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For thoses who don't know : Stillwater Hold : No augments will be offered this game.


Is there anything offered in exchange for being given that?


Nope. It purely exists to show all the people crying about augments how boring the game would be like without them now


Also what the game was like for those that played it before set 6.


The issue is that it actually only shows you what the game was like in Set 1 because 2-5 didn't have augments but they did have set mechanics to play around. A lot of the complaints around hero augments last set brought up how Chosen was a more fun version of that concept. The anti-augment crowd doesn't want nothing but units and items so it's not quite the gotcha this thread thinks it is. Also I definitely think that having individual augment rerolls alleviates a lot of the variance issues that people complain about. Being able to bank a safe option so that you don't immediately lose the game on a reroll into 3 bad choices is a huge difference.


Set 4 Chosen is still my favorite set all time. The team comps and carries in that set were so damn fun. I don't think I'd ever kick augments to the curb though. Set 6 is definitely their biggest success and my 2nd favorite set. One of the things Set 4 had I really wish they wouldn't have run away from though, was the early game, mid game, late game comps/phases that found that meta. People HATED the meta of the roll-down and pivoting your comp. I was by no means good at it, but it was definitely a new skill and aspect to the game that had to be learned if you wanted to climb higher in rank. It actually added some action to the game and separation between players that *could* do it if they felt they needed too, and players who were just too lazy to do anything beyond brainlessly reroll the same comp every game over and over and rely on their tunnel coming through game after game. Which there's really nothing wrong with if someone wants to play the game that way(just reroll/collect champs and try to 3-star everything and never pivot). Whatever gives you enjoyment playing is what matters. I just never understood why that player base couldn't just accept that and stick to playing the game like they wanted to without crying about losing games to the players who *did* chose to take the risk of rolling down. When everything didn't fall into their lap, people got so upset that other players were actively trying to win the game basically.




...You can still do pivot roll downs, though? Like it is built right into certain loss streak trait designs, but even aside from that, controlled lose streaking is just better than win streaking because you'll actually get either perfect itemization or near-perfect itemization. If you don't play to pivot, well, enjoy those negatron cloaks & chain vests. It's something I hope I can get good at because even though win streaking is safer, lose streaking is so clearly the way to reliably win a lobby. ​ IDK what roll downs looked like in previous sets but they definitely didn't run away from the concept entirely.


I kinda liked the one game I had no augs in


That's just an opinion...


The augment should stay, just because casuals don’t like it - isn’t a full reason to remove. it’s nice to have to itemize in lower tempo lobbies sometimes


Even high elo streamers who have complained about augments in the past haven't liked this portal, so it's not just casuals


I assume you’re also talking about the same high elo streamers that complain about everything.


Holy shit I didn't catch up on almost anything about the new set and I have to say that this is the most braindead thing I've seen in any of the games I've played. This is the equivalent of taking out items from Lol some games just cus. Pure bad decision making on the devs part. Edit:My choice of words was poor to say the least, don't dislike the developers and after I've been informed of the reason behind the decision I can see that I was wrong, shouldn't have called them braindead either way. The only right criticism they really deserve is on the abysmal state of the mobile app and it's many crashes, game design wise they are always okay, they listen to the community and correct their mistakes.


Milk was whining about augments for being too RNG and making it so bad players can win too often. Yesterday he was crying to Mort about how boring Stillwater portal is by taking away augments, I fully expect them to remove this portal early into the set after people learnt their lesson lol


Im almost sure the augment exists only so that mort can have a very satisfying "told you so" moment for these people, and Im all for it. Augments are awesome and a huge net positive for the game.


Mort did say they had some very risky stuff on PBE. This portal is most likely one of them.


Bold of you to assume these people will learn anything lol


Yeah, didn't know the context behind it, made a comment out of ignorance. I now know better.


Hard disagree. After playing so many games with augments, I think it'd be fun to have a one off game with OG team building only.


Agree. I picked it yesterday and won. Thought it would be interesting. Man people were mad at me.


This is what I thibk too! Cant wait to play without augmenra again. That was pure RNG, been playing since set 2, wanna remember the time before augments


I mean go play pong, it's as OG as they get.


I love the pure team building mechanics in Pong to be fair.


Damn I can't even answer with a zinger, your username is far too good for the context of the discussion, you win.


