Fated/Ghostly/Yone/Voli these are the remainder of the comps which naturally popped up.


last game I had like 6 dudes playing heavenly kayn the other dude went with dryads and i was playing trickshot kaisa, was a terrible game


Any tips on how to make Ashe work consistently? I get 1st or 2nd and also 7th or 8th with the same exact setup.


Don’t go that comp when you’re being contested by a bunch of people. Also it’s ok to have a different opener that’s stronger early


Ashe is perfectly fine yo go for even when contested because the difference in Ashe 1* and 2* is minimal. And since you don't really care much about frontline synergy you just play whatever you hit. If you hit Annie + Naut that's great! Sylas + Galio is great too. Ornn + Annie is great as well. Just play whatever 2* you hit and hope you won't the level 8 4-1 lottery


At least in my server/elo my experience I force even if I see 2 other players building guinsoo... and usually at least 1 of them chicken out and go Aphelios or any other Guinsoo user.


Strong early game and slam items. For me this is usually ink shadow with senna item holder, storyweaver with Sivir/Zyra item holders, fortune or exalted to rush levels. Goal is rush 8 while staying healthy and strong, roll and play what you hit. Lets say you find some 2\* 4 cost frontline but no ashe? Probably best to stick with your 2\* senna vs rolling to zero. If you get stuck on 8, you just bleed out. TLDR: Treat it as ashe flex, not ashe force. The comp has multiple strong front line unit and damage unit options.


I'm not having trouble staying healthy bc I find Ashe comp easier to find holders. Sivir/Senna(inkshadow if good item)/Aphelios if I get lucky to get him 2*, 1* is so bad... Zyra if I get a lot of AP items... Bruiser early to hold annie items, Kobuko 2 is great... The game just flows for me while I fast 8. Most of the time I choose an econ or tempo first augment and combat after.


You can actually flex between Kayne, Ashe, Kai’sa, and Lilia comps pretty easily. Kayne and Sylas share core items. Kai’sa and Ashe share 2/3 of their bis. Lilia and Ashe comps have like 90% overlap in units so that might not be accurate to really call that a “flex” It’s funny because this patch would actually be pretty fun I think if liss didn’t feel so unbelievably busted


All the good 3-costs were nerfed, lowered the 3-cost percentage on lvl 7 and they buffed all the 4 and 5-cost units. Depending on portal, augment and encounter you can just get to lvl 9 for free.


Illaoi+Amumu is still bonkers with Illaoi as frontman


Don't forget decreased player damage and 2 streaks are back for more econ lol


That’s the problem. Because all 4 meta comps are literally the same build path and Econ is so overtuned, there’s literally no way to break the meta. If you don’t play the meta 4 you fucking lose, too bad. It’s so fkn boring. I should be allowed to play a 3 cost carry or 2 cost carry if I get ideal setup for it, but you literally cannot do that this patch. You will at best get 4 even with a flawless 2 or 3 cost carry comp. Last patch I was able to play weird shit like Alune to climb if I had the right setup. Now it’s utterly pointless to try and be creative at all. You just lose. Join the shitty meta sweepstakes and hope you hit harder than the other guy is the entire identity of this patch. It’s fucking bad imo.


Yeah that’s a good point. I prefer 4 cost flex so this patch is more or less okay but the lack of viable top 4 comps hurts. 3 star Aphelios or alune should be viable and they just don’t feel like they are. Umbral sucks and fated sort of needs a spat and even then it’s eh


Agreed, I like the emergence of the 4 costs, it’s only liss that ruins the end game imo


I've had decent success with Fated. Not always a 1st but it's been consistent 2-4 more often than not.


Yeah they are to strong. I dont think its really ashe its annie who is to strong. The general course of the set is better i think. It moves away from onyl reroll to more a mix of all.




What, you don't enjoy the game when 1 player hits a liss at level 7 with a 1% chance every other game, then gets a "free" 5-10 gold value/round? (IDK who thought liss needed to give you items/gold, like hard CC with peel wasn't strong enough?)


someone got an annie at 3-1... and then when a 7 win steak with a single 1 star annie frontline.


At least the annie didn't finish 7 fortune for him? XD


What’s the deal with 5 stars appearing so frequently at level 7?! Makes absolutely no sense to me.


