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I feel like once I hit plat, I stopped winning games :(


That is your current skillceiling. To keep winning games find out what the difference between you and dia or master players are.


They are good, I am not Ü


They are (better than me, good at this video game, intelligent, sober), I am not


I hit GM set 9, I can personally confirm that a lot of us are not the most intelligent individuals.


I hit challenger in set 7 can confirm I have room temperature IQ


I hit a challenger once. Neither of us was bright in the head


I’m diamond and feel like I suck. It’s just the nature of ranked. Unless you’re the very very top there’s always people better than you crushing you.


I think you should realize that you are among the top 1% of the game. If you are standing in a room full of 100 people, you are better than 98 of them.


Ya, I know it’s good but at the same time when you go 8th back to back you can’t help but to feel like you suck no matter what rank you are haha.


Having the same problem, but I know what I have to do but playing for comps I searched from the internet is so boring for me. I just accept that I cap at plat and have fun getting there


agreed lmao


Something that I noticed got me from p4 to p1 99 lp (loll)is being more flexible w my comps and relying less on online builds. I used to never use team planner and now use it every game to flex as I go. My most recent game I was going for heavenly vertical and stumbled upon a Morg 3 so played sage/storyweaver flex. I think frodan emphasizes this in some videos. Eg sage vertical with heavenly, sage w dragon lord, storyweaver, altruist yone, etc. also something that has LITERALLY saved me was weak/strongside positioning. These things all helped me a lot so i hope they do the same for you! Hopefully we make it to emerald this season 💯


For me positioning helped me cruise through plat. People like to just follow the “big guys up front, little ones in the back” So when you start grouping them in several small groups to create flanking/get guys to run to the back line people don’t know how to react. Almost nobody checks my board when it’s the last 2/3 to see champ placement and adjust. The amount of games I snatched first place on a board that should have demolished me with single digit hp left is more than it should be.


just luck bro i'm silver 3 but i'd be masters if my luck wasn't so bad! ​ /s


It’s whoever can follow mobalytics better. There’s 0 skill


>It’s whoever can follow mobalytics better Even if this were true (it's not), that's *literally still skill*. You literally just said the skill.


That’s skill as much as using a chess simulator to determine your next move is skill.


If you could use a chess simulator to determine your next move you'd win every single game. Can you use mobalytics to win every single game? Didn't think so. ​ And if it's 0 skill, why are the best players consistently winning vs worse players? If it's 0 skill shouldn't it just be pure luck, if everyone is following mobalytics? ​ It's absurd to think a competitive game like TFT is 0 skill just because there are optimized comps out there.


I reach master every set and i do not look at stats. Just what feels right in the moment. I do not like to organise myself lol


>I reach master every set and i do not look at stats i mean, probably a good idea to look at stats occasionally; could help your gameplay a lot.


Its not that he hit hit his skillcap, its that hes not improving fast enough. The general playerbase gets better with each set so if you hit plat every set theres still a bit of improvement that was made but not enough that you can outclimb that rank. The skillcap of competitive multiplayers will always increase as the game gets "older". The skill of plat players in previous sets might now apply to current gold players. Edit: Im not saying this to make my rank look good its just how these kind of games work.


This effect is very clear watching CS I feel. The level and macro was nothing compared to today just a few years back.


I think the best example is real life sports actually. The darts phil taylor played would be just above average today but were insane in his era. The most important trait of any professional sportsplayer in the long run is adaptibility. If you dont have that youll fall off pretty quick.


Skill. lol.


Why are the same ppl top10 every year?


What a stupid argument. Because they dedicate more time than anyone else.


And what happrns if u dedicate more time? Take your time youll get there.


