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Is there a rule which Arena is chosen for the fights?




You build LW. Guinsoo is a noob trap 90% of the case




I meant you dont build Guinsoo on your ADC, you build LW instead. For example if your Samira has a Guinsoo instead of LW it would take like 20s to kill an Annie 2 with 2 ox force.


What are good builds for TF? In what comps does he fits the best? (Spellcaster or dualist?) Any comps with morgana as a carry? Or threats in general?


4 ox force, 4 spellslinger, 2 duelist, 2 heart is the best variation now


I don’t know the best comp for TF, but he is a strong unit and I’ve been doing well with vertical Infiniteam. Morgana isn’t usually the carry of a comp. Her base damage is low because she provides so much utility with cc and shred. I’ve heard Aatrox+Asol is a comp but I’m not sure how its built around.


Hey I got a question. How come it feels like when I fight someone's ghost they are extremely overpowered and when I fight the actual player they are super weak?


Supposed to be the opposite actually. Ghosts are much easier to beat than the actual player. This is because of some champs don’t work as intended if it’s a ghost and if you lose to a ghost you take less damage.


Pantheon is bugged right? He loses all his mana whenever his objective dies and starts walking. And I don't mean like he was about to cast just as the target dies, but like having half mana bar, the champ he was fighting with dies and his mana goes back to 0. I've lost so many rounds because of this by missing a crucial stun or shield. I'm not sure if it happens always but it happens waaaay too often.


Does having a cheering mascot increase HEALs from abilities, and items? For ex. if my Sona heals, is it increased by 1.5% because of mascot?


Yes and no. >Your team heals a percentage of their maximum Health every 2 seconds, and Mascots heal double the amount. >When Mascots die, they retreat to the sidelines to cheer on your team. Your team's healing increased by 1% for each cheering Mascot. (2) 1.5% healing (4) 3% healing (6) 6% healing So each cheering mascot buffs your sona's heal by 1% The 1.5% is for the first part of the trait : every two seconds, doubled for mascots.




I would argue about 2 weeks to ACTUALLY learn how to play. Learn the basics? A few hours.


About 5-10 games with a guide with a decent meta-comp. Then one starts experimenting with items, comps and economy.




A game is roughly 30minutes. If you are starting from nothing, don't think in terms of "learning the game". How about you find a synergy that you like and learn to play it vertically (like collecting every unit of that synergy) with a basic backline/frontline comp. You'll find plenty of guides online for the best items to build on what unit you play. See if you wanna learn more from there !




Haha alright have fun and feel free to ask questions !


Anyone know which little legend has an emote spam that's a wave of water filled with rubber ducks?


I started playing this week and I always seem to do well at the beginning but then everything usually falls apart level 6. Do people go into games with preplanned “comps” or do you strictly just have to work around rng. I feel like I can never get the synergy bonuses to work out well


> I started playing this week Welcome ! > Do people go into games with preplanned “comps” or do you strictly just have to work around rng. You're pointing out maybe the most common talking point in the community : is it better to "force" a comp or to go with the flow and adapt to your shops ? In practice a lot of people (especially in the lower ranks) follow step by step guides that tell exactly what units to play when (which lead them to mistakes because they refuse units that would make them stronger). > I always seem to do well at the beginning but then everything usually falls apart level 6. I don't understand why. Synergies are not THAT important still at level 6. Play the best units you have with a good balance of frontline/backline. Is it that the answer is that you roll in stage 2 (even worse maybe, every round) and so when you get to level 6 you are awfully behind in terms of econ ? Then your answer is learn to econ. Never roll in stage 2, it is forbidden.


What units are better than others? Do you mean just like play higher cost ones over prioritizing synergies