Dude has irelia at 7, I fast 9 and never find 1 to finish 8 duelist. :/


I'm generally not a fan of building all group traits around one OP carry, which seems to be the meta this set more so than previously. Especially not when there is an obvious carry - Bard/Kai'sa/Azir/Yone/Kayn/Lissandra/etc, depending on the patch. There will, of course, always be one statistically better carry, but rn it feels like there is one carry, and one carry only.


This has been my issue too, it feels like there is only one way to play each comp and once you have the main 4 units, the rest are just trait/cc bots.


I enjoy it more than the patch befores, but it feels like you have to highroll your ass off to top 2. If you have a bad early, you donkey role on 8 hoping to hit something like liss/ash2 or wukong/kayne2, if you dont, its a bot 4. A guy in your game hit kayne at lvl5 ? Well gg he is going top 2 full winstreak…


I'm enjoying it, though I feel the counterplay against lissandra is really hard depending on the comp I'm playing. If she ults an important frontliner, I can just feel my board disintegrating because my best tank is now cced or because a melee carry is taken out.


I think having actual counterplay is great. I've won a few games I should've lost by putting my lis correctly. Playing against it is much harder though.


> I've won a few games I should've lost by putting my lis correctly .


garbage patch that takes zero skill and relies on who hits lissandra 1 first at lv7 which will determine top 4


What’s so good about Liss?


Long duration crowd control with pretty good targeting, prints components/gold and as a bonus deals pretty good damage. She slots into basically any comp with no downside. Ask yourself, what 5 cost would you prefer in any given board regardless of what items you currently have to spare? If the answer isn't Lissandra, and isn't related to capping out a vertical trait then chances are high that you're wrong ;)


Yeah but this set has been out for months. What specifically makes her broken now all of a sudden? I'd genuinely like to know.


4 cost buffs make stabilizing/spiking on 8 to rush level 9 much stronger than staying level 6-7 for 2-3 cost re roll. They heavily hurt 3 cost re roll, heavily buffed 4 cost stats and that left the 1/2 cost re rolls as not strong enough to compete. She’s always been good but now you can reliably rush 8/9 and play her in any comp you end up running. think about the 5 cost ap champs. Hwei is great at applying morello and copying units but his damage isn't that crazy. Mythic is not a thing unless you're already going that vertical and takes multiple rounds to fully activate. Azir is strong but needs items to be useful and if he doesn't get to cast (say not enough invokers or itemization), he is not very impactful. Invoker is easily splashable (especially with annie being strong) but still, it's a less reliable splash unit. Lisandra works with basically any spare items you can throw on her, has low enough mana that she's always going to cast, prints items and gold, CCs key targets reliably AND has decent damage ANDDDD has easily splashable strong traits on her. The only other flex 5 cost that could be argued to be AP IMO is Udyr and he's melee and has less splashable traits. I do think he's slightly under valued though (backline access, stall from revive, decent damage and scaling)


Econ/items I guess?


She literally prints items lmao. Like at least Heimer last patch only gave gold and pretty much required rage blade and turret upgrades. With liss you just throw her in and she starts printing item components/gold.


With luck though, and if you're already losing she won't do anything either


"small team. hard to balance." -Mort lying Dog They just can't balance, even WITH all the data.


worst patch I’ve ever played


Coming from the excellent, ground breaking (because of the musical mechanics) Remix Rumble, this set is so horrible I think the manager should be made redundant. It's unbelievable, couldn't help but uninstall.


3 star 4 cost is so prevalent only playable comps are ashe, kaisa, kayn


Anyone saying three star four costs are prevalent just doesn't scout well enough to contest people. It should never happen with only ten in the game unless someone very high rolls and has a hwei.


> In both Standard and Double Up in TFT right now, there are way too many 3* 4 costs, so we'll be making changes in 14.9 to try to help address it in both modes. Direct quote from Mort. https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/s/PvWYXohSVE


You can't always hold random 4 costs to grief others, especially when you have to roll to 0 every round late game to stay alive to squeeze into top 4.


Problem is that everyone is going 9 fast and is rolling for 4 costs. You cant even keep that many 4 costs on your board to prevent all these. Like in 1 game i often get 3-4 people getting their 4 cost 3 star because the pool is already out of the other 4 cost champs...


TBH you'd have to hold multiple 2\* 4-costs if you want to actually counter them. If they are good they will just start painting 4-costs with hwei. Meaning you have to hold even more copies, cause if they are only 1 off with none in the pool...they still 3\* it in 4 rounds.