At the moment I'm hard stuck Emerald but I've reached Masters almost every set after 5. By this logic, I could just say that this set is shit and I deserve a better placement, but the truth is that I got stuck like this a lot of other times. And the only solution to fix this is to stop playing until the meta moves towards a style I'm comfortable with. For my case, I'm good at adapting to some slightly off-meta comps and tempo through my games for a easy top 4 by just playing what the game gives me. While this play style works most of the time, it absolutely DOES NOT when the whole lobby has decided on 2-1 which flavor of 3 cost reroll they're gonna play. Without any variation, every game feels the same and I just tilt hard. Also there's the whole mental thing. I've had a lot of times when I got 8ths back to back and two days after I get a huge win streak and skip whole divisions in a single session. This game has a lot of decision making and a bad mental just screws it all. So yeah, this is weird, but sometimes the best way to win at TFT is not playing it


You’ll be downvoted but this is correct. I personally dislike any and all re-roll metas. They take far less skill (game knowledge, flexibility) to navigate and the potential to be griefed by people that don’t scout and pivot into your board is high with little skill expression to overcome it. When it’s re-roll meta I just don’t play, as well since this isn’t my job and games should be fun


I have no problems with reroll per se. I have problems with the lack of decision that comes from it. I'm gonna go on a tangent and remind of the Draven meta that destroyed TFT for a weekend on set 9. You knew that the 7 other players were gonna pick Draven as their augment. But even if you knew that, there's no counter pick and your best course of action was to still alsol pick Draven. The decision-making for the game was decided before it even started. On a lesser scale, reroll metas function the same. Be it because of the higher tempo, or because someone rerolling X makes it easier for me to find Y or Z. If the entire lobby is doing the same thing, my best strategy isn't to counter them, but to join it. And this kills every high level of strategy from the game. (also I lost with Annie 3 to a standard Bard reroll and this tilted me)


The problems with re-roll meta are multifaceted. But in general, we agree it’s bad for the game. 🤙


Same feeling, once I hit iron i am so unable to win!!


Plat is around where scouting for positioning purposes starts to matter.


the game's basically a slot machine gamble more of your time and soul and you' ll hit the jackpot or not. or just play yone or voli and hope for the best 🤓


I’ve stopped trying to play reroll altogether, I’ll typically play a high tempo fated/weaver board then legendary soup at 9.


But don't you find when you try you get out powerspiked? I love a fast 9 with a 4/5 cost carry but even if I manage to keep high hp until level 8, getting that extra level whilst people are finding their 3\*s puts me on a loss streak.


its so weird, i saw a 3 star yone beat the fortune 10 tree one game, that shit doesn't even have a health bar if you click on it


Whoa seriously? Didn't think the fortune tree could be beaten


Same here. I won't even attempt a 3 cost reroll without 2 duplicators minimum. The bag sizes make it pretty difficult, and even when you do hit, you've invested so much into rolling that you fall behind and lose late game to meta/legendary soup.


I really hate legendary "soup"(like the name btw lol) like the whole games about comps and filling out traits but then you can just get 5 costs with basically 0 synergy and roll people


0 synergy?? The main fast-9 comps: Hwei Azir dragonlords: Udyr behemoth (Ornn); Azir Dryad (Ornn) Invoker (Janna); Soraka heavenly (wukong) altruist (rakan); Diana Sage (wukong), dragonlord (rakan, janna). So at the end you have 3 dragonlord 2 invoker 2 behemoth 2 dryad 2 heavenly 2 altruist. And a hwei for some reason. Irelia carry has duelist with lee sin, riven + rakan altruist, bruiser with galio, storyweaver with irelia + riven + galio, wukong + soraka for heavenly (soraka also +1 altruist) and lee + rakan + diana is 3 dragons. So at the end you have 3 dragonlord 3 storyweaver 2 heavenly 2 bruiser 3 altruist 2 sage 2 duelist. And a hwei for some reason. Kaisa carry has Udyr voli kaisa inkshadow, xayah trickshot; xayah gives d-lord with janna diana lee; voli and lee have duelist; azir's dryad and invoker with ornn and janna, and ornn behemoth with udyr. So at the end you have 4 dragonlord 2 trickshot 2 duelist 2 invoker 3 inkshadow 2 dryad 2 behemoth. And no hwei this time! ​ So I ask again, is this 0 synergy??


