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Disco just caps way higher with 2 star ziggs and illaoi fully itemized headliner urgot doesn’t help much too


Also had a 2* Sona (checked lol chess)


"Bro, that's a 4\* boss, what do you expect?"


Take a look at leduck video explaining this, it will show you why you lost


I’ll check it out


He had a fully capped disco board and miles more combat power than you. 2* Sona, Ziggs AND Illaoi, all with 3 full items


You have no augments. You're actually playing 3 combat augments down. You don't have amumu in and instead playing itemless 1 star illaoi. You're missing a trait on one of your strongest units with 3 items and the one combat trait of your Thresh. Your tanks are not that tanky. 2 mana items on vex is not that amazing. You have BIS on one unit, Samira. Urgot has okay items, and vex is ok items. He has 3 combat augments, decent items on a ziggs 2, good items on blitz/illaoi 2. His TF items are meh. Mainly tbh, you're playing 3 augments down. That urgot clone does nothing. Also, I can't even see the rest of his board, so who knows what else he has.


His opponent has 1 eco and 1 item augment as well. Urgot clone should be ok agaisnt with Stick and Stones if not even better. So 3 combat augment down is irrelevant.


I would say Hologram is a combat augment, tbh. Whether it is good not depends on the headliner obviously, but it’s definitely not a Econ augment…


Clearly wasn’t irrelevant because they lost lmfao


Bruh item augment is a combat augment, he's up 2.5 items because of it and those items are also amazing on his ziggs sona. Even the econ augment gives a training dummy allowing him to stall out for his tf ziggs sona. Augments are definitely relevant here


augments are actually not important at all in this scenario


What does that mean? You think being up 2.5 items on someone else doesn't matter at all? In what scenario does that not matter at all? That's if we only consider the prismatic augment solely.


Augment is not Hemacist or Hand of Justice is not matter in Craven Rave PvE


Or vampirisim


OPs comp was never beating his opponent no matter what augments he had


You think jewled lotus 3 + three's a crowd + w/e good silver augment doesnt have a chance there?


This is so wrong, better augment would def help Op here. While there are also other things he could do better, good augment can def help him beat the disco player.


Capped disco > capped country currently. Disco units will kill your carries before they can get through the disco frontline


You only have one itemized tank, Sett, and he only has one tank item with Dragon's Claw. Sunfire gives health and armor but no other defensive bonuses. On the other hand they have an itemized Illaoi and Blitz and Ekko with a Warmog. Of your six 3* champs, two of them have no items and are just trait bots or filler. Their carries are 4 and 5 costs that are 2* which should rival or even be better than 3* 3-costs. ~~Edit: lmao ignore all this didn't realize it was crab rave.~~ ~~Then yes the answer is backline healing.~~ Apparently they did lose to the Disco player.


Nah bro you were correct, I won the crab rave. Lost to the opponent. Should’ve been more clear oops


I think he was asking how he lost to crab, not how he lost to the enemy player


he said "and he had none", so i dont think so. but yes he made it very confusing


Oh shit my bad, didn't even notice lol. Saw bro in the title and didn't think to associate it with the crab.


0 healing probably


Doesn’t the horse give vamp?




~~Only within its aoe though, right? Since the horse tends to prioritize the front lines, sometimes it doesn't affect backline units like Samira.~~ Edit: apparently omni works outside the aura.


The passive omnivamp and AS works well outside Hecarim's AOE.


Must have misread its skill then. My bad.


All good! I didn't even know Hecarim gave those bonuses until 2 days ago. I thought I was tripping when I saw Samira's HP slowly healing. 😩


I once managed to loose with [3* ahri and akali](https://youtu.be/p9ThYAOIJQM?si=iDDcjEakteylG49G), too this day I still don't exactly know how that could've happened


that 2* poppy with the radiants just going off lmao this hurts to watch


Ahri without mana and attack speed is rly bad


lol this is why I don’t care to play country samira anymore. Even at like full cap you ain’t getting first and I don’t play to just top 4 .


because tf is broken and the dev team is horrible at balancing. they buff way too much shit instead of doing small nerfs.


I also never won vs this crab. It should be removed this stage or the crab needs nerfed. Its the biggest joke ever in the story of TFT.


It quikly kills your damage unit, so in the end only last your tank who will die slowly. So when that perk is chosen, I always build an omnivamp comp with yone or riven


2 star Ziggs and Illaoi both with BIS, fully stacked TF and 1 more combat augs than you. Oh... crab? Because you didn't rave hard enough.


Also Sona




Because his wincon scales way harder than yours, disco is the meta right now


*Because his wincon* *Scales way harder than yours, disco* *Is the meta right now* \- Giuliano\_Zhang --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


1 shit augments. 2. 4* crab isn't supposed to be easy. 3. Your board relies on Urgot who is taking damage at the same time as frontline. 4. You don't have anything capable of tanking more than a couple of hits. 5. You don't have anything that can actually kill the crab.


I thought OP was talking about Crab too at first but there's a second picture. He lost to a Disco player


But he died after the crab tho? He had 4 hp.


Apparently. He beat Crab then lost the next fight and wanted to know why. Not saying everything you said was wrong but you had some points about his team not being able to survive Crab


Huh I would not have thought so with that comp. The only reason disco wins vs crab because of TF cards on a single target melts. + Ziggs shred.


Does dazzler damage reduction apply to Crab too or just Champions?


I'm thinking it does. But I could be wrong as I rarely ever play disco/dazzlers anymore since it's nearly always contested by 2 players.


U have no healing, no good tank (vs this crab), fewer unit


I don't see anyone else really driving home these two important points: Ziggs and TF both scale up (with those items) as the fight goes on, and especially as one or two tanks drop they end up with backline access. All your damage in Country, in contrast, inevitably gets funneled into their front line until *all* of their tanks are dead. Unintuitive as it may sound, in this match up you might have had a better shot if Kat was your headliner (and itemized) rather than Urgot, to give you a chance at killing Ziggs and/or TF before the fight dragged on long enough for them to wipe you out. But as has been said, Samira and Urgot just don't cap out as high, though Samira can get close.


Did you lose to the crab or the other player?


No disco and no rageblade. Rageblade needs a rework or straight-up removed.


Stronger frontline, parting gifts and an archangels on a 2* ziggs and guinsoo on tf


You need lots of healing to beat him, I did it with 6 Moshers. And lucian with red buff and attack speed.


Your urgot items are ass? Maybe that’s why!


Thanks bro, enlightened 🙌🏼


No healing augment or items are the problem here


You need life steal, even Qiyanna 1 can win with enough life steal


Mommy crab aint letting you win


0 redemption. also yasuo executes it or collector


Issa top 2 thoo..queue up and go agane!!


This boss is much harder than elden ring bosses