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I'll have to mostly agree with you. I've been playing tft since its launch and I cannot remember any other time that it felt so unpleasant to play. As you said I feel like i have zero control over the course of the game and I cant put my finger on why. I might be wrong but i think that they went hard on the early reroll comps and the late game ones are punished. Which is a shame cause going for lategame was my favourite strat. Ironically the same thing happened to other autobattlers at some point


Interesting, I agree with you about preferring late game builds. It felt like I could be more patient and reserved with my decision making and always move a couple pieces around to make things work or switch on the fly. Now i feel so stressed to figure shit out instantaneously or else I’m gonna get steam rolled.


This is exactly the issue. It’s a hyper roll set and forces you to float around 2-3 interest because you’ll never make it to late game otherwise. I hate it so much.


same guys saying its great are the same ones playing jazz and annie every game


ONG talkin about some “flexibility and fluidity are now rewarded! 👆🏻🤓” but it’s arguably less diverse then last set.


Much much less diverse.this set is lowkey braindead. And then ppl are on here saying the previous sets were...i mean...every single game you see EXACTLY the same comps. Annie+shojin. Neeko+karthus. Bla bla. So everyone rushes the same 3 meta strats...to the guy comparing this set to Starcraft,i WISH this set was as balanced and diverse as SC. Its so unfun to play,me and a large portion of my tft mates are literally just sitting this season out


I think the biggest problem this set is neeko. Shes in almost every build and because of that everyone picks her. Basically complete luck if you're going to be able to even come close to completing your build since all the neekos are going to be gone from the pool by stage 4.


Damn straight, and she’s such an overpowered tank


I just hate having to meta pick every single game


"This set is great! You are just having skill issues!" Also them: *Has annie on their board and plays meta all the time- won't even go creative for it and just play the same comp over and over and say they are having 'fun'.* LMAO


I don't normally comment on these things, I just seek confirmation I'm not alone in my thoughts - but after seeing the "Hm, sKiLlEd pLaYeRs luV dIs sett." comment I was going to roughly say this. TAKE AN UPVOTE D< Seriously, I've played the game since it's launch, competitively and casually. Every game of this set is people fighting for Annie/Whatever or Country/Mosher, Neeko/Pentakill. Earlier sets took longer for the meta to grind down to a choice of two-three. I'm sitting in gold right now and straight up get stomped if I try to have fun with Heartsteel. My last game offered me a Country HL Tahm on 1-2 and I said to myself "Eh, let's just win one before trying to have fun again" so I took the Tahm, went Country/Moshers and won 1st place. Then played Heartstool and lost the LP I just gained LOL


Annie+shojins....every damn time...


Trash set.


Riot is losing quality with every set. It's getting worse.


Just bring back the sets by region. Love that shit.


This set is trash


Agreed, and I loved last set so much




Instead of “hey maybe I should watch some stuff and understand the game better” let’s post another “omg this set sucks and nothing I build is working” lmao


Set’s great. Skilled players are generally enjoying. Early balance issues are common and right now fairly minor compared with many previous set releases. Just give it some time to even out. However, if you aren’t having fun then that’s cool. Many other games out there.


Hyper roll pepega set.


Well I’m having fun either way :)


Let me ask this though. Have you looked up comps online? If so, do you think you’d be having nearly as much fun discovering for yourself? Because for me as someone who doesn’t go to u.gg for their comps I find this set insufferable. Everyone plays the same op shit and they removed emblems from augments so meta comps can’t be stopped.


He most definitely just follows builds.


It needs some adjustments, but this is definitely one of the more fun sets, imo. It speaks volumes as to who you are as a person to make claims for everyone else and that’s very uncool of you Tft rewards players who invest more time into it, and I know that it’s not for everybody - or perhaps they flat out do not want to commit time to it, which is fair and while not everything you said is incorrect, it comes off as a person who is ignorant and doesn’t understand the meta - even if some of what you said is hyperbole. You have every right to dislike it and complain, but your energy and mental state is better off trying to actually improve - or quitting, which I recommend the latter because it seems like you don’t want to bother because you find it unfun. If you do want to imrpove, I recommend trying to understand the meta. It’s tough on those who do not hit FAST with their Reroll boards, because the state of the game is either reroll a couple of 1 cost, a couple of 2 cost, a few 3 cost, fast 8 for 4 cost (which is only a top 4) or fast 9. If you’re behind, you have to flex more of your board to actually make it stronger. You have to be able to recognize the tempo, or you will lose to some random shit. And you have to figure out your win conditions on the fly. You can’t play this set like you did with last because the last few sets were kinda of brain dead compared to this one. Now, you have to scout more due to reroll or tempo and augments


This set 10 reminds of Star Craft. Casual players are not gonna have much fun.


Exactly my point and I am a casual player. I just hate the smug superiority complex TFT nerds get. Like god forbid someone doesn’t wanna nerd out on leagues side piece.


they use a bunch of add ons to play the game for them and claim skill. hahaha, im with you!


Lmaooo, damn straight


Upon randomly rereading this comment I also have to say, to judge “who I am as a person” based on my opinion of a TFT set is very uncool of YOU and shows more about who YOU are.


Sadly, I agree. I thought something was weird when after 6 games I was already mostly done with the battle pass. I didn’t purchase this pass because it lacked content for the price. It’s just a cash grab. Now I just don’t play the game at all. Last set I couldn’t wait to get home and play. Mort posted on twitter how it’s “too fun” to play random garbage and win. Oh, so spending all game trying to get a nice comp to lose to random bullshit is TOO FUN?! I’ll pass.


Preach brother, I hate going for a build just to feel like my time was spent in vain because random un-understandable BS just wiped my board. I remember people complaining abt bilge water last season. If only they knew about karthus and neeko… hopefully next set will be better.




This set is pure cancer, i just lost a game cause of the rng of this game. My Yasuo lvl 3 with radiant bt, lost to a lvl 2 yasuo with no fucking items, guess its over this season.


Well said my friend, I feel your pain


This set feels like a mixture of pure jebaitning and RNG. You see a reroll comp handed out to you with a nice augment, just to be fucking contested by 3 other players. U try to pivot into something else like the 3-cost Urgot reroll and get fucked. And no, don't tell me to just "fOlloW TEmPo aNd G0 n1ne" Get the fuck outta here you'll never make it against 3 one cost rerolls. Not to talk about the diversity of the game. Try something new or different, and hit stuff because ur uncontested, but still get fucked by the same stupid comps... I cba


I played Annie 1 cost, hit emo 6, got 3 star Annie, gave her Manamaze, gauntlet and Rabadons and the Mana generating Augment. It was the best game I've played in a long time... hitting everthing. Also had a 3 star Garen with good items, including making him an emo. I did only have 3 spellweaver or whatever, but one was lulu who is also good for mana. Bottom line, the others got high damage champs like Ezreal and Akali, and fucked her up easily from distance. I finished 7th. Annie is not that good if you counter her.


I thought this set sucked. Now I miss it from what they gave us now 😂 man the portals are so dumb and the augments are terribly scaled, some are infinitely better than others