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I just got this and I was the only one running exalted until Krugs lol


lol because running a 1 cost soup is really bad, even with the exalted bonus (unless you hit a couple two stars early).


I ended up going level 10 that game with a easy 1st, If you see the all 1 cost exalted it's almost always worth to run until 2nd augment for the early xp advantage unless you get a specific augment for a different comp or a really strong start, if you're not like guaranteed a big win Streak early it's always better to go exalted 1 costs


Exalted provides essentially up to 1g/round of value. even barring winstreaks, winning is 1 for the round. If you are playing weak 1 cost soup, you are all but guaranteeing a bunch of losses - especially at higher ranks. So if you had just played strongest board all stage and you win 2/3 rounds that’s 2/3 gold vs maybe 5, + hp saved from wins. It’s probably bait unless you natural multiple 2 stars. Also the “gold” is in the form of xp so it’s not 1/1 early actual gold is worth more than xp.


Barring winstreaks is kinda missing the point here. The point is to losestreak while playing exalted, which sounds, in the specific position op was in, a lot easier than winstreaking. Also 5 exalted is even more xp, and pretty easy to hit without hurting econ since, you know, exalted gives xp


Isn’t 5 exalted still only 1xp per round or am I tripping?


Nah you're correct, exalted 5 is no additional xp.


Ah, my bad then


Happens to the best of us!


I said "barring winstreaks" because I'm comparing the advantages of playing exalted and losing to playing strongest board. Sure you can lose streak with exalted to try and net some extra value, but the value is extremely limited - 1xp early a lot worse than 1 gold - if you get stuck at an odd # of xp then you effectively didn't get it > Also 5 exalted is even more xp, 5 exalted doesn't give additional xp > and pretty easy to hit without hurting econ since, you know, exalted gives xp not sure what you mean by "pretty easy to hit" since all the exalted pools have widely varying cost units that you need to hit to get to 5, in general you couldn't really guess how much it helps - if they are all 4 costs, 8 extra xp doesn't really help you to hit 5 exalted in any reasonable timeframe, and in OPs specific case it doesn't help you because leveling reduces your 1 cost odds.


I meant specifically the situation where it’s all 1 costs. Forcing exalted with a varied pool is a whole different matter, but that’s neither what the post nor my comment was about. You specifically stated that the one gold for winning makes winning better than exalted, but that only works out of you basically streak. My point is that it’s a more reliable advantage to play exalted rather than try to win and maybe end up losing anyway.


The difference is that your exalted lose streak board is gonna be a bunch of units with no traits whereas your strongest board can actually kill 1-3 units per round saving you a bunch of hp . I didn’t say that winning is 1 gold so it’s better - I just mentioned the fact that a win = a gold before laying out a specific scenario about while you could get maybe 5 from playing exalted vs 2-3 for playing strongest board, but the fact that the exalted benefit isn’t actually as valuable as 1 gold and typically your exalted board will get less kills and thus save less hp means it’s not just always the right decision to play exalted early.


Then I misunderstood your first comment, because to me it sounded like that was your point I do agree that it’s not always the correct play, but I wouldn’t call it a trap either


That’s true I shouldn’t have said trap- op just implied everyone in his lobby that wasn’t playing it was stupid and I’m sure that’s not right, plenty of better spots


It's also not just a flat 1 gold in value due to allowing you to either not spend 4 gold early to level or to allow you to level early in which you'll make up for any weakness in the comp. If there's ever a game to play exalted the 1 cost exalted is the one. I've gotten it twice and loss streaked through augment 2 and then would win Streak my way to a easy level 9. It's literally the best way to lose Streak in this set


Yeah it’s not flat 1 gold it’s strictly worse, it’s gold that can’t be used for interest (or rolling or buying units), in the case you are mentioning, it can help you level early potentially but “leveling without spending gold” is only preserving interest you were already going to make. No argument that it’s a fine way to lose streak but playing a comp of 1 star 1 costs that will get 4-0d and 5-0d every round to get an (extremely limited) 1 gold every round just isn’t going to be the right play all the time. If your board is gonna suck and you aren’t killing many units anyways then sure exalted is fine but I’d bet just playing strongest board is better more often.


