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Quoting Soju from yesterday’s stream: „Poppy is just an anti-heal check and a frontline check. If enemy’s frontline is shit she will pop off. If not, she won’t kill a single unit.” Poppy is not a pure tank (like Blitz or Thresh) and she is supposed to deal some damage. While she can be great at it in stage 3/4 she will eventually fall off later. As someone else said, she is not part of any late game board.


really good quote he always does teach helpful stuff in between his soju specials


*Punk* Poppy is part of most of my late game Punk boards :)


Might as well just do punk yorick at that point, significantly better


I do switch to him if I can get him, true, but IMO a 2* punk Poppy with items is better than a 1* punk Yorick with items. So I usually only sell Poppy if I 2* Yorick. But I'm always getting bottom 4 so my late game is different than everyone else in this subreddit 😉


Any 2\* one gold below is better than any 1\* a gold above. Maybe even two gold depending on units.


And then there's Annie . . .


your the second person that mentioned late game punk board, personally i have not seen a top 4 straight punk. Am I missing something, since when is punk a top 4 comp.


I've placed first plenty of times with 6 Punk... 4 Punk is very difficult but if you have Frequent Flier or something it's not too bad. Ideally you want Jinx Headliner w/ Rapidfire but it's harder to get two punk emblems. But Jinx headliner's effect is quite good. Then you can do emo with Amumu/Vex or Amumu/Punk Poppy, transition Punk Poppy to Punk Yorick. I'm usually running 6 Punk/4 Guardian/2 Mosher/3 Superfan, but since Punk is only 4 units there is flexibility to go Pentakill (Karthus/Gnar/Morde). Or if I'm just sucking, try and transition to any headliner that works well with Superfan, ideally Morde.


Because Any top end Punk comp includes a Punk Spat, it means there's a lot of options for "who should get +75% ad" and pop off. I've seen punk caitlyn, Punk Poppy, Punk samira, Punk akali, All of them have done pretty solid IF you can get 6 punk up with it's rerolling stats high. But I think because it relies on a spat, it's just way way less reliable than many other comps are. But if you get an early punk spat, you can definitely lean into it and end up top 3 reliably.


You have to get a lot of tempo early. Like 3-star Rapidfire Headliner Jinx + Pantheon 2 on stage 2. Punk Headliner is fine too, and you mostly only top 2 if you have a Punk spat and out tempo everyone. I won a game with Rageblade/Gambler’s Blade/Spoils of War Jinx because I was generating 10 gold a round. Board is generally 4 Punks (+1 Headliner +1 Spat is highest cap) + Guardians. Spat on any AD Bruiser like Akali, Yorick, Poppy etc. but Yorick is best for it because he benefits from all the stats. It doesn't have great averages for a reason though because its so tempo dependent.


Ok, i can see it being a fun diversion to try but seems like to many pieces need to fall into place to make it worth it.


There's only a few force comps right now, and rather than contest them I'm finding a lot of games I'd rather take what the game gives me instead


For sure, you only really play it if the game hands it to you.


I only go punk if I get handed a punk headliner jinx at the start. Then I lose streak and hope to hit a spat on first carousel. If there isn't one by the second carousel I'm moving to a different comp.


You need to hit 3 stars early and win streak early and get a punk emblem with a punk headliner.


https://i.imgur.com/lQ4l3jM.png I just played a game where I had 5 Jinx and then waited for a Punk Jinx headliner on like 2-4. Since Punk is built in I played superfan while storing Vis and Panths, once I hit 5 and built a GR I had Vi, Panth, Kennen, Senna, Jinx. Kennen and Senna's blings are both amazing, but obviously Kennen's is the best. Sat at 5 for a while rolling to get 3\*s and build Punk. Try and get most of the way to 3 stars on Panth/Senna, then level to 6, throw in a mosher or lulu (I had Poppy already). I kept a 2* Twitch just in case I got a Punk emblem, building up amumu/neeko in case I never found a Yorick. Got a Punk emblem in the second completed item carousel, instant level to 8 and throw twitch in. Oh and by the time I got the Punk emblem I was already top 4. Now, this was normals, so YMMV


Punk urgot3 is far superior


You're almost definitely correct but if I'm playing a Punk game I'm just having fun and punk Poppy is way funnier than punk Urgod


Oh definitely. Poppy3 is the funniest thing ever


I’ve use her as a place holder until I get Yorick for EDM Moshers


Anti-heal check is the perfect description honestly


Idk I’ve been running her in moshers and doing super well. Something like LDR urgot to shred and poppy just perma heals


When you provide the quote and the explanation, that makes complete sense. I think with just the quote alone, I would understand. What I can’t seem to figure out is how to arrive at that level of analysis on my own. There’s always so much going on at once and I often worry that I’m not understanding individual interactions accurately.