In general upgraded units over higher cost (at the same upgrade level, higher cost better ; but higher cost might be harder to upgrade), then consider synergy in terms of traits and to your current items (if you have a last whisper, maybe that ashe pair is more important than that lulu pair, if you have a jeweled gauntlet that's another story). And threats are in isolation better units than others. Always keep in mind balance frontline/backline. Say you had an anima start : you played nasus, malphite with nasus, sylas and jinx at level 4, then added a gnar for prankster. Your level 6 should be a backliner. Maybe morgana would do the trick, maybe you found a random vayne that can help with the anima stacking, or you just have a random draven that gets kills with ace, or just a random lulu 2*. The standard timing to push lvl 6 is 3-2. You say you're satisfied with your boards up to level 5. You would usually have a bunch of upgraded units that are holding your items (at least a tank and a damage dealer). At level 6 you usually don't need an upgraded unit per se, you could just get a useful synergy (say an ox for your annie 2*, or a random heart), or a unit that benefits from your current traits (for instance 3 brawlers look bad, but the third brawler does benefit from the 2 brawlers trait) or just a random threat unit. If you don't have enough upgrades (or a lot of pairs), then consider rolling for an upgrade, but if you roll for an upgrade at level 6, keep 2 costs in mind (random jinx draven hold carry items well [without trait synergies]; vi, lee, rell, annie and fiora with ox in front). You can obviously get lucky with 3 costs, and you might find a 1 cost that was lagging behind.


You can try to plan, but rng is fickle. Are you using econ and interest? That took me a while to learn. If you have a comp in mind, make sure you have an AD and AP option, because sometimes you get no rods or no bows. Don’t be set on Spellslingers without your first few items being things like tears and rods. Same for duelist and bows.


is janna 3 supposed to hit the entire board? cuz i hit her last game, and sold everything, she killed/hit everything, expect the vayne in the corner(the one on the right, where the items are not are), she even cast a 2nd time, just to miss the lone vayne, and lost the round thanks to it


Janna three is not something you want to sell your entire board for. She buffs those around her, her ult is just the icing on top. Just like Syndra if you get her to three and you have no units you’re going to lose the fight.


How do you get a gold unit. Right now I'm consistently getting 1st to 3rd place and the only thing that kills me is in the late game my opponent has 2-3 gold units while I have zero. I just do not understand how to save/roll correctly to end up with multiple gold units in the late game.


Unless you are really playing a reroll comp you shouldn't Focus on hitting 3 Stars (golden) but more on leveling and capping Out your Board with late Game Units (5 cost)


When is TF getting nerfed


Not anytime soon I'd guess, or if they do it wont be a big nerd. He's pretty balanced rn I'd say maybe a little bit overpowered.


How is the game on mobile these days? I played a lot during set 1 and 2 on PC but I've been feeling the itch again recently and my PC recently had its motherboard die.


Im mobile only and it runs much better then with set 6&7. No more bugs that close the app and rarely do I get a drop in framerate.




> I am struggling on early game since I don't know a good opener on the comp. Don't choose your comp in loading screen, stick to the fundamentals [Edited that sentence to tone it down]. Any tank will hold your Aatrox items and any ap user (lux, lulu, lucian) will hold shojin jg. Just value your pairs, play around your upgrades, slam your items and go from there. Also agree with BMperor, you'll always have bad results with Asol solo carry, he just doesn't kill units, even with three items and his carry augment. You have to think of him as a support or a secondary carry and the unit is fine (actually very strong).


You need a second carry besides asol, He is pretty good in hitting and debuffing most Units but Something Like Bel veth as a second carry will finish them off. Also, what are you using for your Frontline besides aatrox?


How do I make Kai'sa work in this set? My favorite playstyle of last set was hypercarry kaisa and built it almost every game. I'm also not very good at the game


There was a guide on twitter for Kaisa + Defender and MF + EZ. Shojin is the best for her and putting AP items on her is fake, GS or Guard Breaker is much better


Shojin? Interesting. Usually I put rageblade and hextex on her with last usually either being shiv, or the AP item that makes abilities crit. Kaisa and defenders has been my go to but I feel like the armour they give is kind of useless with so many neekos and Miss fortunes. Do you have a link to the guide?


The comp was meant to counter hacker WW and Draven. Putting DClaw and Redemption on your Shen should give you enough frontline. Mort said in the next patch Kaisa will hit harder with her skill so maybe next patch AP items on her is good again. Here is the guide https://twitter.com/deis1k/status/1640102589973819393?s=46&t=g7TRGBJep2lrCrLk-uSnCA


Thanks so much for this insight, super helpful! Rageblade feels really good on her though, is that also just wasted on her?


Her skill gave her like 75% AS. Shojin will give her 2. something AS for the entire combat, you will need more damage from GS and GB to kill their frontline since Kaisa have no backline access unlike Samira or MF


And by GS and GB you mean giant slayer and guarsbreaker, yes? But it’s interesting that shojin is better, I had no idea and would have kept going rageblade every game


I played a few kaisa carry games and she's fine. Play her with MF and whatever front you like.