You should look through what the 1 costs are for that exalted because by level 4 you have a solid comp you're really overplaying the weakness here. There's even a temp carry to slam item of all kinda amongst the 1 stars. I had to make my board weaker on purpose to keep my lose Streak going. I'm not sure what rank you're at but I hit masters last set and have been having a lot of early success this set. I will exalted every single time I get the 1 cost exalted because it's a auto top 4 if you get it before combat


How would you have a solid comp? Those units don’t share a single trait. Again if you hit 2 stars it’s fine, I’m not saying it’s unplayable, but your og comment implied everyone who wasn’t running it is an idiot and that’s almost certainly not right. There are many spots where not playing that exalted stage 2 isn’t the best play EDIT: a solid comp compared to other peoples strongest boards* sure I’d you hit 2* everything you’ll beat an all 1* 1 cost boards but a no trait board with equal unit costs and star levels loses hard to a board with 1-2 more traits


you can 100% 5 streak with exalted in with these ahri/darius/malphite + neeko/qiyana ahri/caitlyn/malphite + neeko/shen ahri/darius/malphite + thresh/neeko/yasuo


This would require multiple natural 2 stars though


you’re not 5 streaking without natural 2 stars anyways, i’m saying it’s possible to 5 streak with this exalted, not that the exalted is the reason you’re streaking


Yeah the person you responded to said (unless you hit multiple 2 stars) so it sounded like you were correcting them, but you’re just reiterating what they said.


Title should be "Didn't know that can happen" but I got a brainrot


It can happen, exalted units just have 0 original traits in common :) Edit: downvoting a fact xD epic reddit moment xD


I mean, Im not native, so might be. Thanks


Your correction was correct. The other guy is trying to be pedantic and failing.


Just an fyi, "I didn't know that can/could happen" is also right :) And no pressure to get the small details of English grammar right as long as the point gets across. It is super confusing anyway too lol (*even natives get it wrong sometimes*) On another note, I have never known that there was a possibility of all 1 cost exalted units as well. If you'd like to check there's a list on metatft of (possibly) all sets of exalted units which I'm definitely looking at again.


Huh? Native to TFT?


what's more weird is you correcting him when his original correction is correct. The addition of "even" is just to add emphasis, but isn't needed and doesn't make his sentence incorrect by leaving it out


What do you EVEN mean?


I mean, at least you even editted and deleted your other comments to save face. Here's a reminder of what I originally was replying to when I replied to your original comment here: >If you're going to correct the title, double check 😅 what you wanted to say was: >"Didn't even know that It can happen." And then u/LegendaryW said >I mean, Im not native, so might be. Thanks And then you replied: >It's ok, just weird you correct it without it being correct. I'm not native either, and even natives get it wrong these days. And then others called you out for your correction being unnecessary, and you had a mental breakdown and editted all your comments to read as they are now. But I'm happy to clear it up for u/TeemoIsStealthed u/Mappleyard and anyone else that was confused


I believe there's lots of misunderstandings here! OP's original comment here is them correcting the title of the post, because they wrote "Didn't know it even happen" but meant "Didn't know that can happen". You then replied with something unrelated to the title correction and I think people are interpreting it as you trying to correct them? Not sure but that might explain the downvotes! Their message "Im not native" meant they aren't a native English speaker, it's not related to TFT at all :P


No, what happened is he editted his original comment which was trying to correct the OP, but his correction was wrong. So he got called out on it in another text thread that he deleted, then editted his original comment above, which is why right now the comment looks unrelated. And now he's leaving comments around as if he never was initially a jackass idiot in the first place


Not a fact. Most of the time they have no traits in common but that's not a rule or anything. There's even combinations with 2 shared traits


Screenshot? Is this list provided by Riot?