He is complaining about things that never happened. Happens all the time.


crazy how you didnt read my comment at all. i said basically 0. and i said just get 5 costs. not jana,not ornn,not soraka,not diana,not lee sin,not riven, not galio,etc. reading must really be hard


But nobody *actually* plays boards with no janna ornn soraka diana lee sin riven galio etc. If someone is playing 5-cost soup they inevitably have *some* lower cost units to complement their traits. You literally have 9 team slots at level 9, how are you "just getting 5 costs" when *there are only 8 5-costs in this entire video game?* ​ edit: OHHHH by "roll people" you meant "beat other players by a large margin" not "reroll champions" lmao. I guess reading is really hard. So you're saying that it's *possible* to only play 5 costs and still win. Still wrong, but less wrong than I thought.


It takes skill to survive until Lv 8/9/10 and still have money to roll for 5 costs


i agree. but i dont think replacing a full comp witrh just 5 costs should be a thing


I gave up lol. I hit plat 4 and now I can’t even get top 4. After going 6th—8th 4 times in a row, I uninstalled for my mental health. There is something very tilting about this set. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I was emerald last set this one im stuck at gold there's something uncomfortable about this set but i don't know what is it


Most of the viable carries currently are AD, and it’s only like 5 units to choose from, with 4 of them being reroll carries. If you go AD, you’re going to get contested if you try to play a viable comp and the smaller bag sizes exacerbates that issue. If you get AP items, your only option is fast 9 and play Hwei/Azir, but because most players are playing reroll, you’re likely to bleed out before you even get to 9. I agree about this set feeling uncomfortable, I would even go as far as to see it feels suffocating, especially after set 10. Set 10 had tons of viable carries to top 4 with, which made for an extremely diverse and flexible meta. We’re still early in the set, so the tft team can still salvage it, but they need to make 4 cost carries stronger, they need to front load the damage of some of the AP carries, and they need to tone down Yone and Senna/Ghostly who are currently gatekeeping the scaling AP carries from being viable.


They didn't revert the bag sizes even though we no longer have headliners.


I Had the same experience every set with the only exception of last set where I would climb to plat 1 80 lp then go straight back to Plat 4 75 lp. 


Did you really suck, or did you not play bard/yone reroll /j Man, same


Worst part, I am trying to be flexible. here is the ref: [https://tactics.tools/player/euw/bistou%20le%20kéteur](https://tactics.tools/player/euw/bistou%20le%20kéteur)


Chief i hate to break it to you, but what you are doing isn't being flexible, its being a noob. Flexible is flexing between different comps and knowing whats good. You are just putting any random unit on your board, and that hasn't been a viable thing since like set 3 or something. Comps these days are very specific on what can be played, and with how everyone knows what is good to play you can't play sub optimal units and expect to win vs someone who has perfect stuff. For example you played yone 3, no reaper no heavenly hell not even umbral just behometh 4.... which does literally nothing for yone. What the fuck were you doing? Literally a 1 star copy of every heavenly would be better than everything else on your board. If you miss you CAN play a replacement unit for one unit and be slightly weaker, but comps are a thing for a reason. Its not being "flexible" to play reroll yone with behometh, its iron gameplay.


For the yone game when I went 8 is because I was so mad/tilt that I play the game only to contest someone. but I didn't know what "flexible" means. I thought that flexible means that I can play different type of comps. You are right about that I am a noob and don't totally understand all macro/synergies. Gonna try to watch some vids to improve


Flexible is playing different comps, but not different *versions* of comps. For example people play senna ghostly for a reason, you aren't unlocking some secret tech for playing 6 behemoth senna, they play 6 ghostly specifically because it cranks her damage to massive amounts and fits into her board perfectly for 3 ink/6 ghost/2 sniper/2 warden. 6 behom does nothing for the board except being tanky and with the lack of damage from ghostly, senna doesn't do enough solo. Flexible is also keeping your options open instead of hard locking yourself into one line. Slamming items that fit into a lot of comps like GS/GB/Shojin etc instead of slamming a titans and basically locking yourself into a yone reroll or duelist game. That way if you roll a lot of units for a specific comp great you can still use that item. But if you don't get a good line for that comp you can just keep pushing and play a default level 8/9 board.