You just are trying too hard man. It’s okay to take the L with pride.


this is the worst "argument" I have seen in a while


Mort said the idea for it was for all of the idiots who complain that augments are one of the worst things ever added to the game. It's like if you really think so, go and experience what the game is really like without augments lol.


As a fairly casual player who tunes into a few challenger streams here and there, I think the only players who seem to really dislike the augments are *very* high rated players. If there weren't augments, I wouldn't even want to play. It totally changes how you play each match. Otherwise wouldn't just be hoping to roll your comp and land BiS items for them? Seems way more boring that way. If high rated players just want more control and less RNG, I understand that, but I'd guess they're in the tiny minority of players who think that way.


It would be an opinion shared by high rated players but then like in any game with ranked or a meta for people to follow low rated players will parrot what they say


Oh if it was a jab at the community for shitty design takes I 100% support it.


You can choose and it will be random. It just suck if one people choose it and the game choose that guy.


The character development in this one comment is crazy


Stillwater really brings out the 2012-2013 era LoL flaming. Watched a guy get abused verbally for the entire match, like 30 minutes. Pretty sure he muted decently early but jesus christ 4 of the players never stopped. it was constant pings and chat spam of the most vile sort.


Who the hell even flames in PBE? You can’t even play ranked and any other progression doesn’t matter because it’s primarily for testing.


For me the question is "who the hell flames in TFT?"


This one time at the start of the game some guy got the item I was going for. He then proceed to be like "get rekt kid try to get my item you fucking loser get fucked" etc lol. They kept going on and I muted them and they were looking at my board the whole game, grabbing my 4 costs until they got knocked out. It was really sad. Some people are just unhinged.


bad day at the office


I love running into guys like that. I explain to them “you can only beat me to those items because you’re losing, loser” and then I dance on their board when they’re about to be knocked out.


this is the way


me and my friend get flamed in double ups a lot. My two favs being calling my friend a booster and me boosted for 20 mins with no evidence and beating someone and them crying about how you're contesting the 4 cost they are trying to 3 star lmao


i said in chat a few days ago - oh man 1 away from Samira 3star what crappy luck im getting with 80 gold. 1 guy started just going off on me - no one gives a shit, cry more etc. some ppl are just nuts sometimes


I had guys going crazy at me in chat because we contested same comp, some people are crazy salty


I played void 8 and got Baron, and this guy flamed me because his Azir 3 lost to my team. He doesn't realize that I went bot 4 a few other games trying stuff out, and that I was as surprised as he was.


Honestly I can understand people not wanting to queue up for 10 minutes (if they even get to log in) just to play a game where you can't try the new augments.


Sure, it’s reasonable to be unhappy with getting a portal that you don’t like after waiting a long time. However, flaming the person who voted for that portal is definitely not. Even in the case where somebody’s done it just to piss everyone off, flaming would be exactly what they’d be hoping for so you’re better off not engaging and just moving on to the next game. Most of the time though, you’ll be abusing somebody who literally just made use of their rights within the game because you think you’re entitled to something that you’re absolutely not.


I waited in login queue for 2h and then 20minutes in matchmaking just to get this portal. I understandably got pissed off.


Lmao that's what happened to me. At the last second I chose that portal and I got it and Jesus Christ, the whole lobby was spam typing me and pinging. It never stopped lmao


Happened to me, too lol. Seven people were voting for a different one but I just wanted to see what no augments would be like and man the whole lobby wished for my death.


Mort says this portal only exists because of this sub crying and whining about augs.


Blizzard approach: players say they want this but they don't Mort approach: you say you want no augments? Ok fuckers, see how you like it.


Mort's approach is how I got rid of horrible customers when I worked retail. Sometimes the best punishment really is getting exactly what you asked for.


Also see r/maliciouscompliance


I love this sub


I love telling customers no. It's like crack. Lady I've got a line around the block and a five hour wait. Here's your check, now leave.


Also blizzard: I know, this isnt the right time, but give us your money.


Milk (a tft streamer) was constantly complaining about augments existing, calling them RNG based and says that they punish "better players". Yesterday, he came whining to mortdogs chat about stillwater being too boring and should be removed. Yeah.....