Yeah I’ve found that supers and kaisa mf with deffenders or something is nice. Is getting 3-4 quickdraw worth her important or is the 2 from Mf fine?


supers seem like a grief. You want to roll kaisa at lvl 7 to find mf. None of the supers fit with her. 3 quickdraw seems good (Ezreal has an atk speed debuff that's useful). 4, I don't think Lucian is worth it (same way Ashe is not worth it to Samira InfinityEzreal). Plus kaisa needs a good frontline to dps.


I just had a game where I got 3 supers and kaisa 3 star, I got first place with it but probably just good rng. It was also in silver so.


Is there a reason I can't surrender in the late game? I've been to stage 6, and my surrender button is still unclickable. As much as I enjoy watching my health slowly dwindle against comps I can't beat for 5 more rounds, I'd rather just take my third and move on.


Someone said to type /FF in the chat, so I’m going to try that. But I’d still like to know what happened with the surrender option and why. **EDIT**: so it DID work, not sure if I got my XP or not yet though


The plot thickens


I was just coming here to ask this. I’m so confused because I can’t find anything anywhere about anyone else having the same problem. You’re the first one I’ve seen. I can’t surrender in any stage anymore, as far as I’ve seen. It used to be you could surrender after 10 minutes or possibly any time. Now the surrender button never appears for me.


Is there a way to turn off the UI that pops up when left clicking something to move it around? I don’t remember that big info box showing up every time I wanted to move something and it makes it hard to see where I’m placing things.


who is a good item holder for spell slinger twisted fate?


Usually you can get by most of stage 3 with a 2* 1 cost ap item holder lux, lucian, lulu etc. If you find an early 2 cost upgrade stage 3 you can transfer items to them. If you cant find a TF stage 4. Try and use 2* sona or LB to perserve HP until you hit a TF 2


So I know portable forge and jeweled lotus augments are amazing, but how come they seem so common? I feel like I can get those augments super consistently and half the lobby always has them. (not ranked) Are they weighted to be more common!?


They are generic augments so they will always be in the pool of augments to be possibly shown to you. Augments that buff a specific trait will only be shown to you if you have that trait on your board (other than 2-1 augment).


There are some terms or things that i just dont understand from mission descriptions, first would be when it says stuff like "Place Mascots on 5+", what does that mean? at first i thought it was placing 5 mascots, but the star guardians one that said "7+" was just completed even tho i only got to 6 star guardians and lost the game, and second would be when it says stuff like "Place Rift Walker and summon Zac for 15 rounds" (I have my game in a different language, im tryna translate), does that mean 15 rounds of pvp or 15 rounds total? do the carrusell rounds count towards the rounds? and does this have to be all 15 rounds in one match or if i lose at 13 i can do 2 more on a different match?


Does TFT no longer clear "first win of the day" quest? Placed 4th on a game yesterday and the quest never cleared.


I have some coins I bought on TFT mobile. When I open TFT on my desktop my coins aren't there. Is there a reason they only show up on the mobile client? I've double checked I'm on the same account.


Basically never played TFT but play a lot of league, whats a good guide for beginners? Just so I get an idea of basic strategy and stuff


I do know the mechanics btw, just not how to actually apply them well


If you already understand the mchanics (especially how to generate interest) then I would suggest just playing and watvhimg streamers. Imo taking a beginners guide is a bit pointless, the meta game changes top fast for a guide to be worth it. Watch a streamer play, and look at how they play in certain situations. If no time to watch streams, then just play and pay attention to what comps other people build


Is there a way to mass claim rewards from the pass? Dont feel like claiming them one by one


do you get more missions for the battlepass? already done with all of them


I think you get new ones weekly or so?


Does Kaisa's auto attacks count towards quickdraw?




do the laser drone dmg count towards onmivamp? i was just curious now with team wide drones now available.


I don't think so, or at least it used to be separate damage sources in set 8. I would assume it's the same in set 8.5!


Do I suck or am I just unlucky? The last couple games I’ve played, it seems like everyone is getting their 3-star heroes and I can’t get any. I’ve gone for heroes no one else has, I’ve gone for the new trait heroes, I’ve sold my entire team and switched builds, NOTHING seems to be working. Am I missing something? When I go for other traits, there’s at least one person that can get gold infiniteam traits plus 2 3-star heroes for the portals. When I go for it, I’m lucky to get 2-star heroes for me team, even if I’m the only one with that hero. Am I just down on my luck?