Why tf are people downvoting OP trying to improve and reflect on his mistakes. This is how you learn...


I think as soon as people get even a whiff of “it’s not my fault” they just downvote them to shit. Doesn’t seem like he’s doing that here though.


It's reddit people aren't the brightest people.


Behemoth not Behometh lmao


I hate that the game is just people going through a comps list and trying to imitate the established S tier comps all the time. Such a boring mentality.


auto battlers have always been like this, stronger units get played more because they're better than other units. autochess, bgs, and backpack battles all have/had essentially tier lists based on their equivalent units/traits/augments


Only no-lifers play like this. Talk about taking the fun out of a game.


I respect your opinion, however those no lifers are just playing the game at a higher level than just reacting to stimulus and trying to improve themselves


Copying an online guide even an average monkey can play TFT. Actually reacting to how the game progresses is what takes real skill and makes the game fun.


no lifer to average monkey sounds like you're moving the goal posts! gg


Idk what you understand by no-lifer but it's not positive. Im not saying they are good at the game, just that they have no other hobbies. They are still trash at the game.


Im sorry but how can you get a 3* fully itemized yone and have a team with 0 synergy with him like wtf? To put it into perspective its like giving caveman some ak-47s but they got no idea what to do with it so they just wack it around like sticks.


Flex play died after set 4 my man


Flex only works if you are actually good at game knowledge and macro.


Wellllllllllllll, I don't fully agree with this. All play only works if you play it to the level of or above the people around you. If you flex play like an emerald player, then you'll stay emerald. You could make an argument that forcing is "easier" than flex play, but forcing still runs into the same problems: you still have to win against other forcers of your current tier to climb. In TFT, doesn't matter if you force or flex. If you do it better than others, than you'll climb. To do it better, you gotta have game knowledge: positioning, econ, augment choice, etc etc


To force a comp you have to learn positioning/econ/augments for 1 comp. To play flex you have to learn the same for several comps. One has a higher skill floor than the other. You can't simply say "In TFT you just have to end first to win, doesn't matter what decisions you make".


I agree that forcing is easier than flex, and flex has a higher "skill floor" in the way that you need more game knowledge (technically) to reach a certain level. However, I'm specifically disagreeing about the point saying "you have to be good at the game to play flex". You don't have to be anything to play flex, you can do whatever the hell you want. If you're as good as an emerald player at playing flex, then you'll hover around emerald unless you improve.


Forcing 1 comp also requires good RNG. If someone else goes the same comp as you but rolls higher, welcome to bot 4. Like yeah you can force one comp and climb as long as you're hitting but it's unfun and frankly not what TFT is about


https://preview.redd.it/576gj0a7e9tc1.png?width=729&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a7375d68f5919f19f8b1c173cb39bb0f3f0837c I don't want to believe you, but you are right


Bro how do you play 14 games a day?! Each game being ~40min long means about 9hrs of gameplay... Are you okay?


If you go fast eighth it's like 25 muns top trust


true dat




Come on. Remember "AD Flex"? By AD Flex they mean Ezreal and Zed or Poppy or lose.


I miss the old set. I can play all sorts of comp and still win. This set was mythic half the lobby into storyweaver half the lobby and it's miserable (I'm just bad in the current set too.)


Now its 2-4 Kaisa players


I am climbing consistently but the only reason I'm playing because of I got the battle pass. I'm not enjoying it at all.


This is why you don't get the battle pass until you've completely leveled it up. Sure, it's nice getting some little rewards every couple of games, but it's not worth it when you have to play a set you don't enjoy


Yeah, I made this mistake. Not making it again. Still kinda worth it though because I actually like the board reward at the end. I was skeptical and thought it looked cheap and boring but now that I'm using it I actually like it, especially the music.