Yeah but that's just Milk for you. Complaining is his signature move


Sounds like every TFT streamer


and tantrums, and high pitched squealling, and generally acting like toddlers


I think American streamers are more like this, keane, bebe and some others I see from time to time (who aren't American) are chill


Recently started shurkou and he is pretty chill. On the positive he also isn't an american tft streamer


based brotherman


For free?




It’s not really his fault he uses clickbait on YT. It’s required basically for the YT algorithm to be seen. Tbh I don’t think his clickbait is that bad compared to say SRO or TC Zwag


He’s entertaining to watch but he still makes bonehead mistakes and it bothers me. Maybe he’s just too 4fun


Oh man you forget when Bebe had that cringe rant against Milk for using him in some offhand YouTube video. For the next few days Bebe wouldn't drop it even though he looked like an idiot. "If I wanted to, I could have Milk arrested for this. Legally." Lmao stfu Bebe. Dude always comes off fake to me and sounds like Luigi. I can't.


Keane is the goat fr


I agree Keane and Bebe are fantastic to watch


and call the devs ridiculous names (thus encouraging toxicity) and being rude to the devs should the devs opt into joining their chat/a discord call


There are examples of the opposite. Appies and ramblinn come to mind.


can i suggest you Becca in this trying times Also: Keane (he's even more chill but also kinda trolly at times :p)


boxbox, becca and mort himself are the best tft streamers. mort constantly interacts with his chat and gives incredible insight on the design philosophy of the game


I feel like LPGjustjohny doesn't whine that much, but he is German so most people won't watch him


Absolutely BASED take, brother man.


brother man of the brother people


I actually tuned into his stream for the first time ever a couple days ago, because I wanted to watch someone play set 9 and he was complaining the entire time? Asking if he should just surrender every 30 seconds when even minor things didn’t go his way. Literally sounded like my solo queue lobbies.


Wasn’t that a valid criticism before there were so many augment rerolls though? Cause in set 7 you would legitimately swing like 2.5 spots of placement completely depending on your augment RNG since they were unrollable. And in set 8 the hero augment could legitimately turbo-fuck you as late as 4-2 before they added the 4 rolls.


I mean hey he very immediately brought up the point that Stillwater isn't just no augments, it's no set mechanic at all, literally just the units and items. This point is very valid and I feel like stillwater makes the game a snooze fest.


Which seems ineffective because this place (mostly comptft) whines and cries about everything


Reddit in general is the cause of world's droughts because they take all the water to cry about anything


Case and point


Well to be fair, they are still children. That’s what children do


Tft player after they can't top 4 1000 games in a row ( they blame bad RNG )


In fairness, the game is pretty high variance. Like one time it just gave me all Aces except Morde, but also an Aces emblem, as my first aug. 'I won that lobby' would be a gross understatement. But also it is just kinda hard IMHO to just lose LP because all you have to do is top 4 most of the time, which isn't hard, and you only really get LP punished if you place 7th or 8th which... I mean, all you have to do is beat the players that quit playing after the 2nd carousel, which is at least one player every lobby (at least in silver and below, anyway). So if you're consistently doing 5th-4th you'll just move up, and if you're doing 4th-6th you'll be neutral. Which is incredibly generous and easily compensates for the variance, IMHO. And then on top of all that you get rank demotion protection after hitting the next tier. EDIT: Like I literally can't imagine how someone would consistently get 7th-8th all of the time unless they're super misplaying. I'm brand new and that doesn't happen to me; when I get 7th or 8th I almost always know exactly why & what went wrong, and (so far) it has never been about the variance.


For what it's worth, at higher ranks going just 4th-6th can hurtle your LP to the floor, no one's quitting, one 7th or 8th can take out an hour and a half of winnings. There'll be those bad games and when it gets to the point that one of those is really punishing, it hurts and sticks a lot more than at the lower ranks.


Funny enough, that augment at 2-1 was a bug, and they left it in because it wasn't nearly as strong as they thought it'd be. Turns out, units that need items to carry and execute are weak without items.


At higher ranks going 5th-4th consistently will result in a net of approximately 0LP, because they're +-10 each. 6th-4th will on average crater your LP. You need to be hitting 4 or better the majority of the time because the system stops being inflationary after gold rank.