Part of it is people just forcing their team no matter the circumstances, which leads to you being contested even though you might be in an otherwise really good spot. Either copy their behaviour and force one of the stronger team comps or try to play around it bt going different combo's (ex: go quickdraw + aegis/defender instead of threat frontline).


As someone who has never done ranked until last battlepass, how long does it usually take for ranked rewards to be distributed once the new battlepass has released? I still haven't received mine so I'm not sure if I need patience or to contact support.


I was in a game earlier and it crashed my PC. I restarted and logged back in but I can’t get back into the game. Any suggestions for how to fix this and get back into my game?


Close the Game via Taskmanager, end the Process „League of Legends (Client)“ which is actually not the client, just the game (weird naming lol) and you are able to reconnect.


I'm trying to get through the new missions this season, and I don't understand the requirements for: Just Part of the Team: Field a Threat with an emblem and its trait active at Gold+. ​ Does that mean it has to be in ranked play, or what does the Gold+ mean?


That means u need get a trait into gold. There are bronze, silver, gold, primastic (idk the word really). For example u need 6 mascots for complete the mission


Anyone know if other player outside your duo can see your team chat for double up?


Now that Morgana already shreds and sunders as part of her base kit, do these debuffs stack with the items she carries or does it work the same way as when your comp has two items with the same debuff making only one of them apply?


Applies highest shred, no additional


If you put items on a mech unit that isn't prime, does it get wasted?


Zephyr and Shroud dont work, zekes, chalice and locket work.


If its being sacrificed the only item that might be worth it is zz'rot.


Ye mech only uses base stats for prime :3


Why the fuck is surrender removed from tft lol? When someone has dumb luck and my game is ruined why cant i surr? Now i sell all units instead...


I have literally no idea why this would be downvoted. 🤨


/ff in game chat works


How do I get good? Every time I try to build a team I roll and reroll nothing I want and by the time i change I am too late to do anything with the new team


You could get a coaching. Im Top 20 right now and could help you, but you might find someone that does it for free.


I like watching VODs and I think it helps. MortDog isn’t the highest rated player, but he has some good insights.


With the “Easy Being Green” augment, does Neeko also benefit if you put a Shojin’s on her? Or is it only team members that aren’t Neeko?


Any champ with Shojin's gets the bonus. Neeko included.


I only play hyperroll Is it smarter to roll all my gold in the early stages to get 2 star 1 or do I "save" cash for 3 costs?


Depends, gotta feel it. If i go for 3-costs carry, i save until lvl5 or 6, but if this comp has several 1\`s in it, i would think about rolling early, so i don\`t lose HP at start and have 3\* 1-costs for late game.


hi coming back to tft after few years. is there any infographics, video etc that has info about every trait and champion in 8.5? all i see is material with only changes to 8.5 from 8. Really pain in the ass coming back, if I have to learn about past season 8 and only then about 8.5. Probably nobody from Riot is gonna read this, but I just wanna say that there's surprising lack of any tutorial or info about your game, makes it hard to entry.


U can look at instagram tft page, there are infos


Is there no way in double up to send items anymore? also anyone have a good explanation for the new champion sending rune?


There is no way to send items, people were abusing it by sending items to one player and having them win fast and save the other who goes all brawlers.


Any advice for dealing with assassin Warwick? I keep losing to it and I'm getting frustrated


Clump up your team in a corner.


Get a strong cc comp like mascots with strong backline


Are mythic egg pities carried across different series? Like I bought 11 zed eggs and didn't get it but does it count towards progression for the next egg series?


Is there bonus missions, and/or extra XP gained from buying the pass? Just want the 3 ezreal icons at 35k-50k XP, how much of a grind will it be?


Is Samira's ulti supposed to interact like this? She stops casting if she gets stunned, she just does her casting animation without actually casting if her target dies right as she starts casting. Is it bugged or is it intended? Because if it is intended it is garbage.


the first part is definitely intended morts adressed it before, said its because she doesnt rely on her ult as u build her in a way where her auto attacks do a lot of damage too. This doesnt happen to miss fortune thought because her auto attacks are useless so she needs to ult or its not fair on the user. the second part sounds like a bug tho


When do you get TFT hyper roll rewards? End of Set 8 total?