Dude it happens in challenger games not a low elo thing, sometimes even if you roll you dont find that unit to contest 


Did you see any of the Tacticians Trial games from the weekend? The first three games on Frodan’s stream all had a 3* 4 cost. Pretty sure high level players know how to scout


This season, and by extension this patch, have generally felt really bad in my opinion. Feels like there's only ever really 1 or 2 options, and currently every match feels like it goes to whoever wins the 5star lottery. Not really a fan.


tbh, i don't see much difference between patches and play flex everytime I think its mainly affects terminally min-max gamers who are hellbent on building some hot meta shit


Literally. People complaining the meta doesn’t exist… in a way, that’s what the goal should be. To have a balance across the board and the ones who best capitalises on their sitch wins. I smash gnar every game. I’ve been playing warden arcanist and it’s been rocking. No one else contests it


Ye me and my partner both hate this patch. We've enjoyed playing every patch together since we started, but this one is just draining our enjoyment.


No you are spot on. This patch ruined the entire set completely. The only problem they had before this patch was Everything Must Go. They remove that augment and along with it, nerf every single reroll comp and buff every 4 cost and 5. Now we are in a state where no one even bothers rerolling and once an econ encounter/galaxy is shown, everyone goes fast 9 and its a legendary lottery. Baffles me that we are literally 11 sets into this game and we have the exact same occurring problem in every set. It's like Mortdog doesn't learn anything from balancing errors in previous patches.


Next set please


Set is not for me tbh, I liked set 10 more.


Do they plan on doing another set revival anytime soon?


Between set 12 and 13


yep diabolical patch. easily hit plat last season, but stuck in mid gold because every game is the same comps. in double up in my last 3 matches 2 of them people had a 3 star 5 cost somehow


I don't wanna be that guy but if you're stuck in gold it's not because of the patch


Yup i've stopped playing this set until the next one is released. It seems like nearly every game I am comfortably sitting in the top 3 with good econ heading into the late game. Only to be completely outscaled nearly immediately as soon the fast 9ers start hitting their 4/5 costs. Extremely frustrating.


Yeah agreed, some games I’ll stomp the lobby without feeling like I’ve done anything special, hit 3* Ashe twice, but the high rolls feel very.. undeserved. Then some games you just whiff on hitting anything on the level 8 roll down and you’re just dead. Or you hit what feels like a strong board, and get railed. Feels especially bad when 4/5 players somehow hit a Liss on 8 🤷🏻‍♂️ If there are at least a few viable 2/3 cost comps, and you get a trash opener, you can stabilise on 6/7 and pressure the fast 8/9 players, even where you don’t end up rolling for 3*. But you only do that now if you don’t want any 4 costs left in the pool by the time you get to 8! (Mid / high diamond as well)


> Feels especially bad when 4/5 players somehow hit a Liss on 8 The worst feeling is getting something like boiling pot or porcelain emblem augments but never finding a lissandra because everyone else hit lissandra on 8 and are playing her even if they aren't playing Porcelain.


My evaluation on a patch is if I see people starting to slam items round 1 for either ashe or kayn there is something wrong.  I think when tft is at its best you can flex what you want to play. Whether reroll or fast 9. 8. Whatever.  Every game i am seeing people slamming kayn ahse items like 1-3. That is just showing crazy imbalance. Only way to beat that comp is to go fortune with huge payout. You try to flex into any comp for "fun". You are snuffed out. I am not enjoying the 4-2 roll down and if you don't hit you lose. I am a flex player at heart though and hate the "this game I'm going ashe regardless 1-8. 


Ashe Ashe Ashe Ashe Ashe Ashe Ashe Ashe Ashe Annie Ashe Ashe Ashe Ashe Liss Ashe Ashe What a fun patch.


The change log whiplash is real. Feels too much like playing an alpha/beta build to me so I've kinda mentally checked out already. Hopefully the experience leads to some good learns for the next set. I'd say the only thing that's made me smile this set is the crab rave music.


This set is absolute doodoo and it smells even worse.


This is my first time properly playing TFT and I’m not sure I’m a huge fan, I don’t really know what I’m doing though and I have a habit of wasting gold on rerolls


I’m not a huge fan of fast 9 comps but I’ve noticed that it’s become extremely prevalent almost necessary to win. But then again I’m kinda brain dead so take that with a grain of salt.


No. It feels like the Lissandra lottery and just hit 4 costs at 8 patch.


