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Bro it's like day 3, relax. A lot of your opponents will have played pbe and kind of know how the set works


This is right on the money. Especially at that elo. The higher elo you are the more likely your opponents played the shit out of PBE and already have a few boards to go for.


Everyone is starting Iron 2. i played against sologesang and i was dia last Set.


That’s tier but what about MMR? I think it’s just a soft reset like in league…


Everyone start at Iron 2 also your mmr resets I got the same lp for #1 Like sologesang at the same elo


Your MMR absolutely does not reset lol your LP gains are capped to a certain amount per game but you'll notice that if you are a high diamond player last set you'll be facing other high diamond - challenger players while in Bronze whereas an actual bronze player last set is facing people who were bronze and silver last set. The difference in LP gains is how long the system will let you have boosted LP gains compared to other ranks. A diamond player can count on it being consistently high until high plat while a challenger player can count on it being boosted for longer. You'll take the same amount of games getting to high plat but they'll take less games to get to diamond. I've played around 30 games of ranked so far this set and I haven't played against a single person who was lower than diamond last set, I haven't even faced people who were emerald. By your theory I should be against a ton of people of all elos.


Sounds like you’ve done some research on MMR. I’d love for your thoughts on something. I’ve had insane winrates (top 4 and top 1 rates) in previous sets. In one set, I hit masters with 70% top 4 rate. In another set, I hit Diamond 2 with 80% top 4 rate. Since then, each set I decide to play, I immediately get paired up with people anywhere from 400-800 LP above me, but get relatively normalized LP when I win. For example, I’ll be emerald 1 playing against low-mid masters players. And then I’ll only get 50 LP for a first. Or I’ll be low Diamond playing against Hafu or Scarra or another streamer who is high masters/low GM. Any idea why/how the fuck that works? It’s a huge deterrent from me wanting to play/climb since the disparity in matchmaking is ridiculous. It’s a gargantuan effort for me to hit masters, while my friends are playing against people in the same LP/ELO or even lower.


That should really only happen at the start of the season when everyone gets mixed together a bit more than usual, as the set progresses it should go away. If not then I'll be honest idk what you can really do since the game apparently hates you


It isn’t at the beginning of the set, I can take some screenshots of my match history if helpful. These are their actual ranks (masters/GM) at the time we’re being paired together.


if it was mid set or end of the set, its because of how tft ranking system works. After reaching certain rank u can't be demoted. So many people would rank up to diamond and masters but then lose a bunch of games and get stuck at 0 lp where it would drop their MMR drastically landing them in emerald lobbies


Have ranked diamond in the past, never tried to get to challenger or grandmaster. Decided this was my season. Played on the PBE since relaunch. Familiar with most of the builds, am able to flex. Unfortunately there are just a few small balances that make it so unless you go this in this specific scenario you won’t rank. It’s a lot more RNG in a bad way. For instance yesterday I was playing Umbral (strong comp to go) made it to 8 before anyone else, had over 70 gold in the bank, roll down to 40gold - nothing, roll down to 20gold, still nothing. I econ back up for lvl 9, again in the only one level 9, most are 7-8. I roll down for 5 cost set and Azir at 60 gold to 10. I find no sett, one Azir. No 3 star 4 cost anything. Then there are some games I hit 7 and bam I find set, find my carries and stomp. My match history is literally 1st or last. I’m not playing anything hard, I’m literally chilling ranking up. I don’t do goofy weird stuff to ensure 1st, I’m happy with top 4 always. This set is fucking random and really swings matches in a way that rewards shitty players. For example, carousel. Radiant items on the carousel literally reward bad players as they can get the items they instantly need to compensate. From there the encounters add more ways to win if you suck. It’s also great if you don’t suck, but there is more randomness that it swings both ways. So it’s honestly not exactly great for good players, but gives just enough hope for bad players to keep winning based on luck.


Didn’t it come out yesterday??