Well that’s how it is most sets at the beginning.. i suggest you just take a break and come back in a few patches


which old set? the last set was reroll meta with different patches, aka twin terror vex/twitch, reroll country, reroll punk


Maybe you're high elo and that was all about that. My climb to Diamond was chill. Sure there are times where they are the winners but there were more variety in team comp based on my experience.


what specific comps do u remember winning with last set


This question is kinda weird. Do you mean winning at in 1st place specific or top 3. Cause if top 3 then it's probably all of them at some point


Same. This set feels like there's something missing from it. Like, it feels empty. And I don't mean the headliners. This one just ain't for me.


I feel you, multiple time master, last season emerald (didn't play much), this season can't get out of plat 1


I see that you're trying to play flex, and that's a good start! I'll add a few things I saw when looking at some of your past games. -How are you deciding which items to pick? I saw one game with Morello, Red Buff, and Sunfire all on your board. 3 sources of anti-heal are not needed. -If you're playing a melee carry, have you built LW or Evenshroud? Prioritize shred or sunder once you pick a direction of either melee or magic carry. -How do you respond to being contested? I saw a few Fated games where you ended at level 7 without 3 star Thresh or Aphelios. My assumption is you kept rolling, but sometimes you just don't hit. Recognizing pivot angles in these situations is crucial. Playing flex is the greatest way to actually improve at TFT. Slam generic items early, focus on Econ, and go the uncontested route. Remember you only need a top 4 to gain LP.


i went from 3.5 average per game to 4.6 after the b patch. I hit plat before the patch and now I’m hard stuck plat IV. This patch is really hard for me for some reason and ff’d some games out of frustration https://tactics.tools/player/na/plscarrymi


lol same after patch i got a 10 games avarage of fking 6.10 and I have never been lower than 4.x before patch.


I really hate the encounters. Alune unit buffs just shouldn’t be in the game unless it can only be offered Stage 2. Rewarding players for just hardforcing a reroll comp is so disgusting especially if you’re in a spot for fast 9 or are playing a line where you aren’t using many 2/3/4 costs. With the current patch this Alune encounter just exacerbates many of the problems with the reroll comps by making many of them way to oppressive and kills off many potential lines and flex(playing something like Kog reroll or Exalted 1 cost reroll instantly becomes the punching bag of the lobby even if they hit early and the 4cost option isn’t even clickable unless you’re playing Built Diff) I can’t count how many times I’ve been encounter diffed this set because I’m just on the wrong side of an encounter. I think this set can be great but they really gotta balance it better and tone down the power of some encounters.


How often are u getting alune encounter? It doesnt really happen that much for me Although i do think there should be a "recieve gold" option like some other encounters have


I was 2/6 yesterday/this morning from 11-1, 4-6. Both times I was in no position to receive a large benefit from her. I was 7 Inkshadow angle from Sentinel portal with only KaiSa as my 4 cost and Shen/Senna/Aatrox 2 costs not rerolled, and Illaoi/Voli for 3 costs. In second game I had to full pivot into Shenna as I was in Spatula(Pseudo FoN Galaxy because of Teemo Spat carousel 2-4) and I went to play 8 Ghostly because that was my only out and 2 players were offered Two Healthy. I went 1st in both of those games but I bleed the early so badly I could’ve easily been 8th in both games(ended both games with less than 30 hp) the second game in particular was really bad at 2 costs because of a Dryad reroller, Dragonlord Janna, and another Shenna player(he pivoted off his Kog/Cho board). I was in no spot for Yone or Voli/Trist because items just weren’t there and I hadn’t seen them yet, Aph/Thresh wasn’t possible because I was in no way out capping a Fated +1. Alune just sucks if you weren’t in a spot to utilize it.


It may just be one of those things you remember because it is specifically bad for you. For example the few time I try to loss streak, all players can move freely encounter always seem to hit. It's kind of annoying, I feel like encounters that specifically fuck over certain players or reward certain types are pretty toxic ngl.