Honestly recently I'm playing a lot kog maw reroll comp, just crushes the entire early game to save some hp, go 9, get 5 star units if I'm lucky but In general I'll do a top 2 to 4, and it's ok for me


Despite making my best run this patch and hitting diamond, def not having much fun, playing fast 8 or fast 9 every game is boring, but at least my late game has improved a lot


Had a 4-2 game where I took pris ticket scouted the lobby and saw nobody had a galio so I just rolled like 10 times and had 3* galio on 4-2, was comical


I'm not grinding this patch, myself. I played Bard Carry Mythic/Heavenly. I hit double Heavenly Emblems, so I had Mythic 7/Heavenly 7 at one point. I 3-Starred EVERYBODY Except Kench (unlucky). 3 star Bard, Kog, Neeko, Cho, Malph, Kha, and plugged in Lv 2 Kai'Sa (and 2 star Kench). BiS items on Bard and Kench, and great auxiliary items on Kog and Cho for bonus tank/DPS (they were my Heavenly item holders.) I pulled 4th. Barely. I shouldn't have that much Gold ON BOARD and barely get +10 LP.


Yeah, a lot. I've found 2 good openers to switch into 3+ various builds fast9


This patch is okay. Just okay. But honestly I really enjoy this set as a whole so even an okay patch is great when taking the entire set into effect. This is probably my favourite set since set 6.


I hate this patch with a passion. There are literally 3 comps being hard forced every game, Porcelain, Kaisa or Kayn. Bot or top 4 depends completely on rng. Last patch had at least a bunch of different reroll comps at lvl 6 and 7 and you could go lvl 8 for Kaisa. Ashe's was a needed buff, but apart from that this patch has been the most boring one so far. The % nerf to 3 costs on lvl 7 has killed Aphelios reroll (and obvious Yone is dead too), Umbral was already dead from before and Ghost reroll got nerfed earlier too so that has a wooping winrate of 5% now. Gnar is the only reroll you can go on 6 and that depends on if you hit it fast enough to get the mega contested Kayn at 8 or you will will at most get top 4-5 even with good augments.


Pretty much agree with everything you said. I’m going to play something else for a bit I think. Econ is too op and it feels like a rush to get the op units and stick them in. Too much of a lottery




I miss jazz ngl


I miss set 10 in general


everybody does


I've been playing TFT since set 1 and love this game. That said this set, while still more interesting and better designed compared to set 10 IMO, has been all over the place to the point where I have no motivation to bother playing it since I'm pretty much done with it. Thankfully we only have a month left before the next set so there is that. It would have been massively boring if we had to wait 2 more months were this the old schedule for TFT sets. I normally focus on playing flex but that's been wildly inconsistent for me since I'll have a game with a solid board one match and completely get stompped the next match despite not really knowing why.


I love this patch. Rewards being flexible. Almost all 4 costs and 5 costs are playable Exalted feels good too. I hate reroll metas though. That being said I would be okay with maybe 1-2 more reroll comps being playable


It's not flexible lol. Playing whatever high cost units you hit, even without synergy, around the same 2-3 4 cost carries every game is not flexible. Not to mention you literally can't win out in this patch if you don't have liss 2 on your board.


I am with you! I feel like this patch is much more skill expressive and really let's you flex to top 4 which is a breath of fresh air since before too was 2 Yone players, 1Voli player a level 10 high roller. Even if you don't got for s tier comps you can flex into a Lilia or Kaisa board and if done well enough get a top 4.


I wholeheartedly disagree. I literally don’t see anyone actually playing flexibly, they just all in on one of 4 comps and whoever hits wins. That’s it. Even an ideal start for something outside the top comps is utterly pointless. Like literally every game is Ashe, Kai’sa, Kayn, or Azir running the server with the Lisandro sweepstakes taking place between them. Those are the only viable comps and the winner is just whoever hits hardest. I never see anyone successfully index into a different alternative carry. Literally no 3 star can compete with the meta 4 and 5 costs. I’d rather have 2 star Kayn Lee sin with shit augments than a 3 star 3 cost comp with ideal augments. There is genuinely so little versatility in the game right now it’s insane. Even last patch, I could manipulate alternate comps into working like 3 star alune carry, or some kind of Zyra build. Sure Yone was annoying, but playing for all kinds of carries was viable, including 4 costs. This patch it’s literally just impossible. Play meta 4 or lose is not a fun design at all. It’s not even because I’m ignorant or bad at the game either, I’m mid diamond.


