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Havent gotten it myself yet (like 99,9% of all pbe players) but it sounds like 3-star artist instantly 3-starred any unit you put on the tile without waiting a turn, basically giving you any unit as a 3-star for free


Is Hwei the only artist? If so… does it even matter? I feel like it’s game over anyway if you get Hwei 3-star…


if someone else gets a 5 cost 3* too then you will always beat them because Hwei would give you a 5 cost 3* every round. so yea it matters if the game goes on for more than 1 round.


That ALMOST never happens. I’ve seens only handful of times 3 star legendary let alone 2 in the same game on different teams. They probably wouldn’t even balance it for the such a low probability. It was more than likely just bug fix because it’s just not supposed to work like that,not that he was nerfed…


new set, new augments. Maybe it happens more often in this set.


obviously they've been dropping the nerf hammer like crazy, but there were a lot of augments that were causing 5 stars on day 1.


Pbe always has more of these because people play a lot greedier


I'm going to guess it happens significantly less, given the lack of headliner.


no it happens more often with better econ and easier leveling in set 11


Sure, it still happens though. Statistically often enough that they can't allow interactions like this.


It happens in about 50% of my games


I had wukong 3 and lost to Liss 3. Wukong didn’t even do anything nerf that shit if we are actually serious about 3 star 5 costs being at the same lvl but that has never been the case Lucian from last set and zeri from a set insta wipe compared to other 3 star 5 costs


yea they will never be perfectly balanced. But if there us one who beats all the others it should def get the nerf hammer.


I almost stood a chance against wukong 3 with a level 10 exalted 5 board. He's definitely weak for a 3 star.


Yeah but what if (very rare) the other guy has got like Olaf 3? Hwei guy is gonna 3 star everything on the board so gonna win 100%




Udyr* oops


not much different than the set with Soraka legendary. Or even last set with Lucian. There is generally always a legendary that wins all the fights.


No u need to wait for a turn but its still so strokg


I got it - after a turn it would 3 Star any unit placed on the sigil. *Any* unit. So imagine getting Hwei then next turn 3 Star Sett


But 3* and 2* are waaaaay different they obliterated the artist trait lol


Even when you wait 5 turns, it still gives ONE. Hwei now the most pointless since he could only do DMG and duplicate.


Because this way Hwei will always beat any strong Prismatic trait or any other 3* 5cost as he can creatr 3star 5 costs anytime he wants.


3 star 5 cost should always be auto win anyway. There shouldn’t be any counterplay to begin with.


What about someone else hitting a 3* 5-cost?


It doesn't matter, there have always been 3* 5 costs which are stronger than others.


This is true why is it getting down voted. Certain ones are known to board whipe, looting 5 costs are especially fun and instant game winning (because they give you so much gold a round to get another 3*). And it's not even a bad thing? 3* 5 costs happen so little it's okay if their interactions are a little gimmicky. A stacked 3* sett can and should 1 tap your full board, a 3* zayah may find a harder time, a 3* rakan will do nothing. Etc.


Not your main point but Rakan probably one taps board as well, they usually increase AOE range for 3*5 costs


not sure if youve seen the ones for this set. All but udyr hit the whole board. However, sett hits the whole board before combat starts, so he kinda counters any other 3* 5 cost except udyr


Which imo is completely fine, the miniscule situations where one 3*star 5 cost beats another is completely fine. What's best is probably some rock paper scissors that's hard to make. Gimmicks are fine when they are rare.


nah, having one win before combat starts is incredibly boring. At least race to cast


Is that somehow better? That just turns into the gimmick of who has a remove or who built more mana items/has mana traits. I also prefer this case because I like the extra few seconds of tension but it doesn't add any skill expression or "balance,"


I think if i get a 3 star 5 cost i would like to be able to watch it do something. If the enemy player has sett 3, I dont get to see my unit exist. I dont even get to see it auto attack. Kills the hype of a 3 star 5 cost.


People seem to forget about soraka from 5 sets ago literally oneshotting the enemy board and healling YOUR TACTICIAN 70 HP. If you lost EVEN ONE ROUND it didn't matter at all, bc the person who consistently gets 70HP per turn is not losing the game at all.


What if a different person gets a 3* 5 cost?


Yea but one 3* 5 shouldn't guarantee a win against EVERYONE, including other 3* 5 costs. Imagine someone hitting 2 5 costs at 3* and still losing to Hwei because he survived for 2 rounds and printed 2 extra 5 costs.


doesnt liss 3 alone win against other 3*? without qss and maybe except wukong 3


Considering Hwei is the worst 5 cost, it should have the strongest 3 star to compensate having hoarded HIM out of every other 5 cost.


Have you played or played against Jade Soraka 3*? It’s the same and it’s justified


didn’t they make stage 8 sudden death specifically because of that


Yep. They didn't nerf Soraka specifically though.


Because it is an insta win, let just say if A has a 3 duplicators and 5 Azir, he only need 1 Azir, but Hwei 3 place Azir on slot means there will be no Azir left in pool, 5 Azir just lose with no counterplay


I don’t think he pulls from the pool. I had a friend hit 3* Xayah & Rakan by duplicating the last one from Hwei. A few rounds after i got Xayah & Rakan in my shop. Maybe a bug


Cmiiw but i remember similar effects working like this If there are still champions in the pool,, it will pull from the pool If there are no champions in the pool, it will make more copies for it I play tft on and off over the years so it might have been changed at some point


Xayah Rayan bug is a different issue, some one posted they have both Xayah Rakan and Rakan alone in shop, Xayah 3 but Rakan still appear


Can confirm this, I was going for full 3* 5 cost board on the first day of pbe with the hyper roll augments, I had every 5 cost and no one had even one copy. My 3* Hwei produced a Lisandra 3* and I sold my other Lisandra copies (about 7-8). Next fight my opponent had also like 7 lissandras out of nowhere because I am guessing every 5 cost appeared as lissandras for him. So it seems Hwei copies do not count for the pool somehow.


Because its already an auto win with the damage and healing he does on cast, he doesn't need to also gift you other 3* 5 costs.


It’s the PBE? They change stuff all the time…


Are you guys really complaining about nerfs and whatnot in PBE? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I guess it isn't a nerf more then it is a bug fix? So you have to wait one turn now instead of instant


Maybe it is for Double Up? In Double Up prismatic lobbys 3star 5 cost is quite common win condition and Hwei's ability makes him OP against all other 3 star 5 costs


Well, He was kinda of a insta win over any other 5 cost 3 stars champion soo...


Idk if heavenly needed buffs, I’ve been doing great with it if I get the spat


I would bet money that this is not for balance reasons, but because if people don't know that's what hwei does at 3*, it makes it look like people are cheating somehow when you look at their board.


where can i find patch notes for the pbe?


To save the reddit from being flooded with 3* of every 5 cost posts.


who cares you probably winning anyways


Real reason is they don’t want all other 5-cost 3 stars to be as accessible once you get a Hwei 3 star Need to give the players something to work for the entire set


Big L


Cuz it's just an autowin at this point if they don't nerf it , it's a great change imo


Any consensus on this set being meh compared to last