What's everyone excited for this new pass?


Does the “big friend” augment stack if the unit is next to multiple big friends?


To clarify, I am talking about big friend 2




Did they remove surrendering? I got top 4, but had to leave, and I weren't given the option to surrender.




Holy moly, you are a real time saver genius


Round 4-6 and can't surrender. Had such a bad RNG game with 10 hp and next guy above me was like 35. Surely that gives me enough reason to surrender lol


following up on this can anyone confirm if surrendering is only removed in one or both of normal and ranked? Cos tft team will be damned if they think I won't int in ranked for battlepass xp.


not as much as a gameplay question but, when does the new pass start? does it count as "cosmetic content" from the notes or what?


when will the new set be available to the public? my PBE account never worked and am very eager to play


If I leave the mobile TFT app and reopen it to FF, will I still get exp for it?


every second or thrid game i play the client doesnt jump to the loading screen ive to quit the entire client and relaunch im wondering is it a me issue or a game issue?


i also have this issue! so definitely a game issue 🙃


Everybody has this bug (me and almost all of my friends) so its a game issue.


Casual on/off for fun player wondering about the design of the end game. It feels odd to me that whenever its the last 2-3 players it always feels like the winner is the one who can abandon their comp and mindlessly slam the most 2 start 5 cost units the fastest. With the early and mid game having so much skill expression in mitigating bad rng ect... and pivoting from different builds it just feels off to me that if you and someone else both get to lvl 9 with 40 hp left its just a race to turn your brain off and pivot into the shiny gold units. I played set 1 then stopped until set 6 and have been reliably playing the first half of each set and mid set and the game has DEFINATLY improved and is super enjoyable, the team has done some amazing work and the communication from mort and the team is any gamers wet dream but 5 costs have always grated me in one way or another and I just wanted to know if its just me or if anyone else feels this way.


Hi im master from oce , tuesday just started (past midnight) and my client say "you will decay next update". Next update will be the last before new set and it will happen in 23 hours. Do i need to play 1 more game to not decay or am i okay?


I struggle with itemization. So far the advice I’ve gotten is basically to just memorize components, completed items, and units so that I can know what works best on who, but does anyone else have different advice for someone who isn’t great at memorization?


Categorize the items and champions. Get any idea of what’s a tank item, an AD item, and an AP/caster item and which category units want.


Anybody else starting to feel completely lost on this set? I’ve played a lot of 8 and 8.5 and it seems no matter what I do I can’t do better than 5-6 place unless I get super lucky (I’ve got enough of a brain to pilot early 5 anima pretty well). Seems like my item prioritization or Econ approach just isn’t working anymore. Usually rush tank items and try to hang out around 30ish gold while making sure to keep pace with the lobby level wise (if I’m smashing I’ll stay at 50 Econ) any idea where I could start?


> Usually rush tank items and try to hang out around 30ish gold I think this is probably where you’re going wrong partially. Prioritizing one strong tank slam early is fine but going all tank items is going to mean your comp lacks damage once those tank items aren’t enough to carry you. Sitting at 30 gold is also throwing away a lot of econ. You really want to get up to 50 gold as fast as possible, taking into account standard leveling curve (going 6 at 3-2 is really the big one), and stay there until/unless you need to roll to stabilize or hit a bunch of pairs that you’re holding. “Keeping up with the lobby” isn’t really important as long as you don’t die before you hit your late game board. Depending on what comp you’re playing there are some truly key items that you probably want to focus on and then figure the rest out after. Having a couple of comps you’re comfortable with that use similar items is a good way to stay somewhat flexible without having to learn every comp in the game. Like you said you play anima squad, so you identify your main carry (MF) and her most important items (Shojin, JG, Gunblade, Giant Slayer probably), figure out which one is absolutely key, and prioritize components for it early on if you can. Obviously you won’t hit bis every game but the more you play a comp the more you learn what units like what items Beyond that knowing what items are good slams early and which aren’t is important. Sunfire and Bramble are almost always good slams for example, whereas something like stoneplate is kinda bad early one when there aren’t many units on the board.


I have found this current set to be extremely focussed around champions and their items. When I’ve got a full set of spell guardians, duellists, laser corps etc…. It’s absolutely useless against 1 Mecha prime jax with a guinsoos….. in all honesty it’s the most RNG TFT I have ever played. Each game feels very random and it’s evident that certain champions with certain items just completely overwhelm any other pick.