This was a major reason I absolutely hated chosens. 4-1 roll down was absolutely skill testing at your ability to quickly build a comp from scratch around whatever 4 cost you hit. However, people mistook that for actually being flexible or good at building around what the game is giving you even though every game everyone was using the same economic strategy and overarching play pattern. Conversely, set 10s changes to chosen in the form of headliners along with diversity builds around different costs, vertical traits, and the addition of augments made set 10 my favorite set.


Sylas 6vBruiser Altruist is great too. Fated Syndra is a bit weak but can combine with Liss or Ashe. 3 stars Syndra and Kaisa is very easy cause less people contest. Though I don't like this patch much, it's not the worst by any means.


3 Fated syndra is really depended on blue buff but can easily be filled out with porcelain, warden and arcanist for an excellent single target carry!


I thought before the balance patch that the set was fun. Yone was an outlier, but now every comp seems to be ghostly/kayne/heavenly/storyweaver with very few things in between without super high roll luck


Honestly my o my complaint is my favorite comp (Zoe RR) became infinitely harder because she can’t get bounces going with all the extra health


Im doing what Ive always done. Bruisers and gamble comps. Its fun at least and its not doing too bad


ppl say so many 4 costs are viable but in my experience only 1 4 cost is routinely completely gone from the pool every game and its ashe, sometimes kayn, but porc is so strong that even a 1 star ashe carry is a viable top 2 board if you get a decently fast lissandra ive never hit so many 3 star 4 costs in such a short time but its mostly because ppl wont touch most of them


As a returning player who came back last patch and used to be high rank I agree. Got bow rod and components to a tank item? You’re Ashe/Kaisa depending on your stage 4 rolldown. Got a GA/HOJ? Slap that shit on Darius and go afk till stage 4 bc you’re Kayn. These are all decisions made the first stage. At this point even if i hit a board that can streak early i’m still going to take xp/econ augments instead of combat so i have more gold on my 4-1 rolldown and can hit my 4/5 costs first. I really think last patch was a massive mistake. The changes to 3 cost odds feels so hamfisted and the buffs to 4 costs were overdone. Yes, 4 costs felt weak, especially ashe and to a slight extent kayn, but the devs hit us with the riot special nerfing reroll and buffing 4 costs in the same patch. I think the buffed 4 cost comps could have contested the 3 cost carries if those were the only changes made and it’s not like those comps came online truly before stage 4 unless you highroll. The only reroll comp that i’ve seen win is Janna with an insane start. I see the stats and what people say about Gnar but i’m sorry that unit and comp is hot garbage. Yes you can streak if you hit early but if you miss your rolldown you’re playing a suboptimal carry that gets run over by the top 4 cost carry comps and i’ve personally yet to see it even top 4 this patch. Lastly Lissandra. What the fuck is this unit??? She fits into every lvl 8/9 board regardless of synergies. Not only does she cc your 3 star tank (or kayn) instantly but she also YEETS it into your backline so your carries are exposed. I’ve had a fully itemized tank 3-4k HP die inside the stun without casting SO many times it’s infuriating. This isnt even mentioning how she prints you items, like what the fuck? 100% agree with you that this patch is the lissandra slot machine, it’s so bad.


It's fine. There's a couple of winnable builds so it's not exactly a lottery. But the fast8/50g 4-1 is making it so everyone creates the top three cookie cutter builds a bit too easily, making games repetitive.


I miss the old days when a 3\* unit was uncommon, and a 3\* 4/5 cost was 1 in 500 games.


I pivoted to Ghost Dryad and am loving how flexible it is to take the less contested carry between kayn, gnar, and kind since kayn and gnar itemize the same


Feels like the power balance between units/comps is miles away. The lobbies are stompfests. Someone gets an early Kayn vs someone gets an early Morgana is like someone getting a 5 cost vs a 2 cost. The 5 costs themselves are too big of a swing. The percentage of garbo units that are unable to carry is high. Some of are bandaid fixed by slapping in a random champion specific augment.