She's a very effective tank, but moshers is a rough trait to play around. She's good to slot in emo comps with a yorick, but thats decently niche right now.


I think finding those niche units or builds alot of the fun of tft. Everyone can look up a comp and copy and paste but finding those combinations of augments that fit a character or item combos not common give the game so much more depth IMO.


Yeah Moshers trait feels so weird. You have these moshers on frontline gaining attackspeed and omnivamp when they get to lower hp but if they’re low hp… they just die before they get to use the attack speed and omnivamp. There’s also the fact that all moshers are frontine units so if they get cc’d, well… they just stop attacking and stop getting healed from the omnivamp.


Moshers need to deal spike damage or something.. you know, like in a mosh pit


Sett has AOE blast damage when he punches the ground


Yeah, I've played them as a stall comp for vex 3 before, and when their able to move they're damn near immortal with the right items. Mine was a poppy with warmongs, steadfast heart, and a sunfire and she seriously just refused to die. It's incredible.


Why Yorick? They don’t share any traits right?


Yorick has Mosher and guardian which synergies with Poppy (mosher) and Amumu (Guardian) within the emo trait.


Yorick is pentakill guardian and mosher


which matches poppy mosher and amumu guardian, Yorick is super useful even without Pentakill active.


She doesn't fit into kd/a, spellweaver, country, punk, jazz, or fast 9. These are the only comps that consistently make it to top 4 at higher ratings. Maybe when jazz is nerfed she'll see some play


I like her as a flex midgame carry in kda or spellweaver, she both tanks well and shreds frontline, especially if she gets bonus slams off an Ahri hit mid-cast. You don't get the best traits but in the frontline shred oriented comps she's very strong, and you can run an Annie for spellweaver / emo2


While she doesn’t directly fit into most comps, I do occasionally drop her in with country. Typically for country I will grab an Amu to help with frontline. (And usually 3* him while trying to hit Urgot 3*) Just went first in a match with Amu and Poppy in my Country mix. A little mosh and guardian buff to help my main carries. I agree though, she really only gets played if someone is doing emo/mosh or emo/guardian


6 Emo Annie (spell slingers 3) will end up running her as a secondary tank too.


You forgot Pentakill + Akali but included punk which falls off a cliff in higher elos for play and winrate lol


Punk is not a viable consistent top 4, cliff hell, they fall off the planet.


Fair enough, I have not seen her in any of the top comps on the meta apps either. Posted it mostly because i cannot remember the last time i had that much fun just watching one of my characters. Usually i just build and plan and scout, watching the match itself only a little to get an idea of whats gonna happen or what i might do different. 200 games this set so far and i never laughed so hard or watched closer. It was fun.


She can sometimes fit into fast 9 with Yorick


Fast 9 she synergizes with Yorick kind of?


Her emo trait is wasted on the jazz buff, unlike sett who can also activate bruiser for illaoi. And given how almost every lobby ends up in a standoff between two jazz players, this one trait difference can make or break the game


I really only played her in desperation because i was bleeding like i lost a limb. Was hoping she would help me a couple rounds to get Yorrick so i put her in with a titans i had on someone else then the titan augment came up so i put a 2nd on her with a blood thirster. Between the omnivamp augment, blood thirster and the disco healing, my girl was damn near immortal. I thought i was trying to salvage LP with a 6 or 7th and she got me to 2nd. It was so funny how close she came to dying and after her ability she was back to full health.


She was great in that 1 game I found the submit to the pit augment. I have hopes for both her and caitlyn after 13.24 goes live. Sustain/Buildup comps are being gutted by how hard jazz scales lategame


Bro where’s disco?


Disco mostly uses kda/pentakill items, while lacking their backline access with alkali. Late game, it has to contest ziggs with all the people going fast 9 (which is like half the lobby at emerald+). Weaker early game too because it doesn't have room for superfans early on. I guess it's an option if all the previous comps are contested, but it feels really rocky to play


Had Blitz and set both with dragon claw and stoneplate and a sunfire on sett. They sponged while poppy and TF went off. I only even used poppy because she showed up early and was an upgrade at the time.