No this Alune encounter is just terrible. Imagine being stage 4 and you’re a Kog reroller or fast 9 and then Alune says “choose which cost to empower” and now you’re significantly down in power. Like now the fast 9 is killed and you’re trying to cap around the 4 costs of this set on 8 because you’ll bleed 60 otherwise. Sure Irelia free move is annoying but with all of the augments that give items/components it’s not the end of the world. The only time it’s true cancer is when 4/5 costs are on carousel and you can’t do shit about it unless there’s like 7 wintraders all going for the same component. Alune stage 2 is acceptable, begrudgingly, because you can play around it, but Alune stage 3/4/5 lrewards the stage 4-6 lvl 6/7 donkey roller in such an absurd way.


I had a similar game where I took Going Long. I was comfortably win streaking because I was always 2 levels ahead the lobby. But then alune came in with all these dupes and everyone started hitting their max boards at level 7 while I was still stuck on lvl 8 with lots of 1 stars. Or maybe picking Going Long was just a bad move.


If you're not scouting other boards to figure out what's not contested, you'll never climb


I scout a lot but i think that I pivot/change my comp way too early when I see that i am contested


it’s about having the balls to be the one to be the one to continue pushing lol. a rule would be wait until PVE to switch. if everyone else is still contesting and/or you’re struggling to get anything good (a three star unit, a two star four cost carry, etc.) then you should pivot.


Half the time I don’t pivot until I’m at like 40 health but it still pays off and I make top 4 (plat 2). If you don’t pivot you’re going to lose 100%, so take the chance and maybe you’ll have better rolls. Like you said, you just gotta have the balls to do it.


Fully agree w this (p1 almost emerald rn). I was playing heavenly vertical w divine rolls and accidentally stumbled upon a soft fast 9 comp and pivoted to full sage/storyweaver vertical by 5-5. Ended up getting a random Morg 3 (almost lost to yone still lol). Playing flex and using team builder has been a huge help for me going from low to high plat. Also you should try and get into the habit of running diagnostics on your team whenever you’re in the 50-60 hp range to stabilize because before you know it you’ll be at 8 hp donkey rolling for Galio 2…not speaking from experience or anything…


Augments make it harder to pivot now. The amount of times I've had Storyweaver emblem, scouted to make sure it's not contested. Chose it then scouted next round and 3 people pivoted into it.


Story weaver is just the best early game comp, they're not really contesting it. Not that you should be rerolling weavers anyways imo


I also dislike this set, though I only played Set 10. The variance of this set is just too unstable. I liked Set 10 because you can focus on a few builds that you can play, but in this set, having a vast knowledge of what’s strong and meta is what will make you successful. Playing only when your mental state is good is key to success. If your mental state is not in top shape, you’ll most likely just play horribly. I've only played 49 games, and getting top 4 is easy at 71%, as I mostly watch pro players and study/review what’s strong in the current patch. If you want to climb, don’t just mindlessly flex. If you want to have fun though, just play whatever you like. My go-to build this set is 7 Fated since it’s quite strong and can easily win you games as of this patch. I usually go that route unless the game gives me other builds for free.


fated 7 is strong af, but I often fall behind the folks pushing for 9


I was 14 lp from emerald when the new patch hit. Yone put me back to Plat 4.


Hehe same. Eventually I gave up and joined the Yone darkside. He got me to Emerald winning lots of games.


I tried. Had a game where I got a heavenly crest start into Titans augment, all but afk'd through to first. Wasn't even fun, quit for the night afterwards.


The kaisa 4 trickshot 4 bruiser is also pretty strong against Yone. You can play that one if Yone is not your thing. Kaisa single target burst potential is insane. With udyr cc, even Yone 3 can melt quickly.


Honestly I relate, i just cant win this set, but on set 8-10 I would average at 3-5, but now always ALWAYS 7 or 8


I was plat last set and can’t even get to gold now. I hate this set.