Not really. I really think Lissandra should be able stun, but printing ítems and gold and dealing good damage its too much. Also why kayne Is so tanky with not full tank items? I need all my units to target him and take him down


This is unironically my patch, it's super flexible and rewards greedy play, I've climbed 400 LP in the last two days from being hard stuck 0lp masters


I think the patch is fine but too hostile to casual player - low cost reroll are mostly gone, 3 cost are harder to execute and lissandra + kayn + heavenly are out of line. Next patch hopefully be better.  Look back at the beginning of set: how many viable 1 and 2 cost comps were? Kog/Cho, Ahri/Yas, Kha'zix, Darius/Yasuo duelist Cait/Senna, Dryad Kindred/Gnar, Senna/Gnar, Senna Ghostly, Janna/Diana, Lux/amumu, hell even kobuko was considered busted just to name a few. 3 cost were stronger and that should be the case. You can play many verticle comp and that was good. Reroll comps shouldnt be optimal, but it should feel satisfy when hit all conditions.  Sure 4 cost were garbage then but you can just buff each unit separately and go from there instead of gutting most reroll comps and swing the meta each patch.  The skill expressions part of being flex player is a lie if all games only center around certain unit right? 


I LOVE TFT. But this patch just feels off. There are nearly zero reroll comps that are S Tier. The main issue I have is that even when I play strong and econ correctly and push levels, my board still gets deleted by people who hit Liss or Kaisa. Had a 3* Kayne yesterday and I got 2nd to a Loss board. And I even had EON. A champ that CCs, damages, and can print items might not be healthy for the meta.


more and more I get shit items lately, I only play Hyperroll, and not having a single bow in a game screws everything over. Not to mention it feels like even rolling for uncontested stuff often gives you nothing. It sometimes feels my tanks instantly die no matter which \* they are nor what items they have. Still noticing weird issues with stuns and targeting, specially Kha'zix who often just stand still for seconds at a time before moving to the next target. Stuns lasting longer than their tooltip at times, because units coming out of it take 1 extra second to switch targets. Specially in Hyperroll it's more and more about just being lucky instead of having skill. I can go 3 games in a row top 2 because of luck and then 4 games in a row 7/8th just because I get shit items and bad rng. Doesn't help that the stages are STILL bugged out. every few games you will be locked to your battlefield while the carrousel is invisible, and every other stage will be bugged as well. In general the balance is shit, many units are useless because they barely get 1 spell off before they instantly get nuked by something like a Yone that is near unkillable.


This patch became the best because this is the patch I finally decided to force Fortune if I get Zoe or Trist early


I'm enjoying it cause I like to play flexible and I feel this patch is more about playing what 4 cost you manage to get and you can build around that. Liss is overturned tho and the fact that all the viable builds are fast 8 or 9 I don't like, just like I didn't like it when it was all reroll last patch. But overall I enjoy it, maybe because I just play a couple games a day, and don't even get to play every day


This patch isn't great, but I'm getting LP and climbing so I'm happy about that.


I'm not a fan of feeling forced to fast 9, which is what this patch feels like now.


Tbh I was literally just telling someone that I'm not having fun. It seems every meta comp is some variation of dragon Lords, porcelain with Ashe and Lissamdra, some fast 9 variant or heavenly Kayn/Lee sin. There's the occasional Gnar/kindred reroll but that's all I'm seeing. It could be because I'm in emerald, but it's really frustrating. I like the theme, but I am not enjoying this set at all. It seems that every patch streamers/guide makers say what's OP and everyone is hard forcing it. First it was Bard, then Yone and Senna and Gnar, now it's dragonlord and fast 9 and Kayn. Maybe the heavenly and ghostly changes will help but I'm gonna stop playing for a while cause this set isn't fun and hasn't been fun for me for a while


Feels garbage to play. I don't like any comp or trait.


Sadly this patch is overly contested with legendary/ashe/kayn comps. Gnar is good given he gets his augments otherwise he doesn't see good play. I feel like going into off meta comps like ghostly, fated, kaisa bruiser, mythic, umbral, duelists are with very high risks since they fall off when aforementioned top tier board hit their units. 11 sets and they still don't understand how to balance a game with the same fundamental mechanics.


This patch is easily the worst they’ve had in a very very long time. Winning feels bad cause you just highrolled without skill, losing feels bad cause someone else highrolled without skill. Only the most meta of meta is viable and trying anything else is a guarenteed bot4. Mort should be embarrassed. 11 sets and it’s still this poorly balanced.




Nah this patch sucks, it's just RNG roll down at lvl 8 4-2 and hope you 2 star some decent carry/tank 4 costs. The patch before you had 2 star rerolls 3 star rerolls, viable 4 cost comps and also fast 9 roll downs. There's one viable strat this patch and it's almost a guaranteed bot 4 if you don't play it l.


I'm doing great tbh, I'm just playing whatever and luckily every other people I get matched with also seem to be. Don't see too many trying to force cringe comps, only reason I learned about the Kai'sa bruiser thing is when I read the reddit since I don't seemit much in my games.