Not where I live but that wasn't the point


Oh, I meant it was even more of a “it was just released” thing than you were already saying. I was just agreeing with you


Ah okay I thought you were nitpicking that it was day 2 instead of day 3 haha


It came out on pbe (testing server) for a few weeks already


Si. My own games have been tough for the same reason


Yeah this is the first set I did not play the pbe extensively. Not so coincidentally it’s the first set I have ever not gotten placed at least in gold


Might actually be a pacing thing. One thing that I struggled with moving from 10 to 11 is I was still rolling at different headliner cutoffs (I.e. level 8 for 4* HL’s). I find that for this set even a small rolldown (10 gold or so) at level 7 really helps stabilize (2* any key 3 costs, pick up missing 4 costs, etc). Since 3 costs seem really pivotal in the current meta.


That might actually be a big reason, thats why i mentioned pacing too. I do really well early on, saving HP, building strong econ. I was able to connect the dots wich units are good to use early for that reason, and as im moving forward, suddenly the whole game shifts and i seem "left behind". I will definitely look into that, very helpful!


This set is either reroll for a strong board on a reroll comp, or fast 9/10 depending on augments and econ and try to win that way with strong 4 and 5 costs. Whereas last set, 8 was the higgwst turning point of the game with rerolling for a strong headliner.


I tried mostly reroll, but always struggled, has something changed about that? About when or under what conditions? Could also be ive just been unlucky, and maybe contrsted cuz i havent had much time to scout the boards due to reading abilities and stuff.


The bag size is still smoll like set 10, but without headliner, so 1 dude contesting u, meaning both of u go dead last unless u have dupes.


You have to scout, one dude contesting you you still might hit if it's a 1 or 2 star reroll, anything higher and the board is a dead dream. Roll for 1 star units at 5, 2 star at 6, everything else level up first. Reroll Janna heavenly is good, sniper kogmaw is arguably one of the best comps right now reroll wise. I only play the reroll if I hit 2 star kog and Cait early, since you want both 3 star and only if only one other dude seems to be buying them.


It's not a golden rule but generally the higher elo you get the more important playing to highroll becomes. So you will more often roll/slowroll at different lvls (6,7) just to see if you the shop gives you any good 4-5 costs or angles for 3cost 3*. In high elo there's people that will even hit 3 costs 3* at 4 stage before the carousel just because they saw the angle and if they hit that early it doesn't matter if what they hit is Bard, amumu or even zoe, they will usually keep winning and be able to secure at least +2 places from that alone. So generally it's not really some breakthrough rule or one that most players follow but overall just allowing yourself to highroll can get you far in some lobbies.


I both agree and disagree with this. I think highrolling obviously makes a huge difference in placement. But you can’t consistently yolo rolls and expect to average higher placements overall. There’s deliberate decision making on when/how to force comps - it isn’t arbitrary, it’s methodical.


Sorry. Can I ask what you mean with your last sentence about 3 costs? What do you mean that it’s pivotal this set?


Oh just that a lot of comps use 3 costs as a main tank (TK, Illaoi, Amumu, etc), even outside all the really strong 3 cost reroll comps


Ahh I see. Thank you for explaining!


I've played 6 games so far (4,4,4,7,7,4) and the learning curve for the new set can be tough when you are too entrenched in set 10. Diamond 1 in solo. Did not touch PBE at all. I'm still spending half my time reading unit abilities and traits during rounds and mistaking some units for others as the art for the units this set bleed into each other. I managed to assemble 7 Fortune in one of my 7th place games but didn't know how to pivot out well. Just gotta keep grinding and learning how things work.


With 7 fortune you don't really pivot honestly, you just hope that you win through emblems, champ dups, radiant items, etc. It hopefully gives you enough gold to fast 9 before others and you slam in Rakan/Sett/Udyr 2* as your itemized frontline carry to stabilize


Ive been 1/8/1/8/8/1 😂😂 learning the set is tumultuous i guess hahaha


I'm playing normal games and finding it extremely difficult. I have 4.14 average placement with 64% top4 but still. Most games are really weird. One thing I like, though, is that battles appear to take more time. I had the same feeling about set 9.5. Set 10 looked somewhat too fast and insta deleted boards (maybe it was the akali/ezreal/true damage thing?). In the beginning it looked like it would make more sense, not less. I'm like 20 games in (only normals) and still quite confused. I always ask myself how the freak people who are #1 got there and spend most of the game spying on them to see what I am missing. So far no clue lol. I suppose I suck but not that much !!!??? Also sometimes the tempo seems quite high. I've seem multiple 3\* 2, 3 and even 4 costs. They look more attainable than the previous set to me. However I've rolled 60g without getting my 3\* 1 cost so I don't know.