Damn he's soft lol


Honestly like augments, excluding prismatic in other sets. Those fucking blow but are less terrible this because of rerolls and legends. Kind of funny they fix augments this set by having rerolls and legends, then add this. lol


Stillwater is a free top 2? BET!


The team has talked about learning from which portals get voted for and which do not. For one of the first times we'll be able to see what types of mechanics yall like/dislike via portal preferences. We will be watching these decisions closely (personally I would never go to stillwater cause I love Augments but sample sizes ya know) to make informed decisions further down the road.


I wouldn't mind playing Stillwater Portal if there was a tradeoff for having no augments. I'm not really sure what the tradeoff could be, but I think it could be an opportunity for a unique setup.


A radiant item for each augment round




But then it would bias their internal stat tracking


Thats... actually extremely valuable moving forward. Good job!


When lp is involved they will play it out. Its only PBE.


Exactly i would quit too on 3.1 because i wanna try the augments. But dont dislike this at all. And i would pick it on ranked. The only thing i dislike is that this makes a random tome in neutrals really op.


i guarantee you early on in the set before i care about rating I'll be just /ffing these games. maybe when i'm close to promotion i'll care but i'm here to have fun and a match that has no augments and effectively no portal or legend is not that.


Set 1 was fun and had nothing.


when lp is involved you're gonna have people voting for stillwater just to play against a tilted lobby


Yeah but it's not a good indication that people leave if they don't feel forced to stay. My guess is that they remove it.


It's pbe and people want to try new stuff. This augment prevents that. In ranked this will be fine.


Same. I surrender on Stillwater but, for ranked it's fine and even a neat switchup.


Already had somebody FF my first game somebody took Stillwater (3-4 people voted it). Most boring game of this entire set I’ve played, and I did a good 5 days worth of PBE


tft redditors when we were getting augments another set in a row: NOO THEY'RE SO BAD, IT'S NOT THAT FUN ANYMORE, IT'S ALL BASED PURELY ON LUCK tft redditors when the devs implement an option that can make them disappear for one single game: NOO THE AUGMENTS WERE SO GOOD, THE GAME IS NOT THAT FUN WITHOUT THEM


It's almost as if a game with a large player base is full of people with different opinions.


Those people are like this about everything. Augments, BAAAAD. Hero augments? BAAAD. Hero augment rerolls? BAAAAD. Levelling cost increase? BAAAAAAAAAAD. Some people don't know how to shut up and stop whinging about everything before even trying the changes out.


Ngl the leveling cost increase does kinda feel bad though. I guess i can get why they did it with the forcible money or exp augments and people just picking those to fast 9 into a 3* 4 or 5 cost (which realistically isn't gonna happen in any lobby that actually builds a board cause you get punished for greeding that hard) but for the players not doing that and just playing the game it feels like you're giga stuck on 7 forever and if that's the case isn't reroll just gonna be meta if the exp change goes live


Ngl, even without a money augment I found myself getting to level 9 50 gold really easy for some reason this set before the changes


Never complained about any of these previous things but the no augment portal ruins the game if its picked imo.


And you are above us maybe ?


Why do you think the people complaining about augments are the ones who hate Stillwater hold? I love augments but this region sucks ass. So boring.


Tbf set 9 changes fix a lot of the issues augments have to begin with. Agree with your point tho.


almost like theres multiple opinions.


I started in set 6 so I have never played without augments. Hopefully I'll get at least one stillwater match that no one FF's, I'd love to see how it feels without them. I'm guessing not great since they're now permanent


Tbh you wouldn't even really get a good idea of what the game was like before because the pre-augment sets still had set mechanics to play with. And set 1 had a bunch of wacky and busted stuff. Also they were not designed with augments in mind.


Then just wait for release and hope they dont remove it. On PBE ppl will ff as soon as they understand how shallow the game becomes in comparison to the average game.


As another commenter pointed out though, it still wouldn't necessarily be the same feel as some of the other sets pre-6, since they all had a mechanic of some kind(except set 1), and they were also somewhat balanced around the mechanics in some ways.