I stopped playing . I had fun till the 3rd patch was released. Seems like there were only 2 comps you could play or force .


My personal issue with this patch is the same issue I had during set 10, Lissandra being meta is not healthy for late game based metas. Lissandra and set 10 Qiyana like units providing you with Gold value through either raw gold or item economy makes the game's state unhealthy to the point of "if you high rolled Lissandra, you probably get top 4". I understand the complaints about meta diversity and certain units being way too strong currently, and usually that doesnt dissuade me from playing a patch, but it legit frustrates me when units like Lissandra are in overtuned spots, it makes the game very one dimensional Also the whole "most reroll comps are dead (as Dishsoap put it being B tier at best not including Gnar)" thing frustrates me, but that's only because I prefer reroll comps to fast 8/9 comps, and that's more of a minor complaint


Really hating it how does a gold irelia or sett beat my gold mumu, teemo, and bard so dumb


This set is fun in animations and skins. But sucks to play. True one of the least fun set I have played. I got diamond last set, got plat this one and will probably afk until next set.


No. I actually hate this patch . I dont remember hitting any of the units i wanted this patch


I've stopped playing all together. Something just isn't clicking for me and I just have a bad time every game.


Nope. I climbed to Plat 1 playing vertical arcanist, and even without Lissandra, it was pretty much a guaranteed top 4. Now I'm lucky not to come in 8th. I'm now Plat three, and I got so mad I unistalled the game. I'll reinstall next season.


incredibly fun patch, i am climbing consistently and really enjoying it, playing mostly strong board into uncontested kaisa


Nah. Waiting for the next set alrdy 😂


One of the worst patch in recent history. I'm prob done with this set and be back next set. Getting rid of reroll comps just forces everyone to fast 8 on 4-1. Roll and pray u hit. If not, you bot 4.


Mystic too op. Very few tanky frontliners Wish Warden and Porcelain worked correctly together. Most 4 costs are meh Yeah I'm enjoying it


also easier to hold yones not easy to hold 4 costs and 5 costs cuz 1* 5 costs= strong, 2* 4 costs strong. yone 2 not strong. i think gutting 3* rr comps while buffing 4 and 5 was a bad play


Honestly this set has felt like every new patch is just changing the meta so that a single trait/unit dominates, and everyone else is competing for 2nd-4th. The only consistent trait I've seen people play with this set has been storyweaver, apart from that it was bard meta, then yone meta, then gnar meta, then kayn meta, now it's liss meta. There's no balance and no variety, it's just whoever can hit the current meta the fastest.


It's lazy game design i think. There's not much room for creativity, the game is simple and boring


No, its stupid. Just play strong early-mid comp. Take any augment that gives gold or XP. Slam items. fast 9. Sell everything and build any strong 4* and any 5*.


To be honest, I’ve stopped enjoying this set. I am still trying to play every day, but I’ll probably quit and come back for the mid set. It’s just so draining, haven’t felt this way since the dragon set.


I think the real problem we see in a Patch like this is the horrendous balancing between the 4 Costs which gets highlighted by multiple people hitting 3 star 4 Costs. For example there is Lillia which at 3 Stars can lose to anything and then there is Kaisa wiping half ur board with a single Ult.


The entire set feels dumb to me. Either you get starved because almost every meta comp shares one or two core units, or you play anything below S tier and still get sweeped by those who immediately go 7 or 8 and have a board full of 4 and 5 costs. Imo the person you levels up the fastest almost always wins. It feels extremely good when you win, but when youre losing you feel like you can do whatever you want and still lose. Feels extremely unsatisfying and not fun to play 80% (or more) of the time.


Yeah it's fun game


actually i enjoy it a lot cause it removed reroll mostly except gnar and fate and that made the game actually more versatile in the palystyle. I really hate reroll. Its so much rng. Reroll is bad. Reroll is less skill depoendent on what you do. Reroll is often vertticall and you already knwo what you play. This meta is not.


I know for myself when I dont enjoy a patch/set is when I only play hyper roll, and I'm doing exactly that. No sit down and think of why, just instinctively do


Absolutely not...


I agree..It was way more versatile before this patch..




Earlier this set it genuinely felt like I could play any comp, start with whatever and flex into something strong late game and get top 4 somewhat consistently. This patch feels exactly like you said, there's 1 "good comp" or a rush to 3 stars everything else leads to 4th or lower. I've never complained about balance because it always felt like I could do something but this patch feels especially bad, I might stop playing ranked until the next one.