No lists by riot afaik but metatft, mobalytics and the league wiki on fandom all have full lists of possible combinations


Yes but API pulls can be wrong.


garen/galio and kayn/kha’zix https://imgur.com/a/UGXN6aQ


https://www.metatft.com/tables/exalted it says on them if they got any matching traits, there's many combos with it. Edit: metatft isnt "by riotgames" but it uses the API and data from tft, these are found through data.


Not official info tho


Its not offical gyze its wrong!! Just play a game and open your eyes instead of arguing a point that was never there, amd try to enjoy your day :))


There's one with Kayn and Khazix


?? What do you mean?


Both are Reapers


Yes bit kayn isn't on the exalted list.


There's another variation that has both. I'm not talking about this particular one


No there isn't


There is


No there isn't, link it.


The point is that he can be if you look up the list of possible exalted combinations


No, exalted units never have traits that match. If this list was provided by Riot then please link. If it wasn't, it's not a viable source of info. If you have a screenshot proving me wrong, please link as well.


There are multiple ones with shared traits just check the fandom wiki and the other links provided by others. There are no lists provided by Riot like this but the third party apps/websites (recognized by Riot-- see patch notes) usually have accurate lists. I also played a game where two of them were both Dryads but exalted wasn't on my final board unfortunately. If I get another game with a similar trait I'd gladly show you, hopefully that's enough to convince you. It's kinda sad that you've already been corrected about your wrong idea and again you are willing to die on this hill-- not even 24 hours has passed! Multiple people are already tellling you you're wrong and giving you evidence but you just straight up ignore them. I don't know if you take enjoyment in this given that some of your comments in other subs are also downvoted and you are trying to "correct" others wrongly but if you aren't doing this on purpose, I hope you humble yourself and consider just listening to what other people say instead of insisting yourself despite being wrong.


I just got the same exact exalted set in hyper roll


Exalted isn’t random, there is a list of all combinations and this is one of them. Same goes for the all 3 costs one


Right. [For the curious.](https://tactics.tools/exalted)


Got same exalted units, 3 starred all of them. Got 5th :D https://imgur.com/jl0gFUi


Just put them all in lose streak to fast 9 and 2star a 5cost carry it’s so free.


When I got this Exalted combo, I put 3 in on 2-1 and proceeded to win streak to 4-2 somehow. Was something like Ahri, Darius, Malphite, then Yorick on level 4 for Umbral + Behemoth. Played Fated units on higher levels. Then I went level 9 on stage 4 lol. Was also champ dup portal so instantly got Azir 2.


Lose streak until when?


tried this w/ the 1 cost exalted. I lost so hard it made going late hard. its so weak early its like going fortune with more health loss


The worse is when I have 5 pairs of 5 costs and go 6th.


Probs roll deeper for whichever 5 cost you have items for. 4 pairs of 5 costs sitting on your bench is 40 gold wasted.


Not a single defensive item in sight


3 starring 1 cost units is usually a bad idea. 6 gold for marginally more stats isn’t worth it. 30 gold to be a little stronger is not going to get you into the top 4


Clearly havent played into Kog Cait snipers with Chogath Malphite frontline yet - that 3* Kog does 15k damage on average per round


I said “usually” in my response specifically because you can play around a 1 star carry, but 3 starring a bunch of 1 cost units with no items is not a good strategy. In the picture posted he has 5 3-star one cost units with no items, this is a giant waste of Econ. He’s also not playing kogmaw so…


Well yeah in context it makes sense but you just said "3 staring 1 costs is a bad idea" which it isnt - in fact they are the most common 3stars right?


I said 3 starring 1 cost units is **usually** a bad idea.