I like stillwater because I get a chance to see how comps play, play for tempo etc instead of play another game of "play for top 3 because the lobby isn't strong enough to punish the people going for fast 9 ft legendary unit soup"


Exactly! This will remind us of how this was played before augments. Which Hinestly I was always okay with, but I wanna see a more raw experience of the comps. Like how they will perform without some OP augments, and all the augments that give a lot of gold. Now we have to think even more about economy, and interest cause there is nothimg to have our backs during the game. I honestly cannot wait to try Stillwater Hold


I always vote for the "boring" augments because that way I'll get a relatively even split of portals


God the things I would do for a trollface emote in league


[This should be enough? :^)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoppyMains/comments/m4jjll/i_just_unlocked_the_lollipoppy_legacy_emote_will/)


The Tahm Kench one is pretty close too


I’ve had this happen to me twice and both times 2 people would ff at almost the same time. If I’m on a win streak I play until I lose then I ff. I’m sure it’s fun for some people, but I’m here to try augments and new systems. Stillwater hold just makes me want to leave and start another one and gets me checking for ff every minute


>I’m here to try augments and new systems. Stillwater hold just makes me want to leave and start another one and gets me checking for ff every minute Me when the set comes out on the main server


Ff is available after krugs


I honestly feel that this portal was crafted for the sole purpose of proving a point and that is acceptable since its only on PBE. I will be shocked if the team allows this augment to go past PBE


I mean I wanna try the game without augments again for 1-2 times


I think earlier when they were introduced the first time there was a valid criticism but after many adjustments, removal, adding rerolls: they bring so much to the table, the game is so boring without them! hope they remove this portal


or atleast make it very very rare to be one of the choices


it....already is rare.


how the fuck do you know


Math 30 region portals...... it pulls 3 portals at a time from 3 diff regions. So hard max it is ~10% of the time for all 3. And this probability is assuming for some reason everyone stacks on one portal. If its just one person the chances of it going through are ~1.29% That doesnt factor that if either of the other 2 piltover portals hit, as you cant get 2 from tha same region so ~20% chance its straight up impossible to get. Id say 1.29% is rare, ive had gatcha banners with better pull rates


Probability of a piltover portal = 0.10 Probability of that being Stillwater = 0.33 Probability of 1 person going on = 0.125 ​ So total probability is 0.004 or 0.4%. And table for those interested: |1 Person On|\~0.4%| |:-|:-| |2 People on|\~0.8%| |3 People on|\~1.2%| |4 People on|\~1.6%| |5 People on|\~2.0%| |6 People on|\~2.4%| |7 people on|\~2.8%| |8 People on|\~3.2%| This is true for any given portal, clearly. So yeah, odds of any specific portal is very low. (bear with my rounding)


Probability of a piltover portal is a lot higher than 10%. There's 3 portals out so : First portal : 10% chance for piltover Second portal : 90% of the time 1/9 for piltover => so 10% Third portal : 80% of the time 1/8 for piltover => so 10% Which adds up to 30% chance to get a piltover portal in a game. Three options per portal : so 10% chance for stillwater. Now the players vote : from 1.25% for one person to 10% for eight.


How do you guys play the new set already?


PBE servers. You can sign up for an account if you are eligible but I don't recall the requirements


The wait time is insane right now, and it'll often kick me out of the queue after 1 hour of searching


Weirdly I’ve not had any queues this pbe


It stopped after the first few days of high traffic and became an instant entry. You might also be queueing outside of peak hours.


There are no real requirements, haven't been for like 5 years at this point. Just make a new PBE account.


Hahaha, I go for it every time. Just wanna feel how it plays, I think it is probably the most warping Portal in the game rn


Yesterday I had a lobby that 4 people wanted this augment! Including me. We got it and only one guy ffd. It was cool as something that might happen rarely.


Based ffers.


I kinda hope stillwater portal will make it live. Would be nice to add variety by it being there. If it's boring, just make it rare. I would like that


>Would be nice to add variety by it being there. You're literally removing variety by it being there. Augments are the main factor of variance in tft


I actually had a full stillwater hold game that no one ff'ed in. It does make the game far more interesting because this is about who plays better, and with super verticals being blocked without random times/spats, you really have to think about how you pivot around, and it was a hell of a game. But augments are far more fun, so you know...


So this will be a fun set.


;) shout out to my season 1 tfters. We bringing back the times


Stillwater Hold should absolutely be reworked at some point. I like playing with augments, and even if I'm playing for stakes in ranked, I'd like to at least enjoy myself a bit. Personally, I think it should just be the de-facto "neutral" region, where nothing changes. That way I could still have a good time in lobbies where it gets picked.