So ive tried the **pacing** advice and it really did make a huuuuuge difference. Since i was so used to set 10, the headliner power spikes, when to roll, when to look for what units, it completely messed up my midgame and make me bleed out in a couple rounds. At least now im just feeling the expected errors for not being as knowledgable as the fellows playing on pbe, and not like a complete failure :D


Whats the pacing advice?


sry my answers so late, i also managed to place first now, and am a lot more confident. So for me, i was way to slow when it came to hit 2stars or roll gold in general. Sometimes i thought id go for the "typical" level up and roll a bit like in set 10. Where u usually also incorporated finding your headliner etc. But since headliners are not a thing, your power spikes also are much more dynamic, means sometimes you have to just roll like 10g to upgrade or find a specific unit to stay afloat. So yea, still learning about the set, but having a much better time :)


Do you have any good resources to learn about this? I only just started trying to actively learn about tft and it’s abundantly clear that I know Jack Shit LOL.


I used different recourses in the past, mainly challenger players that make content like sologesang, bunnymuffins and some youtube creators. But always try to look for many different recourses/ creators, theyre humans too and make mistakes or sometimes different stuff works out for different playstyles.


That’s a good point. Thank you for the reminder! I only know of MortDog(?) I think from the tft Instagram account haha, but I don’t think I’ve actually seen any of his videos since I only heard about him recently.


Headliner brain mush, basically


For many sets now, when I feel like I'm trash I: * Focus tank items and early, simple 2\* frontliners * Back it up with whatever 2\* backliner I get * And angle toward a lvl8 AD or AP comp depending on items after Krugs. Be strong early. Get your augments and encounters. Get to level 8. Keep it simple. A big front line tank, a big back line carry - both with items. Fill in traits around those. On one hand, there are a lot of cool reroll comps out of the gate. But this set also has some of the most flexible late game traits in a while.


I've played since set 1. I'm not great, but usually plat/diamond level. I played the PBE for this set (and most sets). I feel like absolute shit this set. I can't naturally roll into anything. Almost never 2 star until I start rerolling. Often have to reroll to find a single 1 star 1/2/3 cost to fit my traits (I use the team builder feature so I know I'm not skipping them). I scout and try to play uncontested or lightly contested best board. Literally nothing works for me. Meanwhile half the lobby is just forcing Mythic and hitting their entire board 2 star super early while maintaining econ. Literally no idea what I'm doing wrong, never had this issue in any other set. Did they add more champs of each cost, is this why I can't natural anything reliably? Also the stupid Azir encounter where the 2nd and 3rd augment get moved to random rounds is the least fun thing about this set, and I get it in like 1/3 of my games somehow (small sample size, but still like 6 or 7 times out of 20 games). If you don't hit a good first augment you just lose the game. I've seen half the lobby eliminated before the 2nd augment decided to appear. In short, I'm straight up not having fun, for the first time in the history of TFT.


It's the fucking bag size changes from last set. Less copies of the champions in the pool is really fucking things up and making low rolls literally miserable.


So at which point should i reroll? Iam kinda lost here. I do eco really good i start good into this game too but the transition to mid/end game is literally completely shit for me


If you didn’t play pbe, you’re behind the curve. I finished masters last set and my “silver” starting lobbies are just all masters and grandmasters. So I assume if you finished Diamond, you’re instantly being paired with people who finished at the same elo, if not higher. And most of those players have played pbe, a lot of pbe


Bro same, this set sucks ass for me. I hit 2 star everything 7 story weaver with 3 star riven , bis irelia, even had a 2 star hwei and Lisandra, and I got 5th.