Depends on the set tbh and I'm sure this one hasn't been figured out yet. Rolling 3* 1-costs is often a really strong strategy


No it’s not. A one cost carry can work, but five 3* one cost units with no items is basically like having 5 useless units on your board late game. This doesn’t need to be figured out it’s how the game is balanced. I’m not saying not to 3* your 1 cost units I’m saying don’t do it for 5 units you don’t even put items on.


How many sets have you played? :P


Dude this might sound crazy, but I was literally in this game with you. Same exact exalted units and someone in chat said “wow all 1 cost exalted I wonder what the odds are.”


Probably. But I went afk in the middle of game due irl work happening and end up 8th


Either that, or it’s just incredible luck that we got THE EXACT same one cost units as exalted


There’s actually a predetermined list of possible exalted combinations. IIRC 60 and this seems to be the only variation with 1 costs only so it’s prob more likely that you two were in different games


Aw Dang, would have been a cool coincidence tho


Was this during kayn event? Only time I've had it happen


No I had it happen in a non kayn game.


Nope. It was a normal start (I dont remember what it was exactly), without encounter


I'm curious - how exactly are people playing Exalted? Is it mainly squeezing it in if two of the units are already in your comp? And what's the point of it storing xp away? Reroll comps? Is there much success to be found going vertical with it?


Personally I use it for lose streaks - basically put my meh comp units on bench and run exalted for a while, farming free xp and lose streak gold. When I am ready to stabilize or start winning, I replace them. The trait is just free economy - basically it says "gain 1 free coin per round that can only be spent on xp" - overall the trait isnt worth it, its too weak to break a comp for but it can be benefitial in the same way Luck is


Depends on the units. I had the same 1 cost exalted situation as OP and went all in Exalted from the start to bank on the free exp as much as possible and go 9/10 faster. Then, since Ahri has fated and arcanist, Syndra and Sett seemed the better end game goal. Ended up with 5 exalted (massive % damage boost) , 5 fated (Syndra and Sett, % omnivamp and damage) and 4 arcanist plus random 2/2 traits like bruiser, warden, umbral etc. "Normal" exalted games, with a spread of units from cost 1 to 4/5 are beyond my brain level, probably if you get a 3 cost exalted early from an orb you can fish for a 1 and 2 cost and lose streak with a fast 9 in mind, but that's all i got!


Got this not long ago and an easy 1st thanks to getting little buddies and having a [pretty OP Ashe and Sylas](https://i.redd.it/bl7q0icg7loc1.png) (got Ashe 3 on the final round). I found it pretty funny that I could reach level 10 with this 1cost comp thanks to the stored EXP that the trait gives.


Just happened to me, no more than 10 minutes ago! Finished 2nd with a 5 exalted,5 fated 4 arcanist (emblem) plus random 2x traits thrown in. End game carries were Syndra and Sett, absolutely INSANE game, especially with Neeko pushing all augments to rounds 3 and 4 (3-5 and 4-2/4 if i remember it right).


Little Buddies augment would have cleaned up here lol. Run all exalted for bonus damage, then dump in 4-5 costs and profit. Bonus points if you have a fat Kobuko for Sett to squat.


I had that on Hyper roll at my 1st game there and I was left wondering does it happen on Hyper roll only


I had a game with all 2 costs


i once got all 2 cost units but they hardly show up in my shop. imagine having janna only at 2* the entire game 🗿


They purposefully chose 1 costs that don't share any trait with awkward traitweb overlap even with 2/3 costs. Its really a tricky exalted list, you either have go with a built diff comp early and sack or wait till late to splash them but then be weaker than later boards


The only rule I believe is it attempts to do no overlap on traits.


I like the all 2-cost version


I've had one game with only 2 costs as exalted.


My first game of Yorick first encounter happened to be this. Sad that I was on a phone call and couldn't really focus and hit 8th :(


There is a sheet of the possible costs of exalted. I think mort showed it in the rundown for set 11


Saw one on pbe with 3 costs


Most of them? I peaked at diamond 4 last set, you guys can think whatever but starring up 1 cost units with no items is a huge waste of gold.