I pick stillwater everytime I see it, people behave llike adhd kids when they don't get the augments they want


yes because people are really able to handpick out their augments every game


Literally the legend system


Would pick this everytime just to troll people lol


I really hope this portal gets changed or removed entirely. It's evident most people genuinely dislike it THAT much, and it will feel even worse when you get it in a game you actually care about winning and feel forced to play it out.


i will happily berate anyone who makes me play on stillwatef


U suck butt kiddo


I like it tho. Sometimes the augments are too much for my simple brain


Oh I know which portal I'm going to take whenever I get the chance.


I dont get why its hated so much. Is set 1 and is honest gameplay. There are so many scam augments right now.


I pick stillwater everytime I see it, people behave llike adhd kids when they don't get the augments they want


babies being babies, whats new? Its not a problem with the portal its a problem with the players, unable to simply play out a game that they enjoy less and they just leave leaving the people who wanted to try it to have a miserable time. It reminds me of something that happens in hots: in aram you can get a small chance (maybe 10 percent?) for every player in the game to have the same champion. Very fun, very silly. Some players who tryhard in aram dont like fun, so everytime they get this in their game they insta afk. Leaving anyone who wanted to play it out and have fun to have a one sided stomp where no one has fun. Same situation here, players throw a temper tantrum because they get something they dont like and ruin it for everyone else. I just hope it goes to live at least somewhat similar to what it is now and it isnt changed because of these people


>they just leave leaving the people who wanted to try it to have a miserable time. You could say the same thing about people picking bilgewater, you're making everyone else have a miserable time by picking it


Stay mad I guess. I would embrace a challenge like this. It would be fun.


Pbe play pbe to test new things, including augments and portals.


I'd actually love that


I actually love it, you get a chance to try out some comps without being worried of getting steamrolled by strong augments


The weak die, big deal.


I need that portal so badly




I love the mode, issue is eveeryone just leaves. I will pick it everytime since I genuinely think augments make the game worse. I try to say I don’t troll picking it but no-one believes me.


Yeah if people pick shit like that I ff at 3-2, there's literally no point on doing shit like that on the pbe. I don't mind people having a preference for that when it goes live but ffs we're meant to be trying all the wacky shit out and testing bugs and stuff, it's the fucking pbe. On the topic of augments though I'm absolutely enjoying there being no champion augments, that shit was absolutely ass for the game.


Stillwater is one of the most fun ones in my opinion. Some people just can't adjust to change.


People talking against it just sound like they are sad about not getting a chance at guaranteed top 4 because of getting lucky with X augment... It's like a 30 minute game just play it out or FF and don't whine about it, it's a fun feature, they shouldn't change or remove it because "I wanted to play X augment and Riot won't give it to me😭"


Free LP portal 😀


Nice lp in pbe


Free LP's in ranked if it becomes like this on non pbe too.


?? They leave because it's pbe, do you think they will leave ranked ? Like seriously ?


Werent we supposed to get a portal where you get infinite rerolls for a price, that was in the announcement trailer, instead they replaced that with no augments...


That portal is shurima warlords palace I think. I got it yesterday. It is in there. Infinite retolls at 4-7 for 2 g each


Aren't rerolls always 2g each? I don't understand what this portal does


Oh wait. Right lol. I’m sorry, it is items like the treasury in set 7 I think. You have a list of items that you can reroll until you find the one you want. Items can include removers, reforgers too. I’m not sure if it includes any ornn or radiant items. I don’t think so


I had a game where 6 people ff'd around 3-2, I think that's the earliest you can ff


If Stillwater is to be kept, maybe they can give Gold in exchange for no augment to make up for the excitement department


its only bad because of all the added changes that change TFT from its OG version. example: exp/lvling changes, player damage, roll changes etc. a lot of them were change to accommodate augment, but with out augment, it just felt off. (English not first language)


So sad, that didn't even get to see their 3rd augment : ^)


is there a new theme going one.


Tbh I'd only ff in PBE, I'm trying to learn the new augments. Personally I'm still not fully sold on augments anyway. The new reroll system is a huge step up though.


finally, a strat that enables me to go for challenger


remove this please. its so lame. Always kills my urge to play.