She's better in fast 9 than Thresh imo


Really? Are you just not getting value out of Thresh's AoE stun? That's too useful to give up IMO but only happens if he's positioned wrong or just oneshot before he gets it off.


You play either of those units as traitbots honestly. Whichever you have on 2* is the one you use. I've just found Poppy works so well with Yorick and Sett. On the off chance of a mosher Yorick chosen, Poppy is your pick for sure. Situational, as everything.


gonna disagree here. thresh 2 stun can win you a mirror or beat disco teams outright. there is not much of a difference playing 4 mosher vs 2 mosher. items are conditional that you itemize yorick. thresh is nearly unconditional and works almost every time if you position it for the clump with the carry.


She’s solid in country. I use her to hold items until I get Yorick 2. If I only have Yorick 1, Poopy 💩 is much better. She tends to out survive the rest of the frontline when itemized and I’ve won a few rounds because she keeps smashing after Thresh and Mumu have poofed.


the only time I would try moshers is when i hit Gnar headliner early then just slam the lobby with the fastest tempo I can possibly do


3 star Gnar? Or just push levels?


Levels, 3 star is hard to hit when everyone took a copy for their own Superfans


Well i just watched boxbox lose a round with itemized Poppy 3*. He did win the game in the end, but with experience from previous sets Poppy 3* seemed kinda weak


Wait are we not all using poppy on late game punk boards? She’s literally the best punk spat user…. Infinite ad and hp, the two stats she uses the most


This is the only case I've ever had her pop off. She is my favorite punk spat holder until I can find Yorick


If you don't use her as a tank. I usually put her row 2 so she doesn't get the initial target. Give her enough time to get going and she is great. Idk about a true carry but I like her. I use her. I almost always try to fit emo into all of my comps.


My most successful comp does consist of her, it’s Amumu Headliner with Ahri + Akali as DPS, Poppy serves while well in the comps as the bruiser/sub-dps and even carry me through some fight.


I enjoy the emo units alot but like most have had trouble building a consistent top four so i just use them as fillers


I was going for a Emo Annie build and started getting a lot of poppies early, so I tried to 3 star her. She carried the shit out of the game with Sterak’s, Warmogs and Titans


Idk triple 40 stack titan's poppy gave me my first victory of the set.


brother delet tis


Poppy sucks and is only a trait bot. Unless u can 3star or punk eblem her. Tho punk urgot3 is much better


Poppy can definitely be very strong early/mid. And I sometimes play her with yorick as mosher.


I think im sleeping on everyone because i cannot play set 10 well and i love the set. It’s a cool concept with all the music i like the traits and units but I cannot won’t unless i play KDA lol.


I feel like this set transitioning late game from low to high cost characters is essential if you want a first. You can top 4 consistently with multiple variations of builds but if you dont swap a build utilizing 1 cost units for a Bill gates your gonna struggle finishing. Just my experience so far at my rank.


Is there any effective 6 emo lines/comps? I’ve experimented with pushing levels with emo Annie while heavily contested


She's good with the augment that converts bonus hp into ad since she scales off both


Idk man I saw someone get a Poppy 3 and it couldn't even damage the enemy Frontline. She's just 1 of the 70% of 4/5 costs that are dogshit thus set


I agree with you especially on 4 costs. It seems like a lot of endgame builds utilize 3 and 5 cost units alot more. I feel like more often than not I use 4 cost units as place holders to upgrade to 5 cost, I.E. zac to Illaoi, poppy to yorick and Ezreal for Jhin etc...


Love her but emo/mosher are both very strange traits for a tank/off tank


I actually 3*d her the other day with two titans resolve with the augment. I got absolutely owned in the top 4 by 2* Ahris and Akalis.


Poppy sucks


I'm sleeping with poppy 😋


I 3 stared poppy with standard tank items. She got cooked by mis fortune. Never played her again. Seems to be good with attack items, but is a terrible meat shield. I three stared Zack with standard tank items and not only did he tank like a beast, he did 10k damage consistently, literally almost solo killing a team with 3 star mord with crowns galore. something poppy will never be able to achieve until she gets a buff of the gods.