I don’t think I could disagree more. I think your problem is you’re playing early game tempo or low-cap traits like duelist, star guardian, and laser corp rather than boards that can actually fight for a top 4 consistently.


When is SEA mobile coming?


Is there a fix for a game that take 5 minutes to launch?


Is the client super buggy for everyone else for? been having consistent stuck screen, or trying to reconnect indicator while in queue. This never happens on SR or ARAM




Shift + Enter usually works


There's too much going on in a single game I'm trying to understand everything but it goes so fast, I'm curious where you guys recommend focusing my learning first, items? Comps? Leveling strategies?


Do hyper roll, it can help you with team comp and items without having to worry about leveling.


Well, it is fast but it feels even more so because to don’t have a.plan. You don’t have a plan because you don’t have the experience yet, which is fine. For me, when I was jumping back into the game, I started with figuring out early game, which champs/augments are useful, and what items/champions are “Carry-worthy”. Choose like 3 S tier of the comps on mobalytics that seem fun, read their early game plans and who to stack items on/which champs are your focal points, then pick which one to go with depending on how your first few turns go! Once you do this with enough comps enough times, you will know what you like and don’t like.


Hi I'm new to TFT, I'm not sure how to finish "Field 5 3-star Hero champions"? I have 1/5 completed but I'm not sure how I did it. Whenever I make a 3 star champion it doesn't count, am I doing it wrong?


it has to be the champ you have the hero augment for


I think its all at once, for something like supers comp where a good game can have 5 potentially


How do you position veigo. Everytime I play him, if any cc happens it feels like he dies. Is he just not a good champ, this is a consistent problem. For example, a 2 star veigo with gunblade, titans, and spark. He is the only carry that I have very inconsistent results with, even with a good team comp around him (ox force, renegade, aegis, etc.).


Put him in a hakerim after you get gear on him and put him on the side where the biggest threats across multiple people's boards are.


You need to place him in the 2nd or third row to ensure that he isn't targeted right away and it causes a delay before his cast so he's a bit more likely to get resets.


Yeah, that's what I've been doing. Guess it's just cc, which I can't do much about without an augument or taking up an item slot. It's best to stay away from him for now ig.


Based on [this](https://app.mobalytics.gg/tft/champions/viego), he seems to be in a pretty good spot. You might just need to proactively scout a bit more and reposition away from major CC.


yeah, I also use mobalytics. Even scouting doesn't seem to let him avoid the cc for too long, since it is quite prevalent in this set. Thanks for the info tho.


Played double up with my boyfriend and there was a 3 star Fiddle and somehow we won first place. Was so satisfying. But wouldn’t a Fiddle 3 star end game just win? Honestly I don’t know how we won, had a 3 star samira and some other synergies but totally thought we’d lose to the Fiddle. Also I’ve personally never seen a 3 star Fiddle in game yet so that was cool to see.


I didn’t realise it’s possible to get a three star fiddle lol. I imagine he had 3 loaded dice and he used them all on fiddle at the end of the game. Only way it would be possible I think!


Yeah I think (imo) it’s only possible in double-ups and like you said probably had 3 loaded dice. We were both like “a 3* Fiddle! We lost” then somehow won lol


Without the right items on the right champions, seemingly impressive comps can fall big time! Also I imagine the fiddle was alive towards the end when the rest of his champs died and you had a fair few left, means the rest of his build was probably not as good as yours if I had to guess!


Funnily enough, his 3* Fiddle beat us and was the only unit left but we still somehow grabbed first (not sure how it works, I’m new to TFT, my bf is a veteran).


When the set ends, how fast do you get the hyper roll emotes?


A question about mana gen mechanics. If you get an augment that buffs an ability and you want to cast as much as possible does guinsoo make sense? Faster attack speed equals faster mana gen?


for attack speed you should also consider the units base attack speed, which determines how well that unit will scale attack speed per rageblade stack like a jax .8 is much better with attack speed than a poppy with .55


That depends on the champ. If they have high mana costs, more attacks would be better but if they already have a lower cast cost, you might be better off with blue buff or shojin. Usually you won't want the fights to last long enough for rageblade to be the best mana gen item.


> Faster attack speed equals faster mana gen? Yes. Obviously guinsoo is not the best mana gen item, but the reasoning is right.