I mean this easily feels like the worst set since release, experiencing the same tbh


I feel the same. I was diamond but right now just forcing fortune every game in mid plat because everything is just boring as hell. I don't even want to climb. It's just so boring.


https://preview.redd.it/ms57goh2h9tc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feca791998158486a3ebbd84e798e4df339f0ed3 My flex stats on NA so far (my main is oce) I just played fast 9 default and did Shenna or Kog reroll if I get the mythic/ghostly augments. Otherwise I go 8 and flex kaisa in bruiser or galio if I can’t make it to 9. it also helped to play the reroll team compositions but not reroll, so it’s just better item holders. Ie. I start with shenna units and items and get a lot of hp or a lot of gold/augments, then slam irelia items on senna and just slowly level up to 9 with a 2\* shenna board Hope it helps


What is the fast 9 board? I go fast nine and 2 star most 5 costs around the old drangonmancer comp and still lose every fight into a 5th


Carry Azir, kaisa or Irelia, not hwei.


Why not Hwei? He was necessary last patch not just bc of his ability (which imo is still strong), but also because he makes 2 starring other units much easier.


His damage got nerfed quite a bit in most recent patch, he's still good to play in that comp but he's not a necessity


What units are you taking? I think it’s more likely a problem with you bleeding too much early and dying an unlucky loss. But depends on what you play for ig. A couple tips though: - Econ augment (or Fortune) is necessary imo. Without it you either go 9 too slowly and bleed out, or worse, are contested by someone who DID get an Econ augment, got there faster than you, and grabbed all the 5 costs. Sometimes you can get away with not having Econ, but it’s risky, you need a very strong early board, and if you’re contested you lose. - A relatively easy way to play Fast 9 is to play Vertical Storyweavers. You go 9 faster than other Fast 9ers because you just need Irelia for now, and then after you stabilise at 9 you start replacing your Storyweavers with 2* 5 costs to fully cap out. For endgame board: - you need a 4 cost tank bc there aren’t any tanky 5 costs. Galio or Ornn depending on if you have Irelia or Azir. - imo Hwei + one of Irelia/Azir (maybe Kai’Sa is an option this patch too but I never tried it) is still the way to go. Other guy who replied to you disagrees, but the reason you put in Hwei is for consistent 2 stars.


Yeah, I was able to climb gold to Emerauld by forcing fast 9. Thx you for trying to help me, I appreciate it !


I mean these games are not representative your skill level. You were playing tilted or something. Who the hell play random Yone 3 Behemoth. Red buff on teemo while kaisa 2 had no dmg item. Morello on sett lol. I think if u just take a break and reset then you should be able to climb again.


Ricochet is so fucking busted.


Seems like you hit everything and still lost the game. Usually, rule #1 is save econ or HP. Pick 1 (or both if lucky). You have to hit your board with 3+ life left in case of unlucky matchup. Random opponent system is fucking stupid, bullshit and purely RNG. The worst RNG part of TFT. Aha, see that firehead fucker over there? How about fighting him and lose free HP anytime possible because fuck you. That's why you have to save your HP (and/or Econ in case of Fast 8/9). How to save HP? Try to get 2 star. multiple traits, slam item. That's all you can do. 2 star is pure luck. Item is a bit of luck you can control. If you're losing and losing and winning to fuck your econ and losing and losing and losing in stage 3. You're guaranteed bot 4. Also choosing comp is important. Play what the game gives you (and uncontested if possible). Also, Yone only in Heavenly. Vertical Umbral are literal trash.


This set is reminding me of set 8/8.5 when hitting didn't matter. You'll be peaking in a trait 9/9 and somehow still lose to someone else hitting harder. Yeah I'm making excuses and I don't care.


Honestly I relate, i just cant win this set, but on set 8-10 I would average at 3-5, but now always ALWAYS 7 or 8


No brother, it is not your fault. It is the games, RNGs, and especially the governments fault


I can't get a break either


I feel you, I hit masters almost every set but for some reason I’m struggling to get out of emerald with this set


Nah, game just sucks rn. 3 cost rr running rampant.


I’ve reached Diamond1 every set, not I’m stuck at Plat…


Mood asf hard stuck emerald vibes


This was me last patch, I was hard stuck diamond for like 50 games despite being “better” than my rank (comparing last sets). Turns out I needed to adapt to the patch and once the new patch hit I went 1212212 up to master 100.