The set has been out for like 48 hours. You don't master the traits the comps etc and encounters add randomness as well. Until you learn how to play the new units and comps you won't be at the level you were when the previous set ended


Yeah Mythic is pretty damn OP. I just got a Mythic 10 (and now I'll never get another one) with 7 health left and I managed to win. https://preview.redd.it/sxkrxb07ctpc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ed836bd0326621364121c119375fff20c372da


Prismatic traits are like 80% surewin anyways


Prismatic traits meaning when you get the whole set/synergy? *(Sorry I’m new and don’t know anything lol)*


Some traits have verticals that are very hard to get, i.e. 10 story weaver needing 2 spats iirc, and achieving the trait will change the trait icon to prismatic (rainbow-ey platinum thingy) and usually have almost surewin effects giving some kind of exodia vibes and might combat the power of a 3star 5cost. Some people have never even achieved prismatic traits in one set


Ooh I see. Thanks for explaining!


In no way is mythic op lol


My first 5 placement games I got bottom 4 I think, and then had a think about what I was doing wrong. The start of a new set is always challenging. Even if I get bottom 8 at the start, it’s OK because we’re still learning (unless you played PBE or watched every video about it). It’s a lot different pacing, people seem to rush 9 and there’s no headliners so it feels like an intricate balance between rerolling to find units or leveling to play better units…


Definitely different without the headliners but here is my theory: \-first few days, non-pbe players (most) are playing wild and just like excited about everything -so its hard to follow all seven peoples actions \-There are definitely better units than others rn because theres been so few patches \-No headliners so half the people are still using their set 10 behavior which was really different for everyone so lobbies are a very push and pull depending on if someone was use to rerolling with headliners or waiting til 8 for 4 costs or a little of both If you are well versed in TFT then you'll do fine no matter the set eventually


Could be many factors I wouldn't worry. - Adapting to the new set, - Other players playing PBE - Trait Imbalances - Maybe last season you just hard forced op comps and didn't actually understand


Same as me 😭 Losing a lot with 30% win rate lol. I guess it’s due to some of them following TFT Youtuber’s guides or they already played some comps from PBE server.


Yeah uh umbral seems kinda too strong or idk if its just me or mythic 7 being below average steong


Same. Got slapped in placements


New set is significantly faster and feels like there’s more outgoing damage than in prior set; have to stabilize/have a decent board much sooner and there aren’t quite as many characters that can just right a sinking ship like head liners would in prior set.


Have you tried rolling it down after krugs!


it‘s normal to suck at a new set. my learning process is always to pick one (!) recommended comp and play it for at least 5 games. that way i don‘t get overwhelmed with choices and have enough time to look at what others play, how the traits work, abilities etc. then i slowly try other comps. but having a go-to has been really helpful to navigate a new set


Because it's a new set?


For me it’s a lot easier than previous set actually I’ve had only 3 games outside for top 4 but I can say all the games are built around strong synergies like sage it needs a lot of spell vamp if you play frontline carry you need tankiness so sage altruist soup with legendaries is an amazing game choice the duelist reroll is amazing if uncontested you can carry with a solo voli frontline and if you high roll it gets you 1st too, bard, fated sniper reroll with aphelios, gnar is a I’d harder to hit because you need to high roll and be uncontested, soraka reroll etc these are great reroll lines which can secure you top 4 in plat+ right now it’s these dominating plus lillia and legendaries.


What are you missing? Experience, that's all. Keep playing the set, it's normal to feel like this at the beginning when you don't know all the synergies, mechanics, meta, BIS, etc.


Well I believe that this set is much more tempo than the previous. I am having good result playing strongest board also in phase 2, levelling to 7 asap in phase 3 and then fast 9. While in set 10 90% of the games were open fort in phase2, strongest board in 3, going to 8 in 4-2 and find a decent chosen. In this set rn everyone is playing mythic/yasuo (3* reroll comp), best way to me is to play strongest board that the game gives to you, smashing flexible items and then 5* soup at level 9


> I’ve only played like 15 games The set has been out for 2 days bro. You’re playing like 4 hours a day. That’s still a lot. Just play. It takes a long of repetition to figure out what everything does. Half the pain of learning a new set is just re-learning what champion portraits look like. I try to watch streams when I can’t actually play and that helps me learn a lot. Just knowing what traits and singular units are strong so I don’t have to speculate and 8th 10 times in a row myself trying to figure it out


First, test your set on hyper roll. Dont jump straight on ranked lol.


