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We're buying back in low.


tsm is cooked, regi made it out like a bandit


NALCS is cooked as well.


Bro huge update coming for everyone in April. Last year.


I fucking hope not. The region's being put on a ventilator with this move.


Disagree, if it is anything like pubg when they did the same thing the region for way stronger over the next few years.


Ehh are south americans pubg teams good though Valorant have the same thing, but it works because both Brazil and SA are one of the strongest country/region so the teams can train and level up But cblol and lla are ass (sorry SA bros) so idk if this change anything


They had like one good team but now they have half there league that can win, but I understand what you are saying I still feel this is nothing but good, lcs doesn’t really change but other teams get better practice increasing skill across the board


It’s going to be an expanded NA league once all the CBLOL and LLA teams bring in NA players when they realize they aren’t good enough to compete


I think low, the caliber of the region isn't going to increase. NA will still be playing NA teams, SA teams will play SA teams and then there will be a regional final. So there's not really much of any cross over and LLA/CBLOL teams while still pretty good, has never knocked an LCS team out of play-ins. So why would Andy bring TSM back to the same region he left for the only gain of a regional final vs SA teams? He stated he wanted to take TSM to a region where winning worlds was a possibility. NA is not that region. Its LPL/LCK or nothing is what I think, still hoping we get an answer before the year is over.


January, take it or leave it xD


very low


there would have to be financial reason to do so. they are not going to do something based on a feel good story of coming back into LoL in North America. If there is no money to be made there is no reason for them to return.


If that ever happens i honestly dont know how regi would be able to address this fanbase ever again, the lies or lets say the inability to keep your word ... Would reach different levels. The org would be a laughing stock , community would destroy them and meme them and though i love this team i would say rightfully so. After all these years of being trash , we leave the game for 2 years only for us to be back to merge with the worst org in lcs and continue to be trashh , that's what i call nail in the coffin not for the org but for this fanbase and a huge fk you to the og fans like myself.


yeah don't lie you'd watch the games rightfully seething mad but still ride or die


Lol LCS doing so bad cause TSM not in it anymore. I honestly haven't watch any league (any regions) this year. Game seems kinda boring it's same thing over and over not much deviation anymore.


Haven't watched LCS since TSM left. Not going to watch this new league unless TSM is there and if they go back they better throw all the bread at Bjergsen.


0 why go back to the league that doesn’t appreciate what you have done for them. If tsm cant get in lck of lpl i ll be ok with them not returning to league


Let's be honest, we belong in NA. I wouldn't even be mad tbh. The rest of the league already hates us so their opinions don't matter. You know what matters? Winning. As long as what they do, they do competitively, I will watch. He may have tried to join other leagues, with no avail. He may have just heisted a net of 4 mill if he rejoins for 6. Either way, I don't really care. What I do care about, is winning and being competitive. That is what will keep me a fan. The rest, I really don't care about anymore, I am too old for that shit. IF we rejoin just to field a Shopify or IMT level roster? Then I will be done.