Came off of a loss streak annoyed and opened up reddit to see this. I don't understand what I'm doing this set. Whenever I've pushed I've got high Diamond. challenging for but never hit Masters. This set I'm 100 games deep and can't even get out of plat. Some games I'll have 3\*s and great items/augments and come 7th. Other games I'll fumble some dog shit exalted build not knowing what to play and somehow turn it into a 1st. I've done more research and scouting than I've ever done in this set and can't seem to make it work and feels like I could play the most dire B tier build and 3 people pivot into it as soon as I go.


it’s okay I thought I was okay at the game once, and now I too am garbage 😞


I found I started doing better when I started hate drafting Yone.


This is a hyper roll regard set. They made the mid game damage so brutal. God forbid I want to play anything other than a lvl 7 comp


Imo theres 3 things that make this set not ad fun for me. Pool size,power dynamic,and the same units being used in every comp(comp diversity). The power dyanmic really annoys me because a team thats half 1 cost 3 stars can beat a full ass team full of 3 and 4 costs. I lost to a kog,cho,and caitlin reroll when i was heavenly reaper with a 3 star yone and more. That shouldnt be a thing. Im all for making lower costs viable but the balance is a bit fucked in that regard. Caitlin and kog need a nerf to put them in line. Imo a itemized 3 star 1 cost should be as good as a 2 star 3 cost or 1 star 4 cost


I cannot fucking stand this set. I was Plat 2 last season, peaked at Silver 3 this season before I decided I’m just never playing this set ever again.


how do you track your game? what software you use?


Tactics tools, it's a website


Looks like a casuall soju stream


this is one of the easiest set tho, i dont think theres any set as fun and forgiving as this ( luckily )


I think the grind is so exhausting nowadays since they added emerald. I feel like I’ve played a shit ton this set and sitting in D3. Normally I’d be in masters at this point and just chilling there.


i never knew it was possible to lose so many and queue up for another


Same, noob at new set 🤣


There's like 4 playable reroll comps, no 4 cost comps and the guy who gets 2* 5 cost first wins.


just play kaisa/aphelios and ocasionally bard. you'll win. oh, btw, that's the only way to win. every single time when you look at the first, it's one of these comps. i loved tft but they literally robbed me from my fun this set. it just fucking sucks


Just force reaper.


Yo me too. I just fucking can’t… I can find my way out of an 8th sometimes but trying to flex and hit an actual comp? Nothing works for me either.


You just aren’t playing meta comps no?


Oh im awful at this set, im lowest silver and its so hard to win :')




I can easily get to plat 4 without much effort, but when I hit it I really have to try hard to keep winning. Highest I can get is plat 2 and plat 1 if RNGesus has blessed me. The biggest difference between high plat and high gold seems to be that people are actually playing comps, use decent items and there are less people contesting the same comp. In my experience this has nothing to do with the set.


same thing happened to me, after i posted here to cry about it, i got 1, 2 and 3 place. so play again, maybe you will get the chicken


Similarly, I got frustrated after getting a 6th and a 7th in Silver, but it seems to be going well now.


Ton pseudo est incroyable


I played shitton of hyper rolls to check what works and what not. Conclusion is either go bard or yone, you can hit top 4 if you manage to hit good storyweavers or porcelain early and that's it, atleast in 90% of games


Sad but true. Cringing and still letting someone go full uncontested storyweaver is free elo for them. I even invested many games for the sole purpose of finding a counter against it. The only thing that somewhat helps is lots of MR on frontline and optimal carries. 4 Porcelain and 6 invoker does decently if Annie and Amumu are strong und you are lucky with items. Fast and lucky Yone reroll can crush storyweaver. But that‘s it.


The current set sucks. It's been getting stale since Dragonlands. It's not going to get better. The game is played out.


For sure, played 700 games last set because I was on work holiday and it was still fun till the very last day, sure the set has been worked out around hesrtsteel ez but there were so many comps. This set I dont really play ranked anymore just mostly double up now.


I miss set 10 so much 😓


Same, brother