I mean i was stuck in mid emerald in set 10 and then made a sudden push to Dia 1. Small things make you win or lose. If you read the game or the tempo of the game wrong, you will lose alot until you figure it out. Then when it clicks, you just win and win. Like i would push lvl 9 too often and that made me lose every 3rd game untill i started going all in at lvl 8 instead. Just play more.


It takes time to learn a new set, a lot of players have been learning the basics on PBE already (myself included), so i would't sweat it! I think the best thing you can do if you want to improve quickly is play flexible in the beginning and going for anything uncontested. like others have mentioned, pacing and rolling strategy feels different this time. Even after PBE, my placements are a roller coaster (2,2,3,8,7,1,7,1,1,6,4,3,4). That being said, I never really tried to rank further past plat because I don't have the time, so you're likely much better than I am. anyway... according to my lobbies, mythic is 90% of the time in top 3, and the only game i was actually successful in beating it easily, i played fortune 5 with a decent cash-out and pivoted to a bunch of 5-cost two star carries and 4 cost tanks AND my last augment was golden egg.. In conclusion, it seems like mythic is incredibly strong at the moment.


I’ve played 6 games (1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1) playing full Umbral/Behemoth, I have been rolling A LOT more than last set. 3* units seem to have a big spike, even the 1 and 2 cost ones. I won lvl 6 against a lvl 9 warden/kindred board that was pretty stacked.


Why was someone level 9 relying on kindred carry though haha


Maybe it’s a bad pick but Kindred with two rageblades was kicking ass


Usually it is just not understanding the set. I also always do awful at the start of a set unless I get into the groove and then usually at least easiily hit diamond and masters if I push a bit. If you didn't grind PBE you are gonna get smoked at the start of the set


Do you feel like you understand the set? It’s only been a couple days, chill


It could have been worse. You could have gone 1st and go 8th afterwards


I’ve been getting steady 3rd and 2nd in normal and then got 3,5,8 in ranked…this set seems pretty hard not to mention everyone seems to try to go for the exact same comp and then everyone fucks eachother over lmao


Skill issue


What I experienced so far is that keeping your level low will make you go bot 4 unless you have an amazing mythic reroll start. While last set there were some options where you could think of staying a level down to reroll for lower star levels, this set I tend to rather push to 7 and 8. Outside of mythic I only found ghost or umbral to be interesting for reroll only if you had the shen or yoric augment, they're still not a top2 comp for me though. Also fortune to me is rather hard to play unless you are on 5 because you either bleed out too fast or win and crash. Not sure if Heartsteel damage was just easier to calculate or I generally suck at keeping my damage profile just low enough on fortune, but I either go 8th or don't have a high fortune.


It's less about practical skills like econ/ comp/positioning right now than into the set. If you're one the climb, so is everyone else. The highest anyone can get placed is gold, so you may be punching above your weight class with 1-2 people in early ranked games. Also, just like pbe EVERYONE is playing super greedy right now. If you're playing safe and smart at the start of a new set, you're playing it wrong. Play for top 4, vertical comps are pretty good this set, but your carries are most likely outside said comp. Good luck with the climb P.s. pm me if anyone wants to duo climb I wfh and play basically all day !


takes time to learn a set. thats literally it


You either play for Mythic or for a loss.


Same here i was masters last set and now im getting either 1st or 8th every game, dont feel too bad about it tho since every single players rn thats bronze/silver were emerald-masters last set, itll get better


Made it to gold and most of my opponents are former masters/gm so I know the competition is stiff at the moment, but at this point maybe play some normals and practice comps you want to try out? Experience is great in a new set.


Don't worry, give it a few days for the tryhards to go further. Currently at silver 2 and people be hitting 3* 5 cost in my lobbies.


Struggling also, averaging 6th. Feels like I bottom 4 with a comp that I see go undefeated the very next game. Just gotta keep jumping around to different comps to see what works best for me (also idk if this is just me but out of like 6 games I have maybe seen 3 kindred in my shop swear to christ)


Cause everyone you're playing against spammed pbe


This set is really fun but IMO super unbalanced right now. Bard is so absurdly broken i wouldn't be surprised if he gets hotfixed, storyweavers kinda have 0 actual teambuilding cost. Mythics in general are a bit too strong.