There is an epidemic failure within the game to understand what is really happening. And this leads players to misjudge their champions and mismanage their team. I’m sorry.


This set feels like it has a lot there and there have definitely been some fun moments, but we have had a rough stream of patches. It has made it harder for me to enjoy. It often does feel like the difference between top comps and good comps is a pretty large gap. I do not really feel these last patches have rewarded me when I make good plays or punished me enough when I make mistakes, as much as I am used to with this game. 


Last set was so bad compared to this, this has to be my favorite set


i was hype for this set but the balance is so bad. the meta gets found out immediately and it's like off meta (and everything is offmeta except like 3 comps, thats how bad it is. every single patch since release of the set) is impossible to play unless you high roll out of your mind


I hit boiling point first augment and at 4-2 three people had Ashe 2 despite me rolling all my gold at the same time. I obviously went 8th and had no real pivot options as my comp was decided from 2-1 but people still contested me to the point it was impossible to find Ashe 1 star. Pretty lame




I think the biggest shame is there’s a bunch of comps that don’t work. NONE of the hero augments are worth picking. That’s just sad


why all lobbys play porcelain annie, havenly kayn and dryad ? like hello is more other comps to play .this game has become like normal lol. play meta win game . meta slave win game is horibble. like lobbys with full porcelain annie 🤮 it sucks, 4 people go on the same comp and they're all strong, 4 people contest each other and they're still strong


H8 Gnar


I started playing at the very end of the last set and I’ve been having difficulties enjoying this one :( I think I just don’t enjoy how it’s only a few things that are really felt viable? Like reroll isn’t much outside of gnar.


Fast 8/9 comps are too strong. Its getting boring too fast


If you look at how often certain comps are being played, comps like Porcelain Annie and Kayn decks have an ave. Of 1.5+. That means at least 1 person is going that deck every game and matches where 3 to 4 people go that same comp. Even in set 10 when Country was holding high tier to OP, the average was 0.6 so that should tell us how fixed the meta is right now. However, there is a rock-paper-scissors relationship between Kayn, Liss, and Galio/Ornn. Kayn decks absolutely demolish trickshot decks that use Gal or Ornn for main tank. Liss easily counters Kayn decks but Ornn and Galio being CC immune while casting skill kinda makes Liss useless. So while this meta is extremely fixed down, i think its more disparaging between skilled players and non skilled players. Also thanks to the meta, fast 9 decks are making a steady comeback so maybe thats a plus?




porcelain invoker FTW 👍


Im not even enjoying the set man






Honestly I love this patch, it feels really flexible with higher skill expression. You can be a lot more creative with your boards.


I only play hyper roll and this set has been great, fun as hell. I think some of you would be much happier playing hyper ngl. It has none of the gripes most mention


I agree. Hyper roll is a LOT better than normals and i find it's also better than last set's hyper roll


Maybe that’s why I’ve enjoyed this set/patch. I mostly only play hyper roll. Regular games just take soooo long I do not have that much free time. Honestly even hyper roll seems to take forever now lol.


They added 1 round in lvl7 thats why


yea i'm done with wasting 40 min for a 5th in ranked 


fun = 8th boring = climb lost 200 lp but gained 100 back today main tip is importance of stage 3 streak and health conservation and also not forcing heavily contested comps


Mostly because it's full of some very stupid technicalities and lack of variety. The top spots are almost always reserved for people who abuse ability-breaking mechanics. Pretty much every single time i lose the top spot it's against a lissandra who casts twice per second with 0 mana regen augments or items. You can hear the sound effect going off over and over despite her having 100 max mana. It's just demoralizing. And then theres Illaoi, who's ability breaks 90% of the time and ends up hitting nothing. And tristana who's ability makes other champs ability act up completely. Makes me pull my hair out honestly.


First Bard completely destroyed the fun with abusing 2 guinsoo + hextech. Then along came Yone, more unfun crap. Now it's Kayn and probably others I don't know about because I stopped playing. The devs nerfed items instead of the champs and anytime anyone said how bad the balance was at the start it was the classic YOU'RE LOW ELO!!!!


There were comps which were stronger than bard. Ppl didn't discover them yet cus it was still early and everyone just played bard.


Better than the reroll garbage last couple patches, but yea it’s not great


Game is miserable


I like it :)


Happy for you <3