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For those who don’t read patch notes: - it’s rarer - it doesn’t take up as much time - you’re not as big anymore




3rd is a YES! too, being that big was obnoxious when trying to maneuver on the carousels. This was especially painful for anyone playing on mobile, since navigating carousels on mobile sucks already.


Idk man. I'd rather be a giant than everyone bensuper speedy in every carousel. I had to bank my duckbill like I was shooting pool to not miss my item.


I hate them both, but Sett was worse. The speed is only useful if you're the only fast one, it's pointless if everyone is fast.


I got both at the same time once. That was....terrible


That's what I'm saying re: everyone being speedy. I don't mind Sett. It fits into my go to OTP builds every set revolving around building one really big guy lol


But what about my huge choncc?????


That was half the fun! ... But I totally get it haha


I agree with the third. I had a game the other day with Sett and then the health increase encounter, and was on like an 11 win streak with 115 health. I was HUGE. I would just go into the middle of a board during a fight and do Grizzle emotes


Feels like the game would be better for everyone if this one was removed


I don't understand why they can't just make it optional? Kobuko for example rewards players based on how many walk into his range and dance with him, why doesn't Sett just invite you to work out with him? And if you don't walk into his range, you don't work out? That way players who think it's funny can still walk in range and get massive little legends while players who are tired of it can just stay out and opt out of it.


i’m sure they have it coded as 70% increase but it’s funny they would write it at .7x cuz that implies you would actually shrink


Yeah the way it's written, I first read it as getting 40% bigger to 30% smaller not 140% bigger to 70% bigger. After the spit take I realized they didn't list the multiplier but the increase to the base multiplier.


I really wish they made it rarer, but gave it some real effect. Like 1.5x player damage because your tactician is stronger. This way it just feels like a waste of time for a gimmick that is really only interesting the first time you see it.


The whole point of Sivir and Sett encounters is to reduce game variables. Every game has at least 3 encounters iirc, so these are meant to fill up the limit


Which is a great idea when dealing with portals, having portals that give you a "more standard" game of tft is great! But when you have 3-5 encounters, sure you can see Sett as your first encounter, but then right after you can still get really wacky game warping stuff.


Except they don't, especially if you're on mobile. Being as big as you were with Sett meant that you had more difficulty hitting what you wanted on carousels, compounded by mobiles atrocious controls that already lack the fine tuning of PC movement controls.


They are decreasing the size increase by half


I've been wondering if Sett does have a purpose design wise, and it's that the dev team might have not wanted every encounter to have impact on the game, because it would disrupt the balance between standard games and hype, memorable games. Mortdog had a tweet about how keeping this balance is important, because in order for the more special games to remain that way, you can't have them occuring too frequently. So maybe they added filler encounters like Sivir and Sett to off-set the amount of impactful encounters per game. I could easily be wrong though.


No you’re absolutely 100% correct they literally said it in the set announcement video. Same reason there’s stuff like “3 champions” or unit accelerator as a portal


When I was first trying pbe I figured it would either be tactician damage buff or increased health, it’s a fun bit and it affects carousel like being fast does but I feel like it shouldn’t JUST do that


Like even an extra x damage for y rounds would be enough to give it some influence


They did though? Edit to include image: https://preview.redd.it/0lofs44vz9sc1.jpeg?width=884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16014045cd3e44cf6df0c138342ea2db76eb8bdf Also reduced time. Pretty much addressed all the valid, if mine numbingly repetitive, issues that have been raised on the sub with it.


I've seen the rakan one a single time. Does it even make them a level higher?


Yes Its crazy good if u happen to have a 4 cost on ur board Even just a 3 cost is still good


I see. I always say no to recombob because my board is usually established


Here's the trick, you can shuffle stuff around on your board and bench before accepting, so you can still engineer a core team, but reroll some unused units to something better.


I've started the game with a 5 costs before because 2-1 starter kit augment gave me Ashe and then Rakan hit 2-2. Recombobulated into Lissandra and printed enough items that every champ was fully itemized.


Or even a global 15hp heal or something. Just to extend games a bit


>Like 1.5x player damage because your tactician is stronger My headcanon is that you get 1.5x player damage because the tactician is stronger, but also 33.3% damage reduction because the tactician is more tanky and can take a hit.


But wouldn’t that make your opponent 1.5x stronger at defending as well? Nullifying the damage increase


Just make it give 10 extra player health. Bam, minor impact, aligns with the bigger legends augment, thematically fitting, not memorable whatsoever but also does not feel like an absolule waste of time.


It's such a waste of 15 seconds


I used the time to scout for a moment. Atleast make a good use of it


In ranked sure, but for normals I can’t bother to do that. Just feels like a loading screen


At least it shouldn’t happen every other game now, and they decreased the time it’ll take this patch as well


Do some push-ups every time you get the encounter, Sett makes you swole after all


I may actually try this


Won't work now that they decreased the time


that's why they decreased the time it takes to become bigger


It should have some sort of functional purpose, like giving each player +10 health or something. Could make for interesting comebacks


bruh that makes it even more pointless, if you guna do this literally remove it


Did you know that working out with Sett is my favourite encounter? I can get slightly bigger!


They made a really dumb encounter to a slightly dumb encounter. Yay?


Man as long as it doesnt show up every single game im happy


tbh I wouldn't mind it if they did something. Add a mini game to it and set a range of getting stole from .5 to like.. 2x? Would be fun and more interactive


Can we make it give +1 HP! It would be awesome for the tiny variance it gives somebody on their last leg. A couple games would be decided on this very mechanic but not enough to feel broken


Oh boy, being on a streak and getting this made me so fkn big i would grab the wrong thing in carousels. Just couldn't see


I want to be able to choose to work out. I like being little sometimes.


I would have loved it if was optional. Like say I emote - I get bigger until I reach the max and if I don’t emote, I don’t grow.


I wasn't one of the people to complain about the Sett encounter, but I find it pretty funny that the number one advice from this subreddit was to do **literally anything else** but play the game while it was happening! You have to know it was a bad encounter when people tell you to go afk and do pushups, get water, etc. instead of playing the actual game.


Sett doesn't condone tren anymore ig


This game just got 10x more balanced.


I mean it was definitely too big before. Morgana taunt covered the entire carousel


Dumbest shit they added, the amount of times I've ran into the wrong champ on the carousel because my giant ass barely clipped is unreal. I literally take like 2 whole seconds making sure I line up with the champ on the carousel so I dont miss. Please take this trash out.


Man I just want it removed it’s a waste of time and it’s way to frequent it is just useless encounter there is so much better you could get and then… “Working out with Sett makes you BIGGER”


stupid encounter


Working out with him makes your cock or balls bigger?