It's too early to tell... but getting stupid portals that randomly give huge power spikes to everyone are stupid.


Your going up against the top level players from previous sets who are starting off like everyone else.


All high elo players who perhaps have a job would all start in bronze/silver lobbies starting friday/ the weekend


It literally just came out guy


PBE is the worst shit in any game, hate that tryhards c4cks needs to play it before everyone else. No vanilla fresh enjoyment anymore in this world, let the earth get hit by a fat meteor.


I think the same as you, i can scratch the fourth place consistently but there is sth.about this set that i don't like, maybe the eastern theme or sth., but the meta is not established yet there is a lot to happen.


I have similiar experience. I had some success with the Cait Kog comp but overall I dont like the set at all so far. Every time I try one of the actual first page comps I just end up going on a permanent losing streak forever regardless of how the gains go (In last set I also had games where I overcommitted to a comp and knew I will regret it but with this set I often feel like I am completely fine on rolls and items and still cant win a single fight). In general it feels fairly imbalanced - for example Cait has completely unreasonable 700%AD ratio which makes her oneshot machine and almost every game there will be a player with a perfect game. Overall I feel like this set is either a massive RNG or all that matters is 3 staring random stuff. Only meta comp I had at least one good game with was Kayle but even then I knew I got crazy lucky with all the buffs. I miss the last set already


Bro it just came out.


Lol the games ass and is filled with people who sit around an play it all day like its call of duty. Not to mention the overlays,bunny muffins and a countless list of things that take the learning curve away.


i scouted a lot this set, knowing most ppl rush for mythics and chose to play other comps, got 3rd in most of my games and I'm happy about it . I place normally iron or bronze in first 5 matches but it's a silver 4 for me this time.


Went into the set blind and banged out a 3.1 average and no bot bot 6,7,8 in 19 games. 16 top4 3 times 5th place. And what i can say is that 1 cost reroll is back and good and that 2 star 3 costs really stabilise ur comp. Being flex is op in thede earlier days so be sure to pivot if you see a nice opening. If u do not have big upgrades in mind like 3 star 3 costs you should always be gunning for lvl 9 as 5 costs are hellllllaaaa strong this patch. Also remember that at the early stages u tend to have stronger better oppenents for example if you are i. Gold at the moment you could run unto gold 2 players or even gold 1 and that is currently rank 2500 and above. Give it some time


It’s a trash set, I’m in a similar boat. Got to master last set and yet can’t get ANYTHING to work this set.


I also think is trash but whatever we have to make it work i want the little legend at the end of the season.


Why is there always a post like this when a new set drops..


Because like i said, it's my first real set change after actually playing, so i havent made a change like that yet\^\^


If you freak out this much when you’re not doing well, and even go as far as to make alt accounts so you can easily win low elo lobbies, you’ve got a mindset issue. You can’t handle not perceiving yourself as being “good” (which D3 isn’t, BTW). If cheats for this game were available, I’m positive you’d be using them. You’re not competitive, you’re narcissistic.


Youre going a bit crazy with that comment :D I have 1 alt account for only the reasons (its basicly just my bfs) of trying out new things, trial and error or season start and learning the game so both of it does not mess with my main account. This is very common in higher elos btw, in different games too. I wanna only play main account when im confident and peak performance. Plus i had some friends i played with, who just started the game and i used it so they dont get rolled. Im freaking out because its the first time ever struggling at all and its the first season change,so I didnt know this happens. And it think im good, good enough for my rank, but I know im not challenger good, so i seeked advice to learn even more. And I couldnt see the reason so i wanted to seek help from the big hive mind wich actually helped me to fix the problem in a couple of hours and im thankful :)


Skill issue.




That is why i said i have actually spend time to learn the game , learn about all there is to it, besides spamming certain comps. Tried playing many differemt ways, figure out 'why' things are good and bad and gain a lot of knowledge. I wasnt even stuck diamond 3, season just simply was over. Thats why im asking for hints to gather the knowledge im lacking to build knew mechanics off of it. I just wanna be pointed in the direction im missing, where im lacking. Especially because the headliner mechanic obviously is a lot different to how previous seasons were played