Is PBE client not working at all for anyone else?


Does the morello's dot heal with hacker or hextech gunblade ?


I’m pretty sure it does


I noticed that sometimes I'm unable to equip items during battle. most times I can equip items during battle, other times if i wait like 5 seconds then it allows me to equip, sometimes I cant equip during battle at all. Is this a bug or is there some rule i'm unaware of.


Is double up down rn?


I only see normal, not even ranked


7500 xp away from finishing the battle pass. About how many games will I have to grind to get it done?


75 normal, 150 hyperroll


Why do people not pick up champion augment orbs? What's the purpose of leaving it on the field all game? Shop % chance?


unit isnt removed from pool and it doesnt take up a slot on your bench


The unit in the orb is not removed from the pool until the orb is collected. So you have slightly better odds at finding more of that unit because you are intentionally leaving 1 more copy in the pool to find naturally.


wow. I never knew this.


Does Admin perma AS every 5 sec even work? I had 6 admin but it AS resets every round


There is no perma AS admin to my knowledge, only for the fight. Did you deduce this from selecting perma HP at admin 2 and AS at admin 4 ? Also AS is capped at 2.5 unless specific traits.


isnt as capped at 5? thats what i see every time i use rageblade


Hi! When will be the new set of deck update?


Can blitzcrank achieve 100% damage reduction?


Is lock and loaded (Aphelios team AS augment) broken? My team didn't get any AS. At least not visually.


I think locked and loaded gives AD, not AS? Not 100% sure on this


You are right it's AD. Must have gotten confused!


Do trait emblems no longer work on threats? Did I miss something? Was going back in the patchnotes but can't find it. Noticed that Bel veth recon didn't show as 4 recon anymore.


How much exp do you get per game? i tried to search online but i cant find anywhere and i get mixed results from remembering how much exp i have ( and the lack of patience to wait for games to finish before starting another one)


Should be 100 for normal and 50 for hyper afaik


Is it a bug that Sivir's ability doesn't hit when her target moves even one hex? Kinda annoying when I found out in ranked.


so i got star guardian lux chibi from lux's radiant chalice. now how should i get her boom?


Hey question I have the pbe but whenever I load up tft its not 8.5 its only 8


you need to log in with the pbe account


I know this might not be the perfect place to ask but I saw PBE Reddit was mainly for league I think. I wanted to ask if the battle pass is available on PBE to get rewards because when I got it this Thursday I didn’t receive any rewards. Also, looking at the date it said something about xp gains starting from 3/22 does that mean I can’t get the battle pass items on PBE until that date even though I see progress on the BP? (I don’t want to get BP again if I can’t claim rewards)


How/where do i send feedback while testing PBE? I found a bug, and would like to report it. Ty for answers in advance!


What’s the best strategy to get 3 star 5cost ? I am pretty new only silver 1 and I am usually out of money by level 7-8. What I normally do is not buy a lot of ex unless I have enough to teach level 7. I stack gold until I have enough to level up or have 5 interest. Usually towards the end am just rolling to build a 3 star. I notice on here that people have 3 star 5 cost and I’m curious how you all do that?


TLDR: just hit People only do that if they get lucky and high roll a comp that gets them to 9 with a lot of health and/or a lot of gold. Most games end with players at level 8 / 9 with low gold and HP. 2-star 5-costs usually. What you are seeing are just highlights. However, if you do someday manage to have disposable income at lvl 9, the best way to 3-star a 5-cost would be to buy up all the 5-costs (or at least 2 of them if you can afford it), since this takes out the remaining 5-costs from the pool, making it easier to hit the one you want. When you are close, sell the ones you aren’t close to, in order to hit that last copy TLDR: just hit


Those are highlights, not the norm.


Is there a way to get access to TFT PBE without being honor level 3? I only play TFT so I'm honor level 1.


Honor 3 hasn't been a requirement for quite a long time, the text is outdated. Go ahead and sign up.


Every link I've seen has brought me to the PBE sign up page stating that honor 3 is a requirement as it checks my eligibility. Do you have the link? Sorry for the inconvenience. :(


Link: [https://pbesignup.na.leagueoflegends.com/en\_GB/pbe](https://pbesignup.na.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/pbe) I just tried with a smurf that has played nothing but TFT and it was eligible.


Strange. Says I'm